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"Rich Slave" Comment "Rich Slave" Comment

12-08-2019 , 10:20 PM
Generally, I just find it interesting how we just accept that telling anecdotes about how racist white people are and how dishonest and racist police officers are is so useful, but we have so much pushback to someone with a different ideological persuasion telling anecdotes about criminals murdering people.

Especially considering from a purely objective perspective murder is worse than racism. But someone like Wookie who just oozes moral outrage at any police misconduct is so completely agnostic to the reality that police officers are getting executed in the streets.

Human psychology is a real interesting thing, especially if you can step outside the fever dream for a second and realize how contrived and subjective it all is.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-08-2019 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
*wont, not want, to do
I was on the fence with that one. Almost went with wont.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-08-2019 , 10:31 PM
I also admit I find the narrative about DailyMail real interesting. For example, there isn't a single salacious left wing oriented story on CNN that DailyMail wouldn't also cover, including criticism of right wing politicians.

Yet, CNN is very willing to ignore stories that don't fit their narrative.

And yet the narrative is that DailyMail has a right win agenda, and CNN is somehow objective. It is very bizarre when you step outside the fever dream.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-08-2019 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Sometimes it's not that hard, and the guy whose spent the overwhelming majority of his time trolling the left over culture wars and social justice is doing just that once again.
Then again people who find inferences easy are not commonly the people the people who are better at it.

Can I take it you basically agree about "how incredibly bad people are at making inferences and how pervasive the problem of bias is"?
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-08-2019 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Generally, I just find it interesting how we just accept that telling anecdotes about how racist white people are and how dishonest and racist police officers are is so useful, but we have so much pushback to someone with a different ideological persuasion telling anecdotes about criminals murdering people.

Especially considering from a purely objective perspective murder is worse than racism. But someone like Wookie who just oozes moral outrage at any police misconduct is so completely agnostic to the reality that police officers are getting executed in the streets.

Human psychology is a real interesting thing, especially if you can step outside the fever dream for a second and realize how contrived and subjective it all is.
police officers aren't even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs in this country, yet we are told daily to worship the ground they walk on and thank them for being "heroes" because they are apparently risking their lives for their paychecks.

rather than holding them to a HIGHER standard we are pushed to give them more leeway to intimidate and commit offenses that they are supposedly policing.. people should be FAR more outraged at police misconduct than almost any other crime imo.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-08-2019 , 10:56 PM
i'm more surprised (maybe i shouldn't be) that the parties and supporters of "less government" repubs and libertarians, always end up on the side of MORE government enforcement when it comes to over policing minorities
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-08-2019 , 11:11 PM
I do find it interesting that a lawyer is so judgmental of police officers. Talk about pot meeting kettle. If I was so inclined I could do an entire masters thesis about how lawyers are the biggest existential threat to our society, with plenty of anecdotes.

I mean you are so concerned about how easy it is for the rich to get away with extremely blatant and destructive white collar crime. Maybe the army of lawyers they can hire to let them get away with anything is part of the problem? What about standards for lawyers?

Why are you so interested in punching down to the guy with an AA making $40K per year.

What about the guy with a JD making $400K a year facilitating and abetting the Trumps of the world? Seems like maybe that would be a good place to start if we are so interested in holding people to high moral standards.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-08-2019 , 11:14 PM
Can’t put into words how much I love my lawyers... Privileged relationships are the tits, for real.

Real estate agents are the real nazis.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-08-2019 , 11:16 PM
I won’t deny it for even a second; I am litigious AF. Everybody should get to experience a good lawyering at least once in their life. Best money I ever spent..
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-08-2019 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I won’t deny it for even a second; I am litigious AF. Everybody should get to experience a good lawyering at least once in their life. Best money I ever spent..
Trump and a lot of other very bad people echo your sentiments exactly. Good lawyering has allowed a lot of really bad people to do a lot of really bad things.

Interesting how you are so agnostic over powerful people with a lot of money doing very bad things, yet so outraged over the guy making $45K who can barely afford his mortgage.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-08-2019 , 11:33 PM
It’s not the lawyers’ fault, it’s the fault of the legal system. Lawyers are experts in law.

They also defend against bad people- like in my case where I was being criminally harassed and threatened, and ignoring it wasn’t working. A cease and desist threatening legal action worked wonders though.. I keep a copy on my phone and read it whenever I need a good laugh. I love my ****ing lawyer so much.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-08-2019 , 11:41 PM
Real estate agents are the *real* thieves
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-08-2019 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
It’s not the lawyers’ fault, it’s the fault of the legal system. Lawyers are experts in law.

They also defend against bad people- like in my case where I was being criminally harassed and threatened, and ignoring it wasn’t working. A cease and desist threatening legal action worked wonders though.. I keep a copy on my phone and read it whenever I need a good laugh. I love my ****ing lawyer so much.
But police don't defend against bad people? And the system isn't a major contributing problem to police "misbehavior"?

I hope you can appreciate how insanely biased and warped your view of the world is. But at least you own it I guess.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-08-2019 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Real estate agents are the *real* thieves
And the best real estate agent thieves are probably lawyer themselves, or have an army of lawyers aiding and abetting them.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-08-2019 , 11:52 PM
Anyways, the system has a lot of corruption in it, and in the hierarchy of corruption police officers are very low downstream and altering police behavior is going to have minimal impact in fixing the system.

