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So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani)

01-03-2020 , 08:20 PM
Yet even the worst of Soleimani's record pales in comparison with the most blood-drenched American warmongers. If Soleimani deserves condemnation for arming Iraqi insurgents, then George W. Bush and Dick Cheney deserve 10 times as much for starting the war in the first place. It was a pointless, illegal war of aggression sold on lies that obliterated Iraqi society and killed*perhaps half a million*people, almost all of them innocent civilians. (Our own Soleimani, General David Petraeus, was connected to the operation of Iraqi*torture dungeons and paramilitary death squads*during the fight against the insurgency.)

If Soleimani deserves blame for helping Bashar al-Assad brutally defeat Syrian rebels, Henry Kissinger deserves 10 times as much for orchestrating the bombing slaughter of perhaps a*quarter million Cambodians*and*paving the way for the Khmer Rouge genocide*that killed 1.7 million people.

If any accused war criminal at an airport is fair game, then there are a lot of people in D.C. and Northern Virginia who better start traveling by train or ship.

Soleimani was a bad guy but if we're up for murdering people who have caused a lot of death and destruction we can drone a lot of people closer to home
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 08:34 PM
conflict with Iran on Thursday night by ordering the assassination of Iran's General Qassem Soleimani with an airstrike on the Baghdad International Airport.
LOL. I mean, if you kept reading after this, you are begging to be deceived.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl

Soleimani was a bad guy but if we're up for murdering people who have caused a lot of death and destruction we can drone a lot of people closer to home
I don't wish death on anybody but the idea of (humanitarian) drone strikes in Arlington and Gaithersburg gives me a chuckle.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I don't wish death on anybody but the idea of (humanitarian) drone strikes in Arlington and Gaithersburg gives me a chuckle.
Here's something else that is extremely chuckle worthy:
some people in congress were upset because Trump didn't go to them for approval of the drone strike. You can bet that CNN would have had that info in less than 20 minutes. Congress would have made this a political shitstorm and that dbag would have died of old age. Go to Congress haaaaaarrrrr de harrrrr.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Your response is not coherent to anything I've posted.
Wookie is obviously calling upon a diplomatic response to the US embassy being targeted. A public apology from the Iranian government followed by some sort of trade sanction and referral to the UN for a further sanction. The sort of response to expect if Sanders got into office which just allows these extremist countries to run roughshod over the US.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
The simple fact is, your opinion is more ill informed than mine.
You've provided little indication you can think beyond the tactical environment or have any sense of historical dynamics or imperial strategy in the region. That and sloppy mistakes like using a 2011 incident to show what's happening after the 2015 nuclear accord.

Soldiers know just what's happening in a 100 yard radius around them, and you were just one step removed from that.

History, yo.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Wookie is obviously calling upon a diplomatic response to the US embassy being targeted. A public apology from the Iranian government followed by some sort of trade sanction and referral to the UN for a further sanction. The sort of response to expect if Sanders got into office which just allows these extremist countries to run roughshod over the US.
if we werent there, then they wouldnt be killing us. so ya, none of this would be necessary.

also, pretty sure Iran wasnt "running roughshod" when Obama was in office and they were abiding by a treaty that ended their nuclear program. kinda funny how that works. I guess now there is no other option but to kill a bunch of innocents in the ME. oh wait, thats right, they arent innocent. its the religion of death and they are all evil barbarian subhuman child molesters. bombs away. USA#1. thanks for your service itshotinvegas.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
You've provided little indication you can think beyond the tactical environment or have any sense of historical dynamics or imperial strategy in the region. That and sloppy mistakes like using a 2011 incident to show what's happening after the 2015 nuclear accord.

Soldiers know just what's happening in a 100 yard radius around them, and you were just one step removed from that.

History, yo.
he knows. he just doesnt care. hes a warmonger that enjoys killing and strongly promotes more of "them" getting killed.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
You've provided little indication you can think beyond the tactical environment or have any sense of historical dynamics or imperial strategy in the region. That and sloppy mistakes like using a 2011 incident to show what's happening after the 2015 nuclear accord.

Soldiers know just what's happening in a 100 yard radius around them, and you were just one step removed from that.

History, yo.

When some guy on MSNBC says someone shutdown attacks against the US in 2011 and that turns out to be false, the credibility of the report is called into question. I no longer have to refute the report, or the claim. The burden is on you to re-establish any sort of credibility that idea has, as you're the one who is are asserting something.

If you had any idea on how to assess information, this would not need to be explained to you. So, your attack on my credibility or my ability to think, is completely destroyed, based on that simple lack of observation on your part. Well done.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
It could be pushed by Iran, but Iraq's ethnic and religious demographic is a complex issue. It has a slight a large majority of Shia muslims, the only other country other than Iran (which has a large Shia majority) which does.

