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The "LOLCANADA" thread...again The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

11-24-2020 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
This is false of course. Everyone knows what to do to contain the virus, it's just only the politicians with the guts to do the proper measures succeed.

Taiwan has not had a positive covid case in over 200 days. Total deaths for that nation of 24 million - seven. Not 7000, SEVEN. What's more, they never even locked down their economy.

South Korea is double that size, they've had ~500 total deaths. Again with minimal lockdown.

Japan larger again, they've had ~1900 total deaths. Again with minimal lockdown.

Most importantly, it wasn't like these nations were keeping their strategies a secret. All anyone had to do was give them a call, find out what they were doing, and then copy it. But none did
You can rattle off low stats from those countries, But you never said what they did? What did the politicians have the guts to do in those countries that wasn't done else where with increasing and high numbers?

Originally Posted by dinopoker
Where the failure to contain the virus is worst, USA of course, with ~250,000 deaths. The shining example to the world of how not to accomplish anything.

Canada not going much better but still, nothing compares to the epic dumpster fire that is the US under Trump.
They did accomplish multiple vaccinations though. It's weird how everything in the US is blamed on Trump, but in Canada it's always the provinces premier's fault and not Trudeau or the federal governments.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-24-2020 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
You can rattle off low stats from those countries, But you never said what they did? What did the politicians have the guts to do in those countries that wasn't done else where with increasing and high numbers?

Oh look, if you google stuff you can learn things. I guess the Twitter app on Trump's phone takes up too much space for him to have a search engine though.

They did accomplish multiple vaccinations though. It's weird how everything in the US is blamed on Trump, but in Canada it's always the provinces premier's fault and not Trudeau or the federal governments.
We blame Trump because it's largely his fault. He staffed a task force full of political people rather than medical experts, rarely if ever attended the meetings, supported or outright caused major super spreader events, particularly in the weeks before the election, and lavished praise on governors who largely did nothing while criticizing any who tried to implement the measures recommended by his own CDC. Oh and for fun he also pushed phony remedies like HCQ for basically no reason I can even think of except wanting to.

Funnily enough it was his own performance during the covid briefings that ultimately led to him losing the election too, if he'd shown even an iota of competence he probably would've won.

But sure, I guess someone several layers under him picked the right guy to lead the vaccine effort. And my favorite part of it, and I hope the part he thinks of every night for the rest of his life, is that if they had made the vaccine announcements only 10 days earlier or so, he might have actually won the election. Oh well.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-24-2020 , 03:18 PM
They did accomplish multiple vaccinations though. It's weird how everything in the US is blamed on Trump, but in Canada it's always the provinces premier's fault and not Trudeau or the federal governments.
This I do I agree with you on. Of Course it is not Justin's fault or his staff instead of golfing like Trump they were using Sharpies to block out all the damaging documents on WE and Shred them

Funny thing is if Trump had stuck to his campaign promises and just done better at the messaging with Covid he would be in a 2nd term. He Had the Senate and the house the first two years he just let Paul Ryan block to much of what he wanted to do.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-24-2020 , 04:02 PM
His promises were ridiculous though, so that's a slight issue.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-24-2020 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker

Oh look, if you google stuff you can learn things. I guess the Twitter app on Trump's phone takes up too much space for him to have a search engine though.
So what's so gutsy and ground breaking that isn't/hasn't been done in other places?

Originally Posted by dinopoker
We blame Trump because it's largely his fault. He staffed a task force full of political people rather than medical experts, rarely if ever attended the meetings, supported or outright caused major super spreader events, particularly in the weeks before the election, and lavished praise on governors who largely did nothing while criticizing any who tried to implement the measures recommended by his own CDC. Oh and for fun he also pushed phony remedies like HCQ for basically no reason I can even think of except wanting to.

Funnily enough it was his own performance during the covid briefings that ultimately led to him losing the election too, if he'd shown even an iota of competence he probably would've won.

But sure, I guess someone several layers under him picked the right guy to lead the vaccine effort. And my favorite part of it, and I hope the part he thinks of every night for the rest of his life, is that if they had made the vaccine announcements only 10 days earlier or so, he might have actually won the election. Oh well.
Lol what a bunch of drivel. I was hoping you could enlighten us about the successful things the gutsy politicians did in south east asia that no other politicians had the guts to do. Instead you went on crazy anti-trump rant like a crazy person.

For the record though he has received the most votes by an incumbent president ever and more than he got in 2016 so I don't think his handling of COVID has as much of an impact on the election results as you want to believe.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-24-2020 , 04:50 PM
You live in a fantasy world.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-24-2020 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
So what's so gutsy and ground breaking that isn't/hasn't been done in other places?

