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The Moderation Discussion Thread (And I hear him every night, On every street) The Moderation Discussion Thread (And I hear him every night, On every street)

01-18-2022 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
All the best to your future drinking endeavours. And please fill that pint with beer other than guinness.

Never dirnk stout apart from one pint (not guiness) someone else decideed they didnt like - I only mention that so I can say it was in the superb in name and deed 'Trembling Madness' pub. Not to missed if you ever visit York. Dont let 'New' or 'The Duke of' mislead you - 'tis an excellent place
01-18-2022 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw

Never dirnk stout apart from one pint (not guiness) someone else decideed they didnt like - I only mention that so I can say it was in the superb in name and deed 'Trembling Madness' pub. Not to missed if you ever visit York. Dont let 'New' or 'The Duke of' mislead you - 'tis an excellent place
Missed the pub, but enjoyed a walk on the wall when I was there a few years ago. Would love to go back.
01-18-2022 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw

Never dirnk stout apart from one pint (not guiness) someone else decideed they didnt like - I only mention that so I can say it was in the superb in name and deed 'Trembling Madness' pub. Not to missed if you ever visit York. Dont let 'New' or 'The Duke of' mislead you - 'tis an excellent place
My fiance and I are planning a trip this summer in Europe.

Either a Mediterranean port to port cruise. Which is what she wants.

Or a England, France, Italy trip. Which is what I think is more fun.

Maybe both.

PS. All The Beer you drank in your life time won't be enough. He's been saying it for the last 50 years.
01-18-2022 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
Or a England, France, Italy trip. Which is what I think is more fun.
That's the exact trip I took our family on 4 years ago. So awesome.
01-18-2022 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
My fiance and I are planning a trip this summer in Europe.

Either a Mediterranean port to port cruise. Which is what she wants.

Or a England, France, Italy trip. Which is what I think is more fun.

Maybe both.

PS. All The Beer you drank in your life time won't be enough. He's been saying it for the last 50 years.
i've been drinking for over 40. I will take that action
01-18-2022 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Damn bro, you took the red pill?

Yup, just me and you and the rest are all bots. Especially that Monte. He def posts like a bot.
Bender! You're blind stinking sober!
01-19-2022 , 09:02 AM
Can we get Washoe a containment thread or something?

His watch one youtube, treat its content like is utter gospel should be a meme caricature for terrible internet posting but Washoe does this now pretty much every post he makes without irony or any self awareness of the horribleness of using loltubes as a source for absolute truth.

Its going to kill every thread he posts in and make them unreadable, he is also a high activity poster.

Something needs to be done, I would just ban outright, but a containment thread might appeal to more dovish mods.
01-19-2022 , 09:55 AM
I my Containment Thread.
01-20-2022 , 10:37 AM
A back forth was removed from the «last election» thread.

As some have noted response times are longer than they have been before, real life™ requires a lot of my attention right now.
01-21-2022 , 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
The issue has been debated enough now. Suffice to say Victor has experienced something a poster should not have to experience and boundaries were crossed by a wide margin. We don’t need to use slights and digs to discuss this, nor to conclude this.

Consider this a polite way of me saying that if people don’t have something constructive to say, they should not post on this issue anymore.

I deleted a series of posts related to this issue, the deletion included replies that did not ignore moderation or break any rules, but leaving them would have looked very weird.
01-22-2022 , 09:00 AM
A series of troll posts made by an account clearly made just for trolling were deleted.
01-25-2022 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Can we get Washoe a containment thread or something?

His watch one youtube, treat its content like is utter gospel should be a meme caricature for terrible internet posting but Washoe does this now pretty much every post he makes without irony or any self awareness of the horribleness of using loltubes as a source for absolute truth.

Its going to kill every thread he posts in and make them unreadable, he is also a high activity poster.

