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On police shootings and media bias On police shootings and media bias

07-15-2019 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Watch this:

I think systemic racism is primarily to blame for black poverty and participation in gangs.

See how easy that was? Now you try.
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999

It isn’t clear to me that all those music choice you chose are positive and uplifting.
It was like he didn't really try but it seemed expedient to just concede that there is in fact some positive hiphop. As far as what is played on mainstream and marketed perhaps that's another story but I'll admit I'm not in that loop and I'm sure there are some fringe cases.
But that the media promotes things that aren't healthy shouldn't be shocking.
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 03:37 PM
Found this from UC Berkeley School of Public Health (taken from a report about Latino gang members, but the conclusions apply across all racial groups):

When analyzing the factors that contribute to gang activity,
key points become prominent. First, these individuals have
low educational achievement. Second, these individuals have
traditionally come from poor, disenfranchised communities of
color. While looking for a network of support and protection
they join groups whose culture is one of violence. Gangs have
provided support to youth in areas where they have found none.
This support has extended both emotionally and economically.
Involvement in gang activity leads to further at-risk situations
and behavior. Taking all of this into consideration, it becomes
important for us to look at what alternatives can be offered to
youth—alternatives that will provide similar support networks
and opportunities so they do not feel the need to join this
dangerous way of life.
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Found this from UC Berkeley School of Public Health (taken from a report about Latino gang members, but the conclusions apply across all racial groups):

Gangs have provided support to youth in areas where they have found none....
I'm reminded of this interesting article on legalization of gangs in Ecuador. Note I'm not really trying to make a strong claim like "we should legalize gangs in the US", but I do think it's interesting to recognize some of the complexity of what goes on, and how solutions can take dramatically different forms than we're typically primed to look for.
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 03:47 PM
My guess is, you've been through all this and are reticent to acknowledge socioeconomic issues as being the culprit, significantly more than racism.
Seems a bit vague to mean. What exactly are these racist "socioeconomic issues" that are the culprit.
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
There is not a similar percentage of the white population that engages in gang activity, as blacks. As always though, you folks take that to mean white people don't participate.

Perhaps it was your strange usage of the word preponderance that made me misunderstand you. I’ve already explained the factors I think contribute to gang participation rather than “black culture.”
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I do not believe racism contributes meaningfully to people currently in poverty. I have no doubt you can cite studies demonstrating racism exist, however where you will struggle to find support in the literature is the extent it contributes to the current ills of society. I once again point to poverty rates. There is no arguing against racism being oppressive, especially when it's on a large scale. However, poverty trends for each demographic follow each other. If racism was a significant factor, you'd have discernible differences in the poverty trends.

In other words, black poverty would not decrease when white poverty decreases. Further, if it was a significant factor, you'd see a shrinking middle class relative to white middle class, but the trends for middle class follow each others demographics.

Point blank, if racism was a significant factor in black people economic standing, the rise and fall of poverty and economic class would be dissimilar from whites, as white do not face this wide-spread oppression. This is not the case, generally. When poverty rates decline, it's across all demographics, same with when it rises.

The trends in poverty rates disproves racism being a significant factor.
I am almost positive that the bolded is a complete logic fail.

What if, for the next fifty years, we let all white players in the major leagues hit with metal bats and forced all black and Hispanic players to hit with wood bats. Hitting v. pitching ebbs and flows in the major leagues as rules are changed, the ball changes, the strike zone changes, etc.

According to your logic, if the hitting trends for non-white players generally tracked the trend for white players -- that is, the non-white hitters generally did better in the same years the white hitters did better and generally did worse in the same years the white hitters did worse -- then we could safely conclude that hitting with wood bats was not a disadvantage for non-white players.

That's patently ridiculous.

Last edited by Rococo; 07-15-2019 at 04:14 PM.
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 04:08 PM
Everyone always has better analogies than me.

Last edited by well named; 07-15-2019 at 04:08 PM. Reason: ought to be a bannable offense IMO
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Seems a bit vague to mean. What exactly are these racist "socioeconomic issues" that are the culprit.
This sentence has something interjected into it that does not remotely align with what i wrote.
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
That's a myth. Those same drug laws are being used to incarcerate white people for meth and opioids. The issue back in the 80's was meth, nor opioids were at epedemic levels they are today, while crack has receded.

