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So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani)

01-03-2020 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
Meaning what? Every power in the region spies, they all arm rival militias, they mount proxy attacks. Subversion? No one matches the Saudi funding of madrases promoting Wahhabi extremism, ffs.

Now we are judging countries the way we choose a plumber? All the governments in the region act as states. Shall we compile lists of atrocities by country, then anoint the shortest as Honest Actor? Asking for a friend: If he reneges on an international nuclear treaty, is he still an Honest Actor?

There was a recent militia shelling that Iran might be responsible for. What else you got? You must be thinking about the Wahhabis, in which case it's war with Saudi Arabia that you want. But we are not an Honest Actor in Iraq, we invaded, remember? We invade, establish bases, now call it unfair that Iran, a country on Iraq's border, builds relationships with militias? You made your bed. For reasons of your own, you've chosen to identify with the American quest for real estate in oil country. Fine, but don't be shocked by friction and fool yourself into thinking you are the Honest Actor while the others are terrorists. The death toll we inflicted on Iraq dwarfs all the terrorist cabals put together.

So maybe they'll negotiate a nuclear deal or something.

Iran is not interested in provoking the US. But it can't forgo influence in Iraq -- the country on its border that once started a war that killed a million people. You can respond to this situation by escalating or negotiating. How's Trump's abrogation of the nuclear treaty working out for the US contractor who was just killed?
Same question to you..see previous post
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by JodoKast
He gets a pension from the DoD go easy on him.
No, I actually got a letter saying my disability claim was denied due to missing a doctors appointment. Never got the letter informing me of the doctor appointment I only was in for 8 years. I don't quality for a pension.

I mean, you can make it personal, but my DD214 could put almost anyone here to shame concerning my job and experience on ME affairs....which seems to be a big deal to the ones who cry about needing to be an expert. You know, the ones who post LOL's?
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 06:00 PM
After some thought I think the most likely consequence of this is... basically nothing.

I think Iran will bluster and thump it’s chest. I think the next time Iran does something provocative the usual suspects will blame this incident. I’d say Iran leadership will exercise more control over its proxies. But other than that things will probably go on as usual.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Huskalator
After some thought I think the most likely consequence of this is... basically nothing.

I think Iran will bluster and thump it’s chest. I think the next time Iran does something provocative the usual suspects will blame this incident. I’d say Iran leadership will exercise more control over its proxies. But other than that things will probably go on as usual.
Bookmarking for later
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by D-Beat
So you do or don't think this assassination will serve as a deterrent?

Who is pretending Iran is an honest actor?

And would you not call American troops meaningful targets?
The 603 American soldiers who died at this guy's hand does not seem to warrant a response from the lefties here, so, no.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 06:07 PM
mike pence out here saying soleimani helped with 9/11. with 10 of the 12 hijackers...

because all of the brown people must have been in on it..
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
The 603 American soldiers who died at this guy's hand does not seem to warrant a response from the lefties here, so, no.
Dead American soldiers is outrageous, but starting a war to get more killed is not an appropriate response.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Dead American soldiers is outrageous, but starting a war to get more killed is not an appropriate response.
You miss the point...this guy was targeted only after he targeted an embassy. That is a direct escalation that must be responded to, with force.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 06:20 PM
If you thought it's true this guy would have been killed way earlier than 603 of your boys.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
No, I actually got a letter saying my disability claim was denied due to missing a doctors appointment. Never got the letter informing me of the doctor appointment I only was in for 8 years. I don't quality for a pension.

I mean, you can make it personal, but my DD214 could put almost anyone here to shame concerning my job and experience on ME affairs....which seems to be a big deal to the ones who cry about needing to be an expert. You know, the ones who post LOL's?
If it becomes too inconvenient you will just be accused of making it up.

Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Sure they are. By thinking that not responding to Iranian aggression is the smart play, makes you complicit to that Iranian aggression.
but this is the sort of nonsense that is also used. a) responses can be behind the scenes, diplomatic, peacefull strategic ... and still be responses and b) sometimes nothing is the best response - one of the most dangerous ideas in the world is that 'doing nothing is not an option'

Originally Posted by D-Beat
British and Chinese were informed per Pompeo. What their feelings were is unknown but pretty sure they would not back
One thing the usa can guarantee is that when push comes to shove 'we' will back them. The decent chap who probably wouldn't lost badly and part of that was because he probably wouldn't.

Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Lastly, Iran can't target anything meaningful. They really have no play, and the US just made that clear. They will lose way more than they can get with one of their subversive acts, due to clear US capabilities that was exhibited.
Really bad mistake if they believe that. One obvious play if/as this escalates is to deepen ties with a nuclear power like russia.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 06:25 PM
According to what I heard on MSNBC, Soleimani shut down all attacks on the U.S. from 2011 to 2018. It was only the year after Trump cancelled the Nuclear deal that Soleimani resumed attacks on the U.S.

Someone also proposed that Soleimani could have been taken out in a covert operation. It would have sent the same message to Iran with less provocation toward war. But Trump had to publicly take credit for his personal political perk.

