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Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread)

08-13-2022 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Didn't think I'd see an actual defense of slave labor ITF.
And yet another lie when Trolly reads the posts, realizes responding to them honestly would leave him no point, so he deliberately lies about what was said so he can seem to have a point and counter bad people.

Trolly name one person who has defended slave labor.
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
These jobs are done by paid Labour in basically every European country afaik, I obviously dont know the policy in every country but would assume USA is the outlier in doing this at least in developed nations.
Again, missing the point.

there are more road sides than the US could ever realistically clean with paid labour, so simply equating every volunteer hour (whether citizen or inmate) with a lost job to a paid employee is falcious unless your calculus is they WOULD have paid someone to do that work.

What if the city, State, Fed's in either scenario would only ever hire and pay X employees and thus some volunteers and/or prisoners also doing that work had NO IMPACT on that paid pool? Does that still mean jobs are being taken? No.
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 01:49 PM
You get that this is wage theft, right? You are taking their labor and not paying a fair wage for it. You are stealing. From prisoners.
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 01:50 PM
Why pay them anything? Why give them basic workplace safety? It’s not like they’re human beings.
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Fun Fact: The US has a higher incarceration rate than China and Russia combined. We have more people in jail than China, a country with a billion people.
yes you are the best, on top of the list on that one.

let me ask you something, why on earth do you have colonies in the Chinese see and Pacific? why is Guam American? because you want to secure the oil trade routes to asure you get oil shipments. because you want to secure that, there are several miliarty bases across the Pacific. butting heads with China etc.

they need oil you need oil. but you are way out of line literally. you are literally setting up shop on the other side of the world with military bases so that your energy is "secured"

I got that all from the video I linked
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Again, missing the point.

there are more road sides than the US could ever realistically clean with paid labour, so simply equating every volunteer hour (whether citizen or inmate) with a lost job to a paid employee is falcious unless your calculus is they WOULD have paid someone to do that work.

What if the city, State, Fed's in either scenario would only ever hire and pay X employees and thus some volunteers and/or prisoners also doing that work had NO IMPACT on that paid pool? Does that still mean jobs are being taken? No.
So they drive the prisoners to remote roads far away from population centres and only use prisoners on those roads?
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 01:53 PM
Letting prisoners do work such as road cleaning or brush clearing is akin to letting them play sports outside. It is simply an activity for them they highly desire, to get a change of scenery and to make days pass more quickly while enjoying the feeling of doing something productive.

Sadly it is mostly misguided leftists will protect them from themselves in very wrong headed ways and they will rationalize it by telling themselves 'if they did not do it someone would get paid to' when that simply is not true or accurate.

It is generally lefties who cannot see beyond the history of the abuse of such work, and thus must treat every situation as equivalent fallaciously when it is not.

If California inmates wanted to get out each day and they volunteered to clear the brush in forest areas to help minimize forest fire risk, and that was the 'thing of value' they were offering society to get the 'activity of value' they wanted in exchange, that is a win/win. There is no fictional worker denied this work as there is near endless work to be done in that regard, if there is any appetite to pay.

But lefties refuse to see it that way and would 'protect the inmate from themselves', see them staying locked up and miserable while patting themselves on the back for the good job done.

They would never look back over their shoulder at the angry inmate because, you know, not really their issue.
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 01:55 PM
Why not let the prisoners do something fun that does not involve creaming surplus off the top of their Labour?

Clearing brush in forests seems fine fwiw.
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
You get that this is wage theft, right? You are taking their labor and not paying a fair wage for it. You are stealing. From prisoners.
Ignorance and nonsense.

Some people get paid to play sports thus allowing others to voluntarily play sports is wage theft.

If you cannot see how stupid your argument is Trolly, may god have mercy on your soul.

Letting inmates walk the side of the road and clean up is really no different than just letting them go for walk.

If the prison has little motivation to just let them go for a walk outside the compound, as the prisoners like and enjoy, BUT in return for some city clean up, the prison is willing to extend this benefit, that is a win/win.
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 01:58 PM
“Letting” the prisoners do manual labor…
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
So they drive the prisoners to remote roads far away from population centres and only use prisoners on those roads?
Are you claiming every single road nearby is already cleaned by paid city workers?

That was not the case at the prison I worked in as the prisoners were walked out the door and along the rural highways right there and in some cases they used vans to get them slightly further up the road.

But again you are avoiding my point (and i know why), so why do not answer if you think this work is finite and thus any increment of labour done by an inmate is an increment directly lost by a paid employee? Do you think that?
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 02:03 PM
Im not avoiding any point, dont start that passive aggressive nonsense.

As far as roads that are reasonable amount of distance from an urban centre the amount of cleaning is obviously finite.

Its just standard in the UK to see council workers in hi vi cleaning road sides.
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Why not let the prisoners do something fun that does not involve creaming surplus off the top of their Labour?

Clearing brush in forests seems fine fwiw.
'Fun' equals 'brings them pleasure and enjoyment' right?