From your link:

Yes, but not as much as if they are not incarcerated and allowed to keep committing crimes.
I don’t think you understand what the word myth means? From your link:
The authors also suggested that the growth in white incarceration could reflect large numbers of Hispanics jailed for violations of federal immigration laws, noting that many jails failed to keep accurate demographic records that distinguished Latinos from the overall white population.

Another hypothesis offered by the researchers for the change in racial composition of the jail population was the variation in criminal justice resources available in different jurisdictions. Conditions that might account for the differences included relative access to courts, the availability of pretrial counseling and public defender services, and treatment for substance abuse—all of which could result in “different racial outcomes depending on where people live.”

The authors said racial disparities in incarceration needed to be addressed directly by policymakers.

“Wrestling with the issue of race and incarceration remains uncomfortable ground because it forces people to confront a deep legacy of racism in this country, past and present,” the authors said. “This lack of direct inquiry has compounded the existing dearth of knowledge about why racial disparities continue to exist in local jail incarceration.”
Meth use and associated white incarceration rates are a red herring, and provide little evidence supporting the idea that structural racism in the criminal justice system and how drug war was implemented (which are well documented) are a
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
This sentence has something interjected into it that does not remotely align with what i wrote.
Maybe you should try actually explaining what your views are? Seems like that would clear things up.
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by well named
Everyone always has better analogies than me.
It's actually terrible.

Originally Posted by Rococo
I am almost positive that the bolded is a complete logic fail.

What if , for the next fifty years, we let all white players in the major leagues hit with metal bats and forced all black and Hispanic players to hit with wood bats. Hitting v. pitching ebbs and flows in the major leagues as rules are changed, the ball changes, the strike zone changes, etc.

According to your logic, if the hitting trends for non-white players generally tracked the trend for white players -- that is, the non-white hitters generally did better in the same years the white hitters did better and generally did worse in the same years the white hitters did worse -- then we could safely conclude that hitting with wood bats was not a disadvantage for non-white players.

That's patently ridiculous.
Your attempt to show failure is flawed. The performance difference between a wooden bat and metal bat is relatively static, and measurable. You will get a certain percentage of performance increase using a metal bat, as opposed to a wooden bat. To draw a parallel to your analogy, a wooden bat is racism, but racism is oppressive and has a cumulative affect, which makes it dissimilar to your differences in bats.

You'd have to believe racism has a static performance impact, similar to the different other words, you would have to believe its only going to oppress a percentage of the population, and that percentage would be relatively unchanged relative to other demographics, during the entire time period tested. All the while a significant, if not majority, of the population produces at, or near, or above the performance levels of people using the metal bat. Metal bats do not impact the game this way.
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 04:36 PM
The drug war started because Nixon campaigned on racism and law and order. It was certainly a racist assault. It continued in many racist directions like disparity in the treatment of crack and powdered cocaine, but the fact that the government accumulated power because of that racism and then used that power against white people, mostly poor white people, is hardly evidence that there's no structural racism.

It is something that should be a lesson along the lines of "first they came for the minorities, but I wasn't a minority". But the non-millionaire GOP electorate isn't very bright about actually voting in their own best interests.
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
The drug war started because Nixon campaigned on racism and law and order. It was certainly a racist assault. It continued in many racist directions like disparity in the treatment of crack and powdered cocaine, but the fact that the government accumulated power because of that racism and then used that power against white people, mostly poor white people, is hardly evidence that there's no structural racism.

It is something that should be a lesson along the lines of "first they came for the minorities, but I wasn't a minority". But the non-millionaire GOP electorate isn't very bright about actually voting in their own best interests.
Yeah, drug treatment was racist.

I mean, this is a Vox article:
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
The analogy is actually worse than i thought.

Black people were given wooden bats, but they were upgraded 50 years ago to metal bats, but no performance increase was noted.
I see. So you believe that, for the last fifty years, it has been easier to get ahead if you are black than if you are white, all things considered.

