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Luckbox vs. The Media Luckbox vs. The Media

06-05-2020 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc

A psychotherapist explains why you want to wear a face mask — even though it probably won't help you avoid illness

So why do so many people want to cover up their faces if it doesn't help? It actually has more to do with their mental health than their physical health.
We grow comfortable with the risks we take on a regular basis. Perhaps you drive your car every day. You likely don't feel scared when you get behind the wheel. You might even reply to text messages occasionally or forget to buckle up when driving.
But according to statistics, driving a car is a big risk. You have about a one in 103 chance of dying in a car crash. It just doesn't feel scary because it's a familiar risk you take.
The coronavirus isn't familiar. So you're uncomfortable with the risk of contracting it, and possibly dying from it. You likely have a bigger fear of it than of crashing your car.
Media consumption also fuels fears. Whether scrolling through social media or flipping through channels, reports about death tolls and the speed at which coronavirus is spreading are everywhere. The more content consumed, the more likely you are to overestimate chances of contracting the coronavirus — and the more likely your anxiety levels will skyrocket.
Business Insider article on why you should wear a mask for your mental health.
Interestingly, we haven't been given government advicce to wear masks here (as far as I know), and in the area of London where I live, I see maybe fewer than 1 in 10 people wearing one when I go out.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-05-2020 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Interestingly, we haven't been given government advicce to wear masks here (as far as I know), and in the area of London where I live, I see maybe fewer than 1 in 10 people wearing one when I go out.
Starting on the 15th they'll be mandatory on all public transportation in England. But that's interesting that the number is currently so low there. Does that include inside stores or is that just on the street? Because even where I'm at in South Carolina it's like 25% inside stores.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-05-2020 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Starting on the 15th they'll be mandatory on all public transportation in England. But that's interesting that the number is currently so low there. Does that include inside stores or is that just on the street? Because even where I'm at in South Carolina it's like 25% inside stores.
I just go to my local shop which is tiny (but has everything I need), so I can't speak for "stores", but the workers in the shop do wear a mask - the customers, not so much. They do regulate it to 3 people in at a time during busy periods though, and the others have to queue outside. It's rarely so busy that there is a queue though. The food delivery drivers also all seem to be wearing masks when they arrive.

I very much doubt that my little enclave is representative of London, let alone the UK, as a whole, so take that anecdotal evidence for what it's worth.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-05-2020 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Starting on the 15th they'll be mandatory on all public transportation in England. But that's interesting that the number is currently so low there. Does that include inside stores or is that just on the street? Because even where I'm at in South Carolina it's like 25% inside stores.
Just took a couple of pics from balcony @2:30pm. Masks were about 0 for 10 for the time I was watching, but as you can see, crowd density is not exactly high! More people are out when it's sunny, though.


Last edited by d2_e4; 06-05-2020 at 09:42 AM. Reason: Added spoiler tags
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-06-2020 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Starting on the 15th they'll be mandatory on all public transportation in England. But that's interesting that the number is currently so low there. Does that include inside stores or is that just on the street? Because even where I'm at in South Carolina it's like 25% inside stores.
"young" children, disabled and people with breathing difficulties exempt. I do not drive and therefore require bus/train to see family and work. Once this furlough **** is over and I can work it will interesting... I can either a) say I have asthma B) make a stand and wing it c) ask them to fine me and not pay the fine which they will not be able to enforce or d) cycle.

This piece here sums up the "evidence" on face masks, for and against


The strongest evidence for the use of masks is a Cochrane Collaboration review entitled “Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses”. Seven studies were included in this review from the era of SARS. All of the studies that found mask wearing to be effective were case-control studies: a type of study that is subject to bias because the control arm is simply a representative group, with each “case” matched to a “control” by characteristics like age and sex, unlike in a placebo-controlled trial (which would admittedly be very difficult with masks). If the controls differ from the cases in characteristics that are not part of the matching – such as health or socio-economic status – differences may be found due to these uncontrolled variables, including in whether they chose to wear a mask.

Of the seven papers, five studied only healthcare workers, and I do not question whether healthcare workers should wear masks. This leaves only two papers concerning mask wearing by the general public. One provided no socio-economic or health data on the case-versus-control groups, leaving open the possibility that there were differences. The second study confirmed that the cases (who had been diagnosed with “probable” SARS; i.e., with symptoms and contact with another SARS victim, but without a SARS test) were significantly sicker than the controls. This makes sense because people who were diagnosed with SARS tended to have pre-existing health conditions, just as is found with COVID-19. Mask-wearing and hand-washing were more common in controls, resulting in the conclusion that they were protective. Attending farmers’ markets was also “protective” – but in reality probably just reflects the better health and therefore mobility of the control group. Really sick people may avoid the use of masks because it interferes with their breathing when they already have health problems or simply because they go out less. This possibility was not considered by either paper.

