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Politics and Society Moderation Discussion Only Fans Thread Politics and Society Moderation Discussion Only Fans Thread

11-02-2023 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
Taking a look at this definition, I'm not sure the Russia - Ukraine conflict even meets this criteria.

The first line states: " or both of which act at the instigation or on behalf of other parties that are not directly involved in the hostilities."

Clearly this doesnt apply to Russia. They didnt invade at the instigation of a third party not directly involved. They instigated the invasion on their own accord and are obviously directly involved.

As for Ukraine, they did not instigate the invasion. And they were going to defend themselves no matter what aid NATO did or did not supply. In fact, NATO initially thought Ukraine was going to get quickly overrun and suggested Selensky leave. And he basically said he was staying and defending his country. So Ukraine was not acting on behalf of NATO when they defended the country.

So it appears that the situation fails to meet the initial and key criteria for a proxy war. Russia instigated the war for its own interests, and is directly involved. The Ukraine defended itself in spite of, rather than because of NATO trying to avoid the conflict, and certainly was acting on its own behalf.

Additionally, other definitions of proxy war do not consider a war a proxy war if one of the major powers is actually a direct participant, as Russia is. It cant be a Russia - anybody proxy war since Russia is one of the direct participants. Those definitions require both sides of the war to be fought by other, or proxy countries or groups, while the major players behind each side support but do not directly intervene in combat.

I have been out of the forum for a long time and just stopped by. I havent read through the ukraine invasion thread. But it seems like this discussion about whether this is a proxy war between Russia and NATO or not is like pole vaulting over a mouse turd. By some definitions it clearly isnt. By the wiki definition it likely isnt. But it also bears some aspects of a proxy war from NATOs perspective, from the amount of aid given to Ukraine. And clearly NATO has an interest in seeing Ukraine be successful.

But ultimately I dont see what difference it makes. Both Russia and Ukraine are directly involved and are acting on their own behalf. NATO has interests in the outcome, so that is similar to a proxy war. Im sure to all the soldiers and civilians bearing the brunt of the war, it is a distinction without a difference.
All of this is obviously correct imo.
11-02-2023 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
Taking a look at this definition, I'm not sure the Russia - Ukraine conflict even meets this criteria.

The first line states: " or both of which act at the instigation or on behalf of other parties that are not directly involved in the hostilities."

Clearly this doesnt apply to Russia. They didnt invade at the instigation of a third party not directly involved. They instigated the invasion on their own accord and are obviously directly involved.

As for Ukraine, they did not instigate the invasion. And they were going to defend themselves no matter what aid NATO did or did not supply. In fact, NATO initially thought Ukraine was going to get quickly overrun and suggested Selensky leave. And he basically said he was staying and defending his country. So Ukraine was not acting on behalf of NATO when they defended the country.

So it appears that the situation fails to meet the initial and key criteria for a proxy war. Russia instigated the war for its own interests, and is directly involved. The Ukraine defended itself in spite of, rather than because of NATO trying to avoid the conflict, and certainly was acting on its own behalf.

Additionally, other definitions of proxy war do not consider a war a proxy war if one of the major powers is actually a direct participant, as Russia is. It cant be a Russia - anybody proxy war since Russia is one of the direct participants. Those definitions require both sides of the war to be fought by other, or proxy countries or groups, while the major players behind each side support but do not directly intervene in combat.

I have been out of the forum for a long time and just stopped by. I havent read through the ukraine invasion thread. But it seems like this discussion about whether this is a proxy war between Russia and NATO or not is like pole vaulting over a mouse turd. By some definitions it clearly isnt. By the wiki definition it likely isnt. But it also bears some aspects of a proxy war from NATOs perspective, from the amount of aid given to Ukraine. And clearly NATO has an interest in seeing Ukraine be successful.

