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"Rich Slave" Comment "Rich Slave" Comment

12-10-2019 , 03:51 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
The Scott Walker thing is between you and Inso. I ignored it, because I don't really hear about this stuff occurring at the state police, but rather county, or city jurisdictions, which makes it kinda irrelevant.

I could be wrong, but I don't think the governor can alter contracts signed between cities and the union.
I mean not really, I guess I'll ask again, why do you think all these free market unions destroy America types seem to focus on teachers unions and and the SEIU and not the police unions? When's the last time you've heard some great Republican push for right to work for the police? Never. Duh.

So you've missed the point three times so I'll just explain it to you. Why is it that somehow police unions have escaped the wrath of free market Republicans? The answer is pretty simple, they're not anti union like as a concept, they're anti worker empowerment. Don't mistake one for the other. To help keep the workers down you need a good police force, like Inso0 said, the last people want to piss off when you want to go crack some skulls is the police. You need them, and to have a good police force on your side you want a strong union.

And so lo and behold, what do we have? People who talk about how unions are bad and how we need to be able to fire any person for any time, but those same people never talk about it when it comes to cops.

But look you came in here with the college freshman Republican mindset of "Well libs, if you want worker protection so much, now you see why we have to let capitalists fire that working mother of two making minimal wage because she stood up to sexual harassment, or else you'll get rampaging cops killing people with impunity".

But of course there are already other countries who have strong unions and strong union protections AND don't have marauding cops. How is that possible? I know, Mr Wookie knows, but I guess you don't. Hopefully you'll figure it out somehow.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-10-2019 , 06:54 AM
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"

"Those who 'abjure' violence can do so only because others are committing violence on their behalf."

"So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don't even know that fire is hot."

-Hue, I think you (and most liberals) completely under appreciate how the Democratic Socialist countries of Europe have been able to function so relatively peacefully and justly for so long because they were under the umbrella of the US Empire; basically our willingness (zeal you could argue) to do bad things on their behalf is what has allowed them to be good.

And as the sun sets on our Empire, as it must, you will find that suddenly things aren't going to work so well. Look at the yellow vest riots in France. Nazis marching in the streets in Germany. Fascists gaining real power everywhere. In the next few decades it is very likely that all those things that work so well are going to go away; and when the dust settles the side that controls the marauding cops is going to be the one that finds itself in power.

The tragic truth is that when it comes to human affairs, the foundation for you having peace is someone else fighting wars on their behalf; and the foundation for you having human rights is someone else is taking away the rights of others on your behalf. I am not saying it is right or wrong, it is just how things have been for the entire history of our species. And I see nothing to suggest any of that has changed. Because we haven't changed.

And for good or bad, it seems the fundamental difference between conservatism and liberalism is willingness to accept this reality.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-10-2019 , 07:07 AM
Actually, to be fair to Wookie we should give him his proper due. He does understand how the world works, for good or bad. We have seen him in action when he was allowed to be in charge.

He isn't liberal at all, he is a left wing fascist. He understood that the best way to have peace within his forum was to wage war on anyone who tried to bring unorthodox ideas from the outside in. And it worked, for a time. Until a more powerful fascist decided to take it all away.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-10-2019 , 10:13 AM
Goddamn, it’s been months since Wookie left and you’re still butthurt.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-10-2019 , 11:04 AM
wow from the poster trolling here and fantasising about banning me and well named from a forum we don't even post in.

just wow
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-10-2019 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
wow from the poster trolling here and fantasising about banning me and well named from a forum we don't even post in.

just wow
Seems like that wouldn’t affect you very much?

Good to know your undying obsession with us is still burning strong.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-10-2019 , 11:19 AM
Wouldn't affect me at all. I'd still browse to read the good stuff.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-10-2019 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Actually, to be fair to Wookie we should give him his proper due. He does understand how the world works, for good or bad. We have seen him in action when he was allowed to be in charge.

He isn't liberal at all, he is a left wing fascist. He understood that the best way to have peace within his forum was to wage war on anyone who tried to bring unorthodox ideas from the outside in. And it worked, for a time. Until a more powerful fascist decided to take it all away.
Racist, anti-feminist, Islamophobic troll convinced his ordinary ideas are somehow special, more at 11. Bro, you haven't made an argument more sophisticated than correlation proves causation.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-10-2019 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Racist, anti-feminist, Islamophobic troll convinced his ordinary ideas are somehow special, more at 11. Bro, you haven't made an argument more sophisticated than correlation proves causation.
All the same, I will continue posting content, and you will continue your non-content trolling, and tomorrow the sky will still be blue.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-10-2019 , 12:57 PM
Gangs have to do "bad things" to protect their kin. Cops should stop whining about this inherently necessary evil.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-10-2019 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
Gangs have to do "bad things" to protect their kin. Cops should stop whining about this inherently necessary evil.
-You seem like the poster child for this quote.

"So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don't even know that fire is hot."

-I don't think any of us have any illusion where guys like you (and in fairness myself too) would be in the pecking order without guys with guns willing to shoot people for your benefit. Everything you have in this world is the legacy of bad people doing bad things. There is probably no bigger hypocrite in possibly the history of humanity than the elitist US progressive who makes statements like the one above, given the totality of circumstance and history that has allowed him to live the privileged life he does.

