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Politics and Society Moderation Discussion Only Fans Thread Politics and Society Moderation Discussion Only Fans Thread

12-12-2023 , 01:54 AM
Take me to ****ing trial man. Literally the only person who beats me at trial is roc. And that is only because he is trained in the lawyerly stuff.
12-12-2023 , 01:58 AM
Funnily enough, the first and last thing I say under interrogation is "lawyer".
12-12-2023 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
There are some moderators who do me a favour by deleting my posts.

Rococo is definitely not one of them, he wants the evidence to stay.
Just say something offensive about Muslims or black people, the mods won't delete those posts.
12-12-2023 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Take me to ****ing trial man. Literally the only person who beats me at trial is roc. And that is only because he is trained in the lawyerly stuff.
I'll give you a handicap, Roc. I'll represent myself.
12-12-2023 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
For those who didn't understand, that means that this thread is to discuss moderation issues in this forum, not whatever topic you want.
Here is my take on a "moderation issue."

It seems to me that people can talk politics on countless other forums, subreddits, or other places. People come here because of the community that we have on this forum. The politics forum and sports forum are literally the only OT forums left on 2p2 that are not completely dead, and that sadly even includes OOT. I personally doubt, as I am sure that most of you do as well, that 2p2 will be around as we know it five years from now due to continually dwindling traffic.

With that said, does it really make sense to limit conversation? The moderation thread has long been the de facto causal conversation/drama/off-topic thread. I understand trying to limit the annoying Nash stuff, but there is a point where you are just discouraging conversation, and telling us that we can only discuss "moderation issues" is that point.

Anyway, that's only my take. You guys can ultimately moderate this place however you want. All I know is that d2 has not posted all day since making a couple of responses to your and rocco's posts. Doesn't that make you feel bad? It makes ME feel bad!
12-12-2023 , 10:44 PM
If mods don't moderate though then they'll start feeling bad
12-12-2023 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
The moderation thread has long been the de facto causal conversation/drama/off-topic thread. I understand trying to limit the annoying Nash stuff, but there is a point where you are just discouraging conversation, and telling us that we can only discuss "moderation issues" is that point.
I do appreciate the response. But there's an actual low content thread where all this stuff would better fit. It's hard to say not to talk about Nash in this thread but that it is ok to talk about quantum computers.
12-12-2023 , 11:43 PM
We are coming up on three weeks since somebody has posted anything in the low content thread...
12-13-2023 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
Here is my take on a "moderation issue."

It seems to me that people can talk politics on countless other forums, subreddits, or other places. People come here because of the community that we have on this forum. The politics forum and sports forum are literally the only OT forums left on 2p2 that are not completely dead, and that sadly even includes OOT. I personally doubt, as I am sure that most of you do as well, that 2p2 will be around as we know it five years from now due to continually dwindling traffic.

With that said, does it really make sense to limit conversation? The moderation thread has long been the de facto causal conversation/drama/off-topic thread. I understand trying to limit the annoying Nash stuff, but there is a point where you are just discouraging conversation, and telling us that we can only discuss "moderation issues" is that point.

Anyway, that's only my take. You guys can ultimately moderate this place however you want. All I know is that d2 has not posted all day since making a couple of responses to your and rocco's posts. Doesn't that make you feel bad? It makes ME feel bad!
Is it really so restrictive to suggest that posts in the moderation thread should generally be limited to moderation issues? There are a million other threads, including a low content thread, where people can post on other topics.
12-13-2023 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
We are coming up on three weeks since somebody has posted anything in the low content thread...
That is solely because people insist on posting random stuff in the moderation thread rather than the low content thread.
12-13-2023 , 02:34 AM
Anyone have a sense of cite wide statistics? I think we all are the decline, but I’m curious if anyone has any measures of exactly how fast useage is dropping year of year. There are elements of forums I still like over the rest of social media
12-13-2023 , 02:39 AM
mods tend to view this place and as a union of semi autonomous locales under the rule of various mods

when positing in x forum, be mindful of y

very few, if any of the people actually posting here who aren't mods view it that way - it's just a message board site, some boards are organized differently on the menu but it's all the same