So, in conclusion, there are two papers that claim that wearing masks was protective against SARS, but one admits that the control group was significantly healthier than the case group, and the other paper is silent on this important source of bias.
And also hamsters


A Korean study put masks on COVID-19 infected people and did not reduce the transmission of droplets when patients coughed with a mask on:

Neither surgical nor cotton masks effectively filtered SARS–CoV-2 during coughs by infected patients.

In this review, we did not find evidence to support a protective effect of personal protective measures or environmental measures in reducing influenza transmission.
Also evidence that masks can do considerable damage.

Is this different to an Islamic state forcing women to wear a face scarf or the French forcing women not to wear one? I think not. This is fascism plain and simple. Fundamentally you don't need to even go through all the arguments above, this is basic civil liberties, right to free movement to access employment and services, and right to dress how you see fit. If you wear a mask without your consent you will take your injection as well? Course you will. This is so dangerous I just despair.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-07-2020 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
So the reactions to the Mueller investigation being over have been interesting. Something like the 7 stages of grief although reactions in this thread have been muted. Of course anybody paying attention over the last several weeks has seen how the media had severely toned down expectations.

And now we the see the media coming out with headlines saying "Trump Exonerated". The Hill has an op-ed today literally apologizing to Trump on behalf of the media.

Since I started posting in this thread again in the fall of 2016, my one big preoccupation has not been talking about whatever conspiracy theory is pertinent, but rather understanding the nature of Trump vs the elite/establishment/ptb/boog/etc.
(And I understand here that this is a question that is only relevant to me as most people believe things like democracy being real or the same America that elected Obama turning racist and electing Trump).

And I fully admit to initially drinking the kool-aid a bit even though ultimately I had no logical reason to, in thinking that because Trump has done so much damage to the media in his attacks on it and how he calls it the enemy of the people, that it would be impossible that they could be on the same team. I've changed my mind on that over the last 18 months.

So part of being a conspiracy theorist is that it allows you to make predictions and I have a bold one: that we are in the early stages of witnessing the controlled destruction of the MSM. I won't say why I think this or to what purpose, as that wouldn't get us anywhere, but I do think it is happening and I want to get this prediction in early.

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I want to return to this post that I wrote 14 months ago right after the Mueller investigation wrapped up.
Because what's happening is still "controlled destruction"--it's just bigger than the MSM. And the only way to get people on board with it is to give them some change that they feel is coming from the people themselves and not directed from above. Some of the changes will be good and people will think it's great, and others won't be. How it will all fit together is still impossible to say as it's all unfolding before our eyes. But I do agree with Soah when he states that when AOC and (CIA) Nat'l Review agree on something then things are actually happening. Ultimately none of it will be our interests though because nothing the ruling class does is.
Cross-posting a couple posts I wrote in POG--the latter one from today and the former from right when the Mueller investigation wrapped up-- because with the (Michael Baden involved) outbreak of protests nationwide and msm publications calling for change, it's obvious that things are still happening and that the 'controlled destruction' idea is still on track.
Some of this thesis I explored in the Epstein thread, as people didn't understand why/how the elites would create a psy-op that exposed themselves as pedophiles. But if change is going to happen then it'll need to be seen as coming from the people and so creating outrage at 'the machine' is a necessary condition for that.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 06-07-2020 at 10:55 AM.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-08-2020 , 12:20 PM
This is a crosspost.

Luckbox, any interest or idea what is going on here?

On the surface this seems like something that would be a honeypot issue for the MSM. But they have extremely little interest, which I find very interesting.

So during the protests in Seattle yesterday, a man drives into the protests, gets surrounded by protesters, shoots a black man, and then surrenders to police. What is super interesting about this is how little interest the media has in it. If they mention it at all it is just a cursory telling account with zero follow up of what is the story behind the story.

Really curious what is going on with this story that the media isn't interested, as on the surface it seems like it would be a honeypot story.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-09-2020 , 03:14 PM
Why Everyone Hates the Mainstream Media

When I became managing editor of the Ottawa Citizen in 2011, I started to have a lot of contact with readers — emails, phone calls, and a surprising number of handwritten letters. It was through this contact that I began to get a sense of what our readers really cared about, and what they valued in their subscription. Two things surprised me....

The second was that readers would often call, angry, because we had downplayed (or ignored, or missed) a story they knew all about from another media outlet. This baffled me at first. If you already know the story, why are you angry at us for not covering it? But I soon realized they weren’t angry because they had been left uninformed, they were angry because we had, in one way or another, let them down.

