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Riggie containment thread Riggie containment thread

10-29-2021 , 10:30 AM
FYI, bingo PM'd me requesting I ban him "so everyone can see your agenda".

I have not had a conversation with him since Oct 2 and he leaves me this cherry today.....
10-29-2021 , 10:46 AM
Please don't ban PB2000. He is a lot more fun than bingo.
10-29-2021 , 10:46 AM
I think it is pretty much certain that his "Project Veritas just blew the lid of Ilhan Omars voter fraud machine." scoop was a misreading of the data of that same 'scoop' and story from Oct 2020.

He probably saw it in some Twitter feed or SM posting but did not recognize the date as last year Oct and not this one.
10-29-2021 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
[shuffles] No discount codes for pillows on that website. I admire your creativity on this one. Great [shuffle].
If only you had a little bit of creativity instead of parroting brownshirt propaganda....

Originally Posted by bingobazza
I'm flattered you created a new account with my name to troll me. Welcome [back] to the party.
Looks like you aren't part of the party anymore. (But we both know you are still reading this )

Seek help, dude, a few years in a mental health institution might do the trick.
10-29-2021 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I think it is pretty much certain that his "Project Veritas just blew the lid of Ilhan Omars voter fraud machine." scoop was a misreading of the data of that same 'scoop' and story from Oct 2020.

He probably saw it in some Twitter feed or SM posting but did not recognize the date as last year Oct and not this one.
Bingo was a moron? This is shocking.
10-29-2021 , 09:40 PM
Btw, for the avoidance of doubt, the Bingo gimmick is not me. I am certainly that cheap, but I am way too lazy.

Bingo gimmick - I did enjoy your comment about the pillow discounts!
10-29-2021 , 09:44 PM

2-3 a day, no joke.
10-30-2021 , 12:59 AM
I think I witnessed a bingobazza effect earlier today.

My team put out a weekly operational report to the company, except we ****ed up and somehow a sign got switched. Basically, cell TJ15 (I jest, it was all of column L), had completely the wrong numbers in it.

Obviously, this was a mistake, and a lot of people pointed it out. What was more interesting to me was the small (but by no means insignificant) contingent of people who started questioning the numbers ever after it had been explained to them that it was a mistake in the code. They literally looked at a report with a bunch of numbers and refused to accept that the numbers were wrong, even after the guy who was literally in charge of producing the numbers said "those numbers are wrong".

That's bingobazza!

To clarify: it wasn't a case of a vs -a, it was a case of a + b vs a - b
10-30-2021 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by zedsdead
You do know that CNN/MSNBC etc do this exact same thing everyday too, right?
You just described the entire media, so it’s not much of a point you are making.

Typical tho, when your side does it the people who are made to look bad deserve it so it’s all good, right?

Derps can be libs too and u sound like one here.
For this symmetry to make sense you have to believe that ivermectin etc is just as good for covid as the vaccine. That’s objectively false so whatever comparisons you want to make between reasonable, good faith media and far right trolls falls apart. Any comparisons you make will be superficial if you don’t acknowledge the level of straight up lying and catering to lies the far right does.
10-30-2021 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
I think I witnessed a bingobazza effect earlier today.

My team put out a weekly operational report to the company, except we ****ed up and somehow a sign got switched. Basically, cell TJ15 (I jest, it was all of column L), had completely the wrong numbers in it.

Obviously, this was a mistake, and a lot of people pointed it out. What was more interesting to me was the small (but by no means insignificant) contingent of people who started questioning the numbers ever after it had been explained to them that it was a mistake in the code. They literally looked at a report with a bunch of numbers and refused to accept that the numbers were wrong, even after the guy who was literally in charge of producing the numbers said "those numbers are wrong".

That's bingobazza!

To clarify: it wasn't a case of a vs -a, it was a case of a + b vs a - b
That's a riveting story that you tell so well. And not an impromptu thing that just comes out on an impulse either - oh no - you clearly sat down and composed this and hit submit. Do you have like a blog or something where I could read more content like the above?
10-30-2021 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
For this symmetry to make sense you have to believe that ivermectin etc is just as good for covid as the vaccine. That’s objectively false so whatever comparisons you want to make between reasonable, good faith media and far right trolls falls apart. Any comparisons you make will be superficial if you don’t acknowledge the level of straight up lying and catering to lies the far right does.
When the media told people not to obtain masks because they did little to stop the transmission of the virus were they acting in good faith? A lot of people knew that was a total lie, and the news media should have also known and reported the truth. Instead they chose to manipulate people with a harmful lie.