As you can imagine, for those two countries that have been repeatedly hostile towards each-other (and even at war), this leads to some complex relationships.

To give people an idea of how complex it is: The current prime minister, Adil Abdul-Mahdi, has a background as an early supporter of the Sunni-dominated Baath party (aka Saddam Hussein's party) which found itself at hostile odds (and war) with Iran repeatedly. But he has also been a member of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council, a Shia-dominated political party that operated out of Iran which opposed to the US-backed governments of Iraq. He was even a Marxist at some point.

Even in the early stages of the Iraq war there were people who thought the war might at some point in the future cause an Iran-Iraq constellation. Now with a Shia-dominated Iraq government which has Iranian support, we see that prediction manifesting. But yeah, where it ends up is a prediction I doubt many serious political scientists would dare make.

So, "Iranian-backed" in reference to this mob might in itself reference a situation which is very complex, very unstable and hard to define.

Religion in Iraq

Not being a nit. The fact that Shias outnumber Sunnis in Iraq by such a wide margin is a significant fact and is a big factor in how Iraq is governed and how that influences Iraq relations with Iran.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 09:46 PM
If Obama did this I would trust that after much consultation and consideration he decided this was something that had to be done.

But we know three things about Trump.

1. With Trump, everything is political.
2. With Trump, nothing is on the level.
3. Trump will tell any lie that helps him with #1.

We need a leader with wisdom not bombast.

So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 09:46 PM
If Iran can't retaliate against Israel, how will they retaliate against the US? Israel for years has been bombing Iranian targets, Syrian targets and Shiite militia targets in Syria and Iraq, destroyed a lot of weapons and equipment and killed a lot of people, including Iranians and members of the Quds force and Hezbollah.

And what have they done in response? Basically nothing. Iran is in a pretty weak position right now. They are probably looking at North Korea and salivating over the nukes that have protected them from any response from the US or its allies (I guess being protected by China helps too).
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by PairTheBoard
If Obama did this I would trust that after much consultation and consideration he decided this was something that had to be done.

But we know three things about Trump.

1. With Trump, everything is political.
2. With Trump, nothing is on the level.
3. Trump will tell any lie that helps him with #1.

We need a leader with wisdom not bombast.

Who would you like to see become president?
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
These 2 posts back to back. Literally spit out my coffee. You guys just never learn.
I dont think we are trying to imperialize anyone. maybe take over govts.

this is a rather harsh and unexpected thing they did, but its not liek they killed some saint. not saying that defends the action. I woul dhave said no to osama if I was in the room, as did biden according to hillary.

Originally Posted by PairTheBoard
So no one thinks the answer to "why now" might be wag the dog? It certainly has grabbed the news cycle away from impeachment, impeachment, impeachment.

Or is such a thought just too crude to contemplate?

I hope its not. I think this is most of his baord being on board of it ones closest to him and wantign to do it due to the previous days actions
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by bacalaopeace
Bolded is just pure Soviet-style propaganda.

"our people" - a bunch of mercenaries and volunteer killers are not "my people".

Originally Posted by 57 On Red
Well-known UK Muslim journalist Oz Katerji's view:-

ofc hes gonna say hes bad, dude wasnt a saint or good.

deciisions/actions like these, I bet for the last 20 years, have been discussed the night prior DOZENS of times and we have never heard of them due to prolly not acting upon them. just goes to show how valuable solid leadership is and how important it is electing the right people for the job. not saying trump and those curenlty and in the past have made poor decisions or corect decisions.

unless your cheney who kinda just did his own thing without consulting
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by redbuck
Here's something else that is extremely chuckle worthy:

some people in congress were upset because Trump didn't go to them for approval of the drone strike. You can bet that CNN would have had that info in less than 20 minutes. Congress would have made this a political shitstorm and that dbag would have died of old age. Go to Congress haaaaaarrrrr de harrrrr.
In the five days prior to launching a strike that*killed Iran’s most important military leader, Donald Trump roamed the halls of Mar-a-Lago, his private resort in Florida, and started dropping hints to close associates and club-goers that something huge was coming.
According to three people who’ve been at the president’s Palm Beach club over the past several days, Trump began telling friends and allies hanging at his perennial vacation getaway that he was working on a “big” response to the Iranian regime that they would be hearing or reading about very “soon.” His comments went beyond the*New Year’s Eve tweet*he sent out warning of the “big price” Iran would pay for damage to U.S. facilities
Just a stickler for good goverance but a random used Sea-Doo dealership owner or whatever pyramid scheme swindler roaming the halls of Mar-a-Lago probably shouldn't know about an act that could cause us to go to war 5 days before duly elected US representatives

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 01-03-2020 at 10:54 PM.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by the pleasure
I dont think we are trying to imperialize anyone. maybe take over govts.

wtf do u think taking over a govt is? thats ****ing imperial.

and who cares if this guy was saint or not? we just got down killing damn near a million innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan. this sets on a path to kill a ****ton more innocent people. you are OK with that bc this guy wasnt a nice guy?

