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President Donald Trump President Donald Trump

10-08-2020 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
No I think you're wrong wrong and Cuepee is just expressing his preference about which people die from covid given that some will die. I think he has explained that much fine.

The 'pretzal logic' as you call it is just explaining why I (and many others) dont feel the same as he does even though we agree about trump.
Right so again it's those who don't wish death on others who are at fault, I get you mate,it's all good.
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Right so again it's those who don't wish death on others who are at fault, I get you mate,it's all good.

I dont wish death on others and I dont think that's a fault at all.
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
I will vigorously masturbate when I hear the news and feel no guilt in that knowledge

Boo hoo thoughts and prayers for the evil man
Well you do come across as a bit of a wan...never mind
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:01 AM
theyre all just saying ‘the trump, the’
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw

I dont wish death on others and I dont think that's a fault at all.
Cuepee was wishing death on others regardless of your excuses and wordplay for him. You said many feel the same wayaboout Trump, implying it's okay to wish death on him. Hence my point that it's those who don't wish death on others who are at fault. Again it's all good mate.
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
You said you hoped Trump was among the dead so yeah you do want someone to die of covid.
Show me where I expressed "glee" at anyone getting shot by the cops, POC or otherwise. You want be able to do this as you pulled it outa your arse, like your falsehood that I lied for Trump. Just the usual bollocks with you innit?
Again you show the trouble you have with comprehending discussions and why you should ask for help with the big words first.

I even gave an example to make sure my point was clear and to pretend it was not clear you try to ignore the example.

What is true

- I want no one to die of covid. I stated that. You funnily enough ignore that part of the quote and selectively shrink the quote to isolate one part and proclaim it as the entire point and truth

- if someone is ALREADY dead (the body bag), then I hope it is not an innocent and is an aggressor.

Both can be true and are true.
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by Ronny Mahoni
Sorry, but this is veryvery wrong.

Germany isnt as great a country as people are lead to believe. We are just good with numbers and faking statistics.

The ONLY reason Germanys unemployment didnt skyrocket is that we dont count them as unemployed. We got a mechanism which is called "Kurzarbeit" or "Short Work" which means you work less to not at all. You remain employed but your company only pays what you work the rest you get from the state. So if you are on full Kurzarbeit your are essentially unemployed.

Unemployment has risen by 1.3%, even with that mechanism.
Kurzarbeit has risen from ~100.000 people a year to >10.000.000 people in April. Thats ~25% of the whole german workforce. If there wouldnt be no Kurzarbeit, you could easily count 1/3 to 2/3 to the unemployed people. That would mean that the total rise in unemployment through corona in germany is roughly 10 - 19%, which means a total of 16 - 25%. Is it really worse in the US?

Also, our glorious leaders allow our companies to not file for bankruptcy like they usually have to. Another fine way to make numbers look better than they are and we are in for a bad awakening once the actual numbers realise.
Originally Posted by AnotherMakiavelli
Yeah, and in September, last month, "Kurzarbeit" dropped to 3.7 Millions again. It seems it was peaking in April with 5.96 Millions. (Source: IFO)
I have to correct myself. IFO initially reported it to be at 5.96 million in April, but that was later corrected to 6.5 million. The peak was in May with 7.2 million, then 6.7 million in June. September was at 3.7 million.

The impact on the economy is obviously connected to how the virus outbreak is handled (number of infections, deaths, etc.). If a country has a strong export oriented economy, like Germany for example with 41% of the output being exports, this can have an impact that's beyond the countries control.

Last edited by AnotherMakiavelli; 10-08-2020 at 11:23 AM.
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by syndr0me
lol, good post

man out of all the ridiculous things trump has done, the hurricane/Alabama drawing might be the most absurd
Might be a bit unrealistic, since he is probably too dumb to know which cards to cross out.

Having said that, I left villain a chance at a boat.
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Thx for the heads up. I am not familiar enough with him.

When it comes to debate and people who do not understand there view can be contested and proclaim that it cannot I tend to just start copy/paste 'no you are wrong... no you are wrong' as there really is no point in engaging with that person beyond that.

