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Riggie containment thread Riggie containment thread

08-10-2021 , 03:51 PM
^^This is what scientifically and technically illiterate right wingers think hackers do.

Whereas really it's just the code for Agent Smith from the matrix.
08-10-2021 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
^^This is what scientifically and technically illiterate right wingers think hackers do.

Whereas really it's just the code for Agent Smith from the matrix.
I think the movie "Hackers" did this visual version of hacking first a few years before "The Matrix." I do not want to see pillow guy dressed in the very bizarre fashion choices found in that movie.
08-10-2021 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Santzes

We're done, gg libs

Is that it, come on Mikey. Can’t believe we waited months for this.
08-10-2021 , 06:57 PM
This is pretty good article on this.

I particularly liked how they where able to overlap vax deniers with people who think the election was stolen.
08-10-2021 , 08:28 PM
Lot's of hate in this article for swing set assemblers imo.

Dominion says OAN's 'expert mathematician' who claimed to prove election fraud had a job 'setting up swing sets'Rudy Giuliani after an interview with One America News Network's Chanel Rion outside the White House West Wing on July 1, 2020. C

- In January, One America News Network presented an "expert mathematician" in an interview.

- The "expert" claimed to have uncovered evidence that the 2020 election was rigged against Trump.

- He was a swing set installer on Long Island at the time of the interview, a Dominion lawsuit says.

The right-wing media organization One America News Network presented a Long Island swing-set installer as an "expert mathematician" who claimed to uncover evidence that the 2020 election was rigged, a new lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems says...

In the interview, Solomon said he conducted a mathematical analysis showing that the results in Fulton County, Georgia, "can only have been done by an algorithm." He added that the probability of Biden's victory in the county was "1 over 10 to an exponent so large there's not enough stars in the universe, there aren't enough atoms in the universe, to explain the number."

It's not clear where Solomon got his data set. compared the numbers he used in his analysis with the data available from Georgia's secretary of state and found that they did not match. An audit of the ballots cast in Georgia in the 2020 election found that the results were correct...

Dominion's lawsuit says Solomon is not an "expert mathematician" but "was in fact a convicted felon with no college degree." The lawsuit adds that Solomon's "current job was setting up swing sets in Long Island, New York."

A spokesperson for Stony Brook University, with which Solomon said he was affiliated, previously told that he took several math classes over the course of seven years at the school but never received an undergraduate degree.


Dominion included these claims in a lawsuit filed Tuesday against OAN, alleging defamation over election conspiracy theories and seeking over $1.6 billion in damages...
08-10-2021 , 08:50 PM
Hexdumps. Seems like a solid candidate for our new republican word of the week.
08-10-2021 , 10:09 PM
Hope Dominion gets every dime.
08-10-2021 , 10:38 PM
I mean Dominion must have collected an infinite amount of evidence throughout the campaign and afterwards. They probably loved every single time they were mentioned.

In before Dominion is a Trump shell company
08-10-2021 , 10:39 PM
these unimaginable idiots - yelling fake news at every opportunity, while swilling the most egregious propaganda
08-11-2021 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
This is pretty good article on this.
Great article; thanks for sharing.

Loved this:

Imagine that someone handed you an envelope containing a lengthy document written in Portuguese. You have it translated and you learn that it’s a written confession from a criminal who is currently siphoning billions of dollars a day from millions of individual checking accounts. What do you do next?

Presumably, you call the local police or the FBI. You present them with the original document and the translation and let them take it from there. What you presumably do not do is promise for weeks on end that you have definitive proof that someone is stealing millions of dollars from bank accounts and that people need to fly to some remote location so that you can unveil that proof over the course of three days.
I think the author's theory about what's really going on is bang on:

For a long time, I couldn’t figure out why Lindell was stretching things out the way he is. I believe that he’s being taken for a ride, though perhaps unintentionally. (I think Douglas Frank believes he’s stumbled onto a secret conspiracy, for example, though he obviously hasn’t.) But why is he letting the fraud keep going? Why’s he participating in stretching it out?

