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Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread)

11-16-2021 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
a guy called

cupee is doing some inspired posting, the rest of y'all need to step it up
Well, if nothing else, I am beating him on pure volume.

Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:23 PM
Yea that's the biggest problem I heard with guns too. It's not you, it the others.
I would have pulled my gun a few times I got into am argument. And then what?
Split seconds for you or him to make a.horrible mistake. No, I stay away from this. Trust me
I know myself too well by now.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
This was discussed at length in the In Other News thread.
ho lee shite. fascists ghana fascist.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:26 PM
Character matters whether it’s supposed to or not. If you accept that Mr. Rosenbaum was murdered, and I think he was, then the “active shooter” theory of the prosecution holds and the other shootings were murder/assault as well. If you don’t accept that, Kyle did a good job defending himself.

That’s where character matters because reasonable doubt is not infinitesimally small, but it widens when you’re a rioter and a felon. If Kyle had been an actual cop, no way the jury rules against him.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
washoe is not TBAB. He lives in a different country for a start. But I'll grant you that there are some similarities.

TBAB is the "loosen the belt" guy, when he was posting as sup_hezbollah, right? I think I have read several of his classic threads.
I wonder too who that TBAB is, there is just too many with that name in it.
Sup Hezbollah comes up, and I read his posts a long time ago imo.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:28 PM
Objection! This is not a tbab thread.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
I know, but how many guns are registered and how many are not? I need to some research on this.
In Mexico there are no regulations, well officially, but nobody cares. You just give the cops a few pesos. I'm guessing most people in the US mexican-style it too.
In America that’s bribery. You will be charged. Don’t ever do that.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Well, there probably is a huge difference between what you think is a good reason to carry and what another person thinks is a good reason to carry.
Some people think selling real estate is a good reason.

I honestly don't trust their judgement's a free country.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
I have no doubt in my mind that if I had a gun from the age of 17 I would be dead now.
Really? That surprises me. You don't seem like someone who escalates. (That's not an insult.)
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr

Your posting style and frequency is very similar to TBAB's, and wouldn't you know it, he just showed back up after a long sabbatical over in OOT. What a coincidence!

I know Nima, and washoe is no Nima.

Gun ownership is a serious thing. My parents were occasionally volatile, but even at their most dramatic and intense and drunken points, neither would have ever considered using a gun in anger within our family, even in circumstances of significant betrayal. Nor would I ever consider using a gun if I came home to find Mrs. Treesong in bed with the UPS man, or even one of the lefties ITT. And I've taken a 3-day pistol training course and go to a range occasionally to keep myself fresh. If we had gotten our dogs before I bought my pistol, I'm not sure I would have bought none at all; but Mrs. T is also trained on it and was mildly in favor.

I'm generally against most regulation of any type. My theoretical view is that there are unintended consequences to most regulations, and those consequences are very very shard to predict. But I'm just fine with felony checks or DV conviction limits, and 3-day waiting periods are fine. Those are just examples; I'm definitely not an ideologue on this issue.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
washoe is not TBAB. He lives in a different country for a start. But I'll grant you that there are some similarities.

TBAB is the "loosen the belt" guy, when he was posting as sup_hezbollah, right? I think I have read several of his classic threads.

That's him. He's an outright fraud that ended up suing Admo in small claims court. I listened to the hearing for the lulz.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
The defense closing is all like your honor let the record show I am not drunk but I’ve had a couple drinks
Judge: sustained. Please continue good sir.

Richards: first off my client deserves to be unmolested by midgets , I’m not saying he has it coming but .. look at that chain. The whole prosecution is hocus locus out of focus.
But more importantly my client is not one. Of those white supremadoodles. He came theee to do good. Look at all those fires. Now watch this guy who spent his childhood playing tony hawks pro skater instead of halo like my wonderful client. Look at him strike him with that deadly skateboard. Also, he’s not a supremadoodle. I rest my case.

Judge: let’s pose for a picture.
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
The prosecution is all like...
hello I would like to conduct myself with the cold calculation of a bond Villian.

Judge: objection get out of my court room you’re right on the line

Binger: ok so it’s unconstitutional to question the defendants silence .* Points gun at jury*

Binger: as I was saying what motivation did they have to attack Kyle rotten house? Hmm. Let’s think....

Judge: you’re right I. The line....

Binger: could it be because... Kyle was An active ****ing shooter who just killed someone???

That seems pretty relevant to me, no?

Judge: no

Bungee: rolls eyes. RosenBaum was just a little guy who made threats he couldn’t back up. You all know a guy like that. Kyle killed him because he is ... dun dum dun.. a murderer.

Judge: remember if you find him not guilty of first degree murder then you can’t find him guilty of second degree murder either.

