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Luckbox vs. The Media Luckbox vs. The Media

04-08-2020 , 11:15 AM
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-08-2020 , 11:17 AM
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-08-2020 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Come on Billy, stop being so afraid to research and post your actual own personal opinions on this thread's two very important recent topics. You can always get back to your subservient style reporting on other people's work for any topic you like after doing that.

All the best.
What were the two important topics again? I don't seem to be able to recall anything you post. Something something lizard.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-08-2020 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
You still peaked with the Collin one.

You seem to recycle the same handful of memes. Has that industry produced any new material that has caught on or is the Depp movie scene/Rock driving scene/Spiderman scene/whatever that TV show scene use use all the time (ie: the Collin meme) as good as it gets, given your usage of them. Any conspiracies as to why the meme market seems to change so slowly?

All the best.
Sound like you need to be more of a problem solver than a problem identifier. Make up some fresh new meme templates for us.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-08-2020 , 01:06 PM
Indeed I am a problem solver, and part of that process is recognizing the people one needs to instruct to solve the problems, For instance, with the meme dude, I gave some suggestions and specific instructions, and he did his assigned job properly, as the alien office meme was a solid piece of work. His others were kind of meh, but still - it did help resolve his mundane meme streak.

I am also trying to get "I'm Just a Bill" to solve some ongoing problems in this thread with his innate abilities, so in that regard:

Originally Posted by 1&onlybillyshears
What were the two important topics again? I don't seem to be able to recall anything you post. Something something lizard.
I completely understand how all the random thoughts and ideas that swirl in your head might cause some memory issues with regard to anything that other people say, so allow me to remind you of what you actually said a couple days ago

Originally Posted by 1&onlybillyshears
I have no idea, I haven't looked into it. If you insist it is worthy of research then sure I'll look at what has been posted
Originally Posted by 1&onlybillyshears
I have started dissecting the thread, v interesting. A key question I think is understanding the nature of Antifa, which alone is rather a rabbit hole. It will be some time before I can present findings.
so, now that you have been reminded of what you said not long ago you can get to work as you said you would. If you want to back out I completely understand, and that behavior is expected from someone like you. Your choice in the end.

All the best.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-08-2020 , 01:23 PM
My question was what were the two important topics? You have identified one important topic.
With regard to this I have no more to add at this point given that I know very little about antifa, which is primarily what I am reading up on. Like I said, it will be some time before I have anything to comment given that I am completely unaware of anything to do with the report at this point save what I have read already, which is limited. I appreciate that for you "some time" needs to be immediately quantifiable for some reason.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-08-2020 , 02:02 PM
The other was how and why Jeffrey Epstein is or is not dead. The OP can provide you with a large number of pictures of his ears after he is "dead" if you want to use that as a foundation of your research.

I also realize these requests may frustrate you, as you clearly have a limit of how many thing you can create conspiracies about, so be sure to manage that conspiracy life balance thing the best someone like you can. Perhaps ask meme guy to make you a meme to cheer you up if you are ever down.

All the best.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-08-2020 , 02:04 PM
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-08-2020 , 02:09 PM
See "I'm Just a Bill" - there is competition in the meme industry and they are here to help you with your needs in the future. Do not be afraid to call on them to serve you in that regard, as that is their role.

All we need now is that guy who had the fetish collection of Trump pictures and barely adult women to start posting again to bring this thread to the next level.

All the best.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-08-2020 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
The other was how and why Jeffrey Epstein is or is not dead. The OP can provide you with a large number of pictures of his ears after he is "dead" if you want to use that as a foundation of your research.

I also realize these requests may frustrate you, as you clearly have a limit of how many thing you can create conspiracies about, so be sure to manage that conspiracy life balance thing the best someone like you can. Perhaps ask meme guy to make you a meme to cheer you up if you are ever down.

All the best.
Right, well I don't recall stating anything about Epstein. Re balance, the depth of content one can discover is generally inversely proportional to the range of content one can learn about. Having a superficial opinion about 20 news reports may be the equivalent of having an in depth knowledge of say one report. In other words, I tend to think before I speak.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-08-2020 , 03:29 PM
Well, if anything really gets too cumbersome for you then you an simply push it off the edge of the planet.