I am happy to have my position contested and to defend it.
I hope you read my later post and reread the previous ones because that's not the way it is at all

The thing I am disputing is that's it's logically necessary to feel relief or anything psiitive about soemone dying in the circumstances you describe. The proclamation is simply that I dont generally experiecne those feelings that way. I accept your proclamation that you do.
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
theyre all just saying ‘the trump, the’

President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Right so again it's those who don't wish death on others who are at fault, I get you mate,it's all good.
So let's take this to its logical extension. It's wrong to wish death on anyone, ever. Even if that person is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. Even if that person is actively threatening the democratic processes within your own country. Even if the death of that person could save people from dying.

Never is it ok to wish death on someone or celebrate the death of someone. Ever. Full stop. It's wrong to celebrate the deaths of men like Saddam Hussein or Osama Bin Laden or Hitler. Anyone who is happy that those men are dead and not able to kill anymore is morally bankrupt, according to corpus.
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:07 AM
Person 1 : yells fire in crowded theatre to cause chaos and death and gets cell phone out to film it for YouTube.

Person 1 : ends up being the only to die via getting stomped

QP : glad he was the only one to die and no innocent people died.

CV - how dare you wish death on any one. You are wishing death on someone

Logical people : no CV you are wrong. There is a distinction between wishing death on someone and instead hoping that now that THERE IS a dead person, that it is them who are the only victim of their actions.
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I hope you read my later post and reread the previous ones because that's not the way it is at all

The thing I am disputing is that's it's logically necessary to feel relief or anything psiitive about soemone dying in the circumstances you describe. The proclamation is simply that I dont generally experiecne those feelings that way. I accept your proclamation that you do.
right and I had already stated i understand people agreeing to disagree with my position.

This area of 'ethical distinctions' would be one of the most contentious in a 'debate' class. The overlap with peoples own held 'moral' views and how they would perceive this morally can and does color what they see as meaningful distinctions.

In the end I think the distinction you make is meaningless. It is semantic. You think it is the key distinction. So where do we go from there other than to agree to disagree.

When you instead simply proclaim I am wrong nad you are right (as you did) and there is no room for my view as a counterpoint, that is where i begin to check out.
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Cuepee was wishing death on others regardless of your excuses and wordplay for him. You said many feel the same wayaboout Trump, implying it's okay to wish death on him. Hence my point that it's those who don't wish death on others who are at fault. Again it's all good mate.

Feel the same way about trump the politcian. Not feel the same way about whether he dies of covid or not - that's we're disputing.

No i dont feel at all at fault for not wishing him dead. I hope he recovers and loses bad in the election. I'd then like to see him in court a lot.
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by tgiggity
So let's take this to its logical extension. It's wrong to wish death on anyone, ever. Even if that person is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. Even if that person is actively threatening the democratic processes within your own country. Even if the death of that person could save people from dying.

Never is it ok to wish death on someone or celebrate the death of someone. Ever. Full stop. It's wrong to celebrate the deaths of men like Saddam Hussein or Osama Bin Laden or Hitler. Anyone who is happy that those men are dead and not able to kill anymore is morally bankrupt, according to corpus.
He's not responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths nor is he comparable to Bin Laden or Hitler,(Jasus what is it with you Americans and your melodramatics?). Cuepee hopes he dies simply because he dislikes him. That's all it boils down to regardless of all the excuses, hyperbole and ludicrous comparisons.

But we really all should be wishing death on anyone we dislike and anyone who doesn't is wrong, so again I get you.
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
right and I had already stated i understand people agreeing to disagree with my position.

This area of 'ethical distinctions' would be one of the most contentious in a 'debate' class. The overlap with peoples own held 'moral' views and how they would perceive this morally can and does color what they see as meaningful distinctions.

In the end I think the distinction you make is meaningless. It is semantic. You think it is the key distinction. So where do we go from there other than to agree to disagree.

When you instead simply proclaim I am wrong nad you are right (as you did) and there is no room for my view as a counterpoint, that is where i begin to check out.
I'm right for hoping Trump dies!
You're some can of piss mate.
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
He's not responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths...
Do you agree people can disagree with you on this point?