But ultimately I dont see what difference it makes. Both Russia and Ukraine are directly involved and are acting on their own behalf. NATO has interests in the outcome, so that is similar to a proxy war. Im sure to all the soldiers and civilians bearing the brunt of the war, it is a distinction without a difference.
We were so close to being done with this. You’re not wrong but it’s been said to him about ten times in different ways already and he simply refuses to believe anyone should be able to disagree with him.
11-02-2023 , 03:01 PM
Yes, I have a feeling browser will rue the day he made this post if he hangs around to engage with the discussion it spawns.
11-02-2023 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Why are you spamming dictionary definitions all over the place trying to prove something?
Because I'm not saying THIS is the definition of the word....I am saying GIVEN THIS DEFINITION, does the scenario fit THIS definition. Which is why being able to cite/quote it is imperative. It doesn't mean the cited definition is correct, but thats how we make sure the counter person doesn't address a different definition.

And then they can say 'i don't use that definition' I use a different' and thats fine too...but doesn't speak to my definition.
11-02-2023 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
Because I'm not saying THIS is the definition of the word....I am saying GIVEN THIS DEFINITION, does the scenario fit THIS definition. Which is why being able to cite/quote it is imperative. It doesn't mean the cited definition is correct, but thats how we make sure the counter person doesn't address a different definition.

And then they can say 'i don't use that definition' I use a different' and thats fine too...but doesn't speak to my definition.
So, you picked that definition at random?
11-02-2023 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
This response is completely disingenuous. No one said that you can't post or cite the definition of a word.
ganstaman was commenting on the fact that you have engaged in the absurd tactic of posting the same definition of the term "proxy war" 15 times in the last 5 days in the same thread
Ok because I took this as a warning from a mod, I don't have to heed it?
Originally Posted by ganstaman
I believe you have posted this definition more than 3 times per day on average in the past 5 days. Please stop. No one is lacking for that specific text.

Moreover, you have been spamming this definition at the same time you have been repeatedly complaining in the mod thread that someone is preventing you from arguing that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is a proxy war.
I wouldn't think its a problem if I'm engaging in debate about the definition. But if I were actually told I can't reference it that would be a travesty. If a person says is x scenario fitting to y definition. And someone counters no. You want them to be able to say x is not y because y is z and z is not x. etc.

if the person just repeats no, or uses a different definition, because they are insincere, its an important forum tactic to be able to hold them to speaking to that definition, or admit that they are using a different definition. And so like I said, it seems to me, that BGP can create a circular argument, has the favor the mods, and thus can stuff me, by fostering the circularity. My only real tool, is to ask them to show me in the definition how it doesn't agree.

They won't speak to the defintion, they won't quote the words and bold the ones that are not fitting.
11-02-2023 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
All of this is obviously correct imo.
Are you saying the facts are correct, or are you saying that if nato instigated and was control ukraine, thats not a proxy, by this definition

A proxy war is an armed conflict between two states or non-state actors, one or both of which act at the instigation or on behalf of other parties that are not directly involved in the hostilities.[1] In order for a conflict to be considered a proxy war, there must be a direct, long-term relationship between external actors and the belligerents involved.[2] The aforementioned relationship usually takes the form of funding, military training, arms, or other forms of material assistance which assist a belligerent party in sustaining its war effort.[2]

Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
We were so close to being done with this. You’re not wrong but it’s been said to him about ten times in different ways already and he simply refuses to believe anyone should be able to disagree with him.
No thats not whats happening. I have made an argument and people have proved me wrong and I disagree. I am asking, by the definition given, if nato instigated the war, and is controlling ukraine, is that that a proxy war.
11-02-2023 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
So, you picked that definition at random?
Effectively yes, someone might not find it useful, they may have one thats different, and that could be asked of the same questions etc.

If it fits the definition of wiki as a proxy war, that doesn't mean its a proxy war, that means by the wiki definition its a proxy war. You guys keep pretending i **** language. You guys are the ones that **** with it. I'm holding you to truth.
11-02-2023 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
Taking a look at this definition, I'm not sure the Russia - Ukraine conflict even meets this criteria..