Anyway, hope all of this helped, and this discussion with you, along with all the memes from the gallery certainly helped make a thread like this be what it really should be, so ideally that will happen to all similar threads in the future.

All the best.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-08-2020 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Well, if anything really gets too cumbersome for you then you an simply push it off the edge of the planet.

Anyway, hope all of this helped, and this discussion with you, along with all the memes from the gallery certainly helped make a thread like this be what it really should be, so ideally that will happen to all similar threads in the future.

All the best.
You can make an argument against flat earth in SMP if that suits your fancy. Not here.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-09-2020 , 06:06 AM
Portland reported killing of antifa activist

Was expecting to spend longer researching antifa but there appears to be a lack of reliable information about the organisation.

This is purely speculative due to the dearth of information. The lack of information itself does offer clues to inform reasonable speculation.

TLDR: political parties and activist groups are either straight up fronts, infiltrated and monitored, or controlled by intelligence services working for and accountable to the permanent government. Not all members are Intel assets but the organisations are infiltrated, or created by, the intelligence services. No activity takes place without their knowledge and steer. In the case of antifa, albeit based on limited information, I believe this is a controlled intelligence front.
I cannot find anything reliable related to the funding of antifa, but generally these groups are funded by think tanks, foundations and NGOs to not just control but to CREATE public opinion, to manufacture cultural crises, to sow division, to create turmoil, to create opportunities to shape and re-shape the cultural paradigm for new initiatives. Their business is psychological warfare, manipulation of the collective mindset, to make citizens malleable for change. For instance promoting fear in a community through criminal gangs, which is essentially what you have with antifa and the fascists dichotomy, to justify tighter controls on civil liberties.
Who Pays for these groups? That is the important question I think.

I believe that Kealiher/Lewis is an intelligence operative who has been re-deployed to a new project in a new location or promoted to a new position on a different area of intelligence work.

First local report

Portland anti-fascist activist killed after crash, shooting: ‘It looked like road rage’
Who is the owner of Cider Riot?
Who is 'Kealiher'? Where did he grow up, go to school, his history?
Why did the family ask for the case not to be discussed publicly?
Armenio Lewis - why 2 names? When did he adopt a new name and why?

LB says

"Reported that the car was "riddled with bullet holes" (which aren't visible in any pictures I've seen) (car appears undamaged even)"
Indeed, I see nothing in the photo to suggest the incident occurred as described.

Laura Kealiher said:

“I am requesting that no one give statements to the media or make public statements regarding my son’s death. This is to include posting on social media on my behalf as I want all public statements to stop. They just fuel the rumor mill which everyone close to Sean has had to suffer through. Some of you may be inclined to continue to leave messages on the Democratic Party of Oregon’s offices after it has been cleaned up. I’m requesting that you refrain. For anyone that is interested there will be a memorial potluck for Sean on October 26 at noon at Chapman Square. Thank you for your time. However I will not be taking any questions.”
A 'memorial' eh? Is this a US version of a funeral? Is it normal not to have a funeral which many people would want to attend and pay their respects? The wording of this statement does not strike me as someone who has just lost a son. Now you can say 'how dare you criticise how a mother grieves for her lost son' etc but ask yourself this - would you or anyone else you know or have known ever make a statement like this after losing their son?

Kelhus999 says:

"It is a highly corrupt, ideologically motivated government apparatus, where the rule of law is selectively enforced along ideological grounds."

Antifa groups on twitter saying not to talk to the press
Near silence from Portland PD
Particularly given the difficulties of operating a local media in this town, what you need is a good investigative journalist who doesn't give a toss. The reporter should be digging for information, it is in the public interest, public bodies cannot just stonewall the press because "the family" don't want it discussed. But of course, the media is not for the purpose of informing the public by and large, it is for forming the opinion of the public.

