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Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread)

09-03-2021 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by grizy
CNN is definitely center-left, maybe trending left.....
Is this a joke...You think a true left platform is allowed to run on air 24/7?

Does this mean you also think democrats are left?
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
Does this mean you also think democrats are left?
That's like 70% of the posters here who think that.
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Is that like a Nazgul?
He's doing that thing liberals do and accusing people he doesn't agree with of being racist sexist bigot etc. In this case it's nazbol. Obv it makes no sense (Like when have I ever even mentioned the Jews?). But it's new thing the reddit neolibs like to say about the left.
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
He's doing that thing liberals do and accusing people he doesn't agree with of being racist sexist bigot etc. In this case it's nazbol. Obv it makes no sense (Like when have I ever even mentioned the Jews?). But it's new thing the reddit neolibs like to say about the left.
Nazbul apparently means nationalist bolshevik-- he's accusing you of being a particular sort of communist, and not a racist bigot, and he wants to know how it is possible that a person such as myself could agree with a person such as yourself, because he has no clue what I actually think.
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Victor is of course correct here and everyone else is incorrect.

Thinking that CNN (or other such news outlets) are left is what happens when you allow billion dollar companies to define what left and right mean.

The "center" party in the United States would probably be the Green Party.

Democrat Party clearly more right-leaning than the Greens.
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 04:52 AM
These giant corporate media interests don't have ideologies, insofar as ideological concerns or arguments are not at all the point of their existence.

It's all about capitalism, baby.

CNN and FOX and the NYT are only incidentally "left" or "right" or "center-left" or whatever. The owners of these firms simply dump all their data into Excel and it spits out that they can claim x percentage of the market share by appealing to y demographic. Then they all divvy up those slices of the pie and fight over the remaining incoherent cranks and randos.

Sure, the average person within CNN is probably to the left of the average person within FOX, including the people who are responsible with providing news content to the public. But in terms of media entities using journalistic integrity or framing stories in a way that help any given ideology or party, that doesn't matter.

These media giants only live to produce value for their owners and shareholders. They can't fulfill any other aim. Corporations might be people, but they don't have free will like people presumably do. To hope for them to ever come to the aid of their consumers' political causes is ludicrous. Welcome to the machine.
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 05:05 AM
Originally Posted by nick619
...Aren't opinions great?
Hell no. That means that we actually have to listen to people like you.

Originally Posted by Paul D
You don't even know how to define right-wing and left-wing properly and you're agreeing with a Nazbol. Lol.

You're probably also only agreeing with him because he's a 9/11 troofer
This MF casually talking about something called the National Bolshevik Party like we're all supposed to know about it. Man I can't turn on cable news without seeing Don Lemon going nuts again about the damn Bolsheviks...
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 05:08 AM
The internet says there's something called a Communo-Capitalist. loooooollllllllll

"Economic Axis
The Communo-Capitalist is both economically far-right and economically far-left. He wants an Anarcho-Capitalist society, but also wants an annual culling of the rich and a yearly redistribution of their wealth."

You know what? You got me. Sign me up.
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 05:10 AM
Nazbol popping up in the Glenn Greenwald/Chelsea Manning spat

Funny how it works where you never hear a term before then it comes up twice in a day.
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by DifferentName
These giant corporate media interests don't have ideologies, insofar as ideological concerns or arguments are not at all the point of their existence.

It's all about capitalism, baby.

CNN and FOX and the NYT are only incidentally "left" or "right" or "center-left" or whatever. The owners of these firms simply dump all their data into Excel and it spits out that they can claim x percentage of the market share by appealing to y demographic. Then they all divvy up those slices of the pie and fight over the remaining incoherent cranks and randos.

Sure, the average person within CNN is probably to the left of the average person within FOX, including the people who are responsible with providing news content to the public. But in terms of media entities using journalistic integrity or framing stories in a way that help any given ideology or party, that doesn't matter.

