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President Joe Biden President Joe Biden

04-20-2024 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
Wrong. Productive work should obviously be taxed less than natural resources that should belong to no one, but are extracted by private companies.
Fossil fuels have 0 value until you extract them, and extracting them (and then refining them, trasporting them where needed and so on) is productive work on par of every other work.

Anyway, there are no net subsidies for fossil fuel in the USA, they are actually taxed in excess
President Joe Biden Quote
04-20-2024 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Fossil fuels have 0 value until you extract them, and extracting them (and then refining them, trasporting them where needed and so on) is productive work on par of every other work.

Anyway, there are no net subsidies for fossil fuel in the USA, they are actually taxed in excess
Ridiculous. Next you'll say unimproved land has no value.

Maybe if you don't count US foreign policy has centered around fossil fuels for the last 70 years. War in Iraq was a trillion dollars.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-20-2024 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
First impression of the Biden's uncle thing? Possibly eaten by cannibals?

We've top men working on it all.
It’s one his tall tales that you really can’t prove it never happened even though we know it’s crap
President Joe Biden Quote
04-20-2024 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
It’s one his tall tales that you really can’t prove it never happened even though we know it’s crap
While not proveable, it's certainly possible, unlike most of Trump's claims about pretty much everything.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-20-2024 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
They list two things which aren't subsidies, what would the subsidies be
You aren't counting royalties being low (which should be 0 absent fiscal intervention, the state doesn't own **** on your land) as a "subsidy" like radical leftists are you? I hope you aren't.

Anyway even the 760 billion amount is mostly made up of "implicit" subsidies (missed pigouvian taxes), again using leftist logic.

While ofc renewable disruption is never accounted for in a pigouvian sense, go figure.

I understand you guys try to tilt the table of basic logic so much, your warped world looks reasonable in your model, but it isn't.

Fossil fuels shouldn't be taxed at any point in the value chain a single dollar more than any other economic activity.

Royalty on private lands shouldn't exist at all.

That would be the no subsidy scenario.

They are heavily taxed, while renewable are actually subsidies with cash
Common conservative talking points and factually incorrect. A subsidy is any target financial incentive extended to an industry or participant to encourage production or investment. And that includes tax deductions, which represent a significant portion of fossil fuel subsidies.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-21-2024 , 12:11 PM
When I saw some blurbs about Biden saying his uncle was eaten by cannibals I thought it was a joke or onion or something. But he really did say that huh. 4 more years!
President Joe Biden Quote
04-22-2024 , 05:37 AM
I often hear conservatives make statements like, "Joe Biden is the most evil president we've ever had", "Joe Biden is bad for America", "Joe Biden has destroyed the country", "Let's go Brandon!".

What I don't ever hear is specific details of what he's done wrong. Often when asked, these people respond with vague ideas, "gas prices", "immigration", or "the laptop". There are never any details and nothing is ever presented that's even a bit scandalous. Why do people pretend hate him or actually hate him but without justification?

He's very similar to most older national politicians (conservative or liberal).
President Joe Biden Quote
04-22-2024 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by L0LWAT
I often hear conservatives make statements like, "Joe Biden is the most evil president we've ever had", "Joe Biden is bad for America", "Joe Biden has destroyed the country", "Let's go Brandon!".

What I don't ever hear is specific details of what he's done wrong. Often when asked, these people respond with vague ideas, "gas prices", "immigration", or "the laptop". There are never any details and nothing is ever presented that's even a bit scandalous. Why do people pretend hate him or actually hate him but without justification?

He's very similar to most older national politicians (conservative or liberal).
its called sheep.
no thoughts on their own.
they just follow.
they lead a strong leader in their life to lead them.
pray the lord....
President Joe Biden Quote
04-22-2024 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
Common conservative talking points and factually incorrect. A subsidy is any target financial incentive extended to an industry or participant to encourage production or investment. And that includes tax deductions, which represent a significant portion of fossil fuel subsidies.
Actual fiscal advantages like those listed here

Are estimated at 35 billions over 10 years.

Ofc if we stop overtaxing the sector they have to go as well.

The redonkolous 760 billion figure is invented out of thin air through the "implicit" estimate.

While oil and gas are taxed like this

+ Ofc federal and local gasoline, diesel, kerosene taxes.

