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Mental Health Categorizations of Transgender People: Insight or Insult; Helpful or Hurtful? Mental Health Categorizations of Transgender People: Insight or Insult; Helpful or Hurtful?

06-19-2023 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Ah I see you're following the Matt Walsh bit line by line.
Did he make it up? Is it false statement?

A for profit company like this is scary
06-19-2023 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
What is the correct rate of transgender people for a society to have?
I have no idea but its ok to question the explosion of kids that are identifying as trans and how quickly we want to jump into controversial treatments with no long term studies.

Its Ok to listen to the individuals that have gone through transitioning and now regret it and its also OK to listen to women that think its wrong to have to compete agianst biological males and share a locker room with them
06-19-2023 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
I have no idea but its ok to question the explosion of kids that are identifying as trans and how quickly we want to jump into controversial treatments with no long term studies.

Its Ok to listen to the individuals that have gone through transitioning and now regret it and its also OK to listen to women that think its wrong to have to compete agianst biological males and share a locker room with them

this fella regrets it
06-19-2023 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Did he make it up? Is it false statement?

A for profit company like this is scary
Notice how trivial it was for me to figure out your unquoted source? Honestly, if you are lapping up Matt Walsh's attacks on trans people probably nothing is salvageable, but if you care go read this, slowly, twice:
06-19-2023 , 12:34 PM
Fresh off of being completely wrong about what the DSM says, the thread has now moved on to “legitimate” transgender people, a concept that isn’t at all supported by the DSM and is nonsensical on its face. How do you tell when a transgender person isn’t “legitimate?” Hard to say, but they must be a bunch of illegitimate trans kids because lozen’s feels tell him the rate of trans people is just too high.
06-19-2023 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Fresh off of being completely wrong about what the DSM says, the thread has now moved on to “legitimate” transgender people, a concept that isn’t at all supported by the DSM and is nonsensical on its face. How do you tell when a transgender person isn’t “legitimate?” Hard to say, but they must be a bunch of illegitimate trans kids because lozen’s feels tell him the rate of trans people is just too high.
See the difference between us when I am asked a question I reply and not put some quirky troll comment

I am still waiting on your conspiracy theories that we keep spouting .
06-19-2023 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Notice how trivial it was for me to figure out your unquoted source? Honestly, if you are lapping up Matt Walsh's attacks on trans people probably nothing is salvageable, but if you care go read this, slowly, twice:
See the difference is I read what you shared before giving an opinion on it. IF I had said its full of crap and lies and than said I never read it that would be plain idiotic like you are doing about a documentary .

Hey I do not agree with Matt on adults not getting trans treatments but we do not live in a fascist country were I tell him what he must believe
06-19-2023 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
What is the correct rate of transgender people for a society to have?
It's 100%. Since everyone has their own individual "gender", everyone is trans.
06-19-2023 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
See the difference is I read what you shared before giving an opinion on it. IF I had said its full of crap and lies and than said I never read it that would be plain idiotic like you are doing about a documentary .
Well I certainly saw enough to figure out your unquoted source immediately. As I think I said in the other trans thread (which this discussion should probably be moved to), I watched several clips as well as read a number of summary articles about it to make a fairly informed opinion of the faux-documentary. Hopefully you also now see it for the filth that it is. Regardless, glad to hear you fully read and internalized the above link. Hopefully it affects your thinking.
06-19-2023 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Well I certainly saw enough to figure out your unquoted source immediately. As I think I said in the other trans thread (which this discussion should probably be moved to), I watched several clips as well as read a number of summary articles about it to make a fairly informed opinion of the faux-documentary. Hopefully you also now see it for the filth that it is. Regardless, glad to hear you fully read and internalized the above link. Hopefully it affects your thinking.
Nope as your source is a trans activist and deep diving into her i looks like she believes in the controversial treatments for children but thanks for sharing