Watching the symposium live stream Tuesday morning, I think I figured it out. The start of the event was delayed by technological problems, problems Lindell claimed were a function of his bespoke social media site being “hacked.” This was the refrain: He’d done everything right but hackers kept picking apart his site’s defenses. He said the same thing when his site first launched and quickly got flooded. He also said Tuesday morning that his plane had trouble landing Monday night, hinting at a conspiracy aimed at silencing him.

In other words, this seems very much like a guy who’s primed to believe fairly far-flung excuses for why bad things happen. The kind of guy who, when told that the data will be ready in a month, waits patiently for the month to pass. Maybe he’s something more sinister, engaged in an effort to willfully delude America, but observing him over time makes it seem more like he’s the mark than the hustler.
It really fits with Lindell's behaviour over the last several months. Lindell being a rube seems far more likely than an evil mastermind.

And finally, got a big LOL from this:

Update: Rob Graham later reported that he and other experts at the symposium would not be able to examine some of Lindell’s data after all, data that reportedly came from a known hoaxster.
08-11-2021 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by grando1.0
I mean Dominion must have collected an infinite amount of evidence throughout the campaign and afterwards. They probably loved every single time they were mentioned.

In before Dominion is a Trump shell company
Hmmmm. It is interesting they did not name Trump in the lawsuit...


08-11-2021 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
It really fits with Lindell's behaviour over the last several months. Lindell being a rube seems far more likely than an evil mastermind.

And finally, got a big LOL from this:
I don't think we have to choose between whether he is a rube or a bad guy. He definitely is both. But he is no mastermind. That's certain.
08-11-2021 , 10:35 AM

It's comedy gold.
08-11-2021 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87

It's comedy gold.

I don’t know, I find it sad. Lindell seems to genuinely believe what he’s saying but has killed too many brain cells to understand what’s happening. I want to feel bad for him but he’s a scumbag who weakened American democracy and made it a laughingstock of western democracy. It certainly not just his fault but he’s not helping.
08-11-2021 , 11:22 AM
Well it can't be a laughingstock if it isn't a bit funny. Probably harder to laugh from the inside, granted.
08-11-2021 , 11:41 PM
what are you guys waiting for you have it in the bag , go get the 5 million for proving these idiots wrong , you guys are so smart you watch MSM and feel so righteous without having actually thought about it or any real understanding of whats even being shown , i bet ole Mikey is shaking in his boots with all the sleuths in here waiting to crack the case. ...... oh wait no ones going to get the prize money ??? weird..
08-12-2021 , 12:54 AM
Hey, look who's back!

Really not that weird when you consider that:

1) The event was invitation only.
2) The $5 million is for proving the data isn't valid election data. It could be valid election data, but not prove (or even show) election fraud. I expect that's the most likely end result.

Do you have any comments on what he's presented thus far? Have you found it convincing?
08-12-2021 , 01:18 AM
In before MyPillow Guy is charged with breaking wiretapping laws.
08-12-2021 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by fishfood69er
what are you guys waiting for you have it in the bag , go get the 5 million for proving these idiots wrong , you guys are so smart you watch MSM and feel so righteous without having actually thought about it or any real understanding of whats even being shown , i bet ole Mikey is shaking in his boots with all the sleuths in here waiting to crack the case. ...... oh wait no ones going to get the prize money ??? weird..
As I said before, if someone had evidence of election fraud and $5m then I would expect they'd go out and hire a team to analyse the data and see what it shows. Even granting for a moment that this is a legit offer it's an incredibly stupid one. Just release the data and let the world see it instead of playing silly games over something you think is this important. If it shows what he says then everyday he waits is an incredible injustice.

And then, what Bobo said. It's quite likely he's got some valid election data and therefore nobody could ever win the prize. It could also be the case that from whatever random strings there's no way to tell if it is even election data or not. And it could be the case that it's election data that doesn't correspond to voting, or that it corresponds perfectly to the paper ballots, or that it's impossible to tell either way.

I'm not sitting here telling you I'm capable of analysing a billion lines of code. I have no idea what any of it means and couldn't take even a fair crack at it. All I can tell you is that making a very biased game out of it isn't how we typically get at truth in these matters.

How much do the type of analyst required make? Presumably a lot less than $5m if that's an enticing prize. So just go out and hire a few of them.