2nd local report

Both have retained attorneys
Hmm, sounds expensive. A group that goes around saying "All police are bastards" is not going to have wide appeal. Donations for funding from ordinary people would be limited I think. Is it likely that for a genuine grassroots organisation they would have permanent legal representation?

Earlier report re antifa and fascist riot

Early reports of the fatal crash and shooting touched off fears within Portland’s activist community and beyond that ongoing clashes between right- and left-wing groups had turned deadly.

In May, Cider Riot had been the site of a large brawl between anti-fascist patrons of the pub and members of the right-wing group Patriot Prayer, who police and prosecutors say provoked the violent melee.
A clear case of the intelligence services playing games. The best way to control the opposition is to lead it, this is the principle. Own both sides. Manufacturing events such as provoking a riot is a precedent for removing civil liberties and associates active participation in politics with violence.

3rd report re crash and shooting

Other messages reflected the anarchist and anti-fascist views Kealiher advocated for through his activism work, like "Abolish ICE" and "ACAB" ("All Cops Are Bastards")
This divisive sloganeering is deliberately provocative language to deter ordinary people from being involved, alienating the masses. Stops people finding out what they are really about and allows tighter control of operations.

Nearly one hundred people gathered to memorialize Kealiher
No Funeral? I believe this is nothing more than a PR stunt.

Kealiher "suffered critical injuries" as a result of the collision. He was transported to a hospital in a personal vehicle, but did not survive.
What specific injuries? Whose personal vehicle? Why was an ambulance not called - as LB has asked? which hospital did he attend? When did he die? This is a controlled narrative, or news management. A central press release is issued for papers and online publications to re-word.

"The Multnomah County Medical Examiner performed an autopsy on the victim and determined the manner of death was homicide and the cause was blunt force trauma," PPB notes
Let's have a whip round, $10 each and get the cost of accessing the death record. Better still, contact the local press and have them do it. That is what they are for. If enough people are questioning the official narrative they either a) will be pressured to do it, or b) they will have to explain why they will not pursue. "the family" will be the response. Not good enough, it is in the public interest to know the details surrounding the death and in no way does this infringe on the rights of the family - at least I think it does not, but again the press will be forced to justify this should "family" be the reason they refuse to pursue.

pokerodox says:

Some conspiracies are actually real. It can happen.

That said, I don't think the police not saying much means anything. They certainly can and do keep things from the public in active investigations. All the time.

I think the no one was killed theory is absurd. There's a simple principle that the more people required to keep a secret the less that secret can be kept applies. The doctors, the nurses, the cops who would have been checking in at the hospital. The family. Where is he now, and who is helping him stay on the lamb? This did not happen.

That said, was there some Antifa v Antifa violence that is being covered up? Or white supremacist v Antifa? I want to know who owned the car.

By the way, Luckbox, I would still call it a hit and run if the driver ran.
- hospital not named, the absence of information is much easier to cover up than a straight up lie. Nobody knows, right?

- If no patient then no doctors or nurses would be involved.

- If a question was asked, there would be no information to give, it would be assumed that another authority figure or medical person dealt with the case/patient

- The family have shutdown and are not responding to questioning. A normal response perhaps, but the statement is anything but normal.

- He has two known identities already. It is not unreasonable that he can be given a 3rd identity in a new location, or be relocated to a completely different area of work.

- "White supremacy" and "anti-fascism" are 2 sides of the same coin, in the context of this report and the "riots" previously reported.

- Indeed, who owned the car? They must know - is there any legit reason why this information cannot be public knowledge?

- have I missed something or are the only two witnesses a man who lives in a tent and the other antifa member, armed, and who has a retained lawyer? No other witnesses?

there's nothing to update. Right wing extremist wannabe paramilitaries in conjunction with local law enforcement killed him and covered it up. They aren't going to arrest themselves.
This does not offer motive. What purpose is served by taking out 'Kealiher'?

From 3rd report

Within hours of Kealiher's death, far-right social media users began positing conspiracy theories about the circumstances surrounding the incident. Some who oppose his political views have used his death to critique his past involvement in anti-fascist demonstrations.
Continued promotion of the same agenda, far right vs far left. Questioning the narrative is painted as supporting the far right. See how the toxicity of the debate prevents any investigation.