Lol what a bunch of drivel. I was hoping you could enlighten us about the successful things the gutsy politicians did in south east asia that no other politicians had the guts to do. Instead you went on crazy anti-trump rant like a crazy person.
Are you serious ?
its pretty easy to see the US had of the least enforce control over the restrictions of covid, and now they suffer the damage from it....
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-24-2020 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Are you serious ?
its pretty easy to see the US had of the least enforce control over the restrictions of covid, and now they suffer the damage from it....
See I still think The USA's problem and Bill Gates agrees with this also was the lockdowns from China & Europe that Trump put in place. It caused a rush of Americans and those on the list to rush back to the USA and when they got here there was no 2 week quarantine. As well there healthcare system a for profit system not great for a pandemic.

Look at California they have been one of the strictest lockdowns and are only second to Texas a state that has only done a mask mandate

Here in Canada Trudeau has just warned us were not getting vaccines as quick as we think we are as we have no production facilities. I give him credit when he partnered with Doug Ford to make PPE's in Ontario. I am not sure what is involved in setting this up but Canada needs a plan on its own or partnered with USA and Mexico to start having the facilities to manufacturer the essentials of a pandemic here. Yet he has done none of that.

Reality is the countries that have done a great job have federal mandates . Many of these countries are smaller in size but have the same populations. Trudeau does not have the will to do that so its going to be a long winter and we will be lucky to see vaccines in May
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-24-2020 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Are you serious ?
its pretty easy to see the US had of the least enforce control over the restrictions of covid, and now they suffer the damage from it....
Ok? This is the Canada thread and the post dino was replying to I was mostly referring to Canada and it's politicians no the USA.

But since you and Dinopoker seem to think you know what to do to solve this since a few countries have low numbers are you able to tell us what it is? You can even exclude the USA so we don't hear another anti-trump rant.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-24-2020 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Taiwan has not had a positive covid case in over 200 days. Total deaths for that nation of 24 million - seven. Not 7000, SEVEN. What's more, they never even locked down their economy.

South Korea is double that size, they've had ~500 total deaths. Again with minimal lockdown.

Japan larger again, they've had ~1900 total deaths. Again with minimal lockdown.

Most importantly, it wasn't like these nations were keeping their strategies a secret. All anyone had to do was give them a call, find out what they were doing, and then copy it. But none did.
Perhaps that's because it's far more complex than simply calling them up and copying what they were doing. There are a lot of reasons why things have gone much better there. A culture of mask-wearing - it's very normal in many South Asian countries to wear a mask if you're out in public when you're sick with something as basic as a cold. The SARS epidemic increased that behaviour greatly. These countries are neighbours of China, where this all started, and thus would have been quicker to know about it and act, and would have felt a far greater urgency to do so. These countries are all island nations, or effectively so in the case of S. Korea, and thus I expect border closures would be much more effective. And these are countries where the people aren't nearly so individualistic, and will tend to react positively to, and comply with government recommendations or mandates. That's probably part of the reason for the difference between Canada and the US; they are even more fiercely individualistic than we are.

Originally Posted by dinopoker
Canada not going much better but still, nothing compares to the epic dumpster fire that is the US under Trump.
Canada is doing FAR better than the US.

Originally Posted by lozen
Canada just looks good because we live next to a dumpster fire.
No. I'd suggest comparing to countries we have most in common with politically and culturally makes the most sense, which would be Europe and the US. We are pretty much at the bottom of that list in terms of cases per million, and in the bottom half for fatalities per million.

Originally Posted by lozen
Reality is the countries that have done a great job have federal mandates . Many of these countries are smaller in size but have the same populations. Trudeau does not have the will to do that so its going to be a long winter and we will be lucky to see vaccines in May
I think this is far too simplistic. There are many countries in Europe that have had federal mandates at different times and are doing much worse than us. BC had a a much better spring, summer, and early fall than Ontario with far less restrictions or mandates.

And to be clear, I'm not for a moment suggesting that Canada has been perfect in our response; far from it. I just think it's silly to think there is one perfect solution that would have worked for any country that chose to implement it, and the narrative that this has been a disaster in Canada that only looks good by comparison to the US is false.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-24-2020 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Ok? This is the Canada thread and the post dino was replying to I was mostly referring to Canada and it's politicians no the USA.

But since you and Dinopoker seem to think you know what to do to solve this since a few countries have low numbers are you able to tell us what it is? You can even exclude the USA so we don't hear another anti-trump rant.
As long a lot of people think covid is a joke , nothing much Canada can do much beside restricting even more .

But one thing is sure, it could of been much worse if Canada would have done almost nothing , like the US or Brazil.
And of course strangely, both their leaders has similar view about lot of things, including covid...

