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Luckbox vs. The Media Luckbox vs. The Media

09-21-2019 , 01:27 AM
Only A Green New Deal Can Douse the Fire of Eco-Fascism
Naomi Klein article that ties together so many recent themes it's scary. We've got ecofascism, mass-shootings, neoliberal economics, and pure bullshit all wrapped up into one narrarive. It's amazing.
Everyone has given me a hard time for pointing out that the media is pushing this ecofascism stuff hard because of how ridiculous it seems and because nobody has seen an ecofascist--but they were on 8chan. But how you know it's legit is that they were writing about it before Christchurch.
Klein also appeared on Democracy Now
Renowned climate activist and author Naomi Klein addresses the rise of ecofascism, the marrying of environmentalism and white power, which she says manifested in the Christchurch, New Zealand, white supremacist terrorist attack, where the shooter identified himself as an ecofascist. In her latest book, “On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal,” Klein writes, “My fear is that, unless something significant changes in how our societies rise to the ecological crisis, we are going to see this kind of white power eco-fascism emerge with much greater frequency, as a ferocious rationalization for refusing to live up to our collective climate responsibilities.”

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 09-21-2019 at 01:35 AM.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
09-21-2019 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
senator obama or tulsi off the top of my head. b clinton?

you should have a look at your boy wookies piping hot takes about the entire republican party
Why would you say Tulsi? I get that some people have some reasons, but why would you call Tulsi a moderate?

Cut the defense budget
End war on drugs
End private prisons/cash bail
marriage equality/LGBTQ+ protected status
restore Glass-Steagall
universal background check and ban on assault weapons

She quit the DNC to support Bernie.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
09-26-2019 , 03:36 PM
Pew has a poll out on trust in media

Republicans became increasingly mistrustful of the media in 2016 when Trump was campaigning for president and was sharply critical of the media's coverage of him. Between 2015 and 2016, Republican trust in the mass media fell 18 points to its historical low of 14%, where it remained in 2017. Following a seven-point boost last year, it has returned to 15%. For their part, Democrats have consistently been more trusting of the media than Republicans but rallied around the press and became even more trusting when Trump took office in 2017.

The latest data show that in the last year, trust has declined slightly among all partisan groups, but still remains sharply polarized.
The partisan media trust gap doesn't fully explain how democrats can be smarter but republicans can understand more, but it helps.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
09-26-2019 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Pew has a poll out on trust in media

The partisan media trust gap doesn't fully explain how democrats can be smarter but republicans can understand more, but it helps.
I think you are giving Republicans way too much credit here. I don't think Republicans understand more. I think the media narrative generally confirms Democrat biases, and works against Republican biases, and this is largely where the disconnect is.

Also, FWIW I think there is virtually no correlation between intelligence and cognitive biases. Because these biases are ruled purely emotionally, and in humans intelligence/reason exerts very little control over emotionally based decisions (if any control at all). The most I would say is that more intelligent people can articulate better their rationalizations for their biases, but make no mistake what part of the brain is in control.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
09-26-2019 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Also, FWIW I think there is virtually no correlation between intelligence and cognitive biases. Because these biases are ruled purely emotionally, and in humans intelligence/reason exerts very little control over emotionally based decisions (if any control at all). The most I would say is that more intelligent people can articulate better their rationalizations for their biases, but make no mistake what part of the brain is in control.
Not a comment on your larger point, but this is a mischaracterization of cognitive bias. What distinguishes a cognitive bias is that it is an error based on a characteristic flaw in our reasoning. The basic idea is that we typically make initial judgements by using heuristics, and our usage of imperfect heuristics can lead to systematic flaws of reasoning. For instance, there are well-known cognitive biases that result from the somewhat poor heuristics most people use for reasoning under uncertainty. This isn't because people's emotions are interfering with their ability to reason, but rather because the way most people reason about uncertainty on an intuitive level is inaccurate.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-02-2019 , 02:53 PM
Why White-supremacists are hooked on living green
New Ecofascism article out last week from The New Republic that mirrors the Naomi Klein "only a GND can save us".
[Note: nothing I quote or put in bold means I agree with it]
When writing about eco-fascists, the media often speaks of green politics “masking” a darker racial vision. But most eco-fascists are sincere in their environmentalism. “The common theme,” said Peter Staudenmaier, a professor of history at Marquette University, “is this link between a yearning for purity in the environmental sphere and a desire for racialized purity in the social sphere.”
The Nazi slogan “Blood and Soil” reentered public discourse two years ago, when torch-wielding neo-Nazis chanted it in Charlottesville. But the phrase actually predates the Third Reich.
Today, however, eco-fascism is once again gaining purchase. Anders Breivik, the Norwegian extremist who murdered 69 young Labor Party members in 2011, referenced Madison Grant in his manifesto. The Christchurch shooter echoed Riehl, linking the “preservation” of land to the “preservation” of cultural “ideals and beliefs.” Nonwhites from the Global South, he wrote, are overproducing and “invading” Europe and America to despoil the West’s natural inheritance. To “save the environment,” the invaders must be “kill[ed].” His writings inspired the El Paso shooter, who wrote, “If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.”
Contemporary eco-fascists see the border as the dividing line between those who deserve protection and those who deserve nothing.
The U.S. government has already predicted this outcome. In a 2003 study on the likely geopolitical effects of an “abrupt climate change scenario,” Pentagon researchers wrote that wealthy nations will respond by constructing “virtual fortresses around their countries, preserving resources for themselves,” and hardening their borders “to hold back unwanted starving immigrants.” While mainstream conservatives deny that massive climate dislocation is imminent, and liberals hold out hope for tech-managerial solutions, eco-fascists and nationalists are at least being realistic about the future.
The only realistic and moral answer is a global green new deal. Hand-wringing about the sins of “humanity” will never solve a climate crisis created by capitalism. Only an uprising of the global working class can bring the world closer to a solution.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-02-2019 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Why White-supremacists are hooked on living green
New Ecofascism article out last week from The New Republic that mirrors the Naomi Klein "only a GND can save us".
[Note: nothing I quote or put in bold means I agree with it]
The Nazi slogan “Blood and Soil” reentered public discourse two years ago, when torch-wielding neo-Nazis chanted it in Charlottesville. But the phrase actually predates the Third Reich.