He never liked me, and that is fine, but unlike most of the faux outrage moralizers on this forum, I give Johnny Truant credit for having some semblance of self awareness and realizing how perverse the kabuki theatre of politics discourse really is, especially for the elite white progressive.

Last edited by Kelhus999; 12-10-2019 at 01:35 PM.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-10-2019 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
I mean not really, I guess I'll ask again, why do you think all these free market unions destroy America types seem to focus on teachers unions and and the SEIU and not the police unions? When's the last time you've heard some great Republican push for right to work for the police? Never. Duh.

So you've missed the point three times so I'll just explain it to you. Why is it that somehow police unions have escaped the wrath of free market Republicans? The answer is pretty simple, they're not anti union like as a concept, they're anti worker empowerment. Don't mistake one for the other. To help keep the workers down you need a good police force, like Inso0 said, the last people want to piss off when you want to go crack some skulls is the police. You need them, and to have a good police force on your side you want a strong union.

And so lo and behold, what do we have? People who talk about how unions are bad and how we need to be able to fire any person for any time, but those same people never talk about it when it comes to cops.

But look you came in here with the college freshman Republican mindset of "Well libs, if you want worker protection so much, now you see why we have to let capitalists fire that working mother of two making minimal wage because she stood up to sexual harassment, or else you'll get rampaging cops killing people with impunity".

But of course there are already other countries who have strong unions and strong union protections AND don't have marauding cops. How is that possible? I know, Mr Wookie knows, but I guess you don't. Hopefully you'll figure it out somehow.

All this is a deflection from my point. You can't get police reform without weakening unions. Can't change an organizations culture any other way than changing the people. If you want to change the culture to weed out a few bad cops, go for it. No amount of diversity training weeds out the soldier of fortune types... does not matter what the right does.

The left fights against weakening unions, and they control the urban city where most minorites live. **** Walker, **** the right. This is an issue the left has to solve. The right has very little influence on most urban policing policy. No amount of talking about the right changes that. While it has national interest, this is an issue that has to be addressed locally.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 12-10-2019 at 03:34 PM.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-10-2019 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
All this is a deflection from my point. You can't get police reform without weakening unions.
This is quite obviously false, because, at the very least, the right is capable of weakening unions selectively. Thus, it should also be possible for the left to weaken unions selectively. If you want to argue that that still counts as a weakening of unions in aggregate, well, ok, I guess, but you're making much more of a semantic point than a substantive one.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-10-2019 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
This is quite obviously false, because, at the very least, the right is capable of weakening unions selectively. Thus, it should also be possible for the left to weaken unions selectively. If you want to argue that that still counts as a weakening of unions in aggregate, well, ok, I guess, but you're making much more of a semantic point than a substantive one.

Then left needs to do it. I'm the wrong righty to be talking to about this, as I believe the more oversight the better, but it does not matter if you can't fire someone. The urban city is in the hands of the left. The right is not the group signing these labor contracts, in most cases.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-10-2019 , 03:49 PM
The US military does not have a union, and when soldiers do bad stuff, in most cases, they are held accountable.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
12-10-2019 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
All this is a deflection from my point. You can't get police reform without weakening unions. Can't change an organizations culture any other way than changing the people. If you want to change the culture to weed out a few bad cops, go for it. No amount of diversity training weeds out the soldier of fortune types... does not matter what the right does.

The left fights against weakening unions, and they control the urban city where most minorites live. **** Walker, **** the right. This is an issue the left has to solve. The right has very little influence on most urban policing policy. No amount of talking about the right changes that. While it has national interest, this is an issue that has to be addressed locally.
There are plenty of reform minded leftists running for various city and law enforcement positions. That doesn't have much to do with a union of say, retail workers.

But again, police unions are relatively strong everywhere; in cities, suburbs, and rural areas. There's no right to work law for the police basically anywhere in the whole country. There's no urban leftists supporting police unions while suburban and rural areas crush them. That doesn't exist. So this whole "the left needs to rethink unions" is just misguided from the start. Obviously all employees should be covered by a union and should only be fired from just cause, not at the mere whims of their bosses. What that means in different contexts is up to people to decide.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 12-10-2019 at 04:20 PM.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
01-08-2020 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Hm, I hadn't considered that it was perhaps MY fault that someone felt they had the right to rifle through my belongings at 2am while I was sleeping.

Technically, I forgot to lock [my car] that night, so I was basically asking for it. Just like those women with their short skirts.
Saw this today and thought of you

"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
01-08-2020 , 07:40 PM
Don’t want to leave anyone out; this one made me think of the rest of you

I’ll just put this here preemptively:

"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
01-09-2020 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I won’t deny it for even a second; I am litigious AF. Everybody should get to experience a good lawyering at least once in their life. Best money I ever spent..
What a display of privilege lol
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
01-09-2020 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Saw this today and thought of you

Stop obsessing about me in your free time, creeper.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
01-09-2020 , 12:15 PM
It’s not hard to remember who posts rapey things, boomer.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
01-09-2020 , 05:14 PM
Big surprise thatca thread that starts with charlamgne tha god ends with rape apology.
"Rich Slave" Comment Quote
