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Republican Convention, The Good and the Bad Republican Convention, The Good and the Bad

08-26-2020 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
No it's not? Roe v Wade made abortion legal in all states, including SC, regardless of whatever unconstitutional laws they pass in their state legislature.
Ya, that's why I wrote that it's settled SC law I was just pointing out that if someone believes abortion is wrong--they're free to not have/pay for any and to leave the rest of us alone.

I also find it kinda silly to be lectured to by people who want to tell everyone else what to do about abortion by people I Know have had/paid for them. I've participated in Zero--and you've had 3?? gtfo my face lol

Last edited by wet work; 08-26-2020 at 04:06 PM.
08-26-2020 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
There are quite literally only 2 choices. trump is Far worse in every way imaginable. Easy choice imo. Including the issue you're raising wrt soc sec.

Using Reagan as an example in the angle you're taking is just hilarious btw.
Yes, the wrong two.

I can just compare Biden to himself and make him look bad.
My point was even conservatives back in the 80's weren't brazen enough to steal money from old people. Biden is.

So sure, he's better than Trump like drowning is better than burning alive.
08-26-2020 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Exactly one of these people is not going to vote for Biden in November:

Bernie Sanders
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Ilhan Omar
Rashida Talib
Ayanna Pressley
Cori Bush
Jamaal Bowman
Monkey see, monkey do.
08-26-2020 , 06:38 PM
Biden is trying to distance himself from the protestors. Making a calculated bet that the African American vote will still come out for him while appealing to scared Subarban voters. Will be a very fine line to walk. Trump going to hit LAW AND ORDER hard at the debates and put Biden in a corner.

Everything I have seen from the DNC, thus far, is that their messaging has been pretty good while rallying behind a canddiate that inspires nobody.

If Pennsylvania is the key for the election here is the tightrope Biden has to walk:

1) Drive the African American vote in Philadelphia to the polls
2) Not lose White Subarbanites to Trump due to LAW AND ORDER FEARS
3) Hold his own in Pittsburgh and not piss off the frackers.

It's a hard balancing act as the Democrats in that state all have different objectives.

Carville said something along the lines of you have California on two sides of the state with Alabama in between.
08-26-2020 , 06:47 PM
If Trump does not win the debates vs Biden, what do you think his chances are at that time? Lets pretend that Rush and others do not try to create a story that Biden (if he seems to be there mentally) was a hologram or video taped in the debate. Thanks!

By the way, a genuine thing you can make fun of are the slogans many Democratic campaigns come up with for their candidate. What is it - babyback ribs Biden? Even "Make America Great Again Again" manages to makes that look bad.

All the best.
08-26-2020 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
If Trump does not win the debates vs Biden, what do you think his chances are at that time? Lets pretend that Rush and others do not try to create a story that Biden (if he seems to be there mentally) was a hologram or video taped in the debate. Thanks!

By the way, a genuine thing you can make fun of are the slogans many Democratic campaigns come up with for their candidate. What is it - babyback ribs Biden? Even "Make America Great Again Again" manages to makes that look bad.

All the best.
Watching the debates against Hillary I thought he was a man child against a well prepared person. I mean, "Locker room talk" was among the lamest answers I ever heard to one of the most vilest videos I ever heard. However, that was the debate where he wanted the Justice Department to look into Hillary's case if he won, which I think stopped the defections.

Winning the debates is subjective. If you are asking, what happens if Biden doesn't blow up (I don't think he will), that is a different question. Biden has done very well on one on one debates. He didn't demean Sarah Palin. He totally demeaned Paul Ryan. He looked extremely credible one on one vs. Bernie.

Biden's debate struggles are when he is not focused in the moment and many candidates are talking. One on one, he is quite good. The Republicans are hoping for some blowup, I don't think it will happen.

That said, Trump now actually knows how things work. I think you will see two heavy weights jabbing and dodging, occasionally landing haymakers.