I can tell you first hand that the number one enemy of fun for inmates is the sameness of the daily routine they are locked in to. that includes gym time and access to the yard. If you gave them the same gym and yard time in a new environment that raises the 'fun' for them massively.

if you understand human psychology and being confined you will understand why change and simply seeing different scenery is very 'fun' or 'enjoyable' for them.

Trolly would step in and deny them that 'enjoyment' as he is the protector of a bigger principle, what they want be damned.

No sports, because others get paid so how dare we let them play sports without paying. No activities whatsoever that are not paid.

this entire idea of letting the inmates tell you what is 'fun' or 'enjoyable' will NEVER work with any left leaning OOBOO's who must always assume for other what is offensive. It is a core of far left liberalism and it is destructive.

These type of activities were highly prized in prisons but I know, I know, OTHERS object so they should be denied it.
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 02:07 PM
If they are doing X work off site routinely that shits getting as old as the gym is.
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 02:09 PM
not that I am anti American.

it is still a great country.

Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 02:15 PM
Im broadly fine with community work, devil is in the detail, and think most lefty types in Europe are ok with this.

Would be fine with more prisoners being tagged staying at home and doing real actual productive community work.

Once someone is making clear profit or any jobs are being replaced then its highly problematic.
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Im not avoiding any point, dont start that passive aggressive nonsense.

As far as roads that are reasonable amount of distance from an urban centre the amount of cleaning is obviously finite.

Its just standard in the UK to see council workers in hi vi cleaning road sides.
Well in Canada at the prison I worked at, on the edge of the city, in a rural area, with the rural highway running right past it, you could walk for over a hundred hours in either direction and yet not reach its ends. You also would almost never see gov't employees cleaning such roads despite them being on the way up to cottage country, well traveled and often littered with fat food and other discards.

City workers certainly cleaned within the city limits but did not really get out into the rural areas often.

The inmates from our prison would not just clean the rural highways but the sideroads and open fields adjacent that were often subject to litter.

I am not advocating this everywhere and specifically said it should not impact paid labour. My point is specific to where it will not, and specific to a desire by the inmates to want to do it.

The problem is most on the left (not saying you specifically) have to treat everything as if absolute and then end up actually punishing those they profess to be helping. I fully understand the reasons to oppose forced labour of all kinds. I fully understand the desire to not let corporations gain advantage from free labour even when someone might want to supply it. There are forms of coercion also that must be considered.

that is not the case in this type of work/activity I am suggesting but due to a need to blanket condemn people are trying to equate my position to that of a slaver.
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Minimum wage should track inflation as it always did prior to becoming politicized but overall I support there being a minimum wage.

Indentured servitude and slaves in the Gulf States are not given free choice and volunteering you are ignorant of reality.

I did not lie but prove it if you think i did. Do you support allowing the inmates to get that type of activity (work) in or if it was your choice would you prevent them doing so?
bruv, these prisoners are not given free choice either.
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
If they are doing X work off site routinely that shits getting as old as the gym is.

But since only a small number can be taken out at any time and properly supervised and such a large number want to do it, it is the occasional TREAT they never tire of and fight over to get.

Or I should put it another way. the kitchen duty and outside free work was so prized by inmates that it was known that employees who were in line for volunteering to get it actually behave better in the prison so as not to be disqualified from it. You had to have a top internal rating in the prison to get that work, and as such it prompted inmates to behave better. To not fight.
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
bruv, these prisoners are not given free choice either.
I worked in the prison so I am aware of your clear lie Victor. Your misinformation cannot work here.

No one was required to volunteer for the outside or kitchen work. Many inmates never volunteered or did either.

But the work was highly valued by most with massive waiting lists for those who did.
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 02:37 PM
how did you work for a prison?

oh boy it's story time. do you still have me on mute?
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 02:40 PM
Well in Canada at the prison I worked at, on the edge of the city, in a rural area, with the rural highway running right past it, you could walk for over a hundred hours in either direction and yet not reach its ends.
Sounds like an ideal place to find fair labor practices!
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 02:42 PM
You know, I apologize, I should have described it as “coerced labor” instead of “slave labor.” It’s a very important distinction!
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I worked in the prison so I am aware of your clear lie Victor. Your misinformation cannot work here.

No one was required to volunteer for the outside or kitchen work. Many inmates never volunteered or did either.

But the work was highly valued by most with massive waiting lists for those who did.

bro, try to keep track of your own arguments

Prisoners would talk about one of the biggest challenges of being in prison being the monotony of sameness. Same places, same faces, same routines, and anything that broke that up was massively desirable. So getting to go outside and walk the road sides and pick up garbage or time working in the kitchen were highly desirable.
doesnt sound like much of a choice to me.
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
08-13-2022 , 02:51 PM
u want to work in a prison. if you a in one. because otherwise it's boring af and you get money, with the money you can buy stuff.

I know this from prison docs. and netflix, prison break.
Penal labour (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