this leads to a lot of conflict where mods want order and expect their will to be obeyed and we for the most part didn't even know that will existed nor giving flying f about it - i'm not going to post differently just because the link i clicked took me from oot to nvg

a few years ago i was doing a trade with a guy, he was done trading he recommended another person who he had recently traded with and is new to 2p2, i dm the guy, mention the reference and ask if he's down to trade, he recalls that mike haven's trading thread has a no dm rule, all trades must be public - which is understandable and mike had recently yelled at him for doing stuff via dm and asked him to report anyone who tried dming him in the future - so he goes ahead and forwards it to mike

mike knows fully well i'm coming from a reference, i don't even know his thread exists, he thinks i obviously do know about his thread and am intimate with the rules, he reprimands me, threatens to ban me, just in general is a total ****faced dick about it

that's the problem with this place, you get mods stepping in and trying to ban someone who's traded six figures with others here without ever having a problem and because i don't do it through one mod's preferred style and his spy network, yeah, that's right, he's such a pathetic loser he creates spy networks instructing people to report back to him if they don't follow his arbitrary rules - like the guy genuinely thought he had a monopoly of oversight over all trades - he's such a clown

that's the problem with mods, there's some good ones, some ones i really respect, but there's also plenty who are absolute losers who just want to have a little bit faux authority so they can feel better about their miserable facking lives and they are net negatives

we're first and foremost a community of peers - if we're not spamming ads for dick pills or doxxing then let us roam free
12-13-2023 , 03:57 AM
I used to have access to Google Analytics for the site when I looked after advertising, but now there's none of that so I haven't looked at the numbers in a few years and probably don't have access any more. It's been a pretty steady decrease for about a decade now, but I don't know if that's remained the same, accelerated, or decelerated in the last few years. My suspicion only from observation is that it's been about the same. I think the site's impending doom is often exaggerated, but certainly there will be an end in some number of years if the trend continues.

As for rickroll's post, obviously I have a lot of different feelings than he does, but I won't go through it all and instead will make a few comments - not that anyone asked me, but I tend to respond to posts like that.

Yes, different forums having different rules has always been a thing on the site, and I think it's been both a strength and a weakness. These days, I believe moderation is more easygoing in most forums here, but that's not universal. As for the trading thread and trades in general, yeah, they're moderated very harshly. Sadly, those have always been a huge magnet for scammers, and despite warnings and very clear rules, posters constantly do really stupid **** and get scammed as a result. Mike Haven has worked his ass off for 16+ years (as a volunteer) trying to reduce the number of people getting scammed. I get that the way he does so will rub some people the wrong way, and I'm not here to convince you to like him, just to say that he does what he does because he thinks it's an overall benefit to the community (and I think he's right), not because he's on any kind of power trip, and whether the rules are too harsh or not, they definitely aren't arbitrary. As for losers, faux authority, miserable facking lives, etc., not the first time I've heard that reductive silliness, and I know it won't be the last. Sure, there might be a few mods that get some weird pleasure out of authority, but I sincerely believe that's pretty rare.

What's strange to me is what this all stemmed from. The mods seem to be pretty relaxed about this thread and let a lot of things go, only stepping in once in a while when things really get off topic. Seems really odd to me to get worked up over being asked to keep the really off topic posts in the off topic/low content thread. As a poster, the last thing I'd want is people posting whatever they wanted in whatever thread they liked. Admittedly I know not everyone cares all that much, but I'm confident mods aren't the only ones who do.
12-13-2023 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
As for losers, faux authority, miserable facking lives, etc., not the first time I've heard that reductive silliness, and I know it won't be the last. Sure, there might be a few mods that get some weird pleasure out of authority, but I sincerely believe that's pretty rare.
Speaking only for myself, I get no pleasure out of moderating this forum. If someone reasonable wanted to replace me, I would happily quit.
12-13-2023 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
Here is my take on a "moderation issue."

It seems to me that people can talk politics on countless other forums, subreddits, or other places. People come here because of the community that we have on this forum. The politics forum and sports forum are literally the only OT forums left on 2p2 that are not completely dead, and that sadly even includes OOT. I personally doubt, as I am sure that most of you do as well, that 2p2 will be around as we know it five years from now due to continually dwindling traffic.