On net oil and gas are overtaxed vs normal goods and services in the USA.

There are some countries that subsidize them (usually the main subsidy is selling gasoline under international market prices, or heating gas, in countries that have plenty of either) but the USA isn't one of them
President Joe Biden Quote
04-22-2024 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by L0LWAT
I often hear conservatives make statements like, "Joe Biden is the most evil president we've ever had", "Joe Biden is bad for America", "Joe Biden has destroyed the country", "Let's go Brandon!".

What I don't ever hear is specific details of what he's done wrong. Often when asked, these people respond with vague ideas, "gas prices", "immigration", or "the laptop". There are never any details and nothing is ever presented that's even a bit scandalous. Why do people pretend hate him or actually hate him but without justification?

He's very similar to most older national politicians (conservative or liberal).
Some people just would hate any democrat as POTUS (or any other important political role), same as other people who would hate any republican.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-22-2024 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
Common conservative talking points and factually incorrect. A subsidy is any target financial incentive extended to an industry or participant to encourage production or investment. And that includes tax deductions, which represent a significant portion of fossil fuel subsidies.
Pocket I don't know why you want to buy the implicit subsidy thing without admitting you do, IMF estimates are like 10-20 billions explicit subsidies, 740-750 implicit lol.

And with implicit they mean things like "externalities of car accidents, air pollution , road damage, and climate change aren't fully accounted for"
President Joe Biden Quote
04-22-2024 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by L0LWAT
I often hear conservatives make statements like, "Joe Biden is the most evil president we've ever had", "Joe Biden is bad for America", "Joe Biden has destroyed the country", "Let's go Brandon!".

What I don't ever hear is specific details of what he's done wrong. Often when asked, these people respond with vague ideas, "gas prices", "immigration", or "the laptop". There are never any details and nothing is ever presented that's even a bit scandalous. Why do people pretend hate him or actually hate him but without justification?

He's very similar to most older national politicians (conservative or liberal).
hes doing genocide. hes #genocideJoe. I like my presidents who dont do genocide.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-22-2024 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
hes doing genocide. hes #genocideJoe. I like my presidents who dont do genocide.
According to your definition of genocide every president did that
President Joe Biden Quote
04-22-2024 , 10:14 AM
you arent wrong lucium! America bad!
President Joe Biden Quote
04-22-2024 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
you arent wrong lucium! America bad!
then vote with your feet!
President Joe Biden Quote
04-22-2024 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by L0LWAT
I often hear conservatives make statements like, "Joe Biden is the most evil president we've ever had", "Joe Biden is bad for America", "Joe Biden has destroyed the country", "Let's go Brandon!".

What I don't ever hear is specific details of what he's done wrong. Often when asked, these people respond with vague ideas, "gas prices", "immigration", or "the laptop". There are never any details and nothing is ever presented that's even a bit scandalous. Why do people pretend hate him or actually hate him but without justification?

He's very similar to most older national politicians (conservative or liberal).
Although I think joe is bad for America I don't think it is fair to call him evil. As with nearly any other politician in the last 100 years there are a group of people who don't like them and many of them can't articulate why they dislike them.

I think "gas prices" and "immigration" are legit reason to not want to vote for biden. When people say immigration they are pointing out that they believe the increase in illegal immigration is bad for the country and gas prices is pointing out that biden has take steps to raise gas prices via shutting down some pipelines & drills, increased regulation on fossil fuels and giving more handouts to clean energy.

The biggest problem I have with him are his desires to raise taxes (nearly across the board) and increase the size of govt. I think any type of new tax is extremely undesirable and if you have looked at the history of taxes you'd know that "trickle down taxes" (the idea that any new form of taxes is extremely hard to stop, even if it was initially started as a temporary tax that would only harm a small segment of the population, and the far more likely outcome is that tax is increased & is spread to more and more people) is a real concept and when dems talk about taxing unrealized cap gains and a wealth tax it should scare the **** out of everyone and not just rich.

I know the 1% tax on corporate buy backs was good politics but it is just another corporate tax and you can't convince me that biden is stupid enough to believe it is in anyway good for the middle class or poor. Speaking of "trickle down taxes" they are already talking about raising the buyback tax from 1% to 4%.

