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The "LOLCANADA" thread...again The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

09-24-2024 , 02:52 AM
If they control immigration surely they could help solve the problem of a lack of skilled trades workers and construction. through immigration...? Even if they cant find enough skilled workers they could encourage all the foreign students/immigrants into that sector through the school they are already paying for or through incentives of permanent residence
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
09-24-2024 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by MoViN.tArGeT
If they control immigration surely they could help solve the problem of a lack of skilled trades workers and construction. through immigration...? Even if they cant find enough skilled workers they could encourage all the foreign students/immigrants into that sector through the school they are already paying for or through incentives of permanent residence
That’s (sort of) what they’ve been doing, there are a bunch of industries including construction with pressing needs where it is way easier to immigrate to Canada on than others. This influx helped maintain our GDP and get the jobs few Canadians want like in agricultural or fish processing etc, but of course it brings in people and rental housing at the bottom of the market really suffered.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
09-24-2024 , 02:54 PM
Part of the reason that those jobs suck so much is because there is no incentive to make them better. Pay and conditions would improve if they actually had to compete for workers rather than saying, welp can’t find anyone to work, guess we will just have to import some workers.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
09-24-2024 , 03:13 PM
At least in the US they are always crying about a “shortage” of tradespeople and when you look into it they pay $20 an hour with no benefits for backbreaking work with coked up yahoos that don’t follow safety standards.

Like no wonder there is a “shortage”. Pay $40 an hour with benefits and follow safety standards and suddenly your shortage disappears.

Isn’t just trades, nursing, teaching etc suffer from similar problems. They even claim there is a shortage of programmers after 2 years of record layoffs and record enrollment in computer science programs.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
09-24-2024 , 03:34 PM
There was a lot of baby-boomers here so yeah when they retired and still do today , u got shortage .
But again I’ll stomp on it , still too many unprofitable companies (small and medium sizes zombies companies stealing Human Resources) .
Pre COVID they kept them alive through monetary policy at 0% interest rates .
Post Covid they open the gates to workers living in survival mode by doing those jobs keeping those companies open ( with a massive increase in social cost ) .

Canada needs a readjustment but politically , recessions are unacceptable anymore .
FWIW Trudeau immigration policy was clearly inappropriate post COVID .
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
09-24-2024 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
That’s (sort of) what they’ve been doing, there are a bunch of industries including construction with pressing needs where it is way easier to immigrate to Canada on than others. This influx helped maintain our GDP and get the jobs few Canadians want like in agricultural or fish processing etc, but of course it brings in people and rental housing at the bottom of the market really suffered.
I remember reading that very few immigrants go into the construction sector and this is a big part of why we just don't build more housing I am talking about that not fish processing. Clearly they didn't do a very good job with this aspect or that issue would have been solved over the last decade
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
09-24-2024 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by MoViN.tArGeT
I remember reading that very few immigrants go into the construction sector and this is a big part of why we just don't build more housing I am talking about that not fish processing. Clearly they didn't do a very good job with this aspect or that issue would have been solved over the last decade
This is precisely the dual edged sword. In quite a wide swath of industries, there was a massive clamoring to solve the problem mot domestically but as you suggest here with more immigration. And construction IS one of the priority groups for express entry I believe, this is something liberals (correctly) added behind the usual health care professionals etc where there is also huge labour supply challenges.

But if you do that in industry after industry you get a lot of immigration, as we got and that brings its own problems.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Yesterday , 03:11 PM
The Bloc is silly. They have a current threat to stop supporting the government unless there is an expansion in OAS for senior and eliminating dairy/eggs etc in any possible future trade negotiations. Both are a little silly. OAS expansion in the 65-74 group sounds lovely, it is just very expensive. OAS & GIS combined are a huge line item, more than health transfers for instance. I'd prefer focusing on GIS than OAS because a lot of seniors don't need that extra support, so focus just on the ones that do. The second is just annoying. Our dairy system really hurts us in so many trade negotiations but for bizarre historical reasons and present lobbying reasons it has remained absolutely sacrosanct. I'm not even saying to get rid of it, but the idea of taking it completely off the table in any future negotiation where we might gain a big quid in exchange for a minor quo doesn't seem right. Also interesting that both of these demands are sort of agnostic of it being about quebec, they are obviously interests of quebec with an old population and lots of dairy industry, but still apply canada wide.

Interesting times.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Yesterday , 06:11 PM
Well thank goodness all that silly poilievre drama teacher showboating is over for the day with the conservative confidence motion emphatically failed as it was always going to fail. But Poilievre got to repeat the same 4 slogans over and over and over and over and over (and then get mad at CTV the one time they didn't repeat it) and over and over and over and over again.