These media giants only live to produce value for their owners and shareholders. They can't fulfill any other aim. Corporations might be people, but they don't have free will like people presumably do. To hope for them to ever come to the aid of their consumers' political causes is ludicrous. Welcome to the machine.
disagree with some of this. certainly capitalism is an ideology.

also these corporations (I call them cartels) while they certainly care about profit over all else, they dont go after it by appealing to people. they use their position as authorities on news, facts, opinions etc to shape how people think.

they are monopolies so they will make money regardless. like, CNN or Fox aint going out of business.

also, while I agree they will never come to the aid of their consumers political causes, they absolutely aid their benefactors political causes. look at the behavior of the NYT in creating the Iraq War. how often do we hear about reporters and editors giving intelligence agents stories for approval ahead of time?
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Nazbul apparently means nationalist bolshevik-- he's accusing you of being a particular sort of communist, and not a racist bigot, and he wants to know how it is possible that a person such as myself could agree with a person such as yourself, because he has no clue what I actually think.
so Nazbol is not necessarily anti-semitic? hmm ok. I think most would make such a connotation.

regardless, he is doing that liberal thing where he uses a scary term to attack his enemies. like seriously Nazi Communist? the WORST man. just so horrifying. so use a scary term to go after someone bc I dont give full throated support to Obama Biden Hillary.

pretty good joke really.

NazBol is short for National Bolshevism, which seeks to combine the Extreme Far Right, and the Extreme Far Left. The way it does this is Extreme Left Economics (Statism), and Extreme Right Culturally (Ultra-Nationalism).
its like, words dont even have meanings to liberals. just use scary isms. the sad thing is that PaulD does actually make the right look correct in this sense. but I would love for him to list any "Extreme Right Culturally" or "Ultra-Nationalism" ideas that I adhere to.
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by nick619
I don't read infowars therefore cannot give you an accurate opinion.
Then why did you criticize someone who knows more about it than you from dismissing it as unreliable?
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by DifferentName

This MF casually talking about something called the National Bolshevik Party like we're all supposed to know about it. Man I can't turn on cable news without seeing Don Lemon going nuts again about the damn Bolsheviks...
Uh, that term predates the NBP by a long time. and it describes people like Victor pretty well. And there's a whole host of leftists who are starting to employ far right mannerisms like Victor on the internet. See his immediate defense of the Capitol riots. He also has histories of blaming non-whites for the outcomes he doesn't like in politics.

Also, Nazbol isn't like some ultra rare term that only is part of poli-sci nerds lexicons.

It's also amusing Victor thinks I'm calling him a Nazi Commie. If I wanted to do that I would call him a Strasserite. Which again a lot of people use that term as well.
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 02:25 PM
I know who Strasser is, but “Strasserite” is a new term for me.
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I know who Strasser is, but “Strasserite” is a new term for me.
*were. There was two of them.

Strasserite or Strasserist is more to the point than calling someone a third positionalist when it comes to actual Nazis who are/were socialists.
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 02:50 PM
I just call them racist clowndicks. I’m not a fancy lad.
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
imagine thinking that a massive corporation that was founded by Ted Turner, one of the richest men in history, is a left wing news org.
To be fair after a quick scroll through recent pages, this guy seems like someone who thinks Jeff Bezos is a communist or some dumb ass ****.
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Then why did you criticize someone who knows more about it than you from dismissing it as unreliable?
If he actually thought about his motivations and political views honestly he would just leave here and never come back, because the only real answer to that question is, "Damn, I guess I'm just a debate lord with no real understanding of centuries old political terms and theories"
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
But he is correct. So you can think the reality of what he says sucks but it is correct.

Just as I have been saying for decades that the US has no true 'left' party. They have Right and Far Right.

The only thing that is debateable there is if you could call the Dem's a centre right party which I do not think they are. They are simply 'right'.

Sure the Dem's are left of the Republicans but that does not make them a left party.

If you look at the compared to say, Canada's major parties (NDP, Liberal Party (LP) and Conservative Party (CP) the Dem party is right of all three on every major plank you would measure by (War, M4A, Tax the Rich, Corporate Subsidies, etc).

It would look like this moving from the Left of the Spectrum thru Centre ( |.| )and to the right...