You think it's ok that your political allies, or the the people you have been duped to consider your political allies, lie nonstop in the service of their political aims which you consider objectively good. It's ok to manipulate people because it's for their own good. Is that it? because the lies themselves are not controversial and I've never heard a justification of the practice, widespread as it is, even though there is plenty of criticism of the parallel practice of those you have been led to believe are your political opponents.
10-30-2021 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
When the media told people not to obtain masks because they did little to stop the transmission of the virus were they acting in good faith?
You mean when a bunch of journalism and poly sci majors with no science training at all simply reported what the CDC said? Yeah that’s pretty much the definition of good faith. I certainly don’t expect any more from the media in real time than that.
10-30-2021 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
When the media told people not to obtain masks because they did little to stop the transmission of the virus were they acting in good faith? A lot of people knew that was a total lie, and the news media should have also known and reported the truth. Instead they chose to manipulate people with a harmful lie.

You think it's ok that your political allies, or the the people you have been duped to consider your political allies, lie nonstop in the service of their political aims which you consider objectively good. It's ok to manipulate people because it's for their own good. Is that it? because the lies themselves are not controversial and I've never heard a justification of the practice, widespread as it is, even though there is plenty of criticism of the parallel practice of those you have been led to believe are your political opponents.
Nah. Your little manifesto there is filled with your personal bias, so the whole "is it right" drama queen routine of yours requires you to actually know what you are talking about as a foundation. Your history shows that is not the case, but perhaps you feel better after posting what you did, so there is that.

That other derp flamed out, so if you want to start giving updates on when the Pope will be arrested that is appreciated, since that is the type of content that this thread is based upon. Thanks!

All the best.
10-30-2021 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Nah. Your little manifesto there is filled with your personal bias, so the whole "is it right" drama queen routine of yours requires you to actually know what you are talking about as a foundation. Your history shows that is not the case, but perhaps you feel better after posting what you did, so there is that.

That other derp flamed out, so if you want to start giving updates on when the Pope will be arrested that is appreciated, since that is the type of content that this thread is based upon. Thanks!

All the best.
Can't really say it any better than this.
10-31-2021 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
When the media told people not to obtain masks because they did little to stop the transmission of the virus were they acting in good faith? A lot of people knew that was a total lie, and the news media should have also known and reported the truth. Instead they chose to manipulate people with a harmful lie.

You think it's ok that your political allies, or the the people you have been duped to consider your political allies, lie nonstop in the service of their political aims which you consider objectively good. It's ok to manipulate people because it's for their own good. Is that it? because the lies themselves are not controversial and I've never heard a justification of the practice, widespread as it is, even though there is plenty of criticism of the parallel practice of those you have been led to believe are your political opponents.
I've suspected for some time that many of your posts were dubious at best, but I didn't feel confident enough in my depth of knowledge of the subjects at hand to be certain. Thanks for removing my doubt.
10-31-2021 , 03:14 AM
Has this guy

Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
That's a riveting story that you tell so well. And not an impromptu thing that just comes out on an impulse either - oh no - you clearly sat down and composed this and hit submit. Do you have like a blog or something where I could read more content like the above?
ever met this guy?

Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Why do you follow me around making pointless comments on my every post? Do you do that to anyone else? Obviously you have some kind of huge problem with me. Would it make you super happy if I just didn't post in here? It's not a huge deal to me and it seems like a huge deal to you. If my presence genuinely stresses you out and it's only my posting that does that I'm not opposed to giving you some relief. I never considered that my critiques of the establishment could cause someone psychological harm but these are stressful times for everyone.
10-31-2021 , 03:28 AM
By the way, for the avoidance of doubt, the answer is "no": I would be super happy if you stayed. Unlike some, I appreciate your dulcet dissenting tones.

I jest, you're just an easy target and I like the low hanging fruit. To any half decent troll, you're a juicy steak.
11-01-2021 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I've suspected for some time that many of your posts were dubious at best, but I didn't feel confident enough in my depth of knowledge of the subjects at hand to be certain. Thanks for removing my doubt.
How did I do that? By saying the media should have done the slightest bit of journalism and questioned the idea that masks don't protect from a virus whose transmission mechanism was highly likely to be one against which masks are effective?

Do you not know that the initial dissuasion against masks was a deliberate lie meant to preserve equipment for medical personnel by dampening demand for masks?
11-01-2021 , 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
You mean when a bunch of journalism and poly sci majors with no science training at all simply reported what the CDC said? Yeah that’s pretty much the definition of good faith. I certainly don’t expect any more from the media in real time than that.
Most any doc knew it was horseshit. The rest of the world was masking up at the request of their medical experts. The advice was contrarian as can be. It was an instance of the media being a mode of manipulation.

