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The "LOLCANADA" thread...again The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

07-19-2022 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by BrookTrout
No it means that we can expect teachers to strike within a year or two.

Best tool to keep an employee loyal is deferred stock plans - I'm 10 years into a job I find unfulfilling, but every year so much vests...
Yeah that too .
It’s the Same thing in the end , it’s a share of the profits on longer term
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-19-2022 , 06:51 PM
ya the rrsp clawback due to pension is annoying, I always want to contribute more to RRSP than I can and so end up sticking it in unregistered accounts. But also, like privilege and ****, so who the **** am I to complain
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-20-2022 , 09:05 AM
Wow Feel good moment

Sadly TSN or Sportsnet do not broadcast the Tour anymore
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-20-2022 , 01:29 PM

Newly elected green governments in Germany and Australia are sticking with or expanding their coal-fired power generation capabilities despite campaign pledges to do otherwise.

Realistically, the federal government’s accelerated 2030 emission targets for the oil and gas industry are impossible without shutting in production. But Ottawa has instead pledged to increase output to help alleviate global shortages.

The International Energy Agency is warning about the serious problems that gas shortages may cause in Europe.

The largest untapped gas resources in the world in responsible hands are in Canada.

And our federal government is still pitching last year’s plan.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-20-2022 , 01:47 PM
Correct, the Canadian Energy Centre are a bunch of zealots.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-20-2022 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86

Lets be honest Teflon Trudeau has pledged to increase output while reality trying to shut down two provinces oil sector.

Just as he pledged 8 billion for To Nato we know that is never happening as well

What was it 14 LNG projects could have been onboard

Orange man kind a got this right

Lets not forget #westandbyukraine when it should #westandbyukrainewhenitsconvenient

The situation in Europe is so severe that Canada ignored international commitments to quit doing business with Russia by approving the return of natural gas compressors from the Nord Stream pipeline in Canada for servicing.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-20-2022 , 02:59 PM
Canada have plenty energy for Canadians while oil industries (and Alberta government) makes billions in profits and yet u complain ?
What more u want now ?

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 07-20-2022 at 03:15 PM.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-20-2022 , 03:05 PM
I think the big thing to keep in mind at this moment in time is the crucial distinction between transitory and long-term effects. Given Russia's invasion of ukraine, we are experiencing particularly acute short-term pressures. The German gas situation is particularly sharp. But resolutions to those problems - like the very unfortunate fact that some european countries need to continue importing Russian gas - are rather distinct from the longer term issues of European and global energy future 5, 10, 20 years down the road. For instance, just about nobody wants to be upping coal burning, but as a short term stop-gap, ok well this is how it works. But when it comes to long term concerns, the real win is if Germany et al can dramatically lower net energy usage, and convert as much of that usage as possible to green sources (very much including nuclear imo).

The new piece of information that I think shifted most people's perspectives is an increased risk of geopolitical strife and weaponization of energy. Germany didn't expect to be in this situation, nor Canada. So I think any country heavily dependent on Russian oil and gas needs to be even more focused on reducing energy demand and converting energy sources away from this. Canada has some role to play in the later. However, this doesn't significantly alter the long term trajectory. It is too simplistic for Oil&Gas advocacy groups like Canadian Energy Centre to suggest that these acute transitory problems in Germany call for an entire rewrite where the west, broadly speaking, is dramatically increasing non-Russian gas.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-20-2022 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I think the big thing to keep in mind at this moment in time is the crucial distinction between transitory and long-term effects. Given Russia's invasion of ukraine, we are experiencing particularly acute short-term pressures. The German gas situation is particularly sharp. But resolutions to those problems - like the very unfortunate fact that some european countries need to continue importing Russian gas - are rather distinct from the longer term issues of European and global energy future 5, 10, 20 years down the road. For instance, just about nobody wants to be upping coal burning, but as a short term stop-gap, ok well this is how it works. But when it comes to long term concerns, the real win is if Germany et al can dramatically lower net energy usage, and convert as much of that usage as possible to green sources (very much including nuclear imo).