Clearly this doesnt apply to Russia….
As for Ukraine, they did not instigate the invasion….
So it appears that the situation fails to meet the initial and key criteria for a proxy war.
Additionally, other definitions of proxy war do not consider a war a proxy war if one of the major powers is actually a direct participant, as Russia is. It cant be a Russia - anybody proxy war since Russia is one of the direct participants. Those definitions require both sides of the war to be fought by other, or proxy countries or groups, while the major players behind each side support but do not directly intervene in combat.
But it seems like this discussion is like pole vaulting over a mouse turd. By some definitions it clearly isnt. By the wiki definition it likely isnt.

But ultimately I dont see what difference it makes. Both Russia and Ukraine are directly involved and are acting on their own behalf. NATO has interests in the outcome…… it is a distinction without a difference.

Originally Posted by jbouton

you kind of started to agree at the end here, but also my points bend urs ...

11-02-2023 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
Effectively yes, someone might not find it useful, they may have one thats different, and that could be asked of the same questions etc.

If it fits the definition of wiki as a proxy war, that doesn't mean its a proxy war, that means by the wiki definition its a proxy war. You guys keep pretending i **** language. You guys are the ones that **** with it. I'm holding you to truth.
But this does more or less represent your view as you’ve said it’s obviously a proxy war. Why wouldn’t you choose a definition that fully represents your view or at least clarify how it does not?

Originally Posted by jbouton
No thats not whats happening. I have made an argument and people have proved me wrong and I disagree. I am asking, by the definition given, if nato instigated the war, and is controlling ukraine, is that that a proxy war.
If people have answered no and you disagree, what do you hope to achieve by simply asking the exact same question repeatedly?
11-02-2023 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
But this does more or less represent your view as you’ve said it’s obviously a proxy war. Why wouldn’t you choose a definition that fully represents your view or at least clarify how it does not?
Well my thoughts are, if we accepted that nato instigated and controlled Ukraine's efforts, then by the wiki definition is a proxy war. Wiki is a decent start for words with loaded meaning. Its not the end all be all and its not perfectly neutral but its a useful start imo. Perhaps if it didn't fit my narrative my bias would have precluded me from using it, you can check for that bias in the future versus me.

If people have answered no and you disagree, what do you hope to achieve by simply asking the exact same question repeatedly?
I would like that to be clarified and that would be helpful, bgp didn't seem to state that simply and clearly. Is that how you feel? If nato instigated it and is controlling and funding, and arming ukraine etc....then by the wiki definition you still think its not a proxy war? It would also obviously be helpful if someone pulled out the specific parts of the definition that are wrong, but no one seems to want to cite it in their responses.

Thats why I quote it back, because obviously Im calling you all out on that aspect.
11-02-2023 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
Ok because I took this as a warning from a mod, I don't have to heed it?
Are you truly unable to see the distinction between "Now I can't post the definition of a word. You guys are creating insane rules for me when I point out people are wrong about things. I can't reference a definition?! Wow!!!" and "you have posted this definition more than 3 times per day on average in the past 5 days. Please stop. No one is lacking for that specific text."? That post, and Rococo's follow up that "you have engaged in the absurd tactic of posting the same definition of the term "proxy war" 15 times in the last 5 days in the same thread" makes it extremely obvious that you have overdone it with one particular definition in a short period of time. Are you really unable to comprehend this, or are you just being a complete and utter troll now?

Originally Posted by jbouton
Well my thoughts are, if we accepted that nato instigated and controlled Ukraine's efforts, then by the wiki definition is a proxy war. Wiki is a decent start for words with loaded meaning. Its not the end all be all and its not perfectly neutral but its a useful start imo. Perhaps if it didn't fit my narrative my bias would have precluded me from using it, you can check for that bias in the future versus me.
If that's something you agree on, but you can't agree on the term for it, then why not just move on? Who gives a **** what people want to call it? In fact, it doesn't really matter what people call it even if you don't agree on it, because then your point of disagreement is whether "nato instigated and controlled Ukraine's efforts", and whether you or they call that a proxy war or not is irrelevant.

Basically, you're here once again:

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Holy **** man, you're a truly, truly terrible communicator. I don't know how this hasn't become clear to you by now, because over and over again you get into disputes over definitions, what you mean when you say a certain word, trying to get others to agree on your definitions - you constantly have people unable to understand what you're saying. Far more time in discussions with you is spent on how the issues should be discussed, than on the actual issues themselves. And this has happened with all your past accounts, like when you've gone down Nash rabbit holes where very few people, if any, understand what you're saying.

