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Luckbox vs. The Media Luckbox vs. The Media

03-20-2020 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Economic collapse could be used in a variety of different ways to consolidate power. It's a misconception that a booming economy is something that the ruling elite want.
On the other hand, we were told that some major terror attacks would lead to instability and so politicians don't take any risks, therefore, this was expected to lead to economic collapse. Now everything has happened the other way round. The return of the terror has actually led to economic growth, instead of bringing it down. In a way, the terror is for the benefit of the elite!
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-20-2020 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
No one is thinking this might be staged with crisis actors? Psy-Op?
It is a psychological operation there is no question. Possibly the sky news Italian video is a set up but I haven't watched it carefully to state a claim yet. But this psyop doesn't actually require actors and such invented situations. It is a manipulation of what is actually just an everyday illness. I have seperated into fact and speculation:


1. A study of the wuhan infection and death rate, the origin of the disease, shows a mortality rate of 0.04 - 0.12%. In line or less than seasonal flu.

2. The test for CV is flawed, not validated. Manufacturers of the test state the test should be used only for research purposes. There are reports of vast, perhaps 50%, another report says 80%, numbers of false positive results. Also reports of many false negative results. The test may not be isolating the particular strain of coronavirus, ie the positive results may be other viruses. 7-15% of viruses are by definition coronaviruses.

3. No attempt to determine the extent of the contributing factor of CV toward mortality. Ie would patients have died regardless of testing positive for CV?

4. Denmark has passed a law requiring compulsory vaccinations for all citizens.

5. France has issued 4000+ fines for breaking curfews.

6. The UK has a coronavirus bill that will not be voted on by MPs which includes the right of police to arrest and detain on "suspicion" of infection and a man has been arrested for refusing to self-isolate. Italy has been transporting suspects via military vehicles to testing centres.

7. As explained by LB, the world economic Forum, the bill and Melinda gates foundation and other high profile medical and government types ran a rehearsal at Davos 2019 following a very similar script to what is playing out right now.

8. Cash is being phased out in the uk

Ref - financial times

9. Universal basic income is being floated and somewhat trialled.


The outcomes are parallel to the zero carbon agenda: Agenda 21 - the UN sustainable development goals such as zero growth, closing down traditional industry and promoting information/digital services, depopulation; agenda 201 roleplayed a coronavirus crisis and the necessary global governance response which is playing out in this real time drill before us.

The twin beasts of a UBI and cashless economy leads to the reduction of wage value toward zero, total dependence on the state, greater control by banks, centralisation of power in the hands of the corporate state, fascism in short. The police state being trialled right now across the EU and NATO states (mirroring long established authoritarian regimes in China, India etc) could be

A) a geo political consideration - an attempt to answer the Chinese question of the new silk roads by emulating Chinese rapid development with state controls?

B) a literal new world order on a global scale, will we see Cambodian style de urbanisation - is social distancing being programmed in the collective mindset to allow for the future destruction of cities and forced migration to the country? Meshes nicely with "environmentalism" right?

C) simply a necessary phase of capitalist economy which requires massive state bailouts and interventions, and given the tanking economy a heavy dose of visible state power to maintain control?

An idea that is popular well beyond the conspiracy types is eugenics. The literal killing of masses of old people. While this fits a malthusian depopulation agenda in line with sustainable development goals, the number of deaths do not warrant such an idea. Perhaps this is a drill for a near future mass extinction?
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-20-2020 , 07:31 PM
See, now that is more like it. Wish Lizard People were involved within all the red strings and sticky notes a bit more, but at least we know the conspiracy industry will be thriving with all sorts of colorful imaginary tales of reality.

All the best.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-20-2020 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by 1&onlybillyshears
It is a psychological operation there is no question. Possibly the sky news Italian video is a set up but I haven't watched it carefully to state a claim yet. But this psyop doesn't actually require actors and such invented situations. It is a manipulation of what is actually just an everyday illness.
The elites have admitted with full knowledge that they are running the planet as a circus, and intend to do so for as long as humanly possible.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-20-2020 , 10:07 PM
My favorite conspiracy theory is the one about the Bilderbergers. I went on a trip to Austria and was curious about the Bilderbergers. My friend with whom I stayed warned me that they were a very, very scary group. He said they wanted to start World War III. But I couldn't get past the strange reason for their meeting. Was the meeting to prepare for the collapse of the US Dollar? Was the meeting to be the "Joint Power Groups" meeting to prepare a world government? Could they have possibly planned the destruction of the US Dollar at the beginning of this year? Or had they met to start World War III and they were only being delayed in starting World War III until after the dollar collapse?
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-20-2020 , 11:16 PM
Conspiracy theorists lololol go die in a hole somewhere please
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-21-2020 , 04:02 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
See, now that is more like it. Wish Lizard People were involved within all the red strings and sticky notes a bit more, but at least we know the conspiracy industry will be thriving with all sorts of colorful imaginary tales of reality.