The new piece of information that I think shifted most people's perspectives is an increased risk of geopolitical strife and weaponization of energy. Germany didn't expect to be in this situation, nor Canada. So I think any country heavily dependent on Russian oil and gas needs to be even more focused on reducing energy demand and converting energy sources away from this. Canada has some role to play in the later. However, this doesn't significantly alter the long term trajectory. It is too simplistic for Oil&Gas advocacy groups like Canadian Energy Centre to suggest that these acute transitory problems in Germany call for an entire rewrite where the west, broadly speaking, is dramatically increasing non-Russian gas.

Hold on didn't Germany take 3 nuclear plants off line so how can you say they will add nuclear. They had nuclear.

The solution is nuclear energy the problem is the Green Nuts want only wind and solar. Problem is if there is no wind which is a huge problem in Europe right now no power and when that rare occurrence occurs call nightfall there is no sun. We do not have the storage capacity yet either

As well watch what happens this winter when Putin turns the gas off on Europe Natural Gas

Canada greatest resources are its natural resources and we need to develop them.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-20-2022 , 04:15 PM
Ah good point. Nobody had ever thought about nightfall before. You are right. Global warming is doomed, may as well just pump endless fossil fuels.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-20-2022 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Ah good point. Nobody had ever thought about nightfall before. You are right. Global warming is doomed, may as well just pump endless fossil fuels.
See I think you and I agree on the fact that Climate change may be the greatest challenge out there. We disagree on the solutions.

I do think green technology has its place but I think the only way out is Nuclear which probably will not happen

What I do know is all Teflon Trudeau is doing is destroying our country economically with little to no effect on the climate. I also think he is almost close to past his shelf life with voters. This winter will be the time when CDN's cant afford to live were they decide its time for a change. Though they will have to wait till 2025

I also though Pierre Pollivire was a pipe dream to win but now who knows.

I cast my ballet for PC leadership today . It was a weighted ballot 1-6
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-20-2022 , 05:04 PM
lol in what universe was pollievre a pipe dream to win? He was a near certain lock to win the conservative nomination the minute his supporters organized taking out O'Toole to pasture. Sure there are going to be a few folks like yourself who are going to vote Charest and keep up that dream that the conservative movement as it stands today isn't a gigantic pile of ****, but ya'll never stood a chance. Besides, your post - irrational screaching about Trudeau single handedly destroying the country economically because of a pretty marginal carbon tax - is FAR more consistent with the populist voter Poilievre markets to, even if it upsets your self-image.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-20-2022 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
lol in what universe was pollievre a pipe dream to win? He was a near certain lock to win the conservative nomination the minute his supporters organized taking out O'Toole to pasture. Sure there are going to be a few folks like yourself who are going to vote Charest and keep up that dream that the conservative movement as it stands today isn't a gigantic pile of ****, but ya'll never stood a chance. Besides, your post - irrational screaching about Trudeau single handedly destroying the country economically because of a pretty marginal carbon tax - is FAR more consistent with the populist voter Poilievre markets to, even if it upsets your self-image.
I thought Pierre never had a chance but based on Teflon Trudeau and record inflation since we haven't seen since his father was in office folks are going to get tired of all his promises that he fails to do nothing on

For a man that started out so promising he has been the biggest failure at leading a country. More debt than all the PM's before him totaled.

I do agree with you that Jean has little chance of winning the leadership

I never said the carbon tax was destroying the country . I have said Teflon Trudeau is though.

I hope he calls an election in the fall as some have speculated
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-28-2022 , 04:57 PM
The Climate phony is at it again

Farmers must cut fertilizer by 30% by 2030.

Would that mean you get lower yield crops? This is what all the Dutch Farmers have been protesting for weeks on end.