So ask yourself which master you are really serving by focusing so much on police, and being so agnostic of groups of people just as corrupt but being much more powerful who have much more influence over the system.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-08-2019 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
I do find it interesting that a lawyer is so judgmental of police officers. Talk about pot meeting kettle. If I was so inclined I could do an entire masters thesis about how lawyers are the biggest existential threat to our society, with plenty of anecdotes.

I mean you are so concerned about how easy it is for the rich to get away with extremely blatant and destructive white collar crime. Maybe the army of lawyers they can hire to let them get away with anything is part of the problem? What about standards for lawyers?

Why are you so interested in punching down to the guy with an AA making $40K per year.

What about the guy with a JD making $400K a year facilitating and abetting the Trumps of the world? Seems like maybe that would be a good place to start if we are so interested in holding people to high moral standards.
because i worked with really shady cops and lawyers, in a system that rewarded them for mediocrity at best and failed to punish them for lying and corruption. and because of the ridiculous notion that i should always praise the AA guy making 40k a year who is just as likely to shoot someone i know as help them. who is some how more deserving of praise than the social worker or the teacher and that i need to "STAND WITH THEM" even when they are partially the cause of the things they are trying to "protect" society from.

this isn't an either or game. progressives WANT to go after white collar criminals, progressives want the rich to be audited and to close the corporate loopholes.

you and itshot and the crew are always trying to deflect from every problem with whataboutism. people can be equally appalled at corrupt police and also appalled at corporations polluting waterways and getting out of it. we don't have to pick and choose the things we would like to change in the world.

that "guy" with a JD helping trump went to jail because he was a fraud/crook.
the "guy" with a JD helping Devin Nunes file multiple frivalous lawsuits has been suspended multiple times by the bar.
the "guys" with JD's that trump and McConnell are appointing to LIFETIME fed judge spots have all been given not qualified ratings by the ABA.

there are corrupt lawyers just like any other profession, and i agree they have a disproportionate impact on the world sometimes but i can't tell you how many conversations i've had with terrified people because the system is crushing down on them in ways they dont understand because of a mistake of theirs or a mistake of the system and those people need lawyers.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-08-2019 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Anyways, the system has a lot of corruption in it, and in the hierarchy of corruption police officers are very low downstream and altering police behavior is going to have minimal impact in fixing the system.

So ask yourself which master you are really serving by focusing so much on police, and being so agnostic of groups of people just as corrupt but being much more powerful who have much more influence over the system.
these things are only true in your weird fantasy world where there is only allowed to be 1 problem in the world at a time.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-08-2019 , 11:57 PM
Lawyers GOAT
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-09-2019 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
And the best real estate agent thieves are probably lawyer themselves, or have an army of lawyers aiding and abetting them.
Ftr my last RE agent relationship ended with them returning money (thousands of dollars) they tried to defraud me out of, and begging me to sign something saying I wouldn’t sue them.

I. Love. My. Lawyers.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-09-2019 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted

there are corrupt lawyers just like any other profession, and i agree they have a disproportionate impact on the world sometimes but i can't tell you how many conversations i've had with terrified people because the system is crushing down on them in ways they dont understand because of a mistake of theirs or a mistake of the system and those people need lawyers.
And you don't think someone could make the same argument about police officers, and it would be at least as true, and maybe even more true?

It is just so bizarre to me that someone that is so universally disparaging of police officers, is so able to recognize that not all lawyers are bad.

And you are accusing me of not having nuance or perspective.

As far as you seeming to think that police are somehow universally respected and lawyers aren't. That is a pretty bizarre take. I don't see too many rallies in the streets of America and college campuses decrying the law profession and demanding law reform. When ironically, law reform would actually go much further than police reform in fixing the system.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-09-2019 , 12:07 AM
If you’re a corrupt lawyer the rest of the legal world won’t rally around you to help you get away with murder.

Not quite the same with a corrupt cop.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-09-2019 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
If you’re a corrupt lawyer the rest of the legal world won’t rally around you to help you get away with murder.

Not quite the same with a corrupt cop.
this. the police are the largest gang in the country.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-09-2019 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Lawyers GOAT
Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, R Kelley, Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, and Prince Andrew (and countless others, that was just off the top of my head) would agree. Lawyers are the reason most of them were able to completely get away with serial raping women for a long time; when the police were trying to put them in jail.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-09-2019 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
If you’re a corrupt lawyer the rest of the legal world won’t rally around you to help you get away with murder.

Not quite the same with a corrupt cop.
But if you are a corrupt lawyer who is payed millions to get a wealthy client acquitted for rape, you are rewarded and commended for it.

So you are on the pro-rape side.

At least you own it.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-09-2019 , 12:13 AM
The problem in those cases wasn’t the lawyers; it was the laws. Lawyers work within a set framework, and the right to a defense and fair trial are bedrock principles of our justice system. I might want them all to be in jail, but I won’t get them there simply by taking away their lawyers, and taking away their lawyers wouldn’t be justice anyway.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