I am not discussing trans issues in the moderation anymore and keeping it to the trans thread
06-19-2023 , 02:00 PM
Clearly we need an entirely new forum to discuss the most critical political issue of our day.
06-19-2023 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
So to essentially say that if you think there may be a mental illness component, you are either a bigot or want trans people locked away somewhere is bizarre.
That would be bizarre, but of course that's not what I said. Since apparently what I was saying was unclear, I'll clarify. I don't believe it's productive to have conversations about whether being transgender is a mental illness. Not whether there are some transgender people with a mental illness, but that everyone has one. That's not an issue for me because I think having a mental illness makes one lesser, but because I believe it's incorrect, and because it's an argument often used for the reasons I've articulated in the post you quoted, and will do so again momentarily. And I suggested nothing about trans people being locked away. What I said was "the problem with that is once you go down the mental disorder road, the suggestion by some will be that it needs to be treated through therapy or medication, and "cure" the person of being trans." Later on in the post, I suggested that some people use the mental illness argument because of bigotry, and others "use these beliefs to argue against any acceptance of transgender people in society on their own terms". Nothing about locking anyone away. And those two possibilities aren't the only ones, but they are in my opinion covering the vast majority of motive for those who argue that all transgender people are suffering from a mental illness.

Originally Posted by DonkJr
I don't really see why you would allow the topic to be discussed if you even consider the current scientific thinking of the topic to be bigoted.
As others have mentioned, I don't believe the DSM designation implies that all transgender people are suffering from mental illness.

Originally Posted by DonkJr
Of course, you are right. It seems that the official stance here seems to be that doing that is not allowed, as it is either explicit bigotry or a backdoor to bigotry. It is not limited to these forums: there are many people in this world that have the opinion that the mere suggestion that there may be a mental illness component to being trans is hateful. I don't feel like these extreme positions help the trans community.
There has been no "official stance" that I know of; I believe browser is asking for our input. That aside, I haven't seen anyone take that stance.

Originally Posted by DonkJr
No, you are demonizing people with mental health issues. If your stance is that to even mention the possibility that mental illness may have a role is bigotry, then you are saying that those with mental illness are inferior.
Originally Posted by DonkJr
Do you want me to copy and paste my post? Yes, your clever one liner makes it clear that it is your stance.
Originally Posted by DonkJr
Thank you for the lesson in reading comprehension. The best person to give advice on the topic is the forum troll that writes one or two vague sentences at a time, with the intent of playing "gotcha" when anybody calls him out.

Your stance is clear. You can dance around it all you want, but it is what it is.
I find your interpretation of his position to be a pretty odd one, and certainly not one I had seen (or see now). But if his wording was unclear enough to make you think that was his stance, I believe he's clarified pretty clearly now that it isn't.

Originally Posted by DonkJr
I feel like one can have the (incorrect, imo) stance that every single trans person has a mental disorder, that the appropriate treatment may very well be hormone therapy or sex reassignment, and that those people that undergo such treatment should not be stigmatized.
I suppose someone could, but it's not one I've seen anyone take.

Originally Posted by lozen
Its amazing how much stigmitation of mental health is being made here. Why is it that we all seem to agree that anyone considering trans treatments which involve medications that have never been tested or gender affirming surgery should undergo counseling with a licensed mental health professional before they go through with it. Sadly though it can take as little as 22 minutes to be approved for surgery in todays system

Why cant your position be Yes there are people born in the wrong bodies but not at the rate we are seeing in todays society.
There was zero stigmatization of mental health in my post. The rest of your post seems better suited for another thread.

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
It's 100%. Since everyone has their own individual "gender", everyone is trans.
Has there been a single post of yours in reply to browser's questions that wasn't trolling? Serious question, because I wasn't sure about the first couple posts. The last few have been much more obvious trolling.
06-19-2023 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett

Has there been a single post of yours in reply to browser's questions that wasn't trolling? Serious question, because I wasn't sure about the first couple posts. The last few have been much more obvious trolling.
This was a response to a Trolly post though. And there is truth to what I'm saying. If "gender" is a continuum/non-discrete, then the whole concept of trans/cis goes right out the window.
06-19-2023 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett

As others have mentioned, I don't believe the DSM designation implies that all transgender people are suffering from mental illness.
Gender dysphoria is only diagnosed when the person is suffering significant distress. If they aren't, then it's not medically categorisable. Transvestic disorder (usually AGP) is diagnosed differently but tends to come to notice due to relationship problems -- notably with the woman that the AGP man is married to. 'Transgender identity' by itself isn't a medical term, but, where medical treatment is demanded, there must be a diagnosable medical condition.
06-19-2023 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
Here's where part of the confusion comes from. The NHS defines gd as the uneasiness caused by the incongruence between gender identity and anatomy.

