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Riggie containment thread Riggie containment thread

10-07-2021 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by caseIIclosed
I was "case closed" I posted here from around 2004-2011 then rage quit during a gun control argument.
Oh Damn! Welcome back man. I think we got into a few scuffle arguments back in the day but I always like you as a poster.

Put that Dr Pepper avatar back on. I even think you had a Case Closed picture.

I should hang out on this sub more often. Some of the juicy / spicy posters like Deuces are back.
10-07-2021 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
Oh Damn! Welcome back man. I think we got into a few scuffle arguments back in the day but I always like you as a poster.

Put that Dr Pepper avatar back on. I even think you had a Case Closed picture.
Same. This is still a good forum it looks like.

You're right about the avatar, impressive memory.
10-07-2021 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
Financial opportunities in poker are small compared to financial opportunities in real estate and it's not even close.

It was a no brainer to quit the moment I realized if I maximized my understanding of real estate vs doing it with poker I would be much better off down the road in life.

Best decision I ever made.
You definitely needed to make that choice given how you approached the industry at the time. Being blunt, you were a complete donk at the time with regard to monetizing the industry, since even now you seem to think playing poker (as you did) was the main way to earn income in those days.

Some of the affiliates I set up way back then still make more more than you probably made for yourself playing poker at the time. Once in a while someone will ask me what games I played in poker and I always chuckle because playing poker in that regard was never the correct way to maximize money if one approached things with the proper perspective.

As I said before - you definitely made the correct choice for you based on how competitive you were in the industry at the time. A lot of people at your lower level at the time did not make a similar choice and they likely suffered as a result.

All the best.
10-07-2021 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
You're a live poker donk that wants me to fly to Vegas to get dealt 20 hands an hour for a weekend. Sounds like a good way to spend your weekend Cuepee, have at it.
One time for a chance to beat up a live donk and to have that in your constant need to eDick wave cabinet. I would think you would do it just for the lulz.

But I suspect you know I would likely beat you like a drum live, like you would likely beat me the same online.

Patience and focus are weapons in the live game and the online players who struggle with those don't transition well.

So if I am a donk in your venue, you are in mine. So the ebrag is a wash and silly.
10-07-2021 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
I should hang out on this sub more often. Some of the juicy / spicy posters like Deuces are back.
Agree highly entertaining. It's very important to have the--we need to be extra nice to the guys who have been threatening a civil war do-over continually our entire lives--view represented. Even though that's about the last thing they respect and see as weak/an invite to walk all over you. But it'll probably be time well spent--before we smash the system anyway and start over
10-07-2021 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Not sure how that applies here. What I did was a simple online systemic exploitation strategy. I did not care in the slightest about gambling and some of my favorite bonuses were ones where I could do auto play and not even have to watch it. I would go for a walk and come back and see I made $500 or whatever. Repeat. Worked for me. In contrast the concept of grinding 200NL as a job (even then) would get the same reaction from me as the pit boss example does for you.
I never put anywhere close to as much thought into bonus maximization as you apparently did. It sounds like the idea of 8-tabling in games where you actually had to pay attention wasn't any more appealing to you than it was to me.
10-08-2021 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by Willd
You realise there is a difference between the evidence required to support a prosecution and the evidence required to consider something more likely than not right? There is plenty of evidence that Manafort was in frequent contact with a Russian agent (Konstantin Kilimnik, who he had worked with for over a decade actively pursuing Russian interests in Ukraine) while he was the campaign manager for Trump.
Kilimnik was just another political consultant hack trying to scam Ukranian politiocs with Manafort. There is no hard evidence ever released or referenced supporting the allegation that Kilimnik was a Russian agent. Of all the investigations and government statements the only place Kilimnik is named a Russian agent is in some Treasury report press release. The investigations by Mueller and the Intelligence committee don't make that claim. The treasury has never released to any media any evidence backing up their assertion. The Mueller report only claims he has "ties to Russian" something or other, never calling him a Russian agent, because he isn't. These so called ties are never established (because they don't really exist and what is a "tie" anyway).

