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President Joe Biden President Joe Biden

03-28-2020 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
So we should assume people are stupid.
Given your general unwillingness to articulate charitable interpretations of the beliefs of your political opponents, adopting that assumption would probably increase the accuracy of your political predictions.
President Joe Biden Quote
03-28-2020 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
I have a case right now, 24 yr old law student, africa, picked up at demonstration, tortured, picked up again, same thing, made it to Mexico. Sought entry in May, CBP said wait for your number, he waited, he is a runner and has contacts here, he could have jumped, but he obeyed the law. Then they change the law,, say anyone seeking asylum after this date has to seek asylum in a country he passed through first. In Sept they let him in. They tell him, yeah too late bro. He is like yeah but I came here in May...he has been detained for 7 months now, on the eve of his trial they transferred him and govt moved to change venue.

So now I look at CV-19 cases or the stock market and think wow that is bad, knowing on some level, what is bad and tragic might increases this dude's (and thousands like him, and millions of other migrants) chances by a fraction of a percent because maybe Trump loses if we see enough misery over the next few months.
Obama administration built those cages and stuffed people in them for the same offenses.
President Joe Biden Quote
03-28-2020 , 08:30 PM
There were massive amounts of unaccompanied minors coming up from central america around 2014. It was a big story. The kids were separated by gender and age, by a wall or a fence, a barrier, you can call it a cage if you want...and detained. I don't know what you want the government to do here. You cannot just dump them on the streets of El Paso or wherever. You need to do some record keeping, feed them, make sure they have medical attention, and try to find a guardian or sponsor for them in the US. As I understand it, after 72 hours under the law they were supposed to be transferred to HHS. Maybe when they are getting like 4x the amount of kids, there are some delays. I don't know. That is way different than separating kids from their parents by the thousands and holding them for months as a deterrent.
President Joe Biden Quote
03-28-2020 , 08:45 PM
I mean thats what the Dems say and thats what the media says. But they have no credibility at this point. so its just a nice story. a sober reckoning makes such a nice story to be unlikely.
President Joe Biden Quote
03-28-2020 , 10:26 PM
Isn't anatta an immigration attorney who represents immigrants in the court system? Something like that. I think he probably has some credibility.
President Joe Biden Quote
03-28-2020 , 10:46 PM
Pretty sure that's not an accurate depiction of this consideration. Why are Democrats gaslighting always?
President Joe Biden Quote
03-28-2020 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
Obama administration built those cages and stuffed people in them for the same offenses.
To a degree. But that is still different than the family separation going on under the Trump administration. Furthermore, it was a subject that I've seen you speak out against in the last couple years. What has changed?
President Joe Biden Quote
03-28-2020 , 11:43 PM
Biden can't post a coherent edited video. If he makes it to Nov (he won't) lots of Dems won't vote or vote Trump. Not great!
President Joe Biden Quote
03-28-2020 , 11:53 PM
Better than the socialist with gulags amirite tho?
President Joe Biden Quote
03-28-2020 , 11:56 PM
Don't forget the bread lines!
President Joe Biden Quote
03-28-2020 , 11:57 PM
At least Bernie only talked about raping women. Biden actually did it!
President Joe Biden Quote
03-28-2020 , 11:59 PM
He probably completely forgot about it though
President Joe Biden Quote
03-29-2020 , 12:32 PM
Secret service guy saying it was part of their job to keep Joe away from women. And female secret service hated working with him, as he would get naked in front of him. Not hearing much about that.

That famous pic of "kids in cages", that was actually from 2014 when Obama and Biden were in charge, and passed that system along. Biden isn't getting any flak for it, no surprise. I realise every country does it, but it shows the media bias. Thanks to board members for pointing it out. I hadn't realised Biden was getting a free pass on it.
President Joe Biden Quote
03-29-2020 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
Given your general unwillingness to articulate charitable interpretations of the beliefs of your political opponents, adopting that assumption would probably increase the accuracy of your political predictions.

This has nothing to do with my opinion of people (who in this case aren't even opponents).

I think they're intelligent enough that if the game wasn't rigged the outcomes would be different.
President Joe Biden Quote
03-29-2020 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Tubi
Why do so many stoop to ad hom attacks, when someone states facts?

I'm not American.

The media have been silent over Altzheimers Joe, yet spent weeks on Trump allegedly having dementia.

Elizabeth Warren has claimed to be an American Indian.
I thought given the join date and his "content" the dude might be a paid foreign agitator. But I guess he posts a lot of poker no.
President Joe Biden Quote
03-29-2020 , 02:11 PM
Joe was on Meet the Press this morning and still fumbling over the words in a 3 minute interview
President Joe Biden Quote
03-29-2020 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Joe was on Meet the Press this morning and still fumbling over the words in a 3 minute interview
Yeah I saw the interview. My take was a totally calm, perfectly normal interview. I posted a link in the Dem thread. It was three times as long as you claim btw.

So lozen was on two plus two losing track of time in a one sentence post.
President Joe Biden Quote
03-29-2020 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
Yeah I saw the interview. My take was a totally calm, perfectly normal interview. I posted a link in the Dem thread. It was three times as long as you claim btw.

So lozen was on two plus two losing track of time in a one sentence post.
Seemed like 3 minutes and I saw gaffes
President Joe Biden Quote
03-29-2020 , 03:04 PM
Ok well i say about 9 by the tape. Some say 3. I say family separation was the policy under Trump not Obama other say it's the same thing. You guys have all lost your minds.
President Joe Biden Quote
03-29-2020 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
I think they're intelligent enough that if the game wasn't rigged the outcomes would be different.
In what way is it rigged?
President Joe Biden Quote
03-29-2020 , 07:23 PM
Yeah, how is a system that’s openly and plainly rigged in favor of who got more money rigged?
President Joe Biden Quote
03-29-2020 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Yeah, how is a system that’s openly and plainly rigged in favor of who got more money rigged?
There are obviously major issues with the influence of money in US politics but if you look at campaign fundraising/spending then Sanders has both raised and spent more than twice as much as Biden. The issue, if there is one, is not to do with how much money the campaigns got, but rather it is of bias in the DNC going beyond merely strongly supporting Biden to acting illegitimately to his benefit.
President Joe Biden Quote
03-29-2020 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Yeah, how is a system that’s openly and plainly rigged in favor of who got more money rigged?
So you think it was rigged in favor of Bernie Sanders over Biden?
President Joe Biden Quote
03-29-2020 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
Ok well i say about 9 by the tape. Some say 3. I say family separation was the policy under Trump not Obama other say it's the same thing. You guys have all lost your minds.
Who said anything about family policy. I am just amazed after Hilary the best you have to offer is Joe Biden. I hope he wins but do not be shocked with 4 more years of Trump.

Hey I thought it was 3 I am clearly wrong I know that. I saw some gaffes
President Joe Biden Quote
03-29-2020 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Who said anything about family policy. I am just amazed after Hilary the best you have to offer is Joe Biden. I hope he wins but do not be shocked with 4 more years of Trump.

Hey I thought it was 3 I am clearly wrong I know that. I saw some gaffes
As you realise, he isn't anywhere near the best, but they wanted an old white guy, which is why they turn a blind eye to his corruption, kiddie sniffing, sexual harrassing, racism and cognitive collapse. All the woke claims are just bull for their naive voters, politcal / life fish.
President Joe Biden Quote