Binger: lame.
This isn't getting enough love.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Step back from this for a moment and try to think how it sounds to someone not completely immersed in the way things are in the US. Wouldn't it be nice to live in a place where "when grocery stores are shot up" isn't given a moment's thought?

Edit to add: Looks like you basically addressed this in your last post. So given that...

Not possible to even move in that direction? I can't imagine why not. It should just take the will of the people. It would probably take generations to make real progress everywhere, but it's never going to happen without starting with some small steps.
grocery stores are far more likely to be shot up by cops than by anyone else
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr

Your posting style and frequency is very similar to TBAB's, and wouldn't you know it, he just showed back up after a long sabbatical over in OOT. What a coincidence!
tbab is a reactionary right winger. hes more like you than washoe.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
In America that’s bribery. You will be charged. Don’t ever do that.
I wouldn't. Only when there is no other option. I didn't mean bribing the cops, I meant get it from someone who knows someone.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:46 PM
I think that the prosecutions case holds on merit. I don’t feel strongly either way.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
I know Nima, and washoe is no Nima.

Gun ownership is a serious thing. My parents were occasionally volatile, but even at their most dramatic and intense and drunken points, neither would have ever considered using a gun in anger within our family, even in circumstances of significant betrayal. Nor would I ever consider using a gun if I came home to find Mrs. Treesong in bed with the UPS man, or even one of the lefties ITT. And I've taken a 3-day pistol training course and go to a range occasionally to keep myself fresh. If we had gotten our dogs before I bought my pistol, I'm not sure I would have bought none at all; but Mrs. T is also trained on it and was mildly in favor.

I'm generally against most regulation of any type. My theoretical view is that there are unintended consequences to most regulations, and those consequences are very very shard to predict. But I'm just fine with felony checks or DV conviction limits, and 3-day waiting periods are fine. Those are just examples; I'm definitely not an ideologue on this issue.
I think this is a good post, but one question that goes begging is whether the negative impact of the unintended consequences outweighs the positive impact of the intended consequences. Of course, this is impossible to know upfront, as they are by definition unintended, but your post would have us draw the inference that any unintended consequence makes regulation a net negative.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:52 PM
'prosecution seems to have botched some of its witnesses and arguments and the presiding judge’s behavior has been erratic and at times betrayed an apparent sympathy to the defense.'
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I live in a medium crime district by NYC standards. Maybe I'm reckless or stupid, but I just don't spend much time worrying that I am going to be attacked in a grocery store or anywhere else. I honestly wouldn't feel any safer if I were open carrying a gun or carrying a concealed gun than I do walking around unarmed.
Because you're thinking about risk in a rational manner.

Guys who feel the need to walk around armed for no good reason just aren't.

Also, a gun ups the stakes. I like a straddle round as much as the next guy but not when the game is a violent encounter.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
I know Nima, and washoe is no Nima.

Nor would I ever consider using a gun if I came home to find Mrs. Treesong in bed with the UPS man, or even one of the lefties ITT. .
Unless we have pix we don't know what you're really saying here.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
'prosecution seems to have botched some of its witnesses and arguments and the presiding judge’s behavior has been erratic and at times betrayed an apparent sympathy to the defense.'
I’m not sure it’s fair to describe him as being erratic but I’ve watched about 12 hours of this and he is undeniably sympathetic. At the same time, he has done a reasonable job of leaving the verdict to the jury IMO.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:57 PM
'Schroder, an avid supporter of gun ownership and 30-year NRA member, said during an exclusive telephone interview with The Post that he’s putting up “hundreds of thousands” of dollars for the bond and the 17-year-old’s legal defense as he awaits trial on murder charges'

What is hundreds of thousand of dollars? Why cant he just say a number?
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Also, a gun ups the stakes. I like a straddle round as much as the next guy but not when the game is a violent encounter.
Or, as our favourite Florida Sheriff puts it:

Originally Posted by d2_e4
Serious topic, I know, but what this guy says starting around 14:45 is pretty funny. Poker analogies aren't for everyone.

He says he is a professional poker player. He lost. He doubled down, and we trumped him.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
That's him. He's an outright fraud that ended up suing Admo in small claims court. I listened to the hearing for the lulz.
Nobody saw that coming.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
I think this is a good post, but one question that goes begging is whether the negative impact of the unintended consequences outweighs the positive impact of the intended consequences. Of course, this is impossible to know upfront, as they are by definition unintended, but your post would have us draw the inference that any unintended consequence makes regulation a net negative.

Point taken, and I agree that the unintended consequence issue is fundamentally empirical and also value-laden. My view on this is mostly utilitarian but with the usual limits on utilitarianism -- and thus very hard to figure out as a practical matter.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