NDP................... LP|.|..CP .......Dems ...........Republicans

Very similar to US MSM as he rightly points out.

That is a really good analogy.

Lets be honest about CNN & MSNBC &FOX its all about the $$$ just like the two parties
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Uh, that term predates the NBP by a long time. and it describes people like Victor pretty well. And there's a whole host of leftists who are starting to employ far right mannerisms like Victor on the internet. See his immediate defense of the Capitol riots. He also has histories of blaming non-whites for the outcomes he doesn't like in politics.
lol wat

show any far right mannerisms?

I didnt really defend the Capitol riots. I just didnt revel in the death of Babbit and the others. Nor did I get a hard on for massive prison sentences for these idiots. I wanted to go after the ringleaders (which was mostly the FBI lolol. the funniest part about you liberals is how much yall love the FBI now. just sickening ideology) and the politicians. no I dont think some rube that got fed 5 years of coordinated lies from right wing media and then go methed up and walked around the Capitol should get 20 years.

you know how much time I recommended the BLM or antifa guys get? 0 days and they are true freedom fighters. as I have consistently said from day 1.

He also has histories of blaming non-whites for the outcomes he doesn't like in politics.
da fuq
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
the funniest part about you liberals is how much yall love the FBI now.
Also the CIA. I just saw some polling about that last week, which I can't find now- but there are a lot of stories on that going back to the beginning of the Trump administration.

It's basically Trump's legacy and what he accomplished during his 4 years in office.

Greenwald had a nice tweet on this idea the other day.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 09-03-2021 at 04:24 PM.
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 04:45 PM
lol, Greenwald also threw Chelsea Manning under the bus the other day.
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
lol, Greenwald also threw Chelsea Manning under the bus the other day.
I skimmed through their exchanges and didn't see anything that would be embarrassing for Manning.

He released their communications in order to show that there was nothing about them that should be terrifying about him. I can see how he took her statement out of context and that she wasn't saying that she was actually legitimate terrified that he could cause violence to her, but his reaction doesn't seem completely out-of-line either. I get the impression that he just misunderstood her hyperbole.

Not sure what any of that has to do with that tweet, other than you doing your typical inane attack-the-messenger stuff.
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I skimmed through their exchanges and didn't see anything that would be embarrassing for Manning.

He released their communications in order to show that there was nothing about them that should be terrifying about him. I can see how he took her statement out of context and that she wasn't saying that she was actually legitimate terrified that he could cause violence to her, but his reaction doesn't seem completely out-of-line either. I get the impression that he just misunderstood her hyperbole.

Not sure what any of that has to do with that tweet, other than you doing your typical inane attack-the-messenger stuff.
lol, of course it wasn’t embarrassing for Manning. Ya boi Greenwald threw a tantrum and burned through whatever credibility he ever had.
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
09-03-2021 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
lol wat

show any far right mannerisms?

I didnt really defend the Capitol riots. I just didnt revel in the death of Babbit and the others. Nor did I get a hard on for massive prison sentences for these idiots. I wanted to go after the ringleaders (which was mostly the FBI lolol. the funniest part about you liberals is how much yall love the FBI now. just sickening ideology) and the politicians. no I dont think some rube that got fed 5 years of coordinated lies from right wing media and then go methed up and walked around the Capitol should get 20 years.

you know how much time I recommended the BLM or antifa guys get? 0 days and they are true freedom fighters. as I have consistently said from day 1.

da fuq
No, you in fact did defend the Capitol rioters as not being serious. When in fact there were Nazis and white nationalists among the run of the mill Trumpkins. You also have defended Jimmy Dore after his romance of the Boogaloo movement. You also blamed black people for Biden at one point. Your hatred of libs have led you into pretty much agreeing with the far right on occasions, and you're not even self-aware enough to realize it.

Also, cute how you throw a love for the FBI out to liberals... when you have proven time and time again that you will deny atrocities committed by commies. A little mass murder is so much better than right wingnuts going away...God, you're spineless.
Right / left news media, political axis (excised from Aghanistan thread) Quote