This is a meaningful distinction to see if you, in fact, can engage honestly in this discussion.
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw

Feel the same way about trump the politcian. Not feel the same way about whether he dies of covid or not - that's we're disputing.

No i dont feel at all at fault for not wishing him dead. I hope he recovers and loses bad in the election. I'd then like to see him in court a lot.
Well that's good, I'm glad I don't have to feel at fault for being able to condemn someone without hoping they die of covid
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile

You're some can of piss mate.

Person 1 : yells fire in crowded theatre to cause chaos and death and gets cell phone out to film it for YouTube.

Person 1 : ends up being the only to die via getting stomped

QP : glad he was the only one to die and no innocent people died.

CV - how dare you wish death on any one. You are wishing death on someone

Logical people : no CV you are wrong. There is a distinction between wishing death on someone and instead hoping that now that THERE IS a dead person, that it is them who are the only victim of their actions.
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
right and I had already stated i understand people agreeing to disagree with my position.

This area of 'ethical distinctions' would be one of the most contentious in a 'debate' class. The overlap with peoples own held 'moral' views and how they would perceive this morally can and does color what they see as meaningful distinctions.

In the end I think the distinction you make is meaningless. It is semantic. You think it is the key distinction. So where do we go from there other than to agree to disagree.

When you instead simply proclaim I am wrong nad you are right (as you did) and there is no room for my view as a counterpoint, that is where i begin to check out.
The only proclamtion I make about you being wrong is if you insist that it follows from us agreeing with the premise of your argument that I or others have to feel relief or anyhting positive about someone dying. Even then I've given the logic and explained why so that it could be disputed.

I dont think it's just semantic although there's a healthy dose of semantics and I suppoe it maybe.
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Do you agree people can disagree with you on this point?

This is a meaningful distinction to see if you, in fact, can engage honestly in this discussion.
Thousands would have died regardless of who was in charge it doesn't make them directly responsible any more than the leaders of the UK and western Europe are directly responsible for their death tolls. You simply use anything at hand to bash Trump, so people can disagree all they like, it won't magically make them correct.
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee

Person 1 : yells fire in crowded theatre to cause chaos and death and gets cell phone out to film it for YouTube.

Person 1 : ends up being the only to die via getting stomped

QP : glad he was the only one to die and no innocent people died.

CV - how dare you wish death on any one. You are wishing death on someone

Logical people : no CV you are wrong. There is a distinction between wishing death on someone and instead hoping that now that THERE IS a dead person, that it is them who are the only victim of their actions.
Ah so now wishing Trump to die of covid is the logical thing. I'll say one thing for you, your posts are entertaining as hell. Never change Cuepee
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
He's not responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths nor is he comparable to Bin Laden or Hitler,(Jasus what is it with you Americans and your melodramatics?). Cuepee hopes he dies simply because he dislikes him. That's all it boils down to regardless of all the excuses, hyperbole and ludicrous comparisons.

But we really all should be wishing death on anyone we dislike and anyone who doesn't is wrong, so again I get you.
1. Yes he is

But more importantly, you're wrong that we dislike Trump. I dislike Joe Biden. I dislike Kamala Harris. I really, really dislike Hilary Clinton. In fact, I dislike 90% of American politicians. So no, it's not about disliking Trump.

Trump is dangerous. The things he has done and is trying to do are despicable and directly threaten people close to me (specifically regarding immigration/gay rights). That's why I would celebrate Trump dying the same way I would have celebrated someone like Hitler dying. I abhor him and all of the vile, repugnant things he stands for and I will absolutely be elated the day he dies.
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:43 AM

Like I was saying - 30% of this country wants no part in a non-white-rule Democracy. This is scary that they're already saying the quiet part out loud.

Maybe the light bulb will eventually go on for some of you as to why the left has been so "insufferable" in recent times. This is scary ****.
President Donald Trump Quote
10-08-2020 , 11:44 AM

President Donald Trump Quote