The lesson I took from this is that for a great many readers, consuming the news is not about gaining information. Instead, it is about routine (hence the calls about the messed up horoscopes and crosswords) and identity (hence the anger about missing stories they knew about). People don’t pick up a daily newspaper to learn new things. They do it to have their habits, lifestyles, values, and identities validated and reinforced.

If there is one thing the current media maelstrom has emphasized yet again, it’s that hatred for the mainstream media is something you find across the partisan spectrum. Understanding the role of identity in news consumption is the key to understanding why this is the case.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-10-2020 , 07:42 AM
While I definitely appreciate you posting that here, "people hate the media because they aren't having their egos stoked properly" is such a crap take that I barely even want to talk about it.
Definitely not why I hate them at least.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-10-2020 , 08:49 AM

thoughts on the alleged solving of Olof Palme's murder? Is he even really dead?
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-10-2020 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
While I definitely appreciate you posting that here, "people hate the media because they aren't having their egos stoked properly" is such a crap take that I barely even want to talk about it.
Definitely not why I hate them at least.
Way to chase away the people who come to the thread to do something other than troll... This is why we don't get nice things!
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-10-2020 , 03:23 PM
we are in the early stages of witnessing the controlled destruction of the MSM
I'd be interested in further detail about this. What I am seeing is the msm complex testing its narrative exclusivity, gauging its ability to dominate the media spectrum with a single device seamlessly shifting from one crisis to the next, common globalist themes and layered psychology enrapturing the masses stumbling bewildered, perhaps seeking some solidity the new religion promises... Politics and civil institutions have succumbed, even the lowliest official is a WHO parrot it seems. That kind of leverage is not something to be thrown away, why would a priest with undivided attention burn down the church?
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-11-2020 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by 1&onlybillyshears
I'd be interested in further detail about this. What I am seeing is the msm complex testing its narrative exclusivity, gauging its ability to dominate the media spectrum with a single device seamlessly shifting from one crisis to the next, common globalist themes and layered psychology enrapturing the masses stumbling bewildered, perhaps seeking some solidity the new religion promises... Politics and civil institutions have succumbed, even the lowliest official is a WHO parrot it seems. That kind of leverage is not something to be thrown away, why would a priest with undivided attention burn down the church?
There was probably a little bit of disingenuousness in me saying that it's just about the media--and I acknowledged that in that post by saying there was more but that talking about it wouldn't do any good. But ultimately I think we've entered into a very transformative time and there's something to the bolded part of your post.
I think it was my brother who said that it's as if the elites dumbed us down a little too much and now they need to correct it. I don't quite believe that--they probably dumbed us down just the right amount but there is some sort of "awakening" that is happening and they want to/need to be the ones controlling it. I mean the internet--which was theoretically supposed to make us free-- was a DARPA creation ffs. But I think it's proven now that free access to information does not make us free people, and all the propaganda that we see and the "layered psychology enrapturing the masses stumbling bewildered" is a part of controlling us.
Hard to know how to continue this post or make it sound more coherent, but we left Kansas a while ago* and it's only going to get crazier from here.
*don't know if Brits know the Wizard of Oz but that's the reference.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-11-2020 , 10:57 AM
yo lb, nyt has a new podcast out about internet culture and how it's reshaping the way people really look at the world, it's called rabbit hole and it's really good

