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Politics and Society Moderation Discussion Only Fans Thread Politics and Society Moderation Discussion Only Fans Thread

01-16-2024 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Close. I’m friends with his ex.
While I have not at all been involved in this recent chat, this is a resounding endorsement if I've ever seen one. Didn't you at some point vouch for renowned pedo Sklansky, owing to the fact that you knew him personally?
01-16-2024 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by browser2920

Just to reiterate, if someone believes someone made a post that violates our standards snd requires mod action, then report the post. If you have questions about mod policies or how they are applied by all means ask them here. But this isnt the place for posters to assess other posters with comments like "poster X always exaggerates" or "poster Y just drops one liners that dont apply to the discussion" and esp not "poster z is a fascist, racist, this-phobic, that-phobic nazi, etc. Besides its really weird to talk about a poster as if their not here and cant see the posts.
Originally Posted by browser2920
OK. I think most posters understand that in the topic threads, you are to attack the argument, not the poster. So we are working on eliminating all the "you are a racist, fascists, etc" statements and instead point out the flaws in the argument. Plus this gives the poster a chance to defend himself as to why his post wasnt racists, etc.

But what sometimes happens is instead of that people come into the moderation thread and do the same thing only in the third person. So if we don't allow people to say in a topic thread "chillrob you are a racist, antisemite nazi" then we are not going to allow them to come into the mod thread and say "that chillrob is a racist, antisemite nazi". And then others pile on with "yeah, that chillrob is a shitty poster altogether".

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Letting the racist clown back in was a great decision, bowser.
OK. I'll get to the post by Dunyain that trolly quoted that created this flare up in a minute. But I want to take care of the easy part first. Trolly has been temp banned for doing the exact thing I reminded everyone just yesterday about. The guidance couldnt be any clearer, yet he chose to ignore it.
01-16-2024 , 06:21 AM
Might as well ban all the regs, the way you are going, there aren't going to be any regs left anyway.

Whatever vision you have for this forum will never come to fruition. It pretty much runs/ran itself, its this own happy little ecosystem. You just came along and ****ed it all up for everyone.

The fact that anyone is still posting here is despite, not due to your horrendously over-reaching moderation.

Just quit again. You are a fine poster but an atrocious moderator.

Like, whom do you think you are moderating anwyay? Consent to be governed is a thing here. Name one poster who agrees with your moderation policies.

Last edited by d2_e4; 01-16-2024 at 06:37 AM.
01-16-2024 , 06:32 AM
Politcs is not about giving up. Especially not because of the 'nothing can be done' fallacy.
01-16-2024 , 06:35 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Politcs is not about giving up. Especially not because of the 'nothing can be done' fallacy.
You should put that on a poster. Then wrap yourself up in that poster, and soil yourself.
01-16-2024 , 06:43 AM
Excellent idea. I shall get onto it straight away.
01-16-2024 , 07:05 AM
Open a few bottles of beer. That might help.
01-16-2024 , 07:13 AM
OK. And now to the Dunyain post that trolly posted along with calling Dunyain a racist clown.

I went back and reread the posts before and after these. Basically the topic under discussion was which country or international organization would be a good choice to occupy and establish some sort of security/controlling presence after the fighting stops. Various options were floated with discussion as to whether those countries either could do it, or want to do it.

In that flow of discussion, Dunyain posted this post(the post that trolly quoted just an excerpt from and another poster sent in a post report about). The part trolly quoted is bolded:

Originally Posted by Dunyain
Well, in fairness at this point Israel would exercise veto power if they felt it was a bad faith actor who would just continue the status quo of radicalization and militarization. They have seen enough from UNRWA I doubt they would let them take over, even if they were willing.

Regardless, I think you guys are all missing the part where the Palestinian people are so tribal, violent, homicidal and radicalized literally no "outsider" would even consider taking on the job. It is a complete non starter.

