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Moderation Questions and General Chat Thread Moderation Questions and General Chat Thread

03-03-2024 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Your condescending attitude is yet another reason you're considered a poor mod.
What's condescending about telling posters who have been asked over and over again to follow the rules but refuse to why their posts have been deleted? You state that I am a poor mod for not continuing to accommodate those who wont follow the rules, and I'm the one being condescending? Right.
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03-03-2024 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Is one week now the minimum ban duration? I don't recall anyone being banned for less than one week for some time regardless of infraction.
Originally Posted by d2_e4
This is a question about moderation
It wasn't rhetorical. It was framed politely. Could you answer it please?
Originally Posted by browser2920
No. Unless you consider 2/25/2024 some time ago when I announced a 1 day ban. I mean it was a whole week ago.
D2- you posted your question about 2 hours before I answered it. Your question was fine. But this is a message board type forum, not a text message system. A mod may not be online for hours or sometimes days at a time. You should adjust your expectations as to how quickly you get an answer.

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03-03-2024 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
D2- you posted your question about 2 hours before I answered it. Your question was fine. But this is a message board type forum, not a text message system. A mod may not be online for hours or sometimes days at a time. You should adjust your expectations as to how quickly you get an answer.

Apologies, I missed your response for some reason so it looked like you had responded to a later post but not to mine. I'm currently browsing from phone and more used to PC.
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03-03-2024 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Maybe 2-3 days is better at first. That seemed to be the norm.
Repeating Id increase slowly up to 2 weeks.
It works for Cocker Spaniels and their chew toys. After social media hit, there really isn't much of a difference anymore.
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03-03-2024 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
What's condescending about telling posters who have been asked over and over again to follow the rules but refuse to why their posts have been deleted? You state that I am a poor mod for not continuing to accommodate those who wont follow the rules, and I'm the one being condescending? Right.

this is a community of peers engaging in conversation

you're the asshat at the social gathering telling people engaging in conversation about sports that we're actually a gardening club and should only talk about gardening at our gatherings

you're a good guy, one of my favorite posters, but your tone deaf and unrealistic expectations for order and desire to control how people interact make you one of the worst mods i've ever seen

you should be indifferent about topics and subjects, you should not be deleting and moving posts

you should take a ffing chill pill and if someone starts posting about shooting their neighbors dogs and threatening to murder others or a new spam bot arrives then step in and only then

you have also not banned people for calling others bigots and racists in the trans thread, so you're not even consistent about your draconian rules

i genuinely like you as a person, i think you're one of the nicest guys on the forum, when you first started modding i thought you were great, but now that you've found a groove and really started leaning into we have multiple threads all talking about how much you suck

take in some feedback ffs
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03-03-2024 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll

this is a community of peers engaging in conversation

you're the asshat at the social gathering telling people engaging in conversation about sports that we're actually a gardening club and should only talk about gardening at our gatherings

you're a good guy, one of my favorite posters, but your tone deaf and unrealistic expectations for order and desire to control how people interact make you one of the worst mods i've ever seen

you should be indifferent about topics and subjects, you should not be deleting and moving posts

you should take a ffing chill pill and if someone starts posting about shooting their neighbors dogs and threatening to murder others or a new spam bot arrives then step in and only then

you have also not banned people for calling others bigots and racists in the trans thread, so you're not even consistent about your draconian rules

i genuinely like you as a person, i think you're one of the nicest guys on the forum, when you first started modding i thought you were great, but now that you've found a groove and really started leaning into we have multiple threads all talking about how much you suck

take in some feedback ffs
Ive explained in detail many times why this mod thread, and only this mod thread out of about 40 active thresds, has different rules about off topic posts. There is no way I can explain it in any simpler terms, so I won't repeat them again here. You, and a few others, just appear to have decoded that you dont give a **** about the time sink that a mod thread filled with off topic posts is for the mods to deal with. So instead of simply posting your posts in a different thread (which takes one single click) you expect mods to read through dozens of off topic posts to find actual mod related posts that require action, and then move other posts as needed.

That's just selfishness or laziness or both. This whole "omg you've got to let conversations bloom wherever they sprout" is bullshit. No, we don't. There are certain threads that are up for a specific purpose only. Over in the live poker forum there is a breakroom thread for casino employees only. Other posters arent allowed to come in and give their opinions, and certainly a bunch of them cant come in and start discussing completely unrelated topics. When we have AMA threads people ask the OP questions. They dont come in and just start discussing totally random subjects between themselves unrelated to the OP.

So I really don't understand why a few posters here think their ability to carry on conversations is so terribly constrained by the restrictions on a single thread. To use your analogy about the party, you can gather anywhere in the back yard you want to talk about whatever you want, except you cant stand in the flower bed to do it.

