Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Why do you think semi private will be better ?
In Quebec they are missing massive amount of nurse exactly because nurse in private sector are better paid and rather stay there , so government is stuck to hire private nurse since they can’t retain enough talent in the public sector .
Always fascinate me people complain about the lack of public sector services and yet don’t want to pay them to actually work in the public sector , for I don’t non what reason we should expect public sector to work for free .
Public or private sector are the same humans , just treat them equally in expectation.
I am a huge booster of the Social Safety net but the delivery of Health Care should be mostly private with the gov't just owning community hospitals, to deliver services to the poor and troubled citizens who need that.
Gov'ts should not be in the business of turning Nurses and Doctors into Staff and certainly should not be buying medical equipment. If the gov't pays to put in 20,000 new MRI machines all across the country and the next day, a brand new, better technology comes out, the gov't cannot just eat that expenditure and the citizens will be stuck with that inferior equipment as it amortizes itself out. A private practice, sees all their patience go next door to the Dr who just bought the newer equipment if they do not upgrade.
What gov't should control, is the Single Payer Insurance, and use that to guarantee care for all. ONe buyer of services means immense negotiating power with the providers of care. The gov't can determine what is 'fair' pricing and minimum service levels, for various services and set it for the masses and if providers do not want to meet it, then no business for them. If there is a niche for services that goes above and beyond and a small percent of people want to pay extra, good for them. That only helps the Dr's make more money to deliver more services to the gov't and non gov't patients alike.
Take MRI's and the issue that exploded in Ontario and elsewhere years back. You had people in line for up to 2 years for an MRI and many people suffered very serious real harm waiting. the gov't complained about budgets and not being able to buy more machines, and the Dr's offices had no more time, as they were limited in hours they could work and bill.
A private sector solution tried to emerge, as Dr offices tried to stay open and work over time, billing those who wanted to jump the line by coming in when they were closed. Many veterinary clinics with MRIs were also offered. The gov't fought that and shut them all down, forcing everyone back in the line which hurt everyone in the line.
Had the gov't allowed the private sector to address and Dr's to bill privately, we would have seen a ton of private clinics open, and a ton of new MRI's bought, which would increase care and drive down the price..
But it was the pettiest of petty human emotions that were manipulated to fight that. This idea that it is wrong to allow anyone to pay directly to jump the line, and this goal of wanting to force them back in line with everyone else.