It's possible that not even David Duke would agree with that proposition.
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I see. So you believe that, for the last fifty years, it has been easier to get ahead if you are black than if you are white, all things considered.
No. I think drawing that conclusion is bizarre.
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 04:42 PM
In the history of racism and its effects on the relative wealth and poverty of white and Black people you can't overlook the 50s and 60s when the US government made it its mission to get every white family owning a little suburban house.
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
In the history of racism and its effects on the relative wealth and poverty of white and Black people you can't overlook the 50s and 60s when the US government made it its mission to get every white family owning a little suburban house.
What's always ignored is, 90% of wealth is lost by the third generation.
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
The performance difference between a wooden bat and metal bat is relatively static, and measurable.
I never claimed that metal bats were a perfect proxy for the structural advantages enjoyed by white people. Of course the impact of metal bats is easier to measure than the impact of racism.

I was using the analogy to point out the absurdity of your statement about trends.

It's also worth noting that, the moment you give someone a metal bat, the disadvantage of hitting with a wood bat disappears. The disadvantages associated with institutional racism don't disappear overnight just because you pass the CRA or make some other change in law.
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Yeah, drug treatment was racist.

I mean, this is a Vox article:
Did you read the whole article? Like down to where Nixon created the DEA (precursor to it)?

Over time, Nixon did shift more toward the law enforcement side of the war on drugs, particularly when it became politically convenient. But Nixon's personal motives aside, it's entirely plausible that he was tapping into a broader movement instead of creating his own just to criminalize constituents and people of certain races whom he disliked.

In 1972, for instance, Nixon's reelection bid sought to capture longstanding concerns about black crime and drug use among white Southerners — in what's now called the "Southern strategy." To do this, Nixon shifted to the right on drugs with a tough-on-crime platform.

That year, for example, Nixon announced the creation of the Office for Drug Abuse Law Enforcement, a precursor to the Drug Enforcement Administration. The office's goal, as Nixon explained, was to put greater emphasis on fighting drugs through the criminal justice system. "Today our balanced, comprehensive attack on drug abuse moves forward in yet another critical area as we institute a major new program to drive drug traffickers and drug pushers off the streets of America," Nixon said in 1972.
And Reagan, Bush and Clinton all ran on being tough on drugs and enacted terrible laws and built up a monsterous policing and imprisoning system all built up around racist rhetoric around crack ("smokable cocaine" as Reagan called it, militarizing urban police forces (1033 program) and super-predators.
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
What's always ignored is, 90% of wealth is lost by the third generation.
Citation please?
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
What's always ignored is, 90% of wealth is lost by the third generation.
How did you get this "statistic"? The source I find for it is Tim Voorhees, some rando lawyer and wealth advisor pulling it out of his butt in like 2013 and then people calling that research. Do you have some study? I wouldn't think so. If not, though I'm curious about how this "information" travelled.
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
The drug war started because Nixon campaigned on racism and law and order. It was certainly a racist assault. .
And before that time everyone was using drugs with no problems? Cocaine and heroin aren't grown here so how did they make their way into black communities? Entrepreneurs?
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 05:21 PM
First they shipped off tons of blacks to Vietnam, started importing heroin in the 70s. They fueled the cocaine surge in the 80s and heavily policed black communities while brainwashing everyone with gangsta music and hip hop culture while separating black families with the war on drugs. And yeah...guns are cheap are easily accessible. So are lives after you watch a thousand murders on tv. It's all connected.
(Also I could mention the educational system)

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 07-15-2019 at 05:28 PM.
On police shootings and media bias Quote
07-15-2019 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
And before that time everyone was using drugs with no problems? Cocaine and heroin aren't grown here so how did they make their way into black communities? Entrepreneurs?
Well, Heroin was a brand name trademarked by Bayer in 1895 and cocaine was an active ingredient in Coca-Cola and a common drug.

In 1885 the U.S. manufacturer Parke-Davis sold cocaine in various forms, including cigarettes, powder, and even a cocaine mixture that could be injected directly into the user's veins with the included needle. The company promised that its cocaine products would "supply the place of food, make the coward brave, the silent eloquent and render the sufferer insensitive to pain."
On police shootings and media bias Quote