As I see it, Trump is working his way into a box with his statement, "We did this to stop a war not to start one." He is committing to a major escalation if Iran retaliates in an obvious way. I don't see Iran respecting any "Fire and Fury" sensational threat. Trump will learn his plan to have such a scary military that he never has to use it doesn't work so well in real life. Iran will only respect action and Trump's threats are forcing him toward a level of action neither he nor any of us wants to see. If he's such a self proclaimed great negotiator, now's the time to prove it.

So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
You miss the point...this guy was targeted only after he targeted an embassy. That is a direct escalation that must be responded to, with force.
Your assertions that we have to retaliate with force while Iran cannot is absurd on its face.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Your assertions that we have to retaliate with force while Iran cannot is absurd on its face.
Your response is not coherent to anything I've posted.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by PairTheBoard
According to what I heard on MSNBC, Soleimani shut down all attacks on the U.S. from 2011 to 2018. It was only the year after Trump cancelled the Nuclear deal that Soleimani resumed attacks on the U.S.

Someone also proposed that Soleimani could have been taken out in a covert operation. It would have sent the same message to Iran with less provocation toward war. But Trump had to publicly take credit for his personal political perk.

As I see it, Trump is working his way into a box with his statement, "We did this to stop a war not to start one." He is committing to a major escalation if Iran retaliates in an obvious way. I don't see Iran respecting any "Fire and Fury" sensational threat. Trump will learn his plan to have such a scary military that he never has to use it doesn't work so well in real life. Iran will only respect action and Trump's threats are forcing him toward a level of action neither he nor any of us wants to see. If he's such a self proclaimed great negotiator, now's the time to prove it.

Even worse, trump will easily come to love being a war leader - maps, generals, uniforms and the big parade will fit him well. He always wanted to be adored. This type of scenario was my biggest fear from day 1.

Need a lot of luck now. There's still hope as trump may not have realised he was destined for greatness yet.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by PairTheBoard
According to what I heard on MSNBC, Soleimani shut down all attacks on the U.S. from 2011 to 2018. It was only the year after Trump cancelled the Nuclear deal that Soleimani resumed attacks on the U.S.

Someone also proposed that Soleimani could have been taken out in a covert operation. It would have sent the same message to Iran with less provocation toward war. But Trump had to publicly take credit for his personal political perk.

As I see it, Trump is working his way into a box with his statement, "We did this to stop a war not to start one." He is committing to a major escalation if Iran retaliates in an obvious way. I don't see Iran respecting any "Fire and Fury" sensational threat. Trump will learn his plan to have such a scary military that he never has to use it doesn't work so well in real life. Iran will only respect action and Trump's threats are forcing him toward a level of action neither he nor any of us wants to see. If he's such a self proclaimed great negotiator, now's the time to prove it.

Don't have time to get a collection...

Here is quick one:


February 20, 2013 – Nigeria:
Three Iranian operatives were arrested for planning attacks against U.S. and Israeli tourist sites and organizations. A terrorist cell leader received weapons training in Iran.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
The 603 American soldiers who died at this guy's hand does not seem to warrant a response from the lefties here
What is the 603 figure about? I'm guessing these were casualties inflicted by Iraqi Shia militias, which are often backed by Iran.

Dude, we invaded their country and burned it down. One million lives, over WMD lies. And we are supposed to care more about the resistance than our aggression? AGGRESSION, as in, we invaded a country that was not a threat.

The warranted response to the 603 is to apologize for their service. We are sorry, but we did not do due diligence on our reckless government, and we allowed our youth to be sucked into the maelstrom by armed carneys.

itshot has been studiously avoiding one of the major challenges to him: US/Iranian tensions improved after the nuclear accord. They have been worsening since Trump militarists broke an international treaty.


February 20, 2013 – Nigeria:
Three Iranian operatives were arrested for planning attacks against U.S. and Israeli tourist sites
Oh come on you are not even trying. An apparent 2013 incident says nothing about the new situation after the 2015 nuclear accord.

Last edited by Bill Haywood; 01-03-2020 at 07:05 PM.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
itshot has been studiously avoiding one of the major challenges to him: US/Iranian tensions improved after the nuclear accord. They have been worsening since Trump militarists broke an international treaty.
No, I disagree with that assessment. Obama/State Department just did not care, nor respond to Iran's many transgressions.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
What is the 603 figure about? I'm guessing these were casualties inflicted by Iraqi Shia militias, which are often backed by Iran.

Dude, we invaded their country and burned it down. One million lives, $7 trillion.

The warranted response to the 603 is to apologize for their service. We are sorry, but we did not do due diligence on our reckless government, and we allowed are youth to be sucked into the maelstrom by armed carneys.

itshot has been studiously avoiding one of the major challenges to him: US/Iranian tensions improved after the nuclear accord. They have been worsening since Trump militarists broke an international treaty.

Oh come on you are not even trying. An apparent 2013 incident says nothing about the new situation after the 2015 nuclear accord.
What? He said 2011.