If you look in the Mueller report, the actual report, you will see that the polling data distributed by Kilimnik went to Ukranians and Americans, not to Russians. What you will not see, because it's withheld, are the actual emails themselves. The reason Mueller won't show you that is because, as stated on the major news shows by Rick Gates, a key cooperating witness for the special counsel, the polling data is nothing but top level simple polling to demonstrate to clients and potential clients that, despite the American media tone, Trump actually has a chance to win. Why would the polling data not be released for everyone to see? Is it a matter of national security how anonymous Americans felt towards the candidates at some date before the election? They don't show you it because it's nothing. It's nothing that wasn't publicly available. And it certainly not anything that can be used by click bait operations to mind control African Americans into not voting for some White lady who called their sons super predators and ran a racist campaign against Obama last time around.

Do you realize what the phrase "no evidence" means? It doesn't mean we got this kind of evidence but not that kind of evidence. It means no evidence of any significance whatsoever. I think I missed my calling as a lawyer. I didn't know these simple ideas are beyond most people's grasp. You seem like a literate, thinking person, but you really don't know what the phrase no evidence means. Do people really profit from that simple trick, understanding what simple phrases like no evidence means?

Originally Posted by Willd
There is no doubt that he did in fact share data with Russian interests (and also that he lied about it, which he was charged and convicted for). The only doubt is whether he did so deliberately to aid Russia's attempts to influence the election. There is enough doubt to preclude trying to get a conviction that requires "beyond reasonable doubt" but there is plenty to justify my belief that it is more likely than not that he did so.
This is entirely factually incorrect. Mueller was convicted, in multiple indictments, on charges that had nothing to do with Russiagate. You can read this in any online newspaper no matter how biased because it's an inescapable, uncontroversial fact. He was hiding money and lying to get loans. Everything he was charged with and convicted for was related to his consulting business, not one single charge or conviction was Russigate related.

Now that you hopefully understand you don't know the basics can you at least, if not accept the truth that Kilimnik was just an easy Russian target, not be so attached to your existing opinions which have been placed there by propaganda experts?
10-08-2021 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
Trump years created a huge rift here in old politics forum.

Someone made a misogynist post about Trump's press secretary. Mason overreacted and closed sub down. A bunch of politics posters went and created their own politics forum.

Fly stopped posting about politics a few months after trump election, and he was banned from participating in this one after its creation.
I got a good chuckle out of this. That sub forum was pretty cool for awhile. Fly was such a good humorist but so annoying at the same time but in a way which wasn't easy to see until he focused on you. Then it was like ok I see what everyone is complaining about this guy is intolerable.
10-08-2021 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
You say lots of really stupid things.
Or maybe something is getting lost in the interpretation.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
So again, when info such as George P's comes to US intelligence from British Intelligence that someone inside the Trump Campaign has said 'Russia has info and is using it to impact our elections', the US intelligence must investigate that.

They cannot summarily accept it as truth nor summarily dismiss it as nothing, because the consequences, if true could be very damaging to US society.
If this is true, and I am seriously starting to think it is, you shouldn't be posting this on the internet where any Russian can see it. Because obviously all they would need to do is starting flooding the wires with all kinds of fake allegations and innuendo, invoking the automatic 40 million dollar investigations with every utterance. The investigations would go nowhere, just like the Mueller investigation, no matter if nothing was found along the way since, as you pointed out, once someone says something in a bar or wherever about Russia, the investigation MUST happen and it MUST proceed until it total exhaustion.

Jaysus. They could bankrupt us in mere weeks.
10-08-2021 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
That's a cop out that misses the real issue. A high percentage of republicans don't have confidence in elections because of all the rigging lies. But unlike with Trump/Russia an investigation is not needed because it's impossible to be a fact based person acting in good faith and think anything out of the ordinary happened in 2020 except the loser was a morally weak liar who doesn't really care about the country and democracy.
Do you care about democracy? Do you care enough to admit a pile of assertions are not facts and not evidence not matter what stamp is on top the pile? Pretending that the rightful winner of the 2016 election is illegitimate because 5K in juvenile facebook cilckbait from sources never linked to the any government isn't very democratic, isn't fact based, and isn't acting in good faith.
10-08-2021 , 02:26 AM
Still 1 do not equal 5…..

You got maybe 1 thing , while Republicans with trump, have many crazy stories being believed by their apostles ……

So when you accused some here of anti democratic or something like that based on 1 thing they believed that is plausible, it makes no sense.