I am beginning to think you are truly hopeless.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
No, I actually got a letter saying my disability claim was denied due to missing a doctors appointment. Never got the letter informing me of the doctor appointment I only was in for 8 years. I don't quality for a pension.
That sucks
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by Victor

wtf do u think taking over a govt is? thats ****ing imperial.

and who cares if this guy was saint or not? we just got down killing damn near a million innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan. this sets on a path to kill a ****ton more innocent people. you are OK with that bc this guy wasnt a nice guy?

I am beginning to think you are truly hopeless.
ofc not. I would have voted nay to the strike but also the osama strike as well. but tbh, we had slightly less intell on the osama striek even tho nobody oudl give a **** if we kiled him as compared to solei.

again i would have voted nay to solei, I dont want war and I want out of middle east.

if a right wing poster says not lookign for war but says hey look, he was meetign with the rebels, his trip wasnt sanctioned, he was in a hot zone. liek **** vic, if you live by the sword type of thing, he shouldnt have been in that area just like as soon as the **** hit the fan the embassy shoudl have gtfo a bit sooner.

i dont like and approve of the action becuase I dont want escalation,
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
When some guy on MSNBC says someone shutdown attacks against the US in 2011 and that turns out to be false, the credibility of the report is called into question. I no longer have to refute the report, or the claim. The burden is on you to re-establish any sort of credibility that idea has, as you're the one who is are asserting something.
?? You cited the 2013 arrests of three people in Kenya as proof of Iran's continuing terrorist attacks on the US. I pointed out that this was before the 2015 nuclear accord and therefore not evidence of contemporary Iranian practice, even if true. I have no idea what your MSNBC 2011 business is about.

You made a sweeping claim that Iran cannot be considered a normal power (whatever that is), then completely dropped the point when challenged. You are experienced in force analysis, I gather, but do not integrate the geopolitics. What Iran wants and is responding to are kinda basic.

Currently, the single most obvious political factor for consideration is that the airport attack was ordered by a clown. No where does the erratic nature of this actor inform your posts. The second overriding factor is that Trump's violation of the nuclear agreement recast relations toward confrontation, but you can't fit that into a force vector.

You claim Iran is "just not like everyone else," which is the sort of empty generalization that a satellite photo analyst makes when given an internet. You look only at Iranian actions, never the context.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
?? You cited the 2013 arrests of three people in Kenya as proof of Iran's continuing terrorist attacks on the US. I pointed out that this was before the 2015 nuclear accord and therefore not evidence of contemporary Iranian practice, even if true. I have no idea what your MSNBC 2011 business is about.

You made a sweeping claim that Iran cannot be considered a normal power (whatever that is), then completely dropped the point when challenged. You are experienced in force analysis, I gather, but do not integrate the geopolitics. What Iran wants and is responding to are kinda basic.

Currently, the single most obvious political factor for consideration is that the airport attack was ordered by a clown. No where does the erratic nature of this actor inform your posts. The second overriding factor is that Trump's violation of the nuclear agreement recast relations toward confrontation, but you can't fit that into a force vector.

You claim Iran is "just not like everyone else," which is the sort of empty generalization that a satellite photo analyst makes when given an internet. You look only at Iranian actions, never the context.
Go read the conversation again. I was disputing the MNBC guy. Political b*******. That's the assertion I made and you tried to switch the goal post. Turns out, I'm not that f****** stupid. The guy reported false info, so...find a different source if you want to assert/defend what he is saying.

If you are relying on clearly incorrect information for an assessment, it destroys the assessment.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 01-03-2020 at 11:23 PM.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 11:25 PM
You don't understand targeting. Leaders are presented targets from intelligence professionals/experts. Think about that. Trump just pushed the button. If you're concerned about this action, you should be thinking about who recommended the target.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 11:30 PM
I can't talk about the geopolitical stuff, but it does inform my opinion. Mostly because I don't know how much is open source at this point, which is likely the majority of what I know.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 01-03-2020 at 11:45 PM. Reason: In great detail.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-04-2020 , 12:02 AM
The same leftists who called Trump weak for wanting to pull out of Syria are calling him out for starting **** with Iran.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-04-2020 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by ChiddyBang
The same leftists who called Trump weak for wanting to pull out of Syria are calling him out for starting **** with Iran.
It’s never been about being weak or strong. The right has some massive erection for thinking and pretending they themselves are strong alphas and it reeks of incel culture.

It’s about making the correct smart decisions. Neither trumps handling of Syria nor his handling of this have been smart or correct.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
