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Riggie containment thread Riggie containment thread

01-26-2021 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
but you're asking the right questions. That's progress.
I'm not asking any questions - I'm pointing out questions you should ask yourself before repeating the nonsense you're reading elsewhere. Were you to start asking yourself those questions, that would indeed be progress.
01-26-2021 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Do you know how stupid you sound?
Everyone knows that reptilians shape shift.
Replicants? Absolutely ridiculous!
Are you suggesting I would use a false lizard flag?
01-26-2021 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Do you know how stupid you sound?
Everyone knows that reptilians shape shift.
Replicants? Absolutely ridiculous!
It's pointless. These people are so ridiculous that they claim it's just coincidence that 'rothschild' is an anagram of 'silurian'
01-26-2021 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
[You keep using that word gif]
01-26-2021 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
I'm one of the biggest skeptics out there.
Refusing to believe anything you read unless you can tie it to a Q drop, something your crazy uncle told you, or your favorite conspiracy youtuber doesn't make you a skeptic.
01-26-2021 , 12:17 PM
Well to be fair, if indeed he does not take anything he sees or reads in MSM as accurate and factual or correct until he does more research, then I think he qualifies as a skeptic.

However if his research only involves Q like sources I think we could call him a delusional and gullible skeptic.
01-26-2021 , 12:27 PM
Let's not forget that anthropogenic climate change deniers and holocaust deniers also prefer to be called "skeptics". I guess they feel it makes their brain****ery more palatable.
01-26-2021 , 01:16 PM
Is 19 going to try to fly our flag or the confederate flag??

Some Free men on the land are curious
01-26-2021 , 01:34 PM
Have we ruled out Biden and Trump being crab people yet?

01-26-2021 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Well to be fair, if indeed he does not take anything he sees or reads in MSM as accurate and factual or correct until he does more research, then I think he qualifies as a skeptic.

However if his research only involves Q like sources I think we could call him a delusional and gullible skeptic.
PB has various sources of information at his disposal. He is choosing to believe the most dubious sources--that is, the sources that are peddling the most improbable and most nonsensical theories.

I guess you can call him a skeptic according to some definition of word, but only in the sense the Ancient Aliens guy and the president of the Flat Earth Society are skeptics.
01-26-2021 , 02:39 PM
A skeptic can describe a person who questions a factual claim, but also a person who approaches all factual claims carefully or with doubt.

These two are not necessarily interchangeable. I’d say it is misleading to describe yourself as a skeptic in the context of supporting very vaguely sourced claims. I mean, sure.. you might be skeptical towards contradictions of those claims, but that behaviour is better described by the term “believer”.
01-27-2021 , 06:17 AM
Playbig2000, I am confused by your military beliefs. Are the remaining troops on Trumps or Biden’s team? Why, if under martial law would the generals be using reservists and not active military from the nearby bases? Why are the military rejecting Biden as CIC and not following their oath? If the military is in charge, why would they let themselves be kicked out by the capital police and corralled in an heated garage with one outlet? Why are the 7,000 remaining troops volunteers? Are they on a different team than the original 25,000?
01-27-2021 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Playbig2000, I am confused by your military beliefs. Are the remaining troops on Trumps or Biden’s team? Why, if under martial law would the generals be using reservists and not active military from the nearby bases? Why are the military rejecting Biden as CIC and not following their oath? If the military is in charge, why would they let themselves be kicked out by the capital police and corralled in an heated garage with one outlet? Why are the 7,000 remaining troops volunteers? Are they on a different team than the original 25,000?
Wait, some of you are actually reading his posts?
01-27-2021 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Let's not forget that anthropogenic climate change deniers and holocaust deniers also prefer to be called "skeptics". I guess they feel it makes their brain****ery more palatable.
This goes to the heart of what Ron Paul is trying to argue below and you can see his frustration and exasperation that the media won't play by the rules he thinks are the appropriate ones.

Ron believes no true facts exists and thus Media should not proclaim anything a fact and thus to deny it is a lie. Instead he thinks all they should do is give him a forum to spout his lies and then bring someone on later to counter it with other facts.

This is the entire 'alternative facts' argument.

And i wish George has said to Ron, 'no sir, I reject your position. If a 9/11 Truther comes on my show and lies, it IS my job to point out the lie and not to allow it to be out as just an alternative fact up to debate'.