You think its anti trump lol but actually it is not
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-24-2020 , 11:18 PM
I am happy with the new restrictions Alberta has announced today, hopefully it is enough to start lowering the numbers. Gyms and stores have been really busy the past few weeks in my area, I am glad to see a restriction on those. The in-home gathering shut down sucks for the holiday season, but hopefully it's enough to stop a full lockdown from happening again.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-24-2020 , 11:24 PM
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-25-2020 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
I am happy with the new restrictions Alberta has announced today, hopefully it is enough to start lowering the numbers. Gyms and stores have been really busy the past few weeks in my area, I am glad to see a restriction on those. The in-home gathering shut down sucks for the holiday season, but hopefully it's enough to stop a full lockdown from happening again.
ya sucks so much, but I think it makes sense. I know it's hard because we learn more as time goes on, but I sort of wish they did this approach earlier. One thing that is really clear now is that a LOT of the spread is in small friend/family groups. And of course meeting with friends and family has a lot of important social benefits, especially over the long run, but this is something that can be reduced hopefully without crippling economic consequences, where earlier on I feel we focused more on which businesses should be on lock down.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-25-2020 , 09:32 AM

Pretty sad it might not be until March before we start getting the vaccine. All that money spent in the 8 months and we can't produce a vaccine.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-25-2020 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
ya sucks so much, but I think it makes sense. I know it's hard because we learn more as time goes on, but I sort of wish they did this approach earlier. One thing that is really clear now is that a LOT of the spread is in small friend/family groups. And of course meeting with friends and family has a lot of important social benefits, especially over the long run, but this is something that can be reduced hopefully without crippling economic consequences, where earlier on I feel we focused more on which businesses should be on lock down.

I think your both wrong. The restrictions amount to potting out just 1/2 a fire in your house. I applaud him for the $1000 fine as now folks will take it serious but how you leave casinos and churches open but close schools baffles me .

The problem in Alberta is contact tracing 80% of the cases we have no clue were they came from. Its been a totally incompetent job here.

Pretty sad it might not be until March before we start getting the vaccine. All that money spent in the 8 months and we can't produce a vaccine.
Sadly our Operation Wharpspeed was to shred and blackout WE documents instead of Covid planning when Justin Pro Rogued government. Our plan is a reset .......
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-25-2020 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
I think your both wrong. The restrictions amount to potting out just 1/2 a fire in your house. I applaud him for the $1000 fine as now folks will take it serious but how you leave casinos and churches open but close schools baffles me .

The problem in Alberta is contact tracing 80% of the cases we have no clue were they came from. Its been a totally incompetent job here.
Well, we have the worst premier in the nation and it's not close. And that's in a country where Doug Ford is a premier.

Sadly our Operation Wharpspeed was to shred and blackout WE documents instead of Covid planning when Justin Pro Rogued government. Our plan is a reset .......
Not sure why you keep posting this when it's already been shown to be disingenuous nonsense.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-25-2020 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Well, we have the worst premier in the nation and it's not close. And that's in a country where Doug Ford is a premier.

Not sure why you keep posting this when it's already been shown to be disingenuous nonsense.

Doug Ford seems to be doing a pretty good job

So your saying I am making up the fact they redacted documents and shredded many or ones that Conservatives had the right to request?

Let me remind you of a promise
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-25-2020 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86

Pretty sad it might not be until March before we start getting the vaccine. All that money spent in the 8 months and we can't produce a vaccine.
Indeed. A lot of good information here:

My brother is actually in drug development (and working on a covid therapeutic funded by the canadian government) and regularly meets with the top canadian companies getting covid money like abcellera and NRC. So the following is more from my conversations with him.

Canada does not really have biotech capacity to produce large scale vaccines like these. Much like bombardier, biotech is hugely supported by federal funding and would be like half the size it is without that, but even still is just tiny compared to other countries like US or germany or UK. We have no companies pre-covid that were remotely close to being able to manufacture 30 million vaccines OR get through pre-clincal to stage 3. So you can't push on a rope, the federal government enormous amounts of money to make small improvements here but we can't blame them for not havign a vacinne like the US does, that was always going to be the way it had to work because canada began the race as a predominant importer or vacinnes.

What the canadian approach did was to generally invest in a lot of the smaller companies, and particularly ones that could scale. Abcellera is the biggest example because they could potential scale up to some modest level of manufacturing. THese are all good things, things the government should have done. But it isn't going to magically mean everything is done in Canada
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-25-2020 , 03:09 PM
Lozen's posting is getting increasingly pathetic. Let's go back in time a bit.
Originally Posted by lozen
Justin is shredding documents relating to the WE scandal
I respond:

Originally Posted by uke_master
The conservatives want to pretend they have found smoke. Take your claim about "Justin is shredding documents". Standard con line, you've obviously bought it hook line and sinker. Of course it wasn't justin, or anyone in the trudeau governmnt, or the civil service, or WE. You are referring I guess to an independent company called SPeakers Spotlight which never keeps records over 7 years. This is all presented by the cons as some evil thing, you buy it, and the political rollercoaster keeps on going. Man I hate having to refute all your BS.
You would think lozen would.....respond? Modify his claims a little bit? Clarify what he thinks he is talking about? Nope. Silence. Well let's fast forward to today.