Over and over again you get into debates over definitions you are using, and it happens on a more frequent basis with you than anyone else. It's time to take some responsibility for this. It's easy to solve - when there's confusion, explain yourself.
Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
If people have answered no and you disagree, what do you hope to achieve by simply asking the exact same question repeatedly?

Last edited by Bobo Fett; 11-02-2023 at 03:49 PM.
11-02-2023 , 03:45 PM
Rococo is usually a bit camera shy, but I just caught a rare snap of him.

11-02-2023 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Are you truly unable to see the distinction between "Now I can't post the definition of a word. You guys are creating insane rules for me when I point out people are wrong about things. I can't reference a definition?! Wow!!!" and "you have posted this definition more than 3 times per day on average in the past 5 days. Please stop. No one is lacking for that specific text."? That post, and Rococo's follow up that "you have engaged in the absurd tactic of posting the same definition of the term "proxy war" 15 times in the last 5 days in the same thread" makes it extremely obvious that you have overdone it with one particular definition in a short period of time. Are you really unable to comprehend this, or are you just being a complete and utter troll now?
Thats VERY unclear whether or not I will get banned for posting the definition. I'm not spamming, I'm engaging in an argument about whether or not the topic of the thread fits the word. I'm not just spamming the definition, I'm engaging and pointing to the words in the defintion. So yes I took it as I have to not post it or I get banned. Rococo seems to feel that I understood that wrong. But your post here, I don't know now?

If that's something you agree on, but you can't agree on the term for it, then why not just move on? Who gives a **** what people want to call it?
Well when someone says 'its absolutely not a proxy war' I have NO DEFENSE but to bring a definition in and ask 'are you saying its not THIS'? Otherwise how do we address the same word together?

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
If people have answered no and you disagree, what do you hope to achieve by simply asking the exact same question repeatedly?
No one has clearly stated that 'even if nato was the instigator and controlling and funding ukraine then it wouldn't be a proxy war by the wiki definition. That would be quite useful. so for example, you have IMPLIED it, but you haven't stated it, and I think its because you don't believe it, and you don't wanna get caught saying something untrue. if you believe its wouldn't be a proxy war given those conditions, can you just be clear and state it?
11-02-2023 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Rococo is usually a bit camera shy, but I just caught a rare snap of him.

Supposedly, that would make this a travesty, by some people’s definition.
11-02-2023 , 03:51 PM
You would think the mod that said it would come in and clarify, rather than have 2 mods rescue them, like last time. If I'm told to not post the definition, I wont.
11-02-2023 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
You would think the mod that said it would come in and clarify, rather than have 2 mods rescue them, like last time. If I'm told to not post the definition, I wont.
How do you propose someone clarifies anything to a person who is either completely incapable of grasping or completely unwilling to grasp the most basic of concepts or instructions?

What has been explained (and repeated multiple times) to you in regard to your latest complaint, and more generally over the course of the last several days, months and, extrapolation would suggest, decades is crystal clear to literally everyone but you.

Last edited by d2_e4; 11-02-2023 at 04:03 PM.
11-02-2023 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
I'm engaging in an argument about whether or not the topic of the thread fits the word.
Oh, how excellent! That sounds like a lot of fun, I really should start reading the thread again!

Originally Posted by jbouton
Thats VERY unclear whether or not I will get banned for posting the definition. I'm not spamming, I'm engaging in an argument about whether or not the topic of the thread fits the word. I'm not just spamming the definition, I'm engaging and pointing to the words in the defintion. So yes I took it as I have to not post it or I get banned. Rococo seems to feel that I understood that wrong. But your post here, I don't know now?
Seems pretty ****ing clear to me that he wants you to stop posting that same definition over and over again. I don't know how my post makes that any less clear. I assumed English was your first language, but perhaps I was mistaken.