01-27-2021 , 10:37 AM
01-27-2021 , 10:49 AM
If George had said " 'no sir, I reject your position. If a 9/11 Truther comes on my show and lies, it IS my job to point out the lie and not to allow it to be out as just an alternative fact up to debate," without interruption (unlikely), then how different do you think the interview would have gone? All that happens is that Paul says that George is inserting himself into the story yadda yadda again. Not quite sure why you think these guys with decades of experience deflecting answers will be gotten by gotcha suggestions from the internet to people who have decades of experience interviewing these types of people.

If George literally asked your question word for word and Rand Paul did his routine reply - would you feel any better? That interview showed Paul for the type of human he is, that's pretty much the point of it, though some will say it made him look great, others say he is a horrid human. Pretty rare for these guys to have a Prince Andrew style disaster interview.
01-27-2021 , 11:00 AM
George did a pretty good job imo.

How is idiot Rand going to fix states that he has no authority over ?

What a dummy.
01-27-2021 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Let's not forget that anthropogenic climate change deniers and holocaust deniers also prefer to be called "skeptics". I guess they feel it makes their brain****ery more palatable.
I wonder how dark the ven diagram is on that intersection.
01-27-2021 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
I wonder how dark the ven diagram is on that intersection.
Probably close to a circle lol. Republicans say the darndest things!
01-27-2021 , 12:09 PM
I look at it more from the perspective that the reason Rand and others like him come on CNN, ABC and other is they want to spread their typical Fox message outside that echo-sphere to try and win some more support.

So the response I want from George is not so much to convince Rand or get him to admit anything but rather to talk past him and directly to the audience ensuring they know Rand is wrong.

That is what irks Rand. He wants to simply be able to drop his lie and message without it being countered by the media as was more normal pre-Trump with the only real rebut being another politician coming on later to give the 'other sides'. Thus 'both sides'.

The media learned specifically during the Trump tenure that they were being very actively used in that way but the Kelly Ann Conway's, etc who would schedule interviews, go on a show, spew lie after lie, and just stick to it as 'alternative facts' with a mostly non-combative interviewer who would question but mostly avoid really challenging. They used to see their job as 'airing' the arguments and not so much being central in them.

You heard many reporters start to realize and regret their platforms were being used that way and they either stopped interviewing some of the worst liars entirely or they would call them out on blatant lies.
01-27-2021 , 01:01 PM
I guess for now that I will stick to my belief that if you tried to toss out your well thought out, no escape/gotcha/show this guy for what he is/talk past him question, he would simply escape by doing all the things you say he and Conway and others do all the time to questions and statements just like that, and then you can read on the internet someone else's idea of what the perfect question could have been.
01-27-2021 , 05:12 PM
I like how he tried to slide in--back in the good old days you had to present both sides--ya until the Rs killed it
01-27-2021 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Playbig2000, I am confused by your military beliefs. Are the remaining troops on Trumps or Biden’s team? Why, if under martial law would the generals be using reservists and not active military from the nearby bases? Why are the military rejecting Biden as CIC and not following their oath? If the military is in charge, why would they let themselves be kicked out by the capital police and corralled in an heated garage with one outlet? Why are the 7,000 remaining troops volunteers? Are they on a different team than the original 25,000?
All troops are volunteers since we don't currently have a draft, but the reason it's made up of the NG (I'm told there's plenty of Marines on site in underground areas) is only the NG is allowed to be used on US soil without declaring martial law. I may be wrong but that's how I understood it.

There's currently two governments in power - a legitimate Interim Military US Government under the Constitution and military statute 11.3, and an illegal, fraudulent foreign bought and controlled Biden Administration.

The guards that were pushed out of the capital were following orders by a uniformed police officer. They're not top brass, they're troops. But did you notice how quickly it was turned around and how congress was sent home that night?

Here is another question. Why did Don, Jr. just post "I promise you all... the best is yet to come." Is he talking about his dad running again in 4 years? And if so, how can he "promise" anyone he's gonna win? Has any politician in history ever promised someone would win? Does he know what's about to be disclosed?

01-27-2021 , 08:26 PM
Nearly every politician in history predicts, proclaims, and promises that they will win, even when they know they will not win. As for the best is yet to come - that is accurate. Trump is not in power any more, hence that means the best from him is yet to come compared to when he was in power, since he can no longer do anything that matters. Oddly self aware on their parts, as the orange stain is at his best when he does not matter. Perhaps his dummy son will be considered a false agent soon.

Your stuff is getting weak, even for you. You really need to present your beliefs about Lizard People already. No reason to hold back the big guns any more.

All the best.
01-27-2021 , 09:40 PM
Better question is "why would anyone take anything Don Jr says seriously"?

That is a serious question. What has Don Jr ever done that should make us think he is credible?