But you then state above that gd is definitely a mental disorder. That absolutely has a negative connotation, at least n the US.

Yet the NHS states this about GD:

"Gender dysphoria is not a mental illness, but some people may develop mental health problems because of gender dysphoria."
If you think it has a negative connotation, you are part of the problem.
06-19-2023 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Oh, I see. So these guys aren't demonizing transgender people, they're merely demonizing people with mental health issues.
Some people here are, including browser.
06-19-2023 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
I say this as somebody that doesn't have any particularly strong feelings on the topic:

If there are going to be such strict limitations on what appears to be even the basics of trans discussion, why even allow trans topics to be discussed on these forums? When I was in college, not too long ago, Gender Identity Disorder was in the DSM-4 as a mental disorder, and I see that it still is now in the DSM-5 as Gender Dysphoria. Even in the discussions from scientific sources, it is a complicated issue from a psychiatric/psychology perspective. So to essentially say that if you think there may be a mental illness component, you are either a bigot or want trans people locked away somewhere is bizarre.

I understand the need to not allow bigotry to run rampant in these forums. Some people may very well use a discussion of mental illness in order to justify bigotry. I don't really see why you would allow the topic to be discussed if you even consider the current scientific thinking of the topic to be bigoted.
Who cares what the DSM says. It used to say gay people were mentally ill.
06-19-2023 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
I think the problem isn't that some transgender people may have a mental illness condition that is precipitated by the incongruence between their gender identity and their anatomy that manifests itself by debilitating anxiety, depression, etc. It is the position that having that incongruence at all is itself a form of mental illness. That is, if you believe you are transgender then by definition you have a mental illness. While at some point in the past that was the standard scientific belief, with more study and data the opinion of the scientific community has changed its position on that.

Homosexuality as a mental illness went through a similar change as more information became available. Years ago, if yiu were gay it was considered that you had a mental illness. I dont think you will find today any mainstream medical professional who believes that.
People who are gay aren't looking to get medicine and surgeries for it.
Medicines and surgeries are for people who have a physical or mental health issue.
06-19-2023 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Fresh off of being completely wrong about what the DSM says, the thread has now moved on to “legitimate” transgender people, a concept that isn’t at all supported by the DSM and is nonsensical on its face. How do you tell when a transgender person isn’t “legitimate?” Hard to say, but they must be a bunch of illegitimate trans kids because lozen’s feels tell him the rate of trans people is just too high.
If I say today I am trans and go into the women's locker room in my gym, would you find that I was a legitimate trans woman and have no problems with it? I have already detailed how I have been more comfortable around females for my entire life.
06-19-2023 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Nope as your source is a trans activist and deep diving into her i looks like she believes in the controversial treatments for children but thanks for sharing

I am not discussing trans issues in the moderation anymore and keeping it to the trans thread
There is no trans thread, which is why these issues keep bubbling up.
There was one previously, and it was deliberately sabotaged by those who didn't want anything questioned.
06-19-2023 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
Who cares what the DSM says. It used to say gay people were mentally ill.
If one shouldn't care what an authoritative manual like the DSM says, then why should anybody care what anybody has to say about anything?
06-19-2023 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
If one shouldn't care what an authoritative manual like the DSM says, then why should anybody care what anybody has to say about anything?
It’s fair to question how authoritative the DSM is when it was utterly wrong about homosexuality in the past.
06-19-2023 , 07:36 PM
It is one thing to question it. It is another thing to just "not care" about what is has to say, as if it has no value whatsoever.

The DSM, just like any other source, is a product of the time it is written. You can look at it in hindsight and say "this whole text is worthless as thirteen pages in this 947 page manual are outdated", but that would be absurd.
06-19-2023 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
If one shouldn't care what an authoritative manual like the DSM says, then why should anybody care what anybody has to say about anything?
Pretty much. But psychology has an awful history so it's even less worthwhile.
06-19-2023 , 07:44 PM
The problem isn't the DSM itself, but how people weaponize the DSM and mental health more broadly to constantly center conversations around what it putatively wrong about trans people. Of course there are plenty of supportive conversations one can have, but some people seem to be engaged in the medicalization of trans issues as a bludgeon.