That's about it from my POV. RIP 'Sean' /'Armenio'.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-09-2020 , 06:23 AM
I did not read a word of your post, but I applaud that you finally took the time to create a proper manifesto on whatever that very important topic was about, and hopefully you and the OP can now form the equivalent of a think tank to further discuss, breakdown and interpret all the important details, with others supplying supportive memes, of what really happened in Portland, Maine.

All the best.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-09-2020 , 06:50 AM
Thanks very much. Wrong state, but thanks anyway.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-09-2020 , 09:24 AM
Fine - Portland, Texas. Nobody else actually cares except the two of you, so be sure to adjust for the right time zone of the appropriate Portland and the two of you should now get to work together on that topic in this thread. Glad I could help with defining your paths. I am all about helping.

All the best.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-09-2020 , 11:58 AM
Billy, memorials are not at all that uncommon. Maybe there was no funeral because the person was cremated or something?? When my wife passed away(leukemia--that's exactly what we did) Thinking an 'organization' that says stuff like 'cops are bastards/dicks' comprised of pac northwest street kids and thinking that will have no appeal is kinda fundamentally misunderstanding how things roll on the west coast
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-09-2020 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
Billy, memorials are not at all that uncommon. Maybe there was no funeral because the person was cremated or something?? When my wife passed away(leukemia--that's exactly what we did) Thinking an 'organization' that says stuff like 'cops are bastards/dicks' comprised of pac northwest street kids and thinking that will have no appeal is kinda fundamentally misunderstanding how things roll on the west coast
Fair points. If they mostly attract rebel-without-a-cause kids then their income generation is not going to be enough to fund full-timers like this guy, I would argue. If you, or anyone, has anything detailed on Antifa I would be grateful.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-09-2020 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by 1&onlybillyshears
Particularly given the difficulties of operating a local media in this town, what you need is a good investigative journalist who doesn't give a toss. The reporter should be digging for information, it is in the public interest, public bodies cannot just stonewall the press because "the family" don't want it discussed. But of course, the media is not for the purpose of informing the public by and large, it is for forming the opinion of the public.

- Indeed, who owned the car? They must know - is there any legit reason why this information cannot be public knowledge?

- have I missed something or are the only two witnesses a man who lives in a tent and the other antifa member, armed, and who has a retained lawyer? No other witnesses?
As Monteroy said-- it's a nothing story of no importance to anyone that 99% of people have never heard of. But what I found interesting is the blatantness of it all. This wasn't some carefully crafted rouse to foment civil war in Oregon, nor was it a "Big Lie" that is so big that it prevents people from seeing through it. It's more like pure gaslighting.
He was alleged to have been killed shortly after midnight on October 12th of last year. CrimeStoppers Oregon announced a $2,500 reward for information three days later, basically sending the message that the case is dead and going nowhere. And watching it all take place in real time was fascinating because even though I knew it was all bs, I still couldn't believe that they would just memory-hole away the fact that they should have this Ford Explorer in a police impound, and never talk about it or who might own it.
But no--no other witnesses. You didn't miss anything there. It's reported that a neighbor called the police after hearing gunshots, and the Portland PD send out automated tweets for all dispatches. But if you go to the early morning hours of October 12th you won't find any evidence of that.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-09-2020 , 12:38 PM
You and Billy should combine forces to help Crimefighter these, and similar crimes, and get the reward monies. Best part is, you guys do all this stuff online, so you should be able to solve a ton of crimes from all over the world. Why not monetize those superpowers, and the best part is that given that very few other people care about these single crimes in Maine or Texas or wherever, that will create a niche that your partnership will help fill that is being overlooked by others.

You guys should come up with a business plan and post it here.