Originally Posted by lozen
Sadly our Operation Wharpspeed was to shred and blackout WE documents instead of Covid planning when Justin Pro Rogued government. Our plan is a reset .......
Nope. Just parroting the con lines once again. ANd remember, this is his response to talking about vaccines. Anything and everything is an excuse for lozen to pivot back to the anti-trudeau attack lines he has memorized. Just embarrassing.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-25-2020 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Indeed. A lot of good information here:

My brother is actually in drug development (and working on a covid therapeutic funded by the canadian government) and regularly meets with the top canadian companies getting covid money like abcellera and NRC. So the following is more from my conversations with him.

Canada does not really have biotech capacity to produce large scale vaccines like these. Much like bombardier, biotech is hugely supported by federal funding and would be like half the size it is without that, but even still is just tiny compared to other countries like US or germany or UK. We have no companies pre-covid that were remotely close to being able to manufacture 30 million vaccines OR get through pre-clincal to stage 3. So you can't push on a rope, the federal government enormous amounts of money to make small improvements here but we can't blame them for not havign a vacinne like the US does, that was always going to be the way it had to work because canada began the race as a predominant importer or vacinnes.

What the canadian approach did was to generally invest in a lot of the smaller companies, and particularly ones that could scale. Abcellera is the biggest example because they could potential scale up to some modest level of manufacturing. THese are all good things, things the government should have done. But it isn't going to magically mean everything is done in Canada
Another good article here on the history of vaccines in Canada:
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-25-2020 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Another good article here on the history of vaccines in Canada:

Does this not say we took our eye of the ball. Hypothetically we knew this was a problem 6 months ago yet we did nothing. I understand you just can not build a vaccine production facility in 6 months. Well maybe China could.
Though you could have started the process as reality is this we may need the vaccines for a while

From that article as well you would also have to blame harper's regime as well which I agree but Harper did not disband our Pandemic response department

The reliance on other countries and private companies is upsetting critics of Trudeau, who said Tuesday that his administration has begun funding domestic vaccine production capacity because “we never want to be caught short again.”

“This is gross incompetence that’s going to cost Canadians their lives and their jobs,” said Conservative health critic Michelle Rempel Garner on Tuesday from Parliament Hill.

But criticism toward one government’s inaction may often easily be directed at another with hindsight, countered Brown on Your Morning.

Last edited by lozen; 11-25-2020 at 04:37 PM.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-25-2020 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master View Post
The conservatives want to pretend they have found smoke. Take your claim about "Justin is shredding documents". Standard con line, you've obviously bought it hook line and sinker. Of course it wasn't justin, or anyone in the trudeau governmnt, or the civil service, or WE. You are referring I guess to an independent company called SPeakers Spotlight which never keeps records over 7 years. This is all presented by the cons as some evil thing, you buy it, and the political rollercoaster keeps on going. Man I hate having to refute all your BS.
I do not remember this one . You do realize when I say Justin is shredding documents I do not mean he is in his office with WE files and shredding them personally.

I am not sure why speakers spotlight would be mentioned and 7 years None of these documents are over 7 years. What was the rush to shred documents? Why was so much redacted? Also are you denying the liberals shredded documents relating to WE?

You also said the conservatives had more than enough time to do inquiries. What did they have a few days and limited time to question a few members.

The man ran on a promise of transperancy yet has been the furthest from living up to that promise.

Oh your brother says I remember when I brought up a comment on my sister.

Maybe your brother is just saying that knowing how much you love Justin and really doesn't want to argue with you I think that was your reply
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-25-2020 , 05:34 PM
On a non bashing JT Front

It's hard to believe Alberta is in such a financial mess and no one feels for us.
  • We have the highest paid doctors
  • Highest paid teachers ( Provinces only)
  • Highest Paid Nurses
  • Highest Paid Public service workers
  • Lowest personal taxes
  • Lowest Corporate taxes and lowering them more
  • no sales tax
  • rely mainly on resource royalties for income
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
11-25-2020 , 06:32 PM
Yeah rich people always feel let down when poorer people don’t acknowledge them when they have difficulties while the rich does when poorer people ask help ....

having less money to buy an Audi is less problematic than lacking money to buy food or rent an apartment, shrug .
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
