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On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia

07-22-2019 , 12:03 PM
Forced marriage is horrible. Female genital mutilation is horrible. Women not being allowed to drive in SA is horrible. Honor killings are horrible. And Kelhus is an Islamophobe.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by Willd
I can normally understand where Kelhus coming from with posts, even though I largely disagree with most of them. This stuff is completely absurd though. The idea that people on the left don't criticise these things is simply delusional and doesn't have even the slightest bit of grounding in reality.
We're always getting into silly debates about "this is what the left believes" or "this is what the right believes". This is just another one of those. It would be better if everybody stopped trying to paint with broad brushes.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Forced marriage is horrible. Female genital mutilation is horrible. Women not being allowed to drive in SA is horrible. Honor killings are horrible. And Kelhus is an Islamophobe.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
I still don't even know what word you were calling him. But this appears a little more measured, so maybe you are walking back whatever you initially said?
I'm not sure why you think so much depends on the actual word, but if you are really curious, I called him an a-hole. I'm not walking it back. He seems like one.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:08 PM
What about the Pew research results? Do you find them outrageous?
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
I don't know Maher that well, or know of anything he has done or said that makes him a particularly bad human being so deserving of scorn and derision. Maybe you can enlighten me?
The name of his production company Kid Love Productions has raised a few eyebrowns and gotten some attention in the deplorosphere.
I think Rococo's point that he is a pompous ass is good though.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:13 PM
What about prejudging and stereotyping Muslims using polls and leading questions?
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Why would you even dispute that?

Are you afraid of Islam?

Do you dislike Islam?

Are you afraid of Muslims?

Do you dislike Muslims?

You seem to think that huge portions of the Islamic population are horrible violent people. You posted that polling data. What's the point of that if not to show that a huge percentage of Muslims are evil and dangerous? And then you must agree with that if you're making the point (not being disingenuous are you?). So, you must dislike and/or fear them, right?
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
OK. Care to weigh in on whether the popular approval for Sharia law and death penalty for apostasy is something you find outrageous?
What is so hard? Of course I find it outrageous if someone supports the death penalty for apostasy.

Again, no one is going to accuse me of being Islamophobic.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Do you know? Do you think he was being criticized fairly? Do you think he meets the standard of advocating Islamophobia?
I do know. Yes, and yes.

But I am glad to see you're such a committed opponent of people being spuriously called bigots, just wait until you see the thin **** people are calling Ilhan Omar an anti-semite over.

You never answered my question about "the cause" btw. Come on, well named will protect you, you know it's safe here. Spit it out.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Why would you even dispute that?

Are you afraid of Islam?

Do you dislike Islam?

Are you afraid of Muslims?

Do you dislike Muslims?

You seem to think that huge portions of the Islamic population are horrible violent people. You posted that polling data. What's the point of that if not to show that a huge percentage of Muslims are evil and dangerous? And then you must agree with that if you're making the point (not being disingenuous are you?). So, you must dislike and/or fear them, right?
Well, I am the cultural relativist. I think people are just people and are products of the environments they grew up in. And a lot of the times, those environments are the way they are because they were very pro-adaptive in Darwinian terms at one point. I think it is a mistake on your part to assume when I am questioning others for their own moral incongruities, that I am articulating my own morality, especially when I have spelled out my thoughts numerous times.

I am not even sure evil exists. That is not to say if I have to choose between myself or someone else on the other side of the world, I wouldn't choose myself on selfish grounds.

I am just pointing out the cultural blind spot where we get outraged that women make 15% less than men here, and we have nothing negative to say about cultures where the majority of people support laws that designate women as second-class citizens.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Well, considering I can't get a single person to admit they are critical of any mainstream practices in the Muslim world, especially as it pertains to gender equity, it doesn't seem we have to worry too much about the thread becoming chock full of complaints.
Well, you've gotten three so far.

Doesn't seem to be slowing your hot take down much.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I do know. Yes, and yes.

But I am glad to see you're such a committed opponent of people being spuriously called bigots, just wait until you see the thin **** people are calling Ilhan Omar an anti-semite over.

You never answered my question about "the cause" btw. Come on, well named will protect you, you know it's safe here. Spit it out.
I am sure I answered the question. If I didn't answer it to your satisfaction, then welcome to the club I have been living in the last 2 months asking you questions.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
What about the Pew research results? Do you find them outrageous?
It's too much to get into in this thread. There are a lot of factors. People lie in polls, especially about religion. You can't decide to believe something, that's called pretending, and it's what religion is for most people in the world. People play a part. Also, there are many other factors in differences between populations than religion that are correlated with Islam v. Christianity or Judiasm without there being any cause and effect. These things are actually quite obvious, which makes it pretty easy to see that when people post those polls they are Islamophobic.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Why would you even dispute that?

Are you afraid of Islam?

Do you dislike Islam?

Are you afraid of Muslims?

Do you dislike Muslims?