I do have a question. At some point Poilievre should actually release a comprehensive plan of what he is going to do....right? Like something beyond the axetherebate slogans? Something with details? Like his comprehensive climate change policies with the prediction for the amount of CO2 emissions his policies will generate? DItto every other file? Because back in the day lozen and shifty were droning on about how there is no need for him to do this with the NDP agreement meaning the election was 1+ year away. But now he is pretending it could have been called today, so surely now is the time you guys are going to demand a detail behind the empty slogans?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Yesterday , 10:53 PM
Are you going to vote for him if you like it?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Yesterday , 11:07 PM
If I like his plans? Obviously. I’m a non-partisan voter prioritizing climate change. If he has the best plan AND a realistic shot of implementing it he earns my vote. Right now we have a decent set of policies vs a plan to rip them up and replace them with a slogan.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Yesterday , 11:08 PM
Did anyone catch what the homophobic slur a conservative MP hurled at a Trudeau was? I keep seeing it referenced, but not the exact term.

Hopefully poilievre strongly condemns and sanctions this MP tomorrow.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Today , 08:26 AM
something weak like "in an overpriced bathtub" probably should have shrugged it off not a good look
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Today , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Did anyone catch what the homophobic slur a conservative MP hurled at a Trudeau was? I keep seeing it referenced, but not the exact term.

Hopefully poilievre strongly condemns and sanctions this MP tomorrow.
Not sure it was a homophobic slur it was like
the two of you can enjoy the tub
. Made up drama by Justin is more like it
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Today , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
If I like his plans? Obviously. I’m a non-partisan voter prioritizing climate change. If he has the best plan AND a realistic shot of implementing it he earns my vote. Right now we have a decent set of policies vs a plan to rip them up and replace them with a slogan.

Probably the stupidest thing a voter can prioritize in Canada right now.

Again, anyone who is crazy enough to vote liberal next election isn't changing their vote because the Conservatives come out with a plan they like. What Pierre is doing is working and the Liberals are just hoping to keep their official party status next election.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Today , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Not sure it was a homophobic slur it was like. Made up drama by Justin is more like it
Reprehensible. Hopefully poilievre has the backbone to strongly and emphatically condemn making gay sex jokes in the House of Commons.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Today , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
. What Pierre is doing is working and the Liberals are just hoping to keep their official party status next election.
Indeed. But ar some point, doing what is right should matter too. Like this bit of not releasing details on plans for basically any major file and just relying on trite slogans might work politically, but after you are elected you actually have to implement plans and I for one think the Canadian people deserve to know what those plans are. Especially if the intent was for an election to be called yesterday. Maybe you are right and not revealing a bunch of vile plans likely to be opposed and playing it safe with politically popular slogans is a better political strategy, but at some point you’d hope the faithful would point out that it is a shitty one.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Today , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Indeed. But ar some point, doing what is right should matter too. Like this bit of not releasing details on plans for basically any major file and just relying on trite slogans might work politically, but after you are elected you actually have to implement plans and I for one think the Canadian people deserve to know what those plans are. Especially if the intent was for an election to be called yesterday. Maybe you are right and not revealing a bunch of vile plans likely to be opposed and playing it safe with politically popular slogans is a better political strategy, but at some point you’d hope the faithful would point out that it is a shitty one.
That is what campaigns are for were you make promises and than when elected break them . At least that was Justin Trudeau's plan

I love the Environment minister talking to CTV and saying we must increase the carbon tax again in April to ensure we do not have record insurance claims due to climate change. Flat out lying to Vassy. He knows the carbon tax will do nothing to reduce claims
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Today , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Indeed. But ar some point, doing what is right should matter too. Like this bit of not releasing details on plans for basically any major file and just relying on trite slogans might work politically, but after you are elected you actually have to implement plans and I for one think the Canadian people deserve to know what those plans are. Especially if the intent was for an election to be called yesterday. Maybe you are right and not revealing a bunch of vile plans likely to be opposed and playing it safe with politically popular slogans is a better political strategy, but at some point you’d hope the faithful would point out that it is a shitty one.
again Canada has near no effect on climate change and is a northern climate so is effected the least. Efforts should be brought in through international efforts not local elections. its a really really weird thing t worry about as your number 1 issue in canada. Canada is not a global leader with any real influence
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Today , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
That is what campaigns are for were you make promises and than when elected break them . At least that was Justin Trudeau's plan

I love the Environment minister talking to CTV and saying we must increase the carbon tax again in April to ensure we do not have record insurance claims due to climate change. Flat out lying to Vassy. He knows the carbon tax will do nothing to reduce claims
Perhaps, although Trudeau followed through on a surprisingly large number of election promises over the previous elections. You're of course right that no party ever does 100%, but on this measuring stick pretty good.