All the best.
That is why I separated into fact and speculation. You disagree with the facts I laid out?
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-21-2020 , 04:05 AM
Please see this twitter thread from an Italian citizen

In Italy it’s been now ten days of nationwide restrictions - the first country in the world to do so. I want to summarise all that is wrong with the current situation, which gets more concerning every day. (longish thread) 1/10

60m people have been asked to stay at home for four weeks. No consideration for those who live alone, in abusive relationships, with meantal health issues, or without a computer and an internet connection (yes, there are many). Social and psychological costs not factored in. 2/10

Students and pupils of all ages have been at home, in the North of Italy, since February 23. Since March 9, millions of kids and teens can’t see their friends anymore. Online teaching is a utopia for most schools, for lack of basic internet infrastructure. 3/10

Workplaces and businesses don't have to close down – it’s up to individual employers. Many people, from bank clerks to factory workers to delivery people, still have to go to work every day. There is more and more evidence that most contagion is happening on workplaces. 4/10

Yet, the dominant narrative is that the virus spreads because people go outside for a run or a bike ride. Walking and exercising has zero epidemiological risk, and is permitted under emergency laws, but has been immediately criminalised by news and social media. 5/10

The media amplify the (mostly fake) reports of “excessive crowding”. As a result, most public parks have been shut, meaning there's even less public space to go to. Many people are proactively reporting joggers to the police. 6/10

The vagueness of emergency laws has left it up to administrators and police depts to decide what is permitted. In Bologna, cycling has now been forbidden; in Naples, you can no longer go for a stroll, not even alone. 7/10

Commentators and administrators are asking for even “more”, including for the ARMY to patrol the streets. Some ministers have issued open threats: “If you don’t obey the rules, we will make the restrictions even harsher.” Meanwhile, factories and workplaces remain open. 8/10

Information from govt and media is abysmal. No explanation on how the virus is transmitted. Many ppl think that the virus is in the air, and that the very act of going outside is a threat. Countless healthy ppl are scared to death, and haven’t been in outside in weeks. 9/10

The tally of cases is broadcast live every day on all media, as if it were a sporting competition. Numbers are presented with no context and no explanation. The vast majority of ppl doesn’t understand that today’s cases were infected 2 to 4 weeks ago, as no one explains it. 10/10
Now do you see? I doubt it.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-21-2020 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by DisGunBGud
Conspiracy theorists lololol go die in a hole somewhere please
Thanks for your contributions to the thread. Yeah definitely nothing to see here. Just a normal virus shutting down the world economy. Happens every once in a while.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-21-2020 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by 1&onlybillyshears
That is why I separated into fact and speculation. You disagree with the facts I laid out?
Oh, let me be clear - I never bother with the "facts" people like you concoct. That would be playing your game, where you can go on and on about all these linkages of stuff that exist in your mind.

I have no doubt there are dashes and hints of actual data within the imaginary constructs people like you create, but a pinch of salt on a 20 pound piece of meat does not change the flavor at all, and the real facts are the equivalent of the salt in your stories, while your made up worlds are the hunk of meat.

Again, I realize whats going on in the world will represent an opportunity for your kind. A lot more can be created for a situation like this than an undead pedo, so I have no doubt that you and your kin will produce a lot of work in that regard.

With that being said, my hope is that none of it gains any actual traction, and I am comforted that you guys never provide a really simple approach to your thinking that might actually get some traction. Look at your spew for instance - much easier to wave aside, so please keep doing that and in fact for your next manifesto have perhaps 27 reasons and sub reasons why all of this is going on. That should leave enough room to include Lizard People.

All the best.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-21-2020 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by 1&onlybillyshears
It is a psychological operation there is no question. Possibly the sky news Italian video is a set up but I haven't watched it carefully to state a claim yet. But this psyop doesn't actually require actors and such invented situations. It is a manipulation of what is actually just an everyday illness.
Was it the same with the Spanish Flu? How can we distinguish psyop-outbreaks from real ones?
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-21-2020 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Oh, let me be clear - I never bother with the "facts" people like you concoct.
Oh no, not me. I consulted

Kenji Mizumoto, Katsushi Kagaya, Gerardo Chowell
Funded and supported by

Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.