Im just waking up now as Im on Thailand time and so must be ihalf asleep, so Im going to give you a break. But call me an asshat or any other derogatory name like that again and you will be banned again.
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03-03-2024 , 07:22 PM
it's only a time sink for you because you decided to take up a mantle that doesn't need to be taken

if you just let things flow and didn't try to control and dictate you'd find your job wasn't nearly as work intensive as you make it

your flower bed analogy is laughable and shows how out of touch you are, there are no flower beds here, nobody is trampling anything valuable or of note - it's a blank slate, a space on the internet where people publicly post their thoughts - the fact you make it into a flower bed in your mind is a you problem and honestly, it sounds like you need therapy from that disjointed thought alone
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03-03-2024 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
i - the fact you make it into a flower bed in your mind is a you problem and honestly, it sounds like you need therapy from that disjointed thought alone
See you in a week.
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03-03-2024 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
Im just waking up now as Im on Thailand time and so must be ihalf asleep, so Im going to give you a break. But call me an asshat or any other derogatory name like that again and you will be banned again.
For a decades-long user of 2p2, you sure have thin skin. Are you keeping count at how many people you have banned or threatened to ban because they have said something "derogatory" about you, because I am sure the rest of us cannot keep track at this point.
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03-03-2024 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
For a decades-long user of 2p2, you sure have thin skin. Are you keeping count at how many people you have banned or threatened to ban because they have said something "derogatory" about you, because I am sure the rest of us cannot keep track at this point.
Your post is a perfect example of when posters misquote or incorrectly paraphrase a comment and then respond to something that wasn't said. I said if he called me a "derogatory name" he would be banned for another personal insult. I said nothing about banning anyone for simply saying something derogatory about me. Lots of posters repeatedly do that with no ban.

Let's see your list of people you think have been banned for saying something derogatory about me. You must have some idea or else you wouldn't have made that statement. So let's see what you based your statement on. I suspect you will find the number is actually extremely low. Low enough that you could surely keep count of. Or maybe you just made **** up.
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03-03-2024 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
it's only a time sink for you because you decided to take up a mantle that doesn't need to be taken

if you just let things flow and didn't try to control and dictate you'd find your job wasn't nearly as work intensive as you make it

your flower bed analogy is laughable and shows how out of touch you are, there are no flower beds here, nobody is trampling anything valuable or of note - it's a blank slate, a space on the internet where people publicly post their thoughts - the fact you make it into a flower bed in your mind is a you problem and honestly, it sounds like you need therapy from that disjointed thought alone
I guess it's just a coincidence that every mod who leaves this forum reference the time involved as a major factor. And many who decline to of say they don't have the time. Maybe your own mod experience was different than all of theirs. You must have mod experience, right?

I wonder why almost all the forums on the internet bother to have categories at all. How come the millions of users don't seem to be clamoring for a blank space where people talk about anything they want. I guess you are just smarter than all those forum owners and users who seem to like having specific subjects of discussion. Or maybe you are just ahead of your time and someday all forum will just have a single, all topics go thread.
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03-03-2024 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
Your post is a perfect example of when posters misquote or incorrectly paraphrase a comment and then respond to something that wasn't said. I said if he called me a "derogatory name" he would be banned for another personal insult. I said nothing about banning anyone for simply saying something derogatory about me. Lots of posters repeatedly do that with no ban.

Let's see your list of people you think have been banned for saying something derogatory about me. You must have some idea or else you wouldn't have made that statement. So let's see what you based your statement on. I suspect you will find the number is actually extremely low. Low enough that you could surely keep count of. Or maybe you just made **** up.
I'm pretty sure I'm one of them even thought I didn't actually say anything derogatory.

(telling a person to **** off with their bullshit, isn't the same as just telling them to **** off, as it's the bullshit they want gone, not the person)
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03-03-2024 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
it's only a time sink for you because you decided to take up a mantle that doesn't need to be taken

if you just let things flow and didn't try to control and dictate you'd find your job wasn't nearly as work intensive as you make it

your flower bed analogy is laughable and shows how out of touch you are, there are no flower beds here, nobody is trampling anything valuable or of note - it's a blank slate, a space on the internet where people publicly post their thoughts - the fact you make it into a flower bed in your mind is a you problem and honestly, it sounds like you need therapy from that disjointed thought alone
Seeing how you seem to not grasp the straight forward explanation I have given about how much mod personal time is wasted over the course of a month sorting through hundreds of the nonmod related posts in the old mod thread, I tried to come up with an analogy you could understand. Obviously I failed.
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03-03-2024 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I'm pretty sure I'm one of them even thought I didn't actually say anything derogatory.

(telling a person to **** off with their bullshit, isn't the same as just telling them to **** off, as it's the bullshit they want gone, not the person)
That's an interesting take. In both sentences the subject is an implied "you" as in the person involved in the discussion, and the verb is "**** off". The prepositional phrase doesn't change that.

But are you really making the case that a mod needs to analyze the structure of a sentence when some says **** off to them? That's not going to happen.
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03-03-2024 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
That's an interesting take. In both sentences the subject is an implied "you" as in the person involved in the discussion, and the verb is "**** off". The prepositional phrase doesn't change that.

