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The Moderation Discussion Thread (And I hear him every night, On every street) The Moderation Discussion Thread (And I hear him every night, On every street)

01-17-2022 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Until a few minutes ago, I also thought this entire sordid mess took place on 2+2.
The mean PM happened here. The PM thread happened at Unstuck. I specifically said specifically said it happened on Unstuck when brought it up. At
01-17-2022 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
You should be banned for posting a bill Maher video anywhere on the internet, imo.

And YouTube vids. Lol.
Sounds like a shitty ass world.

I enjoy certain threads of unstuck but this self serving authoritarian horseshit hasn't helped unstuck from evolving into a group of a dozen posters bickering over others bickering over nothing.
01-17-2022 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
My god, Victor. My ****ing god. You are literally incapable of explaining a very short and simple sequence of events to another human being. My eyes have been bleeding reading through the last two dozen or so of your posts.

Victor is not lying and he's not wrong. He just appears completely flummoxed as to how to communicate with others. What happened is pretty much this:

1. Jmakin was an admin on unstuck
2. Jmakin used his admin privileges (not "hacked", lol) to publish a thread which was a private message that had about 40 recipients, so it was pretty much a thread, just a private one.
3. Jmakin caught a lot of heat for this and got banned (or voluntarily took a perma, I don't remember).
4. This topic came up in a thread in ATF a few weeks ago.
5. Things got heated between Victor and jmakin, and jmakin sent victor a very inappropriate Sklansky-esque PM implying he should commit suicide and suggesting an effective method.

Literally, Victor, you just had to make these 5 points, and then people would know wtf you are talking about. Your communication skills.... could use some work.
I didnt really think any of that mattered. the PM stands on its own. and yes, admittedly I was using it to take a shot at Bobo after he criticized me. bad!

I was truly not interested in relitigating this whole thing. but I allowed myself to get trolled by Monteroy. again bad by me!

at the same time, it was clear that he was going to continue demanding more and more details, picking those details apart, denying certain things happened, insulting me, calling me a liar, calling me stupid, and then straight up making false claims.

and I would certainly consider an admin breaking into information that he is not authorized to see as "hacking". but whatever.

Originally Posted by Monteroy
A list like that would certainly have been a healthy time saver. This whole time I assumed the mod hacking PMs story was happening here and the person being accused was a mod here at the time looking at PMs between posters here. Yeah, the latter chunk of the story happened here, including the PM, but the bulk (and all the mod stuff) happened on that other forum? Was the person who did the PM even a mod here? This lack of clear communication reminds me of the recent story of the guy who claimed that GG stole a $50,000+ jackpot from him, and no matter how many times he was asked he just could not provide a story that made sense (though in that case it was because he was avoiding saying he degenned it all away at the nosebleeds). My bad falling for these time sinks once in a while.
speaking of false claims, lets look into bolded. I did not mention the specifics in my initial post (again bc I did not think they mattered). but after you pushed for more "documentation", I linked to the backstory here

which linked to this post:

and all you had to do was read the last few pages of that thread to get the backstory.

regardless, I specifically said it happened on Unstuck a few minutes later. I will bold it for you.

Originally Posted by Victor
Yes he broke into PMs and publicized them at Unstuck. It’s not tricky to prove. It’s literally common and accepted knowledge. He admitted it!

Kinda sick of spoon feeding you this stuff. Again when you have no knowledge of something as you freely admit, maybe refrain from judging it so strongly.
I would say that you should read better but what would be the point? tho I am not sure you arent doing this on purpose.
01-17-2022 , 02:03 PM
Being blunt - I thought this was a situation where a mod here on 2+2 abused some type of power ( to see into PMs, can mods even do that) that he then used against you. That potential concept concerned me, and as much as you think you eloquently explained the details of your situation - as others have told you - your communication was to be polite a total hot mess. You bring up this specific example where you said

"Yes he broke into PMs and publicized them at Unstuck"

and since I and others assumed all the dirt happened here, how that read to me was that a mod broke into your PMs at 2+2 and then publicized those details at Unstuck. A handful of those Unstuck people are still mods here for some reason, so I thought that was what was in play. I suspect others (who are not familiar with the contents of unstuck or read the details of your spat) would interpret that in the same way.