My complaint is that Poilievre should at least tell us the plans and some of their details. Right now we have empty slogans. Doesn't that seem weird that he is calling for non-confidence and Canadians don't have details about what he actually wants to do?

You are so untrustworthy I am going to need a direct quote. Canada SHOULD increase the carbon tax in April and climate change IS doing things like causing record insurance claims. So unless he very very specifically said something like "Canada's contributions to reducing emissions alone will make a change to insurance claims in a time frame of a year" or something similar is he stating something factually wrong.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Today , 11:39 AM
Lol Poilievre the ****ing DRAMA TEACHER is doing more drama in the house of commons, preventing real work from happening, and setting up another non-confidence motion to repeat his rehearsed four lines over and over and over again.

So much show. So little substance.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Today , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
I love the Environment minister talking to CTV and saying we must increase the carbon tax again in April to ensure we do not have record insurance claims due to climate change. Flat out lying to Vassy. He knows the carbon tax will do nothing to reduce claims
Lol I actually did your work for you and found the quote.

“2024 is already the costliest summer year so far in terms of environmental impacts due to climate change,” Guilbeault told Kapelos. “So, we need to keep acting, because otherwise we'll never see the end of it.”

Kapelos: "I take your point on that".

Lol, he is 100% right lozen. There are massive costs of climate change. We should continue to act. At no point does he make the silly argument that Canada could unilaterally stop climate change acting alone with zero other countries. That's just a stupid strawman. Canada should do our part precisely as he says later in the interview directly acknowledging that if we aren't doing it here in Canada, how could we possibly go and talk to other big emitters in the world and pressure them to do anything? Great point minister!! And as Kapelos says "I get your point, if we don't do it how can we expect others to?". Great agreement with the minister Kapelos!
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Today , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Perhaps, although Trudeau followed through on a surprisingly large number of election promises over the previous elections. You're of course right that no party ever does 100%, but on this measuring stick pretty good.

My complaint is that Poilievre should at least tell us the plans and some of their details. Right now we have empty slogans. Doesn't that seem weird that he is calling for non-confidence and Canadians don't have details about what he actually wants to do?

You are so untrustworthy I am going to need a direct quote. Canada SHOULD increase the carbon tax in April and climate change IS doing things like causing record insurance claims. So unless he very very specifically said something like "Canada's contributions to reducing emissions alone will make a change to insurance claims in a time frame of a year" or something similar is he stating something factually wrong.

He has announced his main policy Axe the tax that is all CDN"s need to hear .

Surprisingly large amount he has broken most of the ones CDN's cared about

Originally Posted by uke_master
Lol I actually did your work for you and found the quote.

“2024 is already the costliest summer year so far in terms of environmental impacts due to climate change,” Guilbeault told Kapelos. “So, we need to keep acting, because otherwise we'll never see the end of it.”

Kapelos: "I take your point on that".

Lol, he is 100% right lozen. There are massive costs of climate change. We should continue to act. At no point does he make the silly argument that Canada could unilaterally stop climate change acting alone with zero other countries. That's just a stupid strawman. Canada should do our part precisely as he says later in the interview directly acknowledging that if we aren't doing it here in Canada, how could we possibly go and talk to other big emitters in the world and pressure them to do anything? Great point minister!! And as Kapelos says "I get your point, if we don't do it how can we expect others to?". Great agreement with the minister Kapelos!
No he is lying no matter what Canada does it will have zero effect on climate change .
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Today , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Reprehensible. Hopefully poilievre has the backbone to strongly and emphatically condemn making gay sex jokes in the House of Commons.
If I say You and Montrealcorp enjoy your tub together that is not a homophobic slur . Sadly your Drama Teacher leader wants to try and make it out to be one
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Today , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
He has announced his main policy Axe the tax that is all CDN"s need to hear .
What a horrifying attitude. You can be a partisan AND demand better from your politicians! You can say you are voting for Poilievre 100% no matter AND say he really ought to release detailed plans on the major files Canadians care about.

Politically you might be right, Canadians are profoundly ignorant. Only half of Canadians (in the provinces it applies) are even aware whether or not they are eligible for the rebate and less than half even understand the link between the payment they are getting and the carbon tax. So there is profound ignorance about the basics of the carbon tax in poiliere's desired "carbon tax election". So sure, his disinformation and no plans might be all people like you need to hear. But I think we can demand more.

No he is lying no matter what Canada does it will have zero effect on climate change .
Kapelos: "I take your point on that". I think if you are going to call anyone who ever suggests doing anything to combat climate change as "lying" because Canada is a small percentage of global emissions then you can't ever say anything. He directly mentioned in the interview other countries, like at no point does he ever suggest Canada all by itself alone without any other country is going to change things.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
