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The "LOLCANADA" thread...again The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

04-30-2020 , 02:20 PM
04-30-2020 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Insane. There are so many reasons to hate Quebec it's really something when you start to think of them all.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-30-2020 , 06:26 PM
I will take the Canadian variant of stupid over the US method of choice. Guess that guy can chug a lot of Lysol at least.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-30-2020 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
I will take the Canadian variant of stupid over the US method of choice. Guess that guy can chug a lot of Lysol at least.

Hey when you live in a country were you get $1200 relief and that is it and the LA Lakers qualify for a loan and your small company doesn't I mighr rebel also

252 Billion $ deficit for Canada this year. .
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-30-2020 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Hey when you live in a country were you get $1200 relief and that is it and the LA Lakers qualify for a loan and your small company doesn't I mighr rebel also
The 1200$ was stimulus not relief. Everyone else affected that could filed for EI. CERB is a joke. There is pretty much zero chance the Canadian economy recovers better than USA after this.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-30-2020 , 08:57 PM
Guns in the state house held by masked men - what patriots. Black man kneels- heads explode.

As for the Canadian economy, at least our exports will be attractive when our dollar's under 60 cents.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-30-2020 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
The 1200$ was stimulus not relief.
Lot of people are still waiting for it as well. They must be relieved.

Originally Posted by Shifty86
Everyone else affected that could filed for EI.
You want to live in Florida. Have you seen the mess in this area that has happened down there?

Also, on the states that are charging back to re-open even as their cases go up, they also have rules that if you do not go back to work then you are a voluntary quit, so no EI for you. That should certainly make for a healthier situation for everyone.

Originally Posted by Shifty86
CERB is a joke. There is pretty much zero chance the Canadian economy recovers better than USA after this.
Well, I guess we will see how the US fares in a month or so+. Now, they will all be better groomed than most Canadians, and their bowling skills will be sharper, but if they have a mess of an artificially created second wave, then the impact may be pretty strong, and already their cases and deaths are more than twice per capita as Canada, and they are being led by an utter moron so do not count out the USA#1 from doing a great job sabotaging themselves even further, despite your unwavering support.

All the best.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-30-2020 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
You want to live in Florida. Have you seen the mess in this area that has happened down there?
Florida is beautiful.

Originally Posted by Monteroy
Also, on the states that are charging back to re-open even as their cases go up, they also have rules that if you do not go back to work then you are a voluntary quit, so no EI for you. That should certainly make for a healthier situation for everyone.
Well yeah if the place of work has re-open and you don't show up without a medical reason you have quit and are not entitled to employement insurance. The same applies in Canada.

Originally Posted by Monteroy
Well, I guess we will see how the US fares in a month or so+. Now, they will all be better groomed than most Canadians, and their bowling skills will be sharper, but if they have a mess of an artificially created second wave, then the impact may be pretty strong, and already their cases and deaths are more than twice per capita as Canada, and they are being led by an utter moron so do not count out the USA#1 from doing a great job sabotaging themselves even further, despite your unwavering support.

All the best.
Blah blah, Provinces are starting to ease restrictions and open back up now as well.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
05-01-2020 , 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Florida is beautiful.
Then move there, and remember to stay healthy!

Originally Posted by Shifty86
Well yeah if the place of work has re-open and you don't show up without a medical reason you have quit and are not entitled to employement insurance. The same applies in Canada.
Except the businesses re-opening or being forced to stay open are quite a bit different for now in both countries.

Originally Posted by Shifty86
Blah blah, Provinces are starting to ease restrictions and open back up now as well.
Let us know how your haircut goes, but if that is not open yet like the US then you can pop down there for one, do some bowling, do some shooters of Lysol at a bar, and get a knee replacement, meet some good ol' boys in Michigan, and give a trip report here. USA#1!