Last edited by bahbahmickey; 04-22-2024 at 04:06 PM.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-22-2024 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by L0LWAT
I often hear conservatives make statements like, "Joe Biden is the most evil president we've ever had", "Joe Biden is bad for America", "Joe Biden has destroyed the country", "Let's go Brandon!".

What I don't ever hear is specific details of what he's done wrong. Often when asked, these people respond with vague ideas, "gas prices", "immigration", or "the laptop". There are never any details and nothing is ever presented that's even a bit scandalous. Why do people pretend hate him or actually hate him but without justification?

He's very similar to most older national politicians (conservative or liberal).
Let me add in my two cents

I agree Joe is not evil and his Infrastructure and CHIPs deal are accomplishments . I do not like him as a human being for the fact he would not acknowledge his granddaughter and the deal they made so she couldn't take his fathers last name. I find his lack of compassion sad as well but that may be due to his age

The things he has done or policies I disagree with
Illegal Immigration and it was only a concern for him when it hurt him in the polls
Student loan debt forgiveness. Even after the supreme court struck it down he still tries
Cancelled Keystone
Cancelled LNG expansion licenses
Attack on title 9
Attack on women's rights to feel safe
trans agenda
cost of living
Said he would bring the country together
Implied he would be a one term president
lied repeatedly about his involvement and knowledge of his sons business dealings
President Joe Biden Quote
04-22-2024 , 04:21 PM
i feel like lozen is the only person that actually might be upset about the keystone xl deal considering it was going to benefit canada. so i'd at least give him that one..

everything else is ofcourse bullshit.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-22-2024 , 04:29 PM
Imagine a Republican criticizing Biden and even typing "Attack on women's rights" regardless of what followed.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-22-2024 , 04:31 PM
If Trump loses, his attack on women's rights is going to be the main reason. Abortion ban couldn't even win with voters in Kentucky.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-22-2024 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Imagine a Republican criticizing Biden and even typing "Attack on women's rights" regardless of what followed.
Republicans attacked women's rights as well

I add the democrats attack on democracy which the GOP does as well
President Joe Biden Quote
04-22-2024 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
Although I think joe is bad for America I don't think it is fair to call him evil. As with nearly any other politician in the last 100 years there are a group of people who don't like them and many of them can't articulate why they dislike them.

I think "gas prices" and "immigration" are legit reason to not want to vote for biden. When people say immigration they are pointing out that they believe the increase in illegal immigration is bad for the country and gas prices is pointing out that biden has take steps to raise gas prices via shutting down some pipelines & drills, increased regulation on fossil fuels and giving more handouts to clean energy.

The biggest problem I have with him are his desires to raise taxes (nearly across the board) and increase the size of govt. I think any type of new tax is extremely undesirable and if you have looked at the history of taxes you'd know that "trickle down taxes" (the idea that any new form of taxes is extremely hard to stop, even if it was initially started as a temporary tax that would only harm a small segment of the population, and the far more likely outcome is that tax is increased & is spread to more and more people) is a real concept and when dems talk about taxing unrealized cap gains and a wealth tax it should scare the **** out of everyone and not just rich.

I know the 1% tax on corporate buy backs was good politics but it is just another corporate tax and you can't convince me that biden is stupid enough to believe it is in anyway good for the middle class or poor. Speaking of "trickle down taxes" they are already talking about raising the buyback tax from 1% to 4%.
Oil is set by international trades so I don’t see how Biden can do much for that except on the margin .
producing more oil ?
Not enough oil refineries anyway …
Ps: opec just keep cutting production for months to keep high prices and every oil corporations (and stock holders) in the world are very happy the way it is now .
Yes guess what , private sector are in to make money , not so make life easy and cHeap for consumers ….

Has for stock buyback tax, I hope you are for it .
Stock buybacks cripples every stock holders (pension funds and small stock retailers) except the ones in management benefiting from stock options .
And it’s a huge minus allocation of cash .
They should instead invest in capex and creating something ….
President Joe Biden Quote
04-22-2024 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
then vote with your feet!
Which (developed) countries do you know of which have completely open immigration policies? Because I looked into it years ago and couldn't find any.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-22-2024 , 06:59 PM
Yeah... who would want Victor?
President Joe Biden Quote
04-22-2024 , 07:16 PM
Love it or leave it! Said the totally not-fascist person.
President Joe Biden Quote