How about this Why not mandate every person and business must reduce by 30%. Let all the Politicians including Justin fly first class no private jets and it must be Air Canada
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-28-2022 , 07:35 PM
Great news, thanks for sharing lozen. Fertilizer use in mass agriculture use is a huge source of GHG and we definitely need to be cutting that down. Great to see more action on this important file.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-28-2022 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Great news, thanks for sharing lozen. Fertilizer use in mass agriculture use is a huge source of GHG and we definitely need to be cutting that down. Great to see more action on this important file.
Unless your a farmer or buy groceries
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-28-2022 , 10:34 PM
Well you can’t have it both ways. Either you think he is a phony not doing anything or you think he is taking big actions that actually affects things, or maybe somewhere in the middle. So which is it?

Yes, combatting climate change will have costs associated to it, and mass agriculture with high GHG emitting fertilizers is one of those.

In my books the phony is the guy who pretends to care about climate change but then opposes every single action to help mitigate it introduced thus far.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-28-2022 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Unless your a farmer or buy groceries
Do u believe or care about climate changes ?
Please tell us how you would do it cause from my pov , I don’t think there is a single action any governments could do that u would approve …..

And if there is no actions you would be ready to back up , how can that make you being in favour of doing something about climate changes I wonder ?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-29-2022 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Do u believe or care about climate changes ?
Please tell us how you would do it cause from my pov , I don’t think there is a single action any governments could do that u would approve …..

And if there is no actions you would be ready to back up , how can that make you being in favour of doing something about climate changes I wonder ?
First Off thank you for the questions

Yes I do believe I care about Climate Change and I do believe that it will be one of the potential items that leads to the planets destruction along with Nuclear war and the advancement of AI weapons.

Though to use a few analogies I look at climate change like the movie Independence Day. The world as a whole must come together to battle it. Sadly the world is not there its full of hollow targets from many countries. Some of the countries that preach the most are now reverting back to some pf the dirtiest forms of fossil Fuels

Sadly greed is going to ensure that no one is going to tackle this problem. Leaders in Russia, China, India, Middle East, Developing nations do not care . Many of these get passes on any climate targets. I also agree that does not mean we do nothing as we can be a example to the rest of the world

Now to Canada my problem is we have a leader that seems to target only two to three provinces in its strategies. His Climate strategy is based on votes

If your going to attack climate change and I would add in the pollution of our oceans as well you go after the worst areas first

I think we would agree that coal is the worst at least coal used for power generation not steel manufacturing . Would you agree Coal is our worst?

So the first thing I would do is phase out coal for power generation in Canada and immediately put a halt to any coal being shipped through Canadian ports .
I would also immediately look towards nuclear power especially these mini reactor technology out there.
AS well I am fine with the carbon tax as long as its not politically targeted at Conservative voters. I would only offer rebates to folks under a certain income and they would have to apply for it just as you do with Medical expenses or RRSP deductions
That money would be accounted for and not as it is now distributed to companies based on how much money they donate to the liberal party with no accountability were it goes
I would also offer rebates for solar power installations but only for North American manufactured panels

Let me ask you this why are some of the biggest polluted projects being built in Quebec getting approved with no federal study on their impact? Why do we still ship all that US coal to China through Vancouver ports when the US west coast bans it?. I am tired of 2050 goals and 2030 goals when you have limited action now.
Heck its taking us how many years to ban plastic bags

Its all about votes

Let me ask you this. As the planet warms which we see everywhere and folks buy more and more electric cars and air conditioners were is that power coming from?

Also how does the cost of owning an electric car compare to a hybrid or a car that gets great gas mileage.
Were do all the components come from in that battery? What are we going to do with that battery when its worn out?