But are you really making the case that a mod needs to analyze the structure of a sentence when some says **** off to them? That's not going to happen.
Now that I think about it, the "with your bullshit" part is actually always there when you tell a person to **** off. It's implied. No one ever gets told to **** off unless they just said some bullshit.

But the subject wouldn't be "you"-- "you" is the direct object. The speaker (in this case me), would be the subject. Since it's an imperative (e.g. a command), think of it as "I want you to **** off with your bullshit", with the striked out parts as optional.
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03-03-2024 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
But are you really making the case that a mod needs to analyze the structure of a sentence when some says **** off to them? That's not going to happen.
And to address this part, no. I didn't care. I served my time and didn't complain and was fine. But I didn't insult you there you just took it that way.
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03-03-2024 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Now that I think about it, the "with your bullshit" part is actually always there when you tell a person to **** off. It's implied. No one ever gets told to **** off unless they just said some bullshit.

But the subject wouldn't be "you"-- "you" is the direct object. The speaker (in this case me), would be the subject. Since it's an imperative (e.g. a command), think of it as "I want you to **** off with your bullshit", with the striked out parts as optional.
I have seen this play out on other forums. it just becomes a game on how to tell people to **** off without actually saying it.
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03-03-2024 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
I have seen this play out on other forums. it just becomes a game on how to tell people to **** off without actually saying it.
You could just say something like "get outta here with that crap"-- it's the exact same thing. And I was banned for a week for it. Again, I didn't care and I'm not complaining now but it does goes towards the case Rickroll is making.
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03-03-2024 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
I have seen this play out on other forums. it just becomes a game on how to tell people to **** off without actually saying it.
this thread and the trans threads are great examples of it in action
Moderation Questions and General Chat Thread Quote
03-03-2024 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
Your post is a perfect example of when posters misquote or incorrectly paraphrase a comment and then respond to something that wasn't said. I said if he called me a "derogatory name" he would be banned for another personal insult. I said nothing about banning anyone for simply saying something derogatory about me. Lots of posters repeatedly do that with no ban.

Let's see your list of people you think have been banned for saying something derogatory about me. You must have some idea or else you wouldn't have made that statement. So let's see what you based your statement on. I suspect you will find the number is actually extremely low. Low enough that you could surely keep count of. Or maybe you just made **** up.
You are being ridiculous, dude. Do you think everybody in this forum has short term memory loss where we cannot remember anything that happened before this morning? You threatened to ban Rickroll because he called you an asshat. Just a few days ago, you again threatened to ban him because he made a pretty good joke at your expense about your living in a place with lots of sex trafficking. You banned both Luckbox and D2 in the last month for being mean to you. I am the one that is making **** up??? You wouldn't have so much push back around here if you were not constantly harming your own credibility. Stop trying to gaslight the posters you are trying to supervise; it isn't going to work.

This is where you hand-wave it all away with justifications that they were "insulting" and that if I don't like it I should go to ATF and complain to your nephew or whatever. I will go ahead and preemptively say that I don't care to do so.
Moderation Questions and General Chat Thread Quote
03-04-2024 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
You are being ridiculous, dude. Do you think everybody in this forum has short term memory loss where we cannot remember anything that happened before this morning? You threatened to ban Rickroll because he called you an asshat. Just a few days ago, you again threatened to ban him because he made a pretty good joke at your expense about your living in a place with lots of sex trafficking. You banned both Luckbox and D2 in the last month for being mean to you. I am the one that is making **** up??? You wouldn't have so much push back around here if you were not constantly harming your own credibility. Stop trying to gaslight the posters you are trying to supervise; it isn't going to work.

This is where you hand-wave it all away with justifications that they were "insulting" and that if I don't like it I should go to ATF and complain to your nephew or whatever. I will go ahead and preemptively say that I don't care to do so.
Well, if you dont believe that calling someone an asshat is an insult, and you believe that telling someone to go see a sex trafficked victim is an appropriate subject for a joke and in fact a pretty good joke at that, then we will certainly never see eye to eye on that.
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03-04-2024 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
I have seen this play out on other forums. it just becomes a game on how to tell people to **** off without actually saying it.
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
You could just say something like "get outta here with that crap"-- it's the exact same thing. And I was banned for a week for it. Again, I didn't care and I'm not complaining now but it does goes towards the case Rickroll is making.
Of course. It's having the skill to get your point across while maintaining a civil and respectful tone in the forum. That's the whole point. Some people can do it and some cant.
Moderation Questions and General Chat Thread Quote
03-04-2024 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by browser2920
Of course. It's having the skill to get your point across while maintaining a civil and respectful tone in the forum. That's the whole point. Some people can do it and some cant.
no that was not at all what I mean or said. its not a civil tone when everyone understands, or at least the principal parties understand, that the meaning is **** off or you are stupid or whatever.
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03-04-2024 , 01:08 AM
it's a shame all these incredible mods have all these people who rarely agree with each other all conspiring against them to fabricate that they are overstepping their duties
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03-04-2024 , 01:09 AM
Lol fair enough for sure
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