Israel is doing it out of (perceived) necessity and hundreds of their young men are dying for it. Why would any other country submit themselves to this unnecessarily?

So the question raised is whether the bolded part is a racist statement slurring the Palestinian people as a whole that should not be allowed and the post be deleted and/or the poster temp banned; or a harsh and exaggerated personal opinion of the Palestinian people in Gaza that, while many may disagree with, should be allowed to be expressed and then rebutted by others.

IMO while I believe the statement is deliberately extreme to provoke other posters, I do not believe it is a racist statement that requires moderator action, but rather an opinion that warrants rebuttal. No source considers Palestinians as a race. So racist just doesn't fit. And as far as smearing an entire ethnic group, given the context of the discussion it is clear the Palestinian people he is referencing are the residents of Gaza.

Now to the four adjectives that stirred people up. Almost all ethnic groups and nationalities are tribal to one degree or another, esp when pitted against an outside group. Violent? That's a personal opinion, and given the decades of violence in that region and the prospect that violence would be continued against any occupying force, its more a question of whether the violence is justified.

Homicidal? That's the most extreme take. Surely there is an element in Gaza that is, given the history of violence and killings. But those who disagree should be able to rebut that opinion rather than have that opinion censored. A question I think needs to be explored is what, if any, responsibility does the civilian population of a country or region bear for killings done by their government. And lastly, radicalized. From the time Palestinian children start school they are exposed to radicalizing propaganda about Israel. I don't think that is really disputed.

So that's my take. Feel free to express your thoughts on the mod decision to let this post remain. But please don't rebut the opinions expressed in that post in the Israel/Palestinian thread here. Go at it in that thread. Have the debate. But use logic and facts, or state opinions, but don't let the discussion degenerate into name calling and insults.
01-16-2024 , 07:20 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Might as well ban all the regs, the way you are going, there aren't going to be any regs left anyway.

Whatever vision you have for this forum will never come to fruition. It pretty much runs/ran itself, its this own happy little ecosystem. You just came along and ****ed it all up for everyone.

The fact that anyone is still posting here is despite, not due to your horrendously over-reaching moderation.

Just quit again. You are a fine poster but an atrocious moderator.

Like, whom do you think you are moderating anwyay? Consent to be governed is a thing here. Name one poster who agrees with your moderation policies.
Boo hoo.


Every single user of this forum consented to the terms and conditions of the site and agrees to follow the posting rules and guidelines. You already consented. If you regret that decision now, you are free to leave. If the ability to call other people names is such a big piece of your posting game, you probably will be happier on one of these sites where everyone just insults each other.

Last edited by browser2920; 01-16-2024 at 07:31 AM.
01-16-2024 , 07:33 AM
Right, so you have a hard on for exercising power in a position of minor authority. Got it.

You live in ****ing Thailand, you can get that hard on taken care of in other ways. Why you gotta **** with us?
01-16-2024 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Right, so you have a hard on for exercising power in a position of minor authority. Got it.
You don't got ****. I've had to exercise the power of life and death decisions several times in my life during my Army career. Modding a website is not exercising power. Mods have no power. In the end, this is a meaningless little corner of a meaningless internet forum where meaningless discussions take place for meaningless diversion or entertainment. If you think moderating such a place gets anyone hard about the power, then this site must hold an outsized importance in your life.

Your apparent obsession with whether a post (not even one of yours) was deleted is very odd. Do you think anyone at all will care a week from now if a post was deleted? A day from now? Will most people even remember most posts a few hours from now?

IMO you are pole vaulting over a sidewalk crack. Im not going to waste anymore time on this.

Last edited by browser2920; 01-16-2024 at 07:54 AM.
01-16-2024 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Right, so you have a hard on for exercising power in a position of minor authority. Got it.