According to what I heard on MSNBC, Soleimani shut down all attacks on the U.S. from 2011 to 2018. It was only the year after Trump cancelled the Nuclear deal that Soleimani resumed attacks on the U.S.
It's bullshit political spin.

Here is another one:

Iran has also shown its ability to attack industrial facilities, particularly those belonging to regional rival Saudi Arabia. In the U.S., intelligence agencies have said Iran has also gathered intelligence about infrastructure including dams across the U.S. In 2016, seven Iranians were indicted for, among other activities, trying to take control of a dam in a New York suburb.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 01-03-2020 at 07:02 PM.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 07:38 PM
So a CDN take on it all

Looks like the USA World Police Force is back at it.

Obama signed a deal Trump tore it up Why would North Koreas or any leader trust Trump on a new deal

Trump says he has Intel they were going to attack US Troops or Citizens. Yeah ok another WMD

You took out a senior member of a foreign government. There will be payback in American lives.

Fox will have their paid experts to say It was good
MSNBC and CNN will have theirs to say its bad

Many world leaders will be careful what they say as they signed a deal the USA reneged on

Democrat candidates will say what serves them the best.

Lets just get out the Fxxk out of the Middle East and let them determine their fate. WE don't need their Oil anymore

Love the Meme that Don Junior and Eric visited the doctor today and diagnosed with Bone spurs
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
No, I disagree with that assessment. Obama/State Department just did not care, nor respond to Iran's many transgressions.
But you cannot produce examples from the proper time period -- after the 2015 accord and before Trump broke the treaty.

You did provide an example of computer hacking that may well be Iranian. You know we do that too, right? It is not an example of rogue state terrorism -- the thing you claim justifies the Iraq airport attack and risking a regional war. It's a pedestrian example of geopolitical rivalry, not terrorism.

You are reduced to one phrase retorts that explain nothing and are there only for the appearance of responding. 2011? I can put out random numbers, too. 1984.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Thing about it is, Trump would not know the difference between Zarqawi and Soleimani, not to mention that Zarqawi has been dead for a decade. This target was presented to him. The US intelligence community do not normally provide targets that will result in the loss of intelligence sources. This guy has been on the radar for awhile, and has been a threat for years.

It might be difficult to understand, but we killed him while he was moving in a convoy, and he was targeted. That requires significant intelligence. The type of intelligence that would be better served by keeping it flowing.

This was so far from an emotional action...this was calculated.


For what I meant, Iran has infiltrated the government, and they did it on purpose, and it was not due to Sunni-Shia tribal stuff.
Since you are former military with tours in the ME, do you have any familiarity with the GCC 4th generation warfare units and the joint Israel-Saudi-US program to build them?

Because these kind of strikes sound like their handiwork, and if so, is Trump is trying to take the heat for that to keep attention away from that program?
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
There's a real Boy Who Cried Wolf situation going on with the democratic clutching of pearls here.

How can anyone take the bitching about this seriously? This triggered whining is nigh indistinguishable from the rest of the incessant triggered whining that's been going on for the past 36 months.

You've got supposedly serious people in the media today trying to scare women and children in Columbus, OH by telling them they're legitimate targets for Iranian retribution.

Whatever serious discussion could've been had on this is lost in the quagmire of blind hatred for Trump. Then we've got Slighted over here, all upset that this didn't go through the motions of consultation with the House? Who are you people!?
truly amazing coming from the side that went full "war on terror", "axis of evil", we gotta "preemptive attack".

ofc, the contradiction is right in this situation. either this Iranian guy was a threat and he we needed to take him out to "protect Americans" or there is no threat to us.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
But you cannot produce examples from the proper time period -- after the 2015 accord and before Trump broke the treaty.

You did provide an example of computer hacking that may well be Iranian. You know we do that too, right? It is not an example of rogue state terrorism -- the thing you claim justifies the Iraq airport attack and risking a regional war. It's a pedestrian example of geopolitical rivalry, not terrorism.

You are reduced to one phrase retorts that explain nothing and are there only for the appearance of responding. 2011? I can put out random numbers, too. 1984.

I'm at work, and can't commit the normal time. Even if I spent the time, any individual incident would be anecdotal. If I were trying to convince you, I'd have to do an entire threat review/assessment using open source information, and that would take days, and I'm pretty sure you would find still find objections. Which is cool. My comments are entirely based on my experience, and study on Iran tactical/strategic/operational behavior. Take it, or leave it. I don't care. The simple fact is, your opinion is more ill informed than mine.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Morishita System
Since you are former military with tours in the ME, do you have any familiarity with the GCC 4th generation warfare units and the joint Israel-Saudi-US program to build them?

Because these kind of strikes sound like their handiwork, and if so, is Trump is trying to take the heat for that to keep attention away from that program?
Even if I still had access to that type of information, I certainly wouldn't be talking about it and I wouldn't be having this discussion that I'm having now.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 08:13 PM

18 years ago
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