You extrapolate too much with a tiny bit of evidences .
Hell I don’t see democrats trying to prevent people to votes .
10-08-2021 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Still 1 do not equal 5…..

You got maybe 1 thing , while Republicans with trump, have many crazy stories being believed by their apostles ……

So when you accused some here of anti democratic or something like that based on 1 thing they believed that is plausible, it makes no sense.

You extrapolate too much with a tiny bit of evidences .
Hell I don’t see democrats trying to prevent people to votes .
The problem is that it isn't one thing. Almost every claim of Russiagate is unsubstantiated and most have been completely debunked.

pee tape - false
Trump communicating with a secret server to a Russian bank - false
Cohen meeting Russian hackers in Prague - false
There was sufficient evidence confirming Russia as DNC hackers - false
Steele dossier corroborated - false
Some comment by unpaid volunteer Papadopoulos was the predicate for the entire shitshow - false
Kilimnik is a Russian agent - no evidence at all

The net effect of all this was the media was seen constantly reporting false stories as if they were true. They didn't get rid of Trump before his term was up but they bloodied him. This was a completely reckless campaign which normalized mass lying campaigns and severely undermined confidence in institutions. Now we can't get people to cooperate with simple health measures in order to stop this pandemic in large part because there is no trust.

When the opposition got their turn they took their lies to the capital and used them to animate a significant riot/rebellion. Constant lying is a prelude to violent conflict because it kills communications and without communication there will be inevitable violence. There could have easily been a Republican speaker of the house to keep Trump in power.
10-08-2021 , 05:12 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Kilimnik was just another political consultant hack trying to scam Ukranian politiocs with Manafort. There is no hard evidence ever released or referenced supporting the allegation that Kilimnik was a Russian agent. Of all the investigations and government statements the only place Kilimnik is named a Russian agent is in some Treasury report press release. The investigations by Mueller and the Intelligence committee don't make that claim. The treasury has never released to any media any evidence backing up their assertion. The Mueller report only claims he has "ties to Russian" something or other, never calling him a Russian agent, because he isn't. These so called ties are never established (because they don't really exist and what is a "tie" anyway).[...]
"Having ties" is an assessment, in this context meaning that based on several independent sources you conclude that a person acts on behalf of or is aligned with a specific group or person.

This is what the Mueller report does in regards to Kilimnik and Russian intelligence, on Page 132 - 134 of the report. The senate report takes it a step further and refers to him as a Russian intelligence officer (page 6 of the report). The senate report is of course an inquiry of much broader scope, and its conclusion is likely based on a much larger set of sources.

"Agent" is an ill-defined term, used differently by intelligence agencies worldwide. The Russians do not define members of their intelligence organizations as "agents". Agent in that context would be someone recruited by an officer or case handler to do work on behalf of Russian intelligence, typically as a source.

If one assumes the reports are correct, it seems trivial to conclude that Manafort was a recruited asset who provided Russian intelligence with confidential campaign polling. One report concludes he sent such material to people with links to Russian intelligence (Mueller report), the other that he sent it to a Russian intelligence officer (Senate report). If he did it because he is an incompetent idiot, because it was in his business interests to do so or both is still open for debate. Of course, in the contentious US political climate, even trivial conclusions are near impossible.

Last edited by tame_deuces; 10-08-2021 at 05:20 AM.
10-08-2021 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
The problem is that it isn't one thing. Almost every claim of Russiagate is unsubstantiated and most have been completely debunked.

pee tape - false
Trump communicating with a secret server to a Russian bank - false
Cohen meeting Russian hackers in Prague - false
There was sufficient evidence confirming Russia as DNC hackers - false
Steele dossier corroborated - false
Some comment by unpaid volunteer Papadopoulos was the predicate for the entire shitshow - false
Kilimnik is a Russian agent - no evidence at all

The net effect of all this was the media was seen constantly reporting false stories as if they were true. They didn't get rid of Trump before his term was up but they bloodied him. This was a completely reckless campaign which normalized mass lying campaigns and severely undermined confidence in institutions. Now we can't get people to cooperate with simple health measures in order to stop this pandemic in large part because there is no trust.