Originally Posted by jbouton
Well when someone says 'its absolutely not a proxy war' I have NO DEFENSE but to bring a definition in and ask 'are you saying its not THIS'? Otherwise how do we address the same word together?
Gosh, what a conundrum. What possible solution could there be? IDK, maybe just agree to disagree and move on, discussing the issues at hand that are the reason you think it is one?

Originally Posted by jbouton
so for example, you have IMPLIED it, but you haven't stated it, and I think its because you don't believe it, and you don't wanna get caught saying something untrue.
WTF are you talking about? I've implied no such thing. Here's a thought - stop speculating on what people believe but don't say. I haven't posted in that thread in almost 8 months, and have zero interest in engaging you in whether it is or isn't a proxy war.

Originally Posted by jbouton
You would think the mod that said it would come in and clarify, rather than have 2 mods rescue them, like last time.
Rescue him??? No, I'm trying yet again to demonstrate that your communication skills are complete and utter trash, and from what I've seen here you appear to be ruining yet another thread. No moderator needs rescuing here. You need to make a better effort at communicating clearly and not derailing threads with arguments about words, which you do over, and over, and over, and over again.

Originally Posted by jbouton
If I'm told to not post the definition, I wont.
Holy ****. Seriously??

Originally Posted by ganstaman
I believe you have posted this definition more than 3 times per day on average in the past 5 days. Please stop. No one is lacking for that specific text.

Last edited by Bobo Fett; 11-02-2023 at 04:06 PM.
11-02-2023 , 04:06 PM
Wow, I don't think I've ever seen Bobo annoyed. Not even in the internet poker riggie thread.

I suppose, congratulations, button? Probably best to not post in any subs where he is a mod for a while though...

He's an admin, so that would be all of them.
11-02-2023 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
How do you propose someone clarifies anything to a person who is either completely incapable of grasping or completely unwilling to grasp the most basic of concepts or instructions?

What has been explained (and repeated multiple times) to you in regard to your latest complaint, and more generally over the course of the last several days, months and, extrapolation would suggest, decades is crystal clear to literally everyone but you.
Just so you know, there are a lot of people here now that like me. And there are even more that think I'm far smarter than you. You are making **** up about me, and it will turn back on you.
11-02-2023 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Originally Posted by jbouton
If I'm told to not post the definition, I wont.
Holy ****. Seriously??
Originally Posted by ganstaman
I believe you have posted this definition more than 3 times per day on average in the past 5 days. Please stop. No one is lacking for that specific text.
Originally Posted by Rococo
This response is completely disingenuous. No one said that you can't post or cite the definition of a word.
Yes I'm confused. Ganstaman seems to have told me to stop, which seems to make it bananable if i do it more. And then Rococo seems to think that I wasn't told to stop.

Last edited by jbouton; 11-02-2023 at 04:13 PM. Reason: ok im not fixing the word bananable, its too good.
11-02-2023 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
Just so you know, there are a lot of people here now that like me. And there are even more that think I'm far smarter than you. You are making **** up about me, and it will turn back on you.
While popularity on the forums is completely irrelevant to anything being discussed here, that seems a very unwise thing for you to hang your hat on.

Originally Posted by jbouton
Yes I'm confused. Ganstaman seems to have told me to stop, which seems to make it bananable if i do it more. And then Rococo seems to think that I wasn't told to stop.
Perhaps you should start by looking up the definition of "a".
11-02-2023 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
While popularity on the forums is completely irrelevant to anything being discussed here, that seems a very unwise thing for you to hang your hat on.
I'm only here because of BGP, they are my favorite mod, protected me. And maven.
11-02-2023 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
Just so you know, there are a lot of people here now that like me. And there are even more that think I'm far smarter than you. You are making **** up about me, and it will turn back on you.
Man, I never get to hang with the cool kids. The popular kids like button are always bullying me. Mods, is this allowed? It's dehumanising!
11-02-2023 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
I'm only here because of BGP, they are my favorite mod, protected me. And maven.
The phrase "no good deed goes unpunished" has never been so apropos.

I don't know who maven is, but if the above is true, BGP and I are definitely going to be having words behind the bike sheds after class.