just posting here because the episode on q anon where they are interviewing the social groups that evolved from that made me think of you - i think you may like the pod
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-11-2020 , 10:59 AM
Ok. I'll check it out. To be sure qanon is a psy-op but it's super relevant for the discussion here and my exchange with Billy.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-11-2020 , 11:38 AM
oh yeah, to be honest i really have no idea where you stand, but seeing how all these regular everyday people could really get behind it and not just that but foster these surprisingly wholesome communities out of it was very interesting
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-14-2020 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
There was probably a little bit of disingenuousness in me saying that it's just about the media--and I acknowledged that in that post by saying there was more but that talking about it wouldn't do any good. But ultimately I think we've entered into a very transformative time and there's something to the bolded part of your post.
I think it was my brother who said that it's as if the elites dumbed us down a little too much and now they need to correct it. I don't quite believe that--they probably dumbed us down just the right amount but there is some sort of "awakening" that is happening and they want to/need to be the ones controlling it. I mean the internet--which was theoretically supposed to make us free-- was a DARPA creation ffs. But I think it's proven now that free access to information does not make us free people, and all the propaganda that we see and the "layered psychology enrapturing the masses stumbling bewildered" is a part of controlling us.
Hard to know how to continue this post or make it sound more coherent, but we left Kansas a while ago* and it's only going to get crazier from here.
*don't know if Brits know the Wizard of Oz but that's the reference.
Dumbed down and weakened, our resilience has been attacked. We are all in need of "mental health". We are all racist. We are all both victim and perpetrator. Anything approaching culture, albeit an approximation of culture, is appropriated as Basil Fawlty and Delboy are removed from streaming services - classic British comedies that are now deemed to be racist or sexist despite the context of the racism being within characterisations and therefore if anything an aid to understanding racism. Because words such as w*g and n***er are used this must be removed. I believe this is part of a broader scheme to catch trigger words and censor via AI - computers cant decipher context but they can pick up on trigger words and quarantine discussions, practically all comms is going to be digital in the 4th IR. If they don't want say "vaccines" discussed this can easily be shut down. It's also New Normal Religion - in 'respecting' identity, the individual identity is destroyed. We are being Borgified.
I don't know whether there is an awakening, there is some bizarre stuff going down right now, this is how the war generation felt in the 60s I guess. When I see people out on the streets, mostly masked up, for the reason of preserving statues, destroying statues, celebrating "diversity", rejecting "diversity", after being under house arrest for months on end it is hard not to read this as sheep being herded around and played with. Internet I don't know, did we sleepwalk into it under the promise of being allowed free speech only to have it snatched away? Now I learn that even Saint Julian is a CIA lickspittle after being likely mind controlled as a child, and WikiLeaks is apparently funded by the globalist elite. No more heroes anymore. (See Daniel Estulin, Deconstructing WikiLeaks).
I may have won the incoherence challenge and will now embark upon a hazardous and technically inexplainable journey, into the outer, stratosphere!
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-17-2020 , 02:39 PM
Looking at the top news headlines today, I will say it is an absolutely amazing display of gaslighting going on by the media.

So in a span of 3 weeks they went from

1. Wall-to-wall COVID fear mongering, focusing a lot of blame on Trump.
2. Arguing giant protests were perfectly acceptable from a safety perspective.
3. Back to wall-to-wall COVID fear mongering, again focusing the blame on Trump, with no mention of the recent protests

It really is a master class in gaslighting.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-17-2020 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
2. Arguing giant protests were perfectly acceptable from a safety perspective.
Could you link some examples of this?
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-17-2020 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Could you link some examples of this?
Go ahead and look at MSM headlines during the protests, and see if you can see any criticism of the protests from a public health perspective. If you find any, feel free to share them. Contrast this with the level of concern before and after, of activities with similar risks (eg. Trump's Tulsa rally)

As I have said before, often what isn't being said is just as important as what is being said.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-17-2020 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by 1&onlybillyshears
We are all both victim and perpetrator. Anything approaching culture, albeit an approximation of culture, is appropriated as Basil Fawlty and Delboy are removed from streaming services - classic British comedies...
awwwwwww ****, I see I'm not the only connoisseur of classic British television up in this *****.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-17-2020 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
2. Arguing giant protests were perfectly acceptable from a safety
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
Go ahead and look at MSM headlines during the protests, and see if you can see any criticism of the protests from a public health perspective. If you find any, feel free to share them. Contrast this with the level of concern before and after, of activities with similar risks (eg. Trump's Tulsa rally)

As I have said before, often what isn't being said is just as important as what is being said.
"Argument by ommission" is a novel take, I'll give you that.

I'm going to have a lot of fun pointing out the things you've been arguing for, under this new standard.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-17-2020 , 03:20 PM
It's greatly exaggerated

John Cleese has laid into the "cowardly and gutless" BBC after an episode of Fawlty Towers was temporarily removed from a BBC-owned streaming platform.

A 1975 episode titled The Germans was taken off UKTV's streaming service because it contains "racial slurs".

In it, the Major uses highly offensive language, and Cleese's Basil Fawlty declares "don't mention the war".

UKTV said it expected to reinstate the show with "extra guidance" in "the coming days".

Cleese wrote on Twitter: "The BBC is now run by a mixture of marketing people and petty bureaucrats."

He added: "I would have hoped that someone at the BBC would understand that there are two ways of making fun of human behaviour.

"One is to attack it directly. The other is to have someone who is patently a figure of fun, speak up on behalf of that behaviour."
So one episode was temporarily removed. The one that does contain some particularly offensive language (no not the german stuff) although clearly as JC says.

This is not a new issue. 'In sickness and in health' was always controversial despite the bigot being the subject of ridicule
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-17-2020 , 03:22 PM
As much as I love Fawlty Towers, every episode is exactly the same with all the same gags, so you're not missing much if they pull an episode.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
06-17-2020 , 03:38 PM
Outrageous post trolly

Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