You live in ****ing Thailand, you can get that hard on taken care of in other ways. Why you gotta **** with us?
You should prob also stop posting on this topic.
01-16-2024 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by browser2920
Your apparent obsession with whether a post (not even one of yours) was deleted is very odd. Do you think anyone at all will care a week from now if a post was deleted? A day from now? Will most people even remember most posts a few hours from now?
By this very logic, we might as well pack up the whole forum and go home, which is what it seems you want done.
01-16-2024 , 08:12 AM
Look, regardless of our differences, and clowning on each other, Trolly is my buddy, You ban him, you made an enemy with me.
01-16-2024 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by browser2920
You don't got ****. I've had to exercise the power of life and death decisions several times in my life during my Army career. Modding a website is not exercising power. Mods have no power. In the end, this is a meaningless little corner of a meaningless internet forum where meaningless discussions take place for meaningless diversion or entertainment. If you think moderating such a place gets anyone hard about the power, then this site must hold an outsized importance in your life.

Your apparent obsession with whether a post (not even one of yours) was deleted is very odd. Do you think anyone at all will care a week from now if a post was deleted? A day from now? Will most people even remember most posts a few hours from now?

IMO you are pole vaulting over a sidewalk crack. Im not going to waste anymore time on this.
You gotta love this. You came back after six months of stepping down and have taken more moderation actions in the last few weeks than all the mods combined for the entire time you were gone. Somebody criticizes you for it. Your response? "You can't criticize me; I was in the army!"

Maybe this forum doesn't mean a damn thing to you, but it does to the rest of us. I can say that this forum had a huge effect on me in various stages of my life, and I am positive that most of the few remaining regs that we have here would say the same. If you don't care about what happens to this place, why are you even modding it? I might be wrong, but it seems to me that this "I don't care what happens to this meaningless little corner of the Internet" attitude stems from the fact that you were not a politics poster. You had not made even one post in the politics subforum when you were made a mod of this place. Is really shouldn't be a surprise to anybody that you don't seem to care about what happens here.

I don't remember any time in politics forum history where we have had such heavy handed moderation, and that includes your first stint as a moderator. I am not sure what happened, but at this rate, this will be a dead forum in three months. Maybe you don't care, but the rest of us surely do.
01-16-2024 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
Maybe this forum doesn't mean a damn thing to you, but it does to the rest of us. I can say that this forum had a huge effect on me in various stages of my life, and I am positive that most of the few remaining regs that we have here would say the same. If you don't care about what happens to this place, why are you even modding it?
Absolutely. For me I was either posting at a previous politics forum or this one for, geeze, almost 25 years. That makes me sound old, but maybe most of us are now. Lots of forum posting was silly faux drama and taking the piss or whatever, but somehow in between that it is also the case that most of my political development ultimately happened on one of the two politics forums. This is mostly fond memories from the past - this forum like most forums have been declining for a long time before and after browser - and it isn't particularly crucial to my political viewpoints today, but they are still there at the core that yes the forum does actually mean something to me and kind of sad in a way to see it decline.
01-16-2024 , 11:37 AM
Moderator here is like being the GOP leader of the House
01-16-2024 , 12:15 PM
In congress the speaker has to be a member of congress first and then congress votes them in
01-16-2024 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
In congress the speaker has to be a member of congress first and then congress votes them in
01-16-2024 , 12:19 PM
You guys are way overreacting
01-16-2024 , 12:23 PM
Oh right, there was that bit where people were saying Trump should be speaker. Canadian ftl
01-16-2024 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
lol oh really? Wtf kind of rules do you americans have, please become a sensible democracy like canada.
Every speaker ever has been a representative, but it's not technically required eh
01-16-2024 , 12:27 PM
Nice edit knob
01-16-2024 , 12:54 PM
I dont think its unreasonable for Browser to ask people not to just drop into this thread to just talk a bunch of **** about other posters out nowhere.
01-16-2024 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Nice edit knob
Yeah he had to remove sensible democracy as he knows that ain't true

I don't see Joe Biden arresting Peter Ducey because he doesn't like the question He may want to