Funding Statement
KM acknowledges support from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI Grant Number 18K17368 and from the Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science & Technology of Japan. KK acknowledges support from the JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 18K19336 and 19H05330. GC acknowledges support from NSF grant 1414374 as part of the joint NSF–NIH–USDA Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases program.
Published online courtesy of

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), a not-for-profit research and educational institution, Yale University, and BMJ, a global healthcare knowledge provider.
Which found that

We also found that most recent crude infection fatality ratio (IFR) and time-delay adjusted IFR is estimated to be 0.04% (95% CrI: 0.03-0.06%) and 0.12% (95%CrI: 0.08-0.17%),
So, with a fatality less or in line with seasonal flu, how is the global government response in any way proportionate?
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-21-2020 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
Was it the same with the Spanish Flu? How can we distinguish psyop-outbreaks from real ones?
By looking at the facts.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-21-2020 , 07:25 AM
See, at least you are trying to do your yadda yadda, whatever spew in bit size portions now, but you are still all over the place trying to connect all the imaginary dots in your mind when trying to sell your verbal snake oil.

I doubt someone like you can ever effectively communicate your imagination in a way that impacts others, so I feel comfortable pointing out your weakness in that regard, because your wiring will never allow you to change.

Anyway, more Lizard People please.

All the best.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-21-2020 , 07:29 AM
Originally Posted by 1&onlybillyshears
By looking at the facts. was the Spanish flu real? And if so, which facts would bring you to this conclusion?
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-21-2020 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
See, at least you are trying to do your yadda yadda, whatever spew in bit size portions now, but you are still all over the place trying to connect all the imaginary dots in your mind when trying to sell your verbal snake oil.

I doubt someone like you can ever effectively communicate your imagination in a way that impacts others, so I feel comfortable pointing out your weakness in that regard, because your wiring will never allow you to change.

Anyway, more Lizard People please.

All the best.
Yes I am trying to break down my points into manageable chunks so you can better consider them. But once again you have ignored the report I cited. Just one argument presented by me, and again zero response from you.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-21-2020 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by Morphismus was the Spanish flu real? And if so, which facts would bring you to this conclusion?
I don't know, I haven't examined the facts.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-21-2020 , 09:03 AM
People like you never really examine facts in a proper manner, rather you glean bits from them to create the whatever narrative you need to create.

The "report" you cited? Why would I bother reading/considering anything someone like you suggests. Again, that would be playing your little game, and I do not do that, especially when people like you refuse to include Lizard People in the mix.

People like you spew verbal garbage - that's all. Even if you once in a while you accidentally dry heave elements of insight within your brew, it literally does not matter, because the overall picture is a paranoid fabric of your imagination, and while it might be fun to play around there when people whine about new player boom switches for online poker, it is not fun with actual serious matters like what is going on in the world.

I mockingly make suggestions to you in terms of how you can better sell your slop, but that is done knowing you are completely incapable of doing just that, and as well until you include Lizard People into your verbal upchuck there is really no need to discuss what you say much further.

All the best.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-21-2020 , 10:02 AM
Since this is all playing out before our eyes, I don't think there is anything to "sell" right now. Perhaps in a year (hopefully) when we have more of the bigger picture we can take a look at criticizing rhetorical approaches.
I do understand how when the world is all falling apart, people might get particularly angry at those saying "it was never really 'normal' to begin with"--but I suggest you just suck it up like we all have to.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-21-2020 , 04:16 PM
Don't believe the hype it's a sequel as an equal can I get this thru to you
Play it cool like

John P.A. Ioannidis is professor of medicine, of epidemiology and population health, of biomedical data science, and of statistics at Stanford University and co-director of Stanford’s Meta-Research Innovation Center.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-21-2020 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
People like you
Stereotype fallacy
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-21-2020 , 06:16 PM
OK, to avoid any further confusion/deflection on your part, specifically nothing you say should be taken seriously at all. Not a single thing. Nothing. Zero. Every word you say should be completely disregarded, regardless of whether small elements within it happen to have some potential validity. The whole package of verbal spew that you as a specific human, and I mean the human that is you, regurgitate should be disregarded entirely.

Now, if you start including Lizard People in your jambalaya, and you know you can, we can revisit that assessment of you at a later time.

All the best.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-21-2020 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
The whole package of verbal spew that you as a specific human, and I mean the human that is you
ad hominem fallacy
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-21-2020 , 06:42 PM
Feel free to build that into your next concoction that should be ignored, unless you also include Lizard People. You know you can include Lizard People. You know you believe in them. Let it all come out with your next manifesto, which of course should be totally ignored, but at least it will be more entertaining.

All the best.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
03-21-2020 , 06:46 PM
Lizard people are awesome! They rule!
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