When the opposition got their turn they took their lies to the capital and used them to animate a significant riot/rebellion. Constant lying is a prelude to violent conflict because it kills communications and without communication there will be inevitable violence. There could have easily been a Republican speaker of the house to keep Trump in power.
You speak as if Trump was a defender of these public institutions …
He did everything to abide them to his will and if it didn’t work , he just ignored them and try use courts to go over them .
Everything you complain is done many fold worsted on the other side .
Foxnews started all that crap news with political agendas for years ….

It’s all fine you defend your views and truth but to extrapolate democrats and mainstream media’s are the worst of this political system and aren’t for democracy is Non sense .

Ps : they didn’t invade the capitole because of the Russiangate , they invade because they exactly believed the lies by trump the election was stolen ffs ….

You turn the truth in a way that is exactly what Trump / foxnews etc. did 10 times over ….

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 10-08-2021 at 05:35 AM.
10-08-2021 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I never put anywhere close to as much thought into bonus maximization as you apparently did. It sounds like the idea of 8-tabling in games where you actually had to pay attention wasn't any more appealing to you than it was to me.
I played 20+ tables once in a while just for the fun of it, and I did respect those (and worked with many) that approached the poker playing (since they loved playing poker) as a financial opportunity. I did point out at the time that it can never be considered a long term career, both from the natural progression of the industry (ie: it was not going to be in explosive growth mode forever with no regulations) and the natural progression of time (35 aint the new 21 and never was).

Bonus maximization was part of it, and at the time there were some people here that presented some mathematical approaches that were way ahead of their time, particularly for the massive "sticky" bonuses available with the casinos. It was hardly deposit $100 and get a $50 bonus type stuff (though those were fine as well). I am trying to remember the poster that was the lead on those chats (Bobo would remember him) - but it was crazy stuff. He made me a ton of money and could have charged hundreds an hour for that info at the time (and I would have paid it). Different world then.

A lot had to do with breaking down how the software worked for each of the networks and for lack of a better term - breaking how it was supposed to work. No hacking, just weak systems that allowed multiple bonuses to be stacked that were not intended, that allowed bonuses to be cleared in ways that were not intended, that allowed money that was restricted to become unrestricted etc. It was a new world that rushed into existence a lot of essentially beta software, and safe to say there were a ton of gaping holes to be found, many of them worth far more than a poker grind would produce at the time.
10-08-2021 , 07:20 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
I played 20+ tables once in a while just for the fun of it, and I did respect those (and worked with many) that approached the poker playing (since they loved playing poker) as a financial opportunity. I did point out at the time that it can never be considered a long term career, both from the natural progression of the industry (ie: it was not going to be in explosive growth mode forever with no regulations) and the natural progression of time (35 aint the new 21 and never was).

Bonus maximization was part of it, and at the time there were some people here that presented some mathematical approaches that were way ahead of their time, particularly for the massive "sticky" bonuses available with the casinos. It was hardly deposit $100 and get a $50 bonus type stuff (though those were fine as well). I am trying to remember the poster that was the lead on those chats (Bobo would remember him) - but it was crazy stuff. He made me a ton of money and could have charged hundreds an hour for that info at the time (and I would have paid it). Different world then.

A lot had to do with breaking down how the software worked for each of the networks and for lack of a better term - breaking how it was supposed to work. No hacking, just weak systems that allowed multiple bonuses to be stacked that were not intended, that allowed bonuses to be cleared in ways that were not intended, that allowed money that was restricted to become unrestricted etc. It was a new world that rushed into existence a lot of essentially beta software, and safe to say there were a ton of gaping holes to be found, many of them worth far more than a poker grind would produce at the time.
Pretty cool stuff. I remember dipping my toes into this sort of thing on a much smaller scale and in a very rudimentary manner circa 2001-2002. I realised that I could just open multiple accounts in the same online casino under fake names and they'd give me the 100% or w/e it was initial deposit bonus each time. No ID checks back then, and I think it took them about 10 accounts to notice that I was funding them all with the same card and cashing out to the same bank/card/address (can't remember) and take steps to ban me. I probably cleared some pittance like 1-2k from the whole thing, but I could do it while at work (no firewall restrictions on gambling or even porn(!) back then either lol) so it was just a bit of fun. I can certainly imagine someone with the relevant knowledge and skills being able to pull that sort of thing off on an industrial scale around 2000-2008.