I looked up the other poster mentioned, and while I am not deeply familiar with his posting history, I did recognize the icon and kind of remembered he is as much of a quality poster as you are, so not really shocked that two hyper emotional people of your quality got into a little thing that got a bit out of control by both of you. That he is a mod on that other rando site is pretty meaningless for what my concern was about this site. I now better understand why it was a close call for Bobo, and also I realize the dirt happened on that other little site - so whatever on how they run their ship - was easy to predict that it was not going to be a paradise when they created it, but they still exist so fair enough.

As to trolling you, if I really wanted to troll you in our interaction you would have noticed it, as I would have constantly been tweaking to get an irrational, emotional reply, which you are very easy to provide. I went the other extreme and tried to calm you down and actually have you explain whatever it was that happened, because as mentioned I had concerns with how the mod powers worked at 2+2 (when I thought this all happened at 2+2). You did a really poor job of it. d2 did it better with 1 minute and 1 post than you did in dozens of posts, which - whatever at this point. You can think you explained things perfectly the whole time and I and others who said you did not are all part of a big troll operation if you like. That reaction I see all the time in the riggie thread, so if you want to do that then be entertaining with it in some way, even though in this case you were wrong.

With all of that said, and even though you are one of the lowest value posters, I still hope that you do not find yourself in that type of situation again, because the real world barrier being broken should not be tolerated on these sites, nor should mods abusing their powers in association with that type of behavior.

Last edited by Monteroy; 01-17-2022 at 02:09 PM.
01-17-2022 , 02:21 PM
Have to love someone boosting about their trollign prowess and then calling someone else low value

Trolling might be tolerated by the mods but it's not some high value activity.
01-17-2022 , 02:30 PM
Trolling can be entertaining, but even posters who do troll at times will post without trolling as well, and the quality may differ quite a bit when that happens. Sure, posters like that have to work harder to make it clear they are not trolling (when that is the case), much like a poster who does lie constantly needs to put more than just his/her word to be trusted.

In this case - Victor thought everyone was trolling him, when nobody was trolling him. Even that Trolly guy who literally has 100% of his posts as trolls had as light a troll post as possible for him, so sometimes recognize the situation for what it is would be my advice.

How about this - do you think everyone has been trolling him this whole time about that situation? Do you think he explained all the details with crystal clear clarity to those unfamiliar with any of the story and all my times asking him for more clear details was a fake troll as opposed to trying to find out if mods could look into PMs here from regular posters ( I am still curious if that is possible). Do you think my posts expressing disdain for things crossing the internet barrier to real life were just trolling?
01-17-2022 , 02:51 PM
I apreciate you and D2 are vying for top troll but dont think you give trolley enough credit

As for your question. While I care about politcs, you, unvaxxd people etc etc. On your question - I dont care.
01-17-2022 , 03:21 PM
Sometimes I think every account is a Sklansky built personified bot given a wide array of personalities - and it's maybe just me and possibly D2 who are still interacting with them.
01-17-2022 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I apreciate you and D2 are vying for top troll but dont think you give trolley enough credit

As for your question. While I care about politcs, you, unvaxxd people etc etc. On your question - I dont care.
If you did not care then kind of interesting that you jumped into the chat. I get you did it mainly to toss some non-sequitur personal attacks at me as you have fared poorly on some of our recent interactions, but your refusing to answer my specific questions shows you know what I am saying for that specific situation is accurate. If you thought otherwise you would be one of the first to mention it after joining, on your own initiative (with no prompting from anyone else), a conversation in which you claim to do not care about...
01-17-2022 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
If you did not care then kind of interesting that you jumped into the chat. I get you did it mainly to toss some non-sequitur personal attacks at me as you have fared poorly on some of our recent interactions, but your refusing to answer my specific questions shows you know what I am saying for that specific situation is accurate. If you thought otherwise you would be one of the first to mention it after joining, on your own initiative (with no prompting from anyone else), a conversation in which you claim to do not care about...
I cared about the bit I responded to. I didn't care about your question

You dont know what you think you know. Kudos on the 'claim of victory' trolling' btw
01-17-2022 , 03:48 PM
I appreciate you following me around to tell me how much you do not care. You can join the crew of randos that already does that on a semi regular basis. Try to keep that routine of yours within the internet posting world. Thanks in advance.