If there is Candy Crowley moment, where a moderator incorrectly fact checks Trump during the debates, I think it will blow up in Democrat faces. Trumps speel is that the media treats him very unfairly. If the moderators treat him very unfairly, I think it will drive a lot of vote.
08-26-2020 , 07:13 PM
I am guessing that in debate prep, Chris Christie will play Biden and the Democrats will get the meanest and most nasty person to play Trump. I think Trump will surprise in the first debate, and be relatively mild on attacks. Depending on polling (and that early voting is underway) I wouldn't be surprised if he went nuclear, but I think the RNC will try to tone him down in the first debate. The attempt in first two debates, will be to make Trump look like a competent leader that can lead the country out of COVID. If internal polling sucks after that, guessing Trump will get frustrated and go hard the third debate.
08-26-2020 , 07:48 PM
The difference here is that Trump and his followers are painting Biden as a guy who has no idea where he is at any given time. How nuclear Trump gets is not as significant (Trump being Trump etc.). Basically, will Biden be there mentally is what the Trump team has been pitching for a long time. When Biden gave a coherent speech, some Trump supporters literally proposed that it was all taped and edited. They are setting the bar extremely low for the Biden, so if he shows up and it is clear he can think straight vs Trump (who is hardly a champion debater) then they helped create a story/nickname that will hit them back.

I get that debates rarely make a huge difference (possible exception the first TV one with Nixon and Kennedy) unless something huge happens, but it would seem that after all the time Trump has spent suggesting Biden is not mentally functional that it will not help him if Biden ends up being somewhat functional.

Now, I get that you probably will not care. Your mind is made up. If Trump came out and said the first thing he is doing in the second term is having the USA#1 join Russia you would find a way to make that work to still support him. The thing is there are still some voters who are not fully locked in, so creating such a low expectation of an opponent is to me one of the many things Trump has been doing wrong with the campaign in 2020 vs 2016. Feel free to share your thoughts on that. Thanks!

All the best.
08-26-2020 , 08:13 PM

It's funny when conservatives whine about liberals being "victims" as if their own politics are based on anything other than white grievance
08-26-2020 , 08:22 PM
Biden can be coherent when on script a few hours at a time.

Given COVID he doesn't have to go on the stump.

He is not doing really well on interviews when not prepared for a question and gets agitated, which is a early warning sign of Alzheimers.

Trump is out there every day leading the country, Biden is hiding in the basement. Is he hiding because he historically says stupid things, or is there something new going on with him?

I'm guessing it is because he historically says stupid things and Trump tried to paint him as losing it, just figuring Biden's gaffes could be viewed that way. Lying Ted. Corrupt Hillary. Little Marco. Sleepy Joe would have been effective if Biden had to campaign. I don't really think he is losing it, but painting that picture given Biden's inability to stay on message without gaffes for long periods would have been effective in a pre covid world. Sleepy Joe was a nickname given long ago. Personally, if there was no question about Trump's hair, I think Plugs (as Rush calls him) would have been a better nickname for Biden.
08-26-2020 , 08:39 PM
Bet you didn't know Americans invented fighting for your own freedom.
08-26-2020 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Biden can be coherent when on script a few hours at a time.

Given COVID he doesn't have to go on the stump.

He is not doing really well on interviews when not prepared for a question and gets agitated, which is a early warning sign of Alzheimers.

Trump is out there every day leading the country, Biden is hiding in the basement. Is he hiding because he historically says stupid things, or is there something new going on with him?

