Originally Posted by Habman
Just trying to find the 'facts"....
Should a 70 yr-old incarcerated person be given the vaccine before a 60 yr-old front-line health care worker?
And if so, how did the powers that be come to that conclusion?
Stage 1 of the federal guidance includes BOTH 70 year and older and health care workers of all ages in the same first category. Whether they are incarcerated doesn't factor in my calculus. People in there 70s in prison are at very high risk because of age AND inability to isolate effectively. Health care is a basic human right, this is well codified in Canada, and just because someone is incarcerated doesn't mean we don't give them a surgery before someone else or put them lower on health care lists. This is just a basic moral principle that we care for the underlying health of people equally, even if we find those people repugnant.
But here is the issue, and why I don't appreciate O'Toole using this to become a wedge issue. Understand the role of prisons and working out the moral ramifications is complicated and nuanced and not everyone is going to agree about it. Its an easy issue to score points on with people with unsophisticated moral views, and quite challenging to build up that sophistication.