How about this every person and industry must reduce their carbon footprint by 30 % and have each politician in the liberal party tell us how they are doing it in their daily lives. How many times do I see our politicians preach to us about climate change holding a store bought plastic water bottle. It starts with the small things
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-29-2022 , 07:20 PM
AS well I am fine with the carbon tax as long as its not politically targeted at Conservative voters.
Originally Posted by lozen
FNow to Canada my problem is we have a leader that seems to target only two to three provinces in its strategies. His Climate strategy is based on votes
Amazing how successful the conservative regional anxiety FUD campaign is a converting the faithful. The carbon tax is obviously NOT politically targeted at conservative voters nor at just a couple conservative leaning provinces. It charges the identical price per tonne of carbon emissions for everybody. Heck, if anything, there is a bonus supplement in the rebates that applies only to rural people that are more conservative leaning. And as for provinces, it sets a minimum bar across Canada but any province can negotiate their own approach like BC did leading the charge before the Liberals were even elected. The fact that Albertan live extremely high polluting lifestyles and have political leaders who refused to come up with their own carbon tax plan isn't meaning they are being politically targeted. It is a neutral floor across all of Canada. Besides, you literally just were complaining about the reduction in GHG from farming (separate from the carbon tax) which is a policy that affects Ontario the most, the supposed Liberal stronghold.

Your posts just reak of the lowest level of political partisanship, and while they pretend that you care about the environment, the longer you go on opposing up and down every single policy to help the environment that the Liberals ever propose, the person most deserving of the label of Climate Phony is you.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-30-2022 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Amazing how successful the conservative regional anxiety FUD campaign is a converting the faithful. The carbon tax is obviously NOT politically targeted at conservative voters nor at just a couple conservative leaning provinces. It charges the identical price per tonne of carbon emissions for everybody. Heck, if anything, there is a bonus supplement in the rebates that applies only to rural people that are more conservative leaning. And as for provinces, it sets a minimum bar across Canada but any province can negotiate their own approach like BC did leading the charge before the Liberals were even elected. The fact that Albertan live extremely high polluting lifestyles and have political leaders who refused to come up with their own carbon tax plan isn't meaning they are being politically targeted. It is a neutral floor across all of Canada. Besides, you literally just were complaining about the reduction in GHG from farming (separate from the carbon tax) which is a policy that affects Ontario the most, the supposed Liberal stronghold.

Your posts just reak of the lowest level of political partisanship, and while they pretend that you care about the environment, the longer you go on opposing up and down every single policy to help the environment that the Liberals ever propose, the person most deserving of the label of Climate Phony is you.

Bought a pipeline
No environmental reviews for massive Quebec Projects that are huge carbon emitters
Allows US coal to ship through Vancouver ports
Has yet to lower emissions
Approved a offshore oil project on the east coast

Climate Phony

First his strategy kill the resource industry now kill the farming industry.

But wait all those Green Jobs .... That is a lie also
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-30-2022 , 09:58 AM
Do you pause to reflect on whether The List helps or hinders your talking points when you spam it out? Like buddy, you were just complaining nonsensical views about the carbon tax targets conservative voters and how trudeau targets conservative provinces. You had no reply, of course, when it was pointing out how confused you were about the carbon tax structure. But surely you can put it together that buying Alberta their very own pipeline for them doesn’t support the view trudeua is targeting Alberta negatively.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-30-2022 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Bought a pipeline
No environmental reviews for massive Quebec Projects that are huge carbon emitters
Allows US coal to ship through Vancouver ports
Has yet to lower emissions
Approved a offshore oil project on the east coast

Climate Phony

First his strategy kill the resource industry now kill the farming industry.

But wait all those Green Jobs .... That is a lie also
I guess il have to respond to this and your previous post .
One quick tho , what projects in Quebec your talking about ? Massive and huge ?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-30-2022 , 03:55 PM
He is talking about the new concrete plant. It made the conservative media all hopping mad in their whataboutquebec kinda way, although of course if anyone dared question a concrete plant in alberta they would be complaining until the cows came home.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
07-30-2022 , 07:49 PM
This one ?

I just don’t know what his talking about .
All I know ,many project for years have been cancel in Quebec for environment issues so I’m surprise when he claims we have many or massive projects that are approved without environment consent ?

I just have no idea which one his talking about .
And seem there is many ?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