Probably doesn't even need that. You know there are volunteers around the world that spend their free time analysing data to help look for undiscovered planets and such? People sit there scouring over nothing just to be able to say they found a gas giant. There's really no shortage of qualified people, amateur or pro, who would be happy to take a look at what Lindell's got.
08-12-2021 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Hey, look who's back!

Really not that weird when you consider that:

1) The event was invitation only.
2) The $5 million is for proving the data isn't valid election data. It could be valid election data, but not prove (or even show) election fraud. I expect that's the most likely end result.

Do you have any comments on what he's presented thus far? Have you found it convincing?
I'm not so interested in what fishfood has to say about the $5 million challenge. But I am quite keen to hear his latest thoughts on legal matters -- specifically, the lawsuit that Lindell allegedly is going to bring.
08-12-2021 , 02:47 PM

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell came unglued Thursday on the final day of his "cyber symposium" in South Dakota, claiming that his long-promised evidence showing the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump has somehow been "compromised."

"I was physically attacked last night," Lindell said, referring to his earlier claim that he was attacked by "antifa" at his hotel, although no police report was filed.

"Why? Because I'm up here saying, 'Hey, we got a problem'," he said. "I've got all this evidence. They compromised that."
Since his evidence of election-fraud was apparently compromised, Lindell encouraged attendees to go back to their home states and demand that elections officials "open up those routers."

"If you push one thing, tell the machines, open up those machines and let's see what's inside them," he said. "Open up those routers. We demand it as a people. If you have nothing to hide, then open it up. And that's what we gotta do."
Damn. I'm sure he now wishes he did as people in this thread said and just released the data. Now it's all compromised and election is still stolen! Unless routers, apparently.

The video at the end is good reminder on dangers of excessive cocaine use.
08-12-2021 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Santzes

Damn. I'm sure he now wishes he did as people in this thread said and just released the data. Now it's all compromised and election is still stolen! Unless routers, apparently.

The video at the end is good reminder on dangers of excessive cocaine use.
I confess that I wasn't expecting the "dog ate my homework" excuse.
08-12-2021 , 03:06 PM
Further LOLs.

Well, someone has stepped forward to debunk the data — or at least the claims Lindell is making about it. And it’s none other than the cyberexpert Lindell himself hired.

Josh Merritt, also known as “Spider” or “Spyder” and who was hired by Lindell for his “red team,” told the Washington Times on Wednesday at the symposium that, effectively, Lindell has sold his adherents a bill of goods. Lindell claimed that intercepted network data obtained by other hackers, also known as “packet captures,” could be unencrypted to reveal evidence of vote-switching by the Chinese-backed hackers.

But Merritt has now said that’s just not true.

“So our team said we’re not going to say that this is legitimate if we don’t have confidence in the information,” Merritt said. And it apparently turns out it was not legitimate.
Adding insult to injury, those two experts would seem to be in line for a hefty payday — $5 million! — for revealing that Lindell’s data isn’t valid. But apparently they won’t be seeing any of it.

“The offer is no longer on the table, Mr. Merritt said,” the Times reported.
08-12-2021 , 03:11 PM
I would like to hear BingoBazza's thoughts on these shocking developments.

Also, I haven't been following this too closely, but big lol if all they had was a raw trace of encrypted network traffic. No wonder they had the scrolling hex dumps, that's pretty much as far as you're going to get with that (other than source and destination IP addresses of each packet, which tells you about the square root of **** all).

Last edited by d2_e4; 08-12-2021 at 03:16 PM.
08-12-2021 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
I would like to hear BingoBazza's thoughts on these shocking developments.

Also, I haven't been following this too closely, but big lol if all they had was a raw trace of encrypted network traffic. No wonder they had the scrolling hex dumps, that's pretty much as far as you're going to get with that (other than source and destination IP addresses of each packet, which tells you about the square root of **** all).
My intel has revealed to me that Mr. Lindell himself is part of the conspiracy to hide the fact that the 2020 election was rigged. Lindell is simply portraying himself as a nutjob to discredit the Election Truthers.

You guys keep forgetting that you Deniers are playing checkers, while the Truthers are playing 4-D Chess.

The truth is out there....