Last edited by d2_e4; 10-08-2021 at 07:27 AM.
10-08-2021 , 07:46 AM
I found an obscure website for an actual bricks and mortar casino in the UK, that if I deposited in pounds, would convert my balance in to dollars, then convert my $ balance back to £ at a 1:1 ratio.

At first there were no gambling requirements, just put in pounds, get them converted to dollars at about 1>1.8 (pound was strong then) then request a refund and voila 80% profit.

Then they kinda cottoned on and made me gamble some of it through, but of course given I was getting immediate 80% bonus on every deposit that was no problem as it was literally make one bet lol, half on red half on black.

Took about 3 months before they cottoned on to the glitch in their software. I was always modest with my exploitation as I thought push it to hard they might notice. Probably should have pushed it harder.
10-08-2021 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Or maybe something is getting lost in the interpretation.
No, no. Nothing lost in translation. You really do say lots of stupid things like the bolded below.

If this is true, and I am seriously starting to think it is, you shouldn't be posting this on the internet where any Russian can see it. Because obviously all they would need to do is starting flooding the wires with all kinds of fake allegations and innuendo, invoking the automatic 40 million dollar investigations with every utterance. The investigations would go nowhere, just like the Mueller investigation, no matter if nothing was found along the way since, as you pointed out, once someone says something in a bar or wherever about Russia, the investigation MUST happen and it MUST proceed until it total exhaustion.

Jaysus. They could bankrupt us in mere weeks.
See, there is that stupid again.

There is a massive difference between an official Campaign Official saying 'The Russians have election campaign data and are using it to influence the election' and that filtering up through British Intelligence to US intelligence and 'any random internet rumour.

Again, if it is China in the next election and it gets back to US intelligence that some Campaign official in the Biden camp says they are helping him, and it turns out they were and they completely over throw the election, the US intelligence cannot say 'we just decided it was all BS. No we never investigated. No we looked for no proof or data. We just decided with no information it was BS and not worth looking in to'.

If you cannot see why an Intelligence Agency could not do that you are hopelessly dumb.

They have to act on data they get from the investigation and not just a guess it is a nothing burger.

But you explain well why people like you should be no where near decision making in that you think a Campaign official saying that and British Intelligence forwarding it can be equally dismissed as any random internet rumour.

That is why you think the Riggie stuff has equal merit as those were only garbage internet rumours and in an addled mind those things are equivalent.
10-08-2021 , 10:51 AM
Man that ~40mil story dug in deep
10-08-2021 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
Yeah we pretty much agree Trump was terrible all around.
Sure, but people like Greenwald will agree Trump is bad then try to both sides it by equating riggie gate with something like impeaching Trump over the Ukraine shakedown. And focusing on the lack of convictions is kind of crazy when Trump might not have even technically broke the law when he asked for a foreign leader to publicly lie about a political opponent for help winning an election.
10-08-2021 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
"Having ties" is an assessment, in this context meaning that based on several independent sources you conclude that a person acts on behalf of or is aligned with a specific group or person.
That's your take but "ties" is just a vague association which is not well defined. If the report had anything solid to add it would say that. Recall that special counsel is from the DOJ and only says "ties". Furthermore, no intelligence agency or security agency has ever alleged Kilimnik is a Russian intelligence agent. Again, the truth is seen when statements which might have to be defended in court are in play. The Treasury department can say whatever, who cares, no accountability. DOJ or security or intelligence agencies (not committees) have more concern over backing up what they say.

Kilimnik was indicted, but for crimes related to Manafort's lobbying outfit. Kilimnik, like Manafort, was not indicted on any Russiagate related charge. They accused him of tampering with witnesses in the lobbying case because he texted some people who, though not yet witnesses, would have been reasonably seen as potential witnesses. This is the mickey mouse bs the American has allowed its institutions to engage.
Mueller had no qualms indicted other Russians on interference (because he knows those indictments will never go to proper trials). But he didn't indict Kilimnik on anything Russiagate because he knows, as is obvious and as everyone here should know, Mueller had no Russiagate related evidence against Kilimnik which could stand up in court.

Originally Posted by tame_deuces
"Agent" is an ill-defined term, used differently by intelligence agencies worldwide. The Russians do not define members of their intelligence organizations as "agents". Agent in that context would be someone recruited by an officer or case handler to do work on behalf of Russian intelligence, typically as a source.
You might be getting agent confused with asset, but whatevs.