All the best.
01-17-2022 , 03:49 PM
Nah I just told you how much I do care.

All the better
01-17-2022 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Trolling can be entertaining, but even posters who do troll at times will post without trolling as well, and the quality may differ quite a bit when that happens. Sure, posters like that have to work harder to make it clear they are not trolling (when that is the case), much like a poster who does lie constantly needs to put more than just his/her word to be trusted.

In this case - Victor thought everyone was trolling him, when nobody was trolling him. Even that Trolly guy who literally has 100% of his posts as trolls had as light a troll post as possible for him, so sometimes recognize the situation for what it is would be my advice.

How about this - do you think everyone has been trolling him this whole time about that situation? Do you think he explained all the details with crystal clear clarity to those unfamiliar with any of the story and all my times asking him for more clear details was a fake troll as opposed to trying to find out if mods could look into PMs here from regular posters ( I am still curious if that is possible). Do you think my posts expressing disdain for things crossing the internet barrier to real life were just trolling?
I dont owe you the details and most of them dont matter anyway.

I got caught up in your trolling. you did a good job by making accusations, judgements and acting obtuse (you really didnt understand the wrist slitting descriptions?) as a way to troll me. you were wrong on the internet and that is catnip to me.
01-17-2022 , 06:30 PM
The issue has been debated enough now. Suffice to say Victor has experienced something a poster should not have to experience and boundaries were crossed by a wide margin. We don’t need to use slights and digs to discuss this, nor to conclude this.

Consider this a polite way of me saying that if people don’t have something constructive to say, they should not post on this issue anymore.
01-17-2022 , 06:40 PM
Even though he never quite realized he was not being trolled, one topic that has yet to be firmly answered is the main issue I was concerned about when he presented his story in the way he chose - namely, do mods here have the ability to see the PMs of regular posters? Yes or no? I realize that in the end his situation did not involve that (though that was genuinely unclear at the time to me as presented by him). You are a mod so you can answer that question. Do mods have the ability to see PMs of regular posters here? Yes or no? Thanks in advance.
01-17-2022 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Even though he never quite realized he was not being trolled, one topic that has yet to be firmly answered is the main issue I was concerned about when he presented his story in the way he chose - namely, do mods here have the ability to see the PMs of regular posters? Yes or no? I realize that in the end his situation did not involve that (though that was genuinely unclear at the time to me as presented by him). You are a mod so you can answer that question. Do mods have the ability to see PMs of regular posters here? Yes or no? Thanks in advance.
We can not see PMs of posters, only our own.
01-18-2022 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by formula72
Sometimes I think every account is a Sklansky built personified bot given a wide array of personalities - and it's maybe just me and possibly D2 who are still interacting with them.
Damn bro, you took the red pill?

Yup, just me and you and the rest are all bots. Especially that Monte. He def posts like a bot.
01-18-2022 , 04:28 AM
Code Red! Code Red!
01-18-2022 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by Poker Bot
Code Red! Code Red!
You can't handle the truth!
01-18-2022 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
The mean PM happened here. The PM thread happened at Unstuck. I specifically said specifically said it happened on Unstuck when brought it up. At
Thanks for clarifying.
01-18-2022 , 08:51 AM
How do I tell if I'm a bot or not?
01-18-2022 , 09:30 AM
Monterey banned?

I wonder if this needed timeout for him will rehab his posting to be less zero content trolling.

I noticed that ever since I went hard at him for being a troll (which he took personally) his trolling volume went up in defiance which led to his ban?

Very odd character but at least the air here immediately smells better.
01-18-2022 , 10:13 AM
Hope it's only a temp ban. I'm a fan of his work.
01-18-2022 , 10:50 AM
It's good for my liver. i have to drink a pint every time he says 'all the best'
01-18-2022 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
It's good for my liver. i have to drink a pint every time he says 'all the best'
All the best to your future drinking endeavours. And please fill that pint with beer other than guinness.