All the best.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
05-01-2020 , 10:05 AM
Let us know how your haircut goes, but if that is not open yet like the US then you can pop down there for one, do some bowling, do some shooters of Lysol at a bar, and get a knee replacement, meet some good ol' boys in Michigan, and give a trip report here. USA#1!

All the best.
No ones going to the USA soon I hope. I think the border closed till July 1 st is fine.

CDN economy as a whole is in for a world of hurt. Resources and the auto supply sector in so much hurt.

Alberta opening up slowly. Edmonton has only had single digit cases lately. Take away the meat plants and were doing really good
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
05-01-2020 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
No ones going to the USA soon I hope. I think the border closed till July 1 st is fine.

CDN economy as a whole is in for a world of hurt. Resources and the auto supply sector in so much hurt.

Alberta opening up slowly. Edmonton has only had single digit cases lately. Take away the meat plants and were doing really good
I think I saw 20% of all cases are from 2 or 3 meat plants. A friend is a nurse who's job right now is tracking down and informing employees and family members that work at those plants. Apparently it's really frustrating because majority don't speak English and have no idea what COVID-19 is.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
05-01-2020 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
I think I saw 20% of all cases are from 2 or 3 meat plants. A friend is a nurse who's job right now is tracking down and informing employees and family members that work at those plants. Apparently it's really frustrating because majority don't speak English and have no idea what COVID-19 is.

I am not sure if they are new CDN's are here on a work program. All I know is those jobs in the Meat Packing plants are tough and gruesome.

Remember the good ole Gainers days and Pocklington and the strike?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
05-01-2020 , 01:18 PM
There s a mix of TFWs and landed immigrants. As for them not knowing what Covid is, your friend is lying to you or you to us.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
05-01-2020 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Hey when you live in a country were you get $1200 relief and that is it and the LA Lakers qualify for a loan and your small company doesn't I mighr rebel also

252 Billion $ deficit for Canada this year. .
And do tell us , what would of have done instead ?
Let over 50% of the industries goes bust with like 25-30% unemployed ?
That’s a lot of revenues that won’t comeback to the government.

And btw how do you repay the deficit with so much industries dead and so many citizens using public’s services without having a job for maybe years .
Your talking as if it’s only Canada that is acting like that !
Btw harper did almost 90 billions deficit in 2009 and 2010 , so it’s not like it’s the first time that happens but at least this time it’s only temporary .

At least when the shutdown is off , revenues will come back to pay this debt since you kept he economy alive .

Money is cheap now , almost trash , mind as well use it to help all Canadians in this difficult time .
Yes it could of been a lot better prepare tho , like all the money handout from here should only been used to buy stuff made or sold in Canada instead of Amazon for example ...
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
05-01-2020 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by BrookTrout
There s a mix of TFWs and landed immigrants. As for them not knowing what Covid is, your friend is racist or your are.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
05-01-2020 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
And do tell us , what would of have done instead ?
Let over 50% of the industries goes bust with like 25-30% unemployed ?
That’s a lot of revenues that won’t comeback to the government.

And btw how do you repay the deficit with so much industries dead and so many citizens using public’s services without having a job for maybe years .
Your talking as if it’s only Canada that is acting like that !
Btw harper did almost 90 billions deficit in 2009 and 2010 , so it’s not like it’s the first time that happens but at least this time it’s only temporary .

At least when the shutdown is off , revenues will come back to pay this debt since you kept he economy alive .

Money is cheap now , almost trash , mind as well use it to help all Canadians in this difficult time .
Yes it could of been a lot better prepare tho , like all the money handout from here should only been used to buy stuff made or sold in Canada instead of Amazon for example ...
I didnt say he was wrong just that is a staggering # I think he did way better at targeting the money than Trump.

