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05-07-2024 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I don't think anyone does, which is yet another argument for either shutting it down or letting it become a zoo.
It's already a zoo - fascists are running around openly advocating repeatedly for mass murder of people they don't like.
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05-07-2024 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
You say this was the most significant evidence, then say it wasn't enough to convict without other evidence.

But there was other evidence - the shifts she worked and volunteered for that correlated highly with baby deaths. Sure it's not concrete proof but it is evidence of the type you'd expect to see if she was gaily and not to see if she was innocent.

Also, circumstantial evidence can be enough to convict, despite what people like to say.
Yeah well it's your word against a youtube video with a montage and an AI generated voiceover. No way to tell who's right here, really. Which creates all sorts of doubt. Like reasonable doubt. Innocent!
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05-07-2024 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
The forum would be fine if we just banned (temporarily) some of the genocide lovers, rape denialists, Zionists, antisemites, war mongers, and trolls
So you're on the "shut it down" side, then.
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05-07-2024 , 03:52 PM
Damn, I was just beginning to get a Judge Jeffries at the thought of delivering the death penalty.
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05-07-2024 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
You say this was the most significant evidence, then say it wasn't enough to convict without other evidence.

But there was other evidence - the shifts she worked and volunteered for that correlated highly with baby deaths. Sure it's not concrete proof but it is evidence of the type you'd expect to see if she was gaily and not to see if she was innocent.

Also, circumstantial evidence can be enough to convict, despite what people like to say.
There was a case just like that and the nurse was in jail for over 10 years and was innocent.
Yes enough circumstantial evidence can lead to a guilty verdict and it should if it's bulletproof. This here wasn't bulletproof at all. More like the opposite.
The biggest evidence were these notes, which mean nothing really.

I don't get why you guys in the UK have a jury system.
In this jury everyone was an idiot. The babies kept dying btw, imo, that's what happens in this section of the hospital, its new born babies in incubators.
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05-07-2024 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
The forum would be fine if we just banned (temporarily) some of the genocide lovers, rape denialists, Zionists, antisemites, war mongers, and trolls in the Israel thread.
So it's just you, me, micro, vic and crossnerd then? Cool.
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05-07-2024 , 03:55 PM
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05-07-2024 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
So it's just you, me, micro, vic and crossnerd then? Cool.
I think vic hits at least half those categories.
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05-07-2024 , 03:56 PM
Everyone relax. They're just words from the despairing.
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05-07-2024 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
My very obvious point here is that mild swears draw the ire of mods while derogatory ethnic slurs and other hateful **** constantly gets a pass.

Again, the question you keep ducking is: what kind of a forum do you want? I think you would agree that making everyone happy is a fool's errand (yes? no?), so which people is the community going to cater to and why?
I already have said that it is impossible to make everyone happy.

Uke is exactly correct. I want the sort of forum where I am not the moderator.

As a poster, I don't care too much how heavy the moderation is. I somehow am able to survive just fine no matter who the moderator is. I would prefer that the forum be populated by adults with empathy, logical reasoning, and a sense of humor. I'm sure it is obvious enough from my posting which posters I believe fall into this category and which posters I do not.

If the forum becomes something that I can't tolerate, or choose not to tolerate, I simply will walk away.

I personally don't give a **** about swearing. If the owners removed the profanity filter, I wouldn't care at all.
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05-07-2024 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
There was a case just like that and the nurse was in jail for over 10 years and was innocent.
Yes enough circumstantial evidence can lead to a guilty verdict and it should if it's bulletproof. This here wasn't bulletproof at all. More like the opposite.
The biggest evidence were these notes, which mean nothing really.