You seem to think that huge portions of the Islamic population are horrible violent people. You posted that polling data. What's the point of that if not to show that a huge percentage of Muslims are evil and dangerous? And then you must agree with that if you're making the point (not being disingenuous are you?). So, you must dislike and/or fear them, right?
Islamophobia aside, approximately how many muslims are there? And what % of islam is truly radicalized? 1%? 5%? At 1% that's 20mil crazies. You cannot win an argument by disregarding data that conflicts with your opinion. Please accept the facts and move on without accusing someone else of being racist or bigoted in some way. You are entitled to your own opinions, please stop dressing them up like something else.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:27 PM

How long do I have to wait for the torrent of criticism from the left?
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
OK. Care to weigh in on whether the popular approval for Sharia law and death penalty for apostasy is something you find outrageous?
I used to employ a bunch of Somalis, Eritreans, Sudanese, Kurds--some Burmese but they all left--but a bunch of Somalis.
My favorite was bat**** crazy but she smoked and drank, dated black americans and some of the other Somalians had huge problems with her due to her apostasy. It created some big problems at my job not just between them but between me and my boses (who did not like my favorite Somali and wanted me to fire her).
I'm not sure what the point of this post is but it was interesting to see certain stereotypes in action.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
It's too much to get into in this thread. There are a lot of factors. People lie in polls, especially about religion. You can't decide to believe something, that's called pretending, and it's what religion is for most people in the world. People play a part. Also, there are many other factors in differences between populations than religion that are correlated with Islam v. Christianity or Judiasm without there being any cause and effect. These things are actually quite obvious, which makes it pretty easy to see that when people post those polls they are Islamophobic.
Interesting take. Think about how many antisemites shared their views in this survey, and then think about how many that didn't share but still harbor some type of hostility. Were they just lying about being ignorant and hateful?
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by btc
Islamophobia aside, approximately how many muslims are there? And what % of islam is truly radicalized? 1%? 5%? At 1% that's 20mil crazies. You cannot win an argument by disregarding data that conflicts with your opinion. Please accept the facts and move on without accusing someone else of being racist or bigoted in some way. You are entitled to your own opinions, please stop dressing them up like something else.

You ask questions that have unknowable answers.

And you cite data about human beings and using it to skew perspective narrow down to stuff that scares you. It doesn’t look like fear of Muslims is aside.

It looks like stereotyping based on prejudgments calculated here in front our eyes in “real time” in an effort to persuade people to be scared.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Well, I am the cultural relativist. I think people are just people and are products of the environments they grew up in. And a lot of the times, those environments are the way they are because they were very pro-adaptive in Darwinian terms at one point. I think it is a mistake on your part to assume when I am questioning others for their own moral incongruities, that I am articulating my own morality, especially when I have spelled out my thoughts numerous times.

I am not even sure evil exists. That is not to say if I have to choose between myself or someone else on the other side of the world, I wouldn't choose myself on selfish grounds.

I am just pointing out the cultural blind spot where we get outraged that women make 15% less than men here, and we have nothing negative to say about cultures where the majority of people support laws that designate women as second-class citizens.
Noam Chomsky explains this perfectly. We are outraged about the things we do because we are trying to change the things that we have some control over and responsibility for. People who don't want to improve women's rights in the United States, say "what about Saudi Arabia?" because they want to deflect.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
It's too much to get into in this thread. There are a lot of factors. People lie in polls, especially about religion. You can't decide to believe something, that's called pretending, and it's what religion is for most people in the world. People play a part. Also, there are many other factors in differences between populations than religion that are correlated with Islam v. Christianity or Judiasm without there being any cause and effect. These things are actually quite obvious, which makes it pretty easy to see that when people post those polls they are Islamophobic.
I don't have any problem with this post, but I will point out I don't see very much understanding of this level of nuance when discussing the Christian Right here. Seems to be a lot more black and white and taking people at their word for the bigoted things they say they believe.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by btc
Interesting take. Think about how many antisemites shared their views in this survey, and then think about how many that didn't share but still harbor some type of hostility. Were they just lying about being ignorant and hateful?
I've never said or implied that there aren't a lot of antisemites in the world, Islamic or otherwise. There are a lot. For instance, I think almost all the Christian Americans who are anti-Immigration are antisemites. Yes, even the ones who constantly bleat in support of Israel. People are mostly either bigots or they're not bigots and pretty much every bigot who isn't a Jew, hates Jews.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
You ask questions that have unknowable answers.

And you cite data about human beings and using it to skew perspective narrow down to stuff that scares you. It doesn’t look like fear of Muslims is aside.

It looks like stereotyping based on prejudgments calculated here in front our eyes in “real time” in an effort to persuade people to be scared.
Weak **** man. It's clear I didn't skew anything. 1% of a population being radicalized is far from stereotyping or prejudiced behavior. If you want to share your safe word I'll stop spankingtehbadwookie with data.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:41 PM
People who complain that political correctness prevents legitimate criticism of religion are similar to people who complain about political correctness in the workplace.

When you press them on what they really want the freedom to say, it's not so great.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
07-22-2019 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
OK. Care to weigh in on whether the popular approval for Sharia law and death penalty for apostasy is something you find outrageous?
Of course I do...

You don't seem to be grasping the fact that criticism of specific aspects of the way a religion is practiced does not have to constitute criticism of all members of that religion. This might be a bit too nuanced for someone who says that criticism of Israel and anti-Semitism "all shakes out one way all the time" but it is possible to be critical of the actions of a religious state (and the culture that leads to the views you are pointing at) without being critical of the religion and its adherents as a whole.

The reason someone like Maher is called an Islamophobe is because even though some of the issues he brings up are valid, he argues that the religion itself is the problem and that results in all Muslims, including those with more liberal views and practices, being persecuted/discriminated against.
On the politics of criticizing Islam and Islamaphobia Quote