The worst part about that sort of manipulation is the way it destroys faith in institutions without dullards like you taking the slightest notice. You think Trump was ruining our immaculate norms because he's a crude jackass, but meanwhile you think there is no effect of serial lying by critical institutions on important matters.
11-01-2021 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
That other derp flamed out, so if you want to start giving updates on when the Pope will be arrested that is appreciated, since that is the type of content that this thread is based upon. Thanks!

All the best.
You're the derp.

You are disappointed daily every day that the Trump pee tape isn't available for purchase.

When your tummy hurts you could have sworn the people moving in next door had Russian accents and their microwave looked funny. You are looking into the prospects of getting coverage for Havana syndrome as a volunteer member of the CIA who has done their part blaming Russia for missing Black votes for Hillary.

You're the one who was yanked around week to week for years waiting for the next and final shoe to drop in the Russia investigation. Instead of the Pope it was the sitting president who you genuinely thought was going to be perp walked right out of the Whitehouse.

And wouldn't you know it? Those who you call derps are totally willfully blind to the glaring parallels between them and you - just like you are.
11-01-2021 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
How did I do that? By saying the media should have done the slightest bit of journalism and questioned the idea that masks don't protect from a virus whose transmission mechanism was highly likely to be one against which masks are effective?
By taking all the nuance out of a fairly complex issue, and then using your oversimplification to suggest the media was manipulating people. Apparently in your world, in the earliest days of a pandemic the media are supposed to assume their health officials are either lying or incompetent, and question and/or override their messaging during a health emergency, and because they didn't, they were manipulating people. LOL.
11-01-2021 , 06:34 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
You're the derp.

You are disappointed daily every day that the Trump pee tape isn't available for purchase.
I don't think I have ever used the words "Trump pee tape" until this reply. Pretty weird projection there, or something.

Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
When your tummy hurts you could have sworn the people moving in next door had Russian accents and their microwave looked funny. You are looking into the prospects of getting coverage for Havana syndrome as a volunteer member of the CIA who has done their part blaming Russia for missing Black votes for Hillary.You're the one who was yanked around week to week for years waiting for the next and final shoe to drop in the Russia investigation. Instead of the Pope it was the sitting president who you genuinely thought was going to be perp walked right out of the Whitehouse.
And wouldn't you know it? Those who you call derps are totally willfully blind to the glaring parallels between them and you - just like you are.
You may want to figure out how to follow conversations better so that you know you are bringing up topics and counterpoints that the other person has mentioned or even cares about. I am pretty indifferent to the whole Russia thing, which is why the whiners that were booted here years ago insist I was a Trumper. I was not and am not a Trumper, I just called them out on their being whiners, much like I am doing with you. Your politics may differ from theirs, but whiners come in all varieties.

My point to you was, and your crazy reply showed it, that you have no idea what you are talking about, so your declarations of what you consider to be facts is just you yammering on, much like you did above. I also pointed out that this thread is made for derps to update us on topics like when the Pope will be arrested. Take note of the thread title.

I would say thanks for the chat, but seems you are mainly muttering to yourself, so if you ever choose to mutter about Qderp updates then post them here as this is the perfect thread for it! Pee tape stuff you can study on your own time based on your needs - I do not care about an update on that.

All the best.
11-01-2021 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
How did I do that? By saying the media should have done the slightest bit of journalism and questioned the idea that masks don't protect from a virus whose transmission mechanism was highly likely to be one against which masks are effective?

Do you not know that the initial dissuasion against masks was a deliberate lie meant to preserve equipment for medical personnel by dampening demand for masks?
Our media is generally awful but the situation I understood at the time made the advice for the public not to use masks consistent with masks helping. In the same way that the vaccine wasn't being recommended (or even offered) for the likes of me last year even though the vaccine was known to help us.

In both cases it was because of supply constraints. The experts were not advising policy based on some utopian world with infinite supply for anyone who would benefit.
11-01-2021 , 11:21 AM
Fear of mask shortages for health personnel was quoted in my country as well. There certainly was no "lie" that I saw.

A quick google search on news from early 2020 revealed several articles in media bringing up the issue mask recommendations for the public vs shortages for health professionals, and of course also a lot of stories about many countries scrounging for protective gear and stories about acute shortages of protective gear.
11-01-2021 , 11:37 AM
But can't one say that this is an airborne spread disease and the medical community needs the masks NOW ...... and also say they are an effective measure to slow the spread and John Q can get his shortly??

Huge fanboi of Fauci but his Feb 2020 message was clearly the wrong message to send

Last edited by King Spew; 11-01-2021 at 11:53 AM. Reason: speling