I don't get why you guys in the UK have a jury system.
In this jury everyone was an idiot. The babies kept dying btw, imo, that's what happens in this section of the hospital, its new born babies in incubators.
I guess you're right and in addition to the coincidence of Letby's shifts with baby deaths there's also the coincidence of her suspension from work and the return to normality of baby death numbers.
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05-07-2024 , 04:04 PM
And then there's

Doctor interrupted nurse Lucy Letby’s attempt to kill newborn baby, court told

Consultant had started to link Letby to unexplained deaths and rushed to help infant, jury hears
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05-07-2024 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
I got it from hearing lawyers talk about this case.
This is probably the only case where the most significant evidence, or rather the only non circumstantial evidence was the persons own notes. And like I said these notes mean nothing really or can mean something else.
Its def not enough of evidence to convict someone of murder.
Not on these notes alone.
But that's all they got. Everything else is circumstantial.
You were listening to lawyers who said that "writings" as a general rule are not evidence? You need to find some better lawyers
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05-07-2024 , 04:07 PM
Someone really needs to infract you all for tarding up the discussion about how we don't need moderation in this forum.
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05-07-2024 , 04:14 PM
We're too fractious to be infracted.
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05-07-2024 , 04:19 PM
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05-07-2024 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I guess you're right and in addition to the coincidence of Letby's shifts with baby deaths there's also the coincidence of her suspension from work and the return to normality of baby death numbers.
Originally Posted by Rococo
You were listening to lawyers who said that "writings" as a general rule are not evidence? You need to find some better lawyers
The jury has heard defense witnesses, and prosecution witnesses. They've heard those witnesses cross-examined by the other side. They've seen evidence provided by both sides. They've likely been given instructions by a judge as to what their role is, and what they can and can not consider. But never mind all that, washoe has heard someone with their own point of view and agenda summarize it all for him and package it up into a nice tidy video. And he might have gone more in-depth and listened to some other people who back up what he already believes - he has all the proof he needs!

It's just so washoe to take that and not just have doubts, not just question the verdict, not just suspect the verdict is wrong. Nope, he is so certain that the verdict was wrong, that he knows that "In this jury everyone was an idiot."

washoe gunna washoe.
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05-07-2024 , 05:47 PM
Nope. It was predetermined someone is guilty of these crimes.
I hope none of you guys ever gets wrongfully convicted...
But it might happen....
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05-07-2024 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
You were listening to lawyers who said that "writings" as a general rule are not evidence? You need to find some better lawyers
No, they said in a case like this you cannot convict someone because of these notes. It never happened before.

What do you say. You saw the notes.
Should they dismiss the notes?
Or should they have jurors make whatever they want of it?
If you cant make anything out of it, how is a Juror supposed to make a judgment?
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05-07-2024 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I guess you're right and in addition to the coincidence of Letby's shifts with baby deaths there's also the coincidence of her suspension from work and the return to normality of baby death numbers.
There are no numbers..
Show us the numbers if you have them.
The NHS has problems with understaffing and much more.
Even if u had numbers, which you dont, they dont make her guilty.
U need proof.
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05-07-2024 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
And then there's
Nice one. Thats a lie told to the Jury.
Nobody ever cought her inflagranti.
They dont even know how she did it.
All they have are statistical anormalities which can be explained in a million other ways. Not enough to tell with 100% certainty that she did it.
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05-07-2024 , 06:37 PM
Well, I’m willing to mod the I/P thread if that is a problem area bc I’m reading it frequently, but I don’t want to do anything else basically. I will forego the Creuset this one time and deal with things entirely in snacks.

It’s me. I’m the snack.
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05-07-2024 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red

They had the murderer's own writings. Among other things.
Yeah such as trying to use haemophilia as a cover for her murder. She was proven to have researched haemophilia online before the attack. But washoe gonna washoe.
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05-07-2024 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
I got it from hearing lawyers talk about this case.
This is probably the only case where the most significant evidence, or rather the only non circumstantial evidence was the persons own notes. And like I said these notes mean nothing really or can mean something else.
Its def not enough of evidence to convict someone of murder.
Not on these notes alone.
But that's all they got. Everything else is circumstantial.
Washoe, are you aware that many convicted defendants, possibly the majority are convicted on circumstantial evidence? Even serial killers such as Rose west? (Who you'll probably be stanning for next)
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05-07-2024 , 06:56 PM
Who's the guy who thinks the Central Park 5 did it? I can't remember.
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