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Police brutality and police reform (US) Police brutality and police reform (US)

05-31-2020 , 11:49 AM
Pfftt nuke him into orbit.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by micro dong
...pretending antifa are decent

Warning: extremely graphic:

in my experience people do not attack others for no reason. except cops. cops do that all the time. so, knowing that, I am sure that this guy did something to do deserve his beating. and it was proly self defense from the group anyway. I am sure the guy was threatening verbally and physically. also, I looked up his history and he has multiple speeding tickets and admitting to smoking marijuana on his social media so he was #noAngel. looks like he got what he deserved. #playStupidGamesWinStupidPrizes.

good thing this group of patriots is risking their lives to keep the general public safe.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
One thing I noticed watching all of these riots, most of America's police forces are comprised of 4'11 women, fat out-of-shape white dudes, usually like one cave troll that goes up to the scene to intimidate everyone, and a 120 pound nerd in the back who comes in to clean up disoriented protestors with rubber bullets in the face after they've already been gassed or flash banged.

It's just like Police Academy.
But if they only hired 6'0"+ guys in good shape you would be outraged over the discrimination against females and obese in hiring, right?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
in my experience people do not attack others for no reason. except cops. cops do that all the time. so, knowing that, I am sure that this guy did something to do deserve his beating. and it was proly self defense from the group anyway. I am sure the guy was threatening verbally and physically. also, I looked up his history and he has multiple speeding tickets and admitting to smoking marijuana on his social media so he was #noAngel. looks like he got what he deserved. #playStupidGamesWinStupidPrizes.

good thing this group of patriots is risking their lives to keep the general public safe.
It seems like you and the Proud Boys might have a lot in common.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:02 PM
Both men community leaders preaching radical thoughts.

Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:03 PM
So circling back to the two white sisters who attempted to murder the police officers with Molotov cocktails (and apparently have a history of as of yet unspecified activism), I am going to guess they aren't MAGA Trump supporters, and if they were it would be front page news.

Instead, by omission it is pretty easy to surmise they are Antifa, or something similar that the media sympathizes with, so the incident is being white-washed.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
The title of the thread should be changed.

First, there is no murder. There is a murder charge.

Second, the medical examiners report leaves open a defense for the police officer.

Third, calling it "murder" as the rest of the media calls it is taking facts into evidence that are not facts yet.

Should be called the death of George Floyd.

If this title is not changed, do not change my titles every again.

Fourth, the title suggests the Minneapolis police force commited this crime, not an individual with 3 other police officers. The entire Minneapolis police force commited this murder.

Fifth, if the entire Minneapolis Police Force has policies to crush wind pipes as practice, the officer that did this has an even better defense.

Sixth, as extremely unpopular as this will sound, everyone is jumping to facts that the Medical Examiners report refutes. Saw it in Ferguson. Saw it in Duke LaCrosse. Let it play out.
It is correct and accurate in the thread title.

“OJ Simpson murdered Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman” is an accurate statement.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:18 PM
#gitmoforkeith lol
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
He's lucky he's alive. Dude has absolutely 0 common sense and a bunch of insane White entitlement that during a riot, he can go and scream "all lives matter" and aim a bow at people and since this is America, the land of the free and home of the brave, then it's his right to do that.
Agreed. Someone could have easily taken his actions is posing an imminent threat of death on another and taken action.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
It is correct and accurate in the thread title.

“OJ Simpson murdered Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman” is an accurate statement.
Another Michael Baden case.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Was the medical examiner who determined cause of death not strangulation elected? Or appointed? Do we think he made up his report?
I will give you a place to start your research. Take a few days and learn about the medical examiner position in the US and the potential pitfalls and foibles it represents.

You really should do this. You seem to have a scripted television version of a medical examiner in your head, when a huge percentage of them are much much different.

I don’t know the circumstances in that particular county. But neither do you.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:29 PM
Seems we need to either open the old Antifa thread or make a new one titled “Antifa: Domestic Terrorist Organisation,” or something to that effect.

WN, thoughts?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:31 PM
In which Antifa gets the Holy Roman Empire treatment: not domestic, not terrorist, not an organization.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
If I held you by your shirt over a 20 floor balcony and your shirt ripped your cause of death would be a weak shirt and gravity, plus underlying conditions
Thread Title : “Bad Luck for sidewalk dead guy!”
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
In which Antifa gets the Holy Roman Empire treatment: not domestic, not terrorist, not an organization.
Well. That would be a possible avenue of discussion. Among many.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
So he's been informed that the guy has no pulse. Why is his knee even on his neck for nearly three more minutes?
The Medical Examiner did not put in the report why the officer wouldn’t stop murdering him. Guess we can not speculate on why he did it without the Medical Examiner’s report.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:40 PM
it's JV's greatest day. his imaginary boogeyman has become the star of the disinformation campaign. it's so great that he's not here to celebrate.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Escapologist
A lot of stuff I'm seeing on social media also makes it really clear that the general public has absolutely no clue about basic police procedures to handle a suspect and should be trained on things you do that make you look like a threat to police officers.

Like if you are supposed to have your hands up but keep reaching behind you or to the side to your waistband (where you could be grabbing a gun out of your pants) and the cop shoots you, everyone on social media thinks that cop should be convicted of murder. They don't understand situational awareness and threats and securing the environment at all. Not following the cops' orders (which are to ensure everyone's safety) is how most people get killed by cops.
What does this have to do with kneeling on a handcuffed suspect’s neck for almost 9 minutes?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Is it me, are most of these people looting/rioting white people?
Lots of rumors they are organized white power groups who are using the cover of the protests to loot.

I am sure it is not true.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
it's JV's greatest day. his imaginary boogeyman has become the star of the disinformation campaign. it's so great that he's not here to celebrate.
Yeah it's pretty funny because we all know there is no such thing as antifa.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
So circling back to the two white sisters who attempted to murder the police officers with Molotov cocktails (and apparently have a history of as of yet unspecified activism), I am going to guess they aren't MAGA Trump supporters, and if they were it would be front page news.

Instead, by omission it is pretty easy to surmise they are Antifa, or something similar that the media sympathizes with, so the incident is being white-washed.
Good thing they were charged immediately. I was starting to believe if there is a long delay to arrest and charge someone with murder, it might be a month or more before they could get around to these two and their attempted murder.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Yeah it's pretty funny because we all know there is no such thing as antifa.
we all know that literally DOZENS of people are affected by antifa in the United States.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
Seems we need to either open the old Antifa thread or make a new one titled “Antifa: Domestic Terrorist Organisation,” or something to that effect.

WN, thoughts?
I do not object to someone creating a thread about Trump designating Antifa as a terrorist organization, but I also expect there will be discussion about antifa here, and that seems fine for now. So I'm not going to split it out now, but I can always do it later if it seems like a good idea.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
In which Antifa gets the Holy Roman Empire treatment: not domestic, not terrorist, not an organization.
I'm sure there's a really good 'You and whose army joke' to be posted in response to this.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
05-31-2020 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
it's JV's greatest day. his imaginary boogeyman has become the star of the disinformation campaign. it's so great that he's not here to celebrate.
I'm sure I could rustle up some Andy Ngo tweets if you like.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