All the best.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-09-2020 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by 1&onlybillyshears
Fair points. If they mostly attract rebel-without-a-cause kids then their income generation is not going to be enough to fund full-timers like this guy, I would argue. If you, or anyone, has anything detailed on Antifa I would be grateful.
Not every dirty looking street kid is poor. After hanging around the Dead scene for 35+yrs you would be surprised how often you'd be wrong making that assumption about someone based on their looks etc. There are kids that look like literal homeless junkies with 50m trust funds not to mention some of the big swingers. And plenty actually are poor/from modest means--but it's no rule.

To take it back to other similar kinda activism like say environmental and where it got funding support from etc. you also have to take some other things into account. The drug war gets most of its headlines in cities etc but there was/is a decades long running fight in the northwest. There's some interconnectedness there as far as sides/sympathies are concerned common enemies and all that good stuff. Legalization's put a spin on things but things are far from fully settled on that front. Transient kids floating around the northwest is no new thing--it's just grown a lot more in the last10-15yrs or so.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-09-2020 , 02:49 PM
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-09-2020 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
Not every dirty looking street kid is poor. After hanging around the Dead scene for 35+yrs you would be surprised how often you'd be wrong making that assumption about someone based on their looks etc. There are kids that look like literal homeless junkies with 50m trust funds not to mention some of the big swingers. And plenty actually are poor/from modest means--but it's no rule.

To take it back to other similar kinda activism like say environmental and where it got funding support from etc. you also have to take some other things into account. The drug war gets most of its headlines in cities etc but there was/is a decades long running fight in the northwest. There's some interconnectedness there as far as sides/sympathies are concerned common enemies and all that good stuff. Legalization's put a spin on things but things are far from fully settled on that front. Transient kids floating around the northwest is no new thing--it's just grown a lot more in the last10-15yrs or so.
That is interesting, possible cover for the real business.
The drug trade is run by the same globalists running these fake campaign groups and environmentalists. It is difficult to find a clear demarcation between any of it. Opium drug dens in China circa 1500s- 1900s ran from the British foreign office via the east India company, known for its "tea" (English tea old boy) which was cover for the lucrative heroin business doping the Chinese masses; CIA ratlines smuggling arms to terrorists while cultivating poppy fields in Afghanistan; Columbian cartels - CIA caught smuggling cocaine for instance. War on drugs = war to control drug trade.
Legalisation, will we see it? Most drugs are perfectly legal, ie big Pharma. I don't know how it works in the US, in the UK there are competing factions, some in the oligarchy do not want legalisation in the UK as they have investments in Europe that could lose some value, for instance. To quote the Godfather, it's a dirty business.
But yeah that is a very interesting take on this specific business with 'Kealiher' and would explain all parties going quiet.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
04-09-2020 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by 1&onlybillyshears
That is interesting, possible cover for the real business.
The drug trade is run by the same globalists running these fake campaign groups and environmentalists. It is difficult to find a clear demarcation between any of it. Opium drug dens in China circa 1500s- 1900s ran from the British foreign office via the east India company, known for its "tea" (English tea old boy) which was cover for the lucrative heroin business doping the Chinese masses; CIA ratlines smuggling arms to terrorists while cultivating poppy fields in Afghanistan; Columbian cartels - CIA caught smuggling cocaine for instance. War on drugs = war to control drug trade.
Legalisation, will we see it? Most drugs are perfectly legal, ie big Pharma. I don't know how it works in the US, in the UK there are competing factions, some in the oligarchy do not want legalisation in the UK as they have investments in Europe that could lose some value, for instance. To quote the Godfather, it's a dirty business.
But yeah that is a very interesting take on this specific business with 'Kealiher' and would explain all parties going quiet.
That wasn't what I was suggesting at all really. I'm just saying back in the day if there were some kids that wanted to sit in a tree or whatever(but it extends beyond just environmental activism for sure)--they had alternative sources to potentially get some donations/support because there's a large community with similar sympathies surrounding them Comparing it to anything on the level of some CIA ops stuff is bonkers. I haven't really paid much attention to Antifa but knowing how our scene has ran over the years ya it wouldn't surprise me if there were some things like that happening or some kind of overlap at points in some form or another. How it may or may not pertain to this specific story I have no clue.

Last edited by wet work; 04-09-2020 at 08:39 PM.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
