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Politics and Society Moderation Discussion Only Fans Thread Politics and Society Moderation Discussion Only Fans Thread

09-29-2023 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr

Here we are, over a month later, and you are still going at it. I don't know why the mods bother explaining anything to you or tolerate any of your nonsense; ten years ago you would have been perma'd as everybody pointed and laughed.

This place is clearly harmful to your mental health. Do yourself a favor and stop posting. You might actually stop thinking about all the awful persecution you go through, and be happier as a result!
No no, you aren't gonna just say I have mental health issues now and I need to be banned.

monteroy is following me, singling me out, and bullying me. so is jj.

When i push back I get banned.

Thats horrid.

10 years ago i got perma banned *******. everyone did laugh. it was a game to people. and I didn't deserve it. and I still don't.

and monteroy was picking on me back then, and like you say, it was worse with the moderation.
09-29-2023 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
No no, you aren't gonna just say I have mental health issues now and I need to be banned.
I just did.
09-29-2023 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
I just did.
And EVERY ONE OF US knows thats monteroy's goal.
09-29-2023 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
And EVERY ONE OF US knows thats monteroy's goal.
09-29-2023 , 05:40 PM
I really have no idea what Monteroy said or did, and I don't care. All I know is that this nonsense was excessive and boring four weeks ago, and here you are at it again. This is not normal, dude. If you don't want people calling you a weirdo, then stop acting like a weirdo!
09-29-2023 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
I really have no idea what Monteroy said or did, and I don't care. All I know is that this nonsense was excessive and boring four weeks ago, and here you are at it again. This is not normal, dude. If you don't want people calling you a weirdo, then stop acting like a weirdo!
You're missing out, dude. This thread is a hoot:

5 stars. Would read/post again.
09-29-2023 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Right but you called me button in this post that you edited. Because of course you are joining in the bullying. Which is how bullying works right down from when we were children. And this is predictable because the mods won't enforce the rules against monteroy and so you know its fair game for you to pile on. So its just you now, jj, monteroy....whoever else that continually just replies to my posts, calling me names, and nicknames, and condescending everything, not participating in the discussion.

And if I dish it back I'm gone.

Call me names behind a keyboard.

Last edited by Rococo; 09-29-2023 at 06:35 PM. Reason: Deleted an over the top insult
09-29-2023 , 05:43 PM
Button, y so angry?
09-29-2023 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
I really have no idea what Monteroy said or did, and I don't care. All I know is that this nonsense was excessive and boring four weeks ago, and here you are at it again. This is not normal, dude. If you don't want people calling you a weirdo, then stop acting like a weirdo!
so you have no idea what we are talking about but you have an opinion on it? well at least I shouldnt take it personally from you.

Last edited by jbouton; 09-29-2023 at 05:44 PM. Reason: should not!
09-29-2023 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Button, y so angry?
you have better favor with the mods than me I suppose?

Last edited by Rococo; 09-29-2023 at 06:36 PM. Reason: Deleted an over the top insult
09-29-2023 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
so you have no idea what we are talking about but you have an opinion on it? well at least I shouldnt take it personally from you.
Pro tip: you really shouldn't take it personally from anyone here.
09-29-2023 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
cause ur prick ass keeps calling me names trying to get me banned. you have better favor with the mods than me I suppose?
Why on earth would I want you banned? You've been my entertainment this whole slow work day. I think you've been hanging out with Victim too long, his persecution complex has rubbed off on you.
09-29-2023 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Pro tip: you really shouldn't take it personally from anyone here.
Like don't hit myself? I'm hitting myself?
09-29-2023 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Why on earth would I want you banned? You've been my entertainment this whole slow work day. I think you've been hanging out with Victim too long, his persecution complex has rubbed off on you.
I guess that makes me the laughing stock hey.
09-29-2023 , 05:49 PM
I think you might just be taking this whole forum thing a little too seriously.
09-29-2023 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
Right but you called me button in this post that you edited. Because of course you are joining in the bullying. Which is how bullying works right down from when we were children. And this is predictable because the mods won't enforce the rules against monteroy and so you know its fair game for you to pile on. So its just you now, jj, monteroy....whoever else that continually just replies to my posts, calling me names, and nicknames, and condescending everything, not participating in the discussion.

And if I dish it back I'm gone.

Ur a pussy.

Call me names behind a keyboard.
I never called you button, d2 did (mods are welcome to confirm that as I assume they can see previous edits of posts - I edit to correct typos and word usage errors). Frankly I never even bothered to learn your latest user name. Also, your meme sucked. Rando riggies in the online poker riggie thread did a better job at than that years ago.


Originally Posted by d2_e4
Pro tip: you really shouldn't take it personally from anyone here.
Listen to this. Nearly everyone else knows (even the derps) that this place is just a time waster that is hardly personal, nothing more. Nobody else really cares about you, d2, me or anyone else as actual humans here, we are all just cartoon/pro wrestling style characters essentially. Understand the arena in which you play is what I would add to d2's solid advice (also, note the use of an apostrophe).

All the best.

Last edited by Monteroy; 09-29-2023 at 05:58 PM. Reason: ' = apostrophe
09-29-2023 , 05:52 PM
You have created the target on your back, jb. Noone else.
09-29-2023 , 05:52 PM
Poster called you "Button." You freak out about how he is a horrible bully.

Do a little self-reflection here: do you think this is normal?
09-29-2023 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
I never called you button, d2 did (mods are welcome to confirm that as I assume they can see previous edits of posts - I edit to correct typos and word usage errors). Frankly I never even bothered to learn your latest user name. Also, your meme sucked. Rando riggies in the online poker riggie thread did a better job at than that years ago.

All the best.
His response was to me, he never suggested it was you. Well done for snitching anyway, lol.

First I had the joke as text and addressed him as "Button". Then I changed it to a meme and it didn't really fit, so I left "button" out. No great conspiracy here, folks.
09-29-2023 , 06:01 PM
He posted a weird meme about me that made no real sense other than I assume in his head so I assumed his reply was to (or at least about) me. You should know by now that I will not invest that much time analyzing the process of posters like that, is I see something that I can reply to - I will at times do it! He is a sloppy poster so I grant he could have done that then simply switched gears and talked to you.

Anyway, going to take a bit of a break again, so have some fun (same sentiment to everyone here) and I will try to pop in when I am back!

Also, I was not snitching, I was simply giving proper credit for some fine work!
09-29-2023 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
You have created the target on your back, jb. Noone else.
justified eh? Its just justified when its someone we don't like.

I didn't create the target, the moderation does. Just like your post here that obvious approves it.

But if i shoot back I'm banned. Was told for good.
09-29-2023 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
Poster called you "Button." You freak out about how he is a horrible bully.

Do a little self-reflection here: do you think this is normal?
Why are we hell bent on justifying the name calling and bullying and harassment.

And then trying to paint me like its my mental issue when I point it out?

What are you doing with your time right now....think about it....
09-29-2023 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
His response was to me, he never suggested it was you. Well done for snitching anyway, lol.

First I had the joke as text and addressed him as "Button". Then I changed it to a meme and it didn't really fit, so I left "button" out. No great conspiracy here, folks.
you jumped on the targeted harassment band wagon and started doing it too. Cause ur a pos.
09-29-2023 , 06:05 PM
Its normal group mentality. And normal the group doesn't see it.
09-29-2023 , 06:05 PM
What did the police officer say to his belly button? You’re under a vest.

All the best.