I also like the Conservatives idea of pulling money out of RRSPès with no penalty as long as you repay by 2023. Ill go one farther. You should be able to pull $50,000 a year in 2020and 2021 tax fee
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
05-01-2020 , 07:47 PM
Allright !
But since the average Canadian salary is about 40-50k before tax .
RRSP should be allowed around 24-30k .
It’s about helping , not use a catastrophic situation to help people with money get a free pass .
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
05-01-2020 , 07:52 PM
Yeah, not quite sure that RRSP idea is the best, and by that I mean it is pretty bad. With that said, if they did that crazy policy idea I would certainly not be that upset!
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
05-03-2020 , 03:29 AM
Remember when that fake news SNC story about Trudeau came out and people said he was done?

Doesn't look like there is anyone close to being able to challenge him in the next 7 years or so (im assuming he calls an election in 2022 where he should easily win majority government)
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
05-03-2020 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Yeah, not quite sure that RRSP idea is the best, and by that I mean it is pretty bad. With that said, if they did that crazy policy idea I would certainly not be that upset!
What is bad about it. Many are effected and tight on cash. If you allow them to draw from the RRSP you may take those folks away from needing more $2000 a month payments

Remember when that fake news SNC story about Trudeau came out and people said he was done?

Doesn't look like there is anyone close to being able to challenge him in the next 7 years or so (im assuming he calls an election in 2022 where he should easily win majority government)
05-01-2020 05:52 PM
Oh I think Erin Otoole or Peter has a chance. Though Scheer pushing the Assault Rifle ban. Yes he is right Trudeau is using the tragedy to but votes. The ban is downright dumb but most CDN's do not own a gun and have no issue with it.

Conservatives should push the fact Trudeau has done nothing to combat illegal guns from the USA that were used in the Nova Scotia shooting and on the streets of Toronto. Also the fact he believes folks that commit crimes with guns should get bail and bedtime stories instead of harsh sentences
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
05-03-2020 , 03:48 PM

For those looking to get their blood pressure raised. Found it eye opening and I have a pretty jaundiced view of the Govt of China. Like, don’t read if you want to spend a nice calm Sunday at home - it’ll just get you angry. If someone can prove that the author has a history of making stuff up or is a member of falun gong I’d appreciate it.


Adding an allowance for RRSP withdrawal similar to first time home buyers makes the most sense. Give it a 10 year window. Allowing ppl to withdraw with no taxation is a bad idea.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
05-03-2020 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by BrookTrout

For those looking to get their blood pressure raised. Found it eye opening and I have a pretty jaundiced view of the Govt of China. Like, don’t read if you want to spend a nice calm Sunday at home - it’ll just get you angry. If someone can prove that the author has a history of making stuff up or is a member of falun gong I’d appreciate it.


Adding an allowance for RRSP withdrawal similar to first time home buyers makes the most sense. Give it a 10 year window. Allowing ppl to withdraw with no taxation is a bad idea.
The No tax was on my wish list as I am going to have to pull out of my RRSP and my company is not eligible for anything

The problem Canada has if we speak out against China we pay the price in Agriculture exports and arrests.

THe Five Eyes should be coming up with a plan to create a secure supply change for Pharmaceutical and PPE's
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
05-03-2020 , 05:35 PM
Making it similar to the Home Buyers Plan and that does make more sense, otherwise a large portion of the money taken out will be by those that do not need to do it, but will happily do it if they have to pay no tax on it, and hat would also potentially cause some issues for some people years later as well when that savings plan has been drained considerably.

A lot of people would use that rule for the wrong reasons, including messing up themselves long term, without any conditions on the cash out. I get the wish list concept, but not quite sure it would be practical on a larger scale for the purpose for which it would be meant.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
05-04-2020 , 10:32 AM
My first reaction is that "protecting people from themselves" is a terrible way to dictate government policy. However I'm sure there are plenty of people who've screwed themselves out of benefits by signing up for CERB, so you may have a point.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
05-04-2020 , 11:56 AM
The RRSP thing is a neat trick, because it costs effectively zero to the government. But somehow it is shifting the costs of this crisis onto peoples savings vs the government. The reality is a bunch of people will NOT be able to repay RRSP within a couple years if they're taking out 2k/month right now.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