I'm guessing it is because he historically says stupid things and Trump tried to paint him as losing it, just figuring Biden's gaffes could be viewed that way. Lying Ted. Corrupt Hillary. Little Marco. Sleepy Joe would have been effective if Biden had to campaign. I don't really think he is losing it, but painting that picture given Biden's inability to stay on message without gaffes for long periods would have been effective in a pre covid world. Sleepy Joe was a nickname given long ago. Personally, if there was no question about Trump's hair, I think Plugs (as Rush calls him) would have been a better nickname for Biden.
Trump still uses that nickname for Biden. So, if Biden does as well or better than Trump in a debate will that be a problem for Trump? Again, I get that you will support Trump no matter what, you did not even dispute the point I made that if he said the USA was joining Russia that would be accepted by some of his followers. I get it - if Trump talks like he has no idea where he is and Biden is the smartest, sharpest person alive then you are still voting for Trump due to reasons, but do you think the Trump campaign putting the bar so low with Biden is a good strategy or not and can it backfire on them? Thanks!

All the best.
08-26-2020 , 09:30 PM
Democratic convention wasn't much better, but I can't remember anyone talking about policy at this convention.
08-26-2020 , 09:44 PM
Speaking of the Democrat convention here's a pretty good analysis of the rampant hypocrisy on display at that event.
08-26-2020 , 09:47 PM
There is one rule that should guide all of Barack Obama’s post-presidential speeches. He should never mention respect for the Constitution and the rule of law that begins in the Oval Office. And yet Obama did just that.

So the listener then asks himself: did Obama not plan the destruction of Donald Trump’s national security advisor designate, General Michael Flynn, from the Oval Office? Did he not, while in the Oval Office, oversee illegal Department of Justice and FBI surveillance of a U.S. citizen, despite being warned by his own hirelings in the FBI that the taped Flynn calls with Russia’s U.S. ambassador were “legitimate”?
Imagine being joe and thinking this is "pretty good analysis" LOL
08-26-2020 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Trump still uses that nickname for Biden. So, if Biden does as well or better than Trump in a debate will that be a problem for Trump? Again, I get that you will support Trump no matter what, you did not even dispute the point I made that if he said the USA was joining Russia that would be accepted by some of his followers. I get it - if Trump talks like he has no idea where he is and Biden is the smartest, sharpest person alive then you are still voting for Trump due to reasons, but do you think the Trump campaign putting the bar so low with Biden is a good strategy or not and can it backfire on them? Thanks!

All the best.
You are asking a hypothetical to trap a question, I am assuming.

The Sleepy Joe comment backfires if Biden is crisp from now till the election. Closer we get, Biden will have to talk more. He will stay stupid things and do dumb things. It is what he does. Not cause he is losing it, but because he is Joe Biden.
08-26-2020 , 10:00 PM
Beijing Biden has a nice ring to it imo.
08-26-2020 , 10:00 PM
Truth to be told, I want to vote for JO Jorgensen, but she has having the worst campaign ever.

Why is she never on a cable network? It's really a terrible campaign. Makes me think she doesn't want the job. Want to see her on cable news every day. Even as a panelist. It's been really terrible. Gary Johnson was an awful candidate, but at least he acted like he wanted the job.
08-26-2020 , 10:07 PM
This RNC night 3 slate sounds like book report day in 6th grade.
08-26-2020 , 10:44 PM
Wonder if when Mike Pence first accepted the VP job he was like WTF am I doing! This is a poop show. Then the grab them by you know what video showed.

Must of been like, welp, my career is over, I'm going to the private sector.
08-26-2020 , 10:57 PM
Pence is doing really well. If he holds his own against Kamala in their debate he is a real contender for nomination in 2024.
08-26-2020 , 11:30 PM
08-26-2020 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Pence is doing really well. If he holds his own against Kamala in their debate he is a real contender for nomination in 2024.
Luckily kamala is really good in these debate situations!
08-26-2020 , 11:42 PM
08-27-2020 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408

Trump is out there every day leading the country, Biden is hiding in the basement. Is he hiding because he historically says stupid things, or is there something new going on with him?
Leading the country everyday--Well that's debatable

Don't think I'm the only one who sees that the Biden strat is basically sit back and continue to watch donnie be a complete train wreck. It's not like anti-donnie support needs much whipping up lol--I don't think it could be much higher