Something needs to be done, I would just ban outright, but a containment thread might appeal to more dovish mods.
There is no need for this Im taking a time out anyways. I realize that my posts have been obnoxious in the past so I apologize to anyone. Im done spewing hate, its not leading anywhere.
OAK, I was searching for the post that I replied in a heat of a moment, I think that was you and that was also wrong. (the england/germany comparison)
01-25-2022 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
I realize that my posts have been obnoxious in the past so I apologize to anyone. Im done spewing hate, its not leading anywhere.
I'd suggest looking into why you feel compelled to spew hate in this point in your life.

What better place did you think it was going to lead to?
01-26-2022 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
You deleted the post. In this case, I felt a lot more protected with the post public. Instead you protected Jmakin who is still a member in good standing here.

I spoke with Mike Haven. He said he would contact you. I did not contact you bc MH did and bc with your obfuscation it was clear what your intentions were.
We have members “in good standing?” Are there membership cards? How do I get these perks?
01-26-2022 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
I found the message a credible threat. so did anyone else with knowledge of the backstory. not a threat to hurt me physcially, but this poster has a history of "trainwrecking" and "doxing" and had made general threats on another forum. he often brags about these instances and brags about his prowess with computers and technology. he also had been the admin of the forum and claimed he had all personal information and would use it he felt threatened.

this wasnt some randon "derp" getting upset about a trolling exchange. this is a former admin who had already broke into private messages that he was not a part of to read and publicize them. and in the aftermath said he would not hesitate to use the info he gained as admin if he felt the need.

he also had doxed and harassed tbabs for years including contacting his sister.

this is a copy past of the unsolicited private message that he sent me.

the personal attack, combined with his history made it seem possible. it still is, esp by rehashing it here.

I realize that you will likely dismiss this out of hand bc thats what you do but whatever this is the only time I have thought there was a chance of an issue. and again, I didnt ask for him to banned. I just wanted the post to remain public.
It sounds like this user committed a lot of egregious offenses on another forum. Did you contact the moderators of that forum?
01-26-2022 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
The issue has been debated enough now. Suffice to say Victor has experienced something a poster should not have to experience and boundaries were crossed by a wide margin. We don’t need to use slights and digs to discuss this, nor to conclude this.

Consider this a polite way of me saying that if people don’t have something constructive to say, they should not post on this issue anymore.
My method of responding sequentially to posts is unfortunate here.

Last edited by Einstein2; 01-26-2022 at 07:30 PM.
01-26-2022 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Einstein2
My method of responding sequentially to posts is unfortunate here.

I think we've all been there.
01-28-2022 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by Einstein2
We have members “in good standing?”
I don't know about "good", but there are definitely a couple of upstanding members round here.
01-28-2022 , 05:05 PM
I used the report button on this post by uke and will watch for its removal.

If the call is not to remove it I am fine with that but will also take it then that I can change anyone's posts within quotes and post it as if they said it and then reply to that.

I think it a dangerous and unwise thing for the forum to allow but I will go with what the mods decide.
01-28-2022 , 05:30 PM
While I did not see the post when it was initially posted, I think it was dealt with in that thread effectively including uke essentially saying "yep, I shoulda FYP".

So it does show a learning curve for us all. No need to remove in my eyes.
01-30-2022 , 03:55 PM
A post was deleted from the British politics thread for wishing death upon a public figure, a reply that quoted the post was also deleted.
01-30-2022 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
A post was deleted from the British politics thread for wishing death upon a public figure, a reply that quoted the post was also deleted.

and his family which includes numerous children
01-30-2022 , 10:56 PM
Where is Victor? And where is shuffle? Hope you guys are alright. Let us know and contact me asap please.
02-02-2022 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by Einstein2
It sounds like this user committed a lot of egregious offenses on another forum. Did you contact the moderators of that forum?
they supported him bc his actions were directed against people they did not like and were happily ostracizing.

I did not contact them about the threat bc it happened here and bc of their previous support.

also, in general I dont go to moderators bc they have always been unfair to me.
02-05-2022 , 10:38 AM
A back and forth was deleted from the GOP election thread.

And people can feel free to tone down the flamebait, which understandably makes people answer in kind.