Originally Posted by tame_deuces
One report concludes he sent such material to people with links to Russian intelligence (Mueller report), the other that he sent it to a Russian intelligence officer (Senate report). If he did it because he is an incompetent idiot, because it was in his business interests to do so or both is still open for debate. Of course, in the contentious US political climate, even trivial conclusions are near impossible.
Even the senate committee says

The committee was unable to reliably determine why Manafort shared sensitive internal polling data or campaign strategy with Kilimnik or with whom Kilimnik further shared that information.
That's from the findings up front.

The committee was unable to determine Kilimnik's action after receiving the data. The committee did, however, obtain a single piece of information that could plausibly be a reflection of Kilimnik's actions after the August 2 meeting [INFORMATION REDACTED NO SEX IN THE CHAMPAGNE ROOM SUCKAS]
That's on page 82. The redacted part, the part that purports to be some inkling of an indication of actions related to distributing polling data to those with troll farm ties, is actually blacked out in the report. I just put in what I thought the authors must have been thinking as they punk people like yourself mercilessly.

Here is the case the intel agencies are trying to gin up:

Manafort gives sensitive secret polling data to Kilimnik -->
Kilimnik, a secret Russian agent gives it to some Russian official -->
the Russian official feeds this information to troll farms -->
Troll farms make African Americans fall out of love with Hillary Clinton via 5K worth of ridiculous click bait (not so subtle racism behind this often repeated claim btw)-->
Trump wins and Russia is so happy because Trump is such a trustworthy partner who definitely won't oppose them worldwide on every critical issue

If you have more than two brain cells working in cooperation you should be able to see Kilimnik has not been established as a Russian intelligence agent. But let's say you have the same disease as the Trumpers, which you absolutely do, and you totally accept the hand waving of Kilimnik into Russian agent. You still have a long way to go in a preposterous and unsound model which makes no sense even if you could establish all the constituent conditions.
10-08-2021 , 06:37 PM
The best case scenario for the defense of Manafort's actions is that he was giving information to a political consultant who he knew actively worked to further Russian interests. Their communications while Manafort was campaign manager even included discussion of a Ukranian "peace deal" that was really a backdoor to allow Russia to annex eastern Ukraine. Regardless of his intentions or the ultimate destination/impact of the information shared, just the basic action of a campaign manager for a Presidential candidate sharing anything with a pro-Russian political consultant (in the best case) is somewhere between really ****ing dumb and criminal.

Also it is not just "some Treasury report press release" making the claim that Kilimnik works on behalf of Russian intelligence. The sanctions in that report are a direct consequence of that claim being made in a report from the National Intelligence Council about election interference in 2020 (both the commissioning of the intelligence investigation and the determination of sanctions arising from it are detailed in Executive Order 13848, signed by Trump in 2018), so your statement that it has never been said by an intelligence agency is just flat out wrong.
10-08-2021 , 07:28 PM
top of my phone, there's this little icon that won't go away, and I read the few-word teaser thing lol and it's about starting your day with some interesting facts or something close.

people are angry for innumerable reasons, and you have to satisfy that somehow. wonder if they could be tricked psychologically towards less dark and damaging ideas with a satisfaction to it
10-08-2021 , 07:31 PM
Freedom? You can't handle freedom! And now you're dying for it!

10-08-2021 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Again, if it is China in the next election and it gets back to US intelligence that some Campaign official in the Biden camp says they are helping him, and it turns out they were and they completely over throw the election, the US intelligence cannot say 'we just decided it was all BS. No we never investigated. No we looked for no proof or data. We just decided with no information it was BS and not worth looking in to'.
Above is the neoliberal equivalent of dudes open carrying rifles into Starbucks.

Did any intelligence agency wiretap Papadopoulos, on whose words you put so much emphasis? They wiretapped Carter Paige, but not Papadopolous. I don't want to explain to you why that is because if it comes to you by way of me you will preemptively put it in your psychological lockbox of things that are false regardless of facts. You should think about it.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
But you explain well why people like you should be no where near decision making in that you think a Campaign official saying that and British Intelligence forwarding it can be equally dismissed as any random internet rumour.
The reason people like me should be no where near decision making is that public life would be pretty boring. We would spend money on our own people, protect them from dramatic abuses by private power, and treat the rest of the world more respectfully. b o r i n g