With that said, does it really make sense to limit conversation? The moderation thread has long been the de facto causal conversation/drama/off-topic thread. I understand trying to limit the annoying Nash stuff, but there is a point where you are just discouraging conversation, and telling us that we can only discuss "moderation issues" is that point.

Anyway, that's only my take. You guys can ultimately moderate this place however you want. All I know is that d2 has not posted all day since making a couple of responses to your and rocco's posts. Doesn't that make you feel bad? It makes ME feel bad!
Wasn't throwing my toys out of the pram, just had some IRL stuff to attend to the last couple of days. I have no problem posting my hot takes in the LC thread
12-13-2023 , 11:40 AM
In addition to moving the math jokes to the LC thread, what if we also moved all the Nazi content there? Make it a general-purpose containment thread like in OOT.
12-13-2023 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Speaking only for myself, I get no pleasure out of moderating this forum. If someone reasonable wanted to replace me, I would happily quit.
Sorry to hear that I think you , and ganstaman do a great job.
12-13-2023 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Wasn't throwing my toys out of the pram, just had some IRL stuff to attend to the last couple of days. I have no problem posting my hot takes in the LC thread
I will forgive you... this time.
12-13-2023 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
I will forgive you... this time.
Was going t "Like" this, but it looks like that feature has disappeared from the whole forum?!
12-13-2023 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Was going t "Like" this, but it looks like that feature has disappeared from the whole forum?!
Ah damn, didn’t notice that. Would be useful if they brought it back but it displayed who gave the like.
12-13-2023 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
Ah damn, didn’t notice that. Would be useful if they brought it back but it displayed who gave the like.
That's how it always worked if you hovered (or clicked, can't remember) over the "+1" or however many likes you got.
12-13-2023 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
As for the trading thread and trades in general, yeah, they're moderated very harshly. Sadly, those have always been a huge magnet for scammers, and despite warnings and very clear rules, posters constantly do really stupid **** and get scammed as a result. Mike Haven has worked his ass off for 16+ years (as a volunteer) trying to reduce the number of people getting scammed. I get that the way he does so will rub some people the wrong way, and I'm not here to convince you to like him, just to say that he does what he does because he thinks it's an overall benefit to the community (and I think he's right), not because he's on any kind of power trip, and whether the rules are too harsh or not, they definitely aren't arbitrary. As for losers, faux authority, miserable facking lives, etc., not the first time I've heard that reductive silliness, and I know it won't be the last. Sure, there might be a few mods that get some weird pleasure out of authority, but I sincerely believe that's pretty rare.
i agree that mike's head is in the right place but he is so single minded on his one thread of strangers that he wasn't even aware most trades here happen via dm and him threatening to perma ban me for doing dm trades, something which i've literally done over 6 figures worth of and how over 99% of all trades here are done - like he literally tried to enforce that no trades could happen here outside of his thread - so yeah, the "power" has gone to his head - he may have good intentions behind it, but along the way he's 100% created his own little version of the dmv that everyone hates

what he does is good for strangers trading with strangers which is where a lot of the scamming occurs- it's not helpful at all for people who know each other and when they refer others via references - like i think most mods come from good places but over time and after deleting thousands upon thousands of dick pics and holocaust jokes have lost perspective

there's a bunch of others i had major problems with in the the past but have either toned it down or retired - ie i used to hate how videopro handled his threads but last few years haven't seen anything that bugs me, nor do i recall what it was that i didn't like and in general think he's a great poster who i'd love to get a beer with and i'm genuinely unsure now if it was ever him - i just know that every time i see him post my initial thoughts are "ugh that @sshole again" but then i see he's posting well and begin to question why it is that's where my mind goes immediately when i see his username in a thread

who's next i see no redeeming qualities whatsoever
12-13-2023 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
That's how it always worked if you hovered (or clicked, can't remember) over the "+1" or however many likes you got.
You’re blowing my mind right now.
12-13-2023 , 02:19 PM
I've been using the same dark forum skin for the last fifteen years, and likes don't show up on it ��
12-13-2023 , 02:20 PM
Likes used to show up on dark, multiquote never has though.

The like feature was nice, I wish more people used it.