Today, however, eco-fascism is once again gaining purchase. Anders Breivik, the Norwegian extremist who murdered 69 young Labor Party members in 2011, referenced Madison Grant in his manifesto. The Christchurch shooter echoed Riehl, linking the “preservation” of land to the “preservation” of cultural “ideals and beliefs.” Nonwhites from the Global South, he wrote, are overproducing and “invading” Europe and America to despoil the West’s natural inheritance. To “save the environment,” the invaders must be “kill[ed].” His writings inspired the El Paso shooter, who wrote, “If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.”
There's no way you can read all these mass killers and think that environmentalism is central to their beliefs. It's pretty obvious when their environmentalism only comes to the fore when it comes to the dirty brown people coming into contact with the pure and good white people in the true and good White Country. Otherwise they don't give a sh*t. I think 'enviromental fascism' could actually be a thing,, but for all these guys it's like the debate tactic where you try and swarm your opponent with a ton of good things that come out of your proposal, in this case, getting rid of brown people. We've already seen this with 'getting rid of illegals will bring down rent' in San Francisco. Turns out getting rid of brown people is good for the environment too! What other good incidental things could happen if we got rid of brown people? Less litter! (yes that's been said). Etc. The key point is they want to get rid of brown people, the rest is window dressing.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 10-02-2019 at 03:48 PM.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-02-2019 , 08:08 PM
To change topics a little, whatever you think of what Amber Guyger should have been charged with, or how long she should have been jailed; it was very interesting how the media tried so hard to use this issue to make it about race and to fuel racial tension, and I feel it just wasn't successful.

Despite the NYT and CNN and others doing their usual race baiting thing, it seems that the public at large just didn't take the bait and it didn't make the national zeitgeist like these things have in the past. I genuinely wonder if this is signifying a shift that the populace at large is pushing back against the MSM tactics of race baiting. Maybe not, but it will be interesting thing to monitor moving forward.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-02-2019 , 08:36 PM
This is where only occasionally watching Univision shows its advantages because I know nothing about this story.
This is where she thought she was going to her own apartment and she went to his instead and she shot him? I'll defer to Slighted for the first time ever on this one.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-03-2019 , 12:54 AM
Seems like an excessive leap to take based on a 10 year murder rap. Pretty sure that is a fairly normal sentence. I don't think there is as much outrage because there is actual justice being dealt instead of lies and a coverup resulting in a slap on the wrist.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-03-2019 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
Seems like an excessive leap to take based on a 10 year murder rap. Pretty sure that is a fairly normal sentence. I don't think there is as much outrage because there is actual justice being dealt instead of lies and a coverup resulting in a slap on the wrist.
I wasn't referring to exactly the sentence. I meant the entire trial and lead up. Seems the media really tried its usual shtick to generate racial animosity and it never really got going. Hopefully this is a good sign for the country moving forward that we are (maybe) not as easily manipulated by the media towards destructive behavior.

Possibly the same thing with the whole 1619 project. The NYT wants us to hate each other based on skin color so bad they concocted this whole nonsense. But it doesn't really seem like anyone is taking the bait. Maybe we really are tired of all the race baiting and finally moving on. Although that may be regional bias. Maybe it is a bigger deal in the parts of the country.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-03-2019 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999

Despite the NYT and CNN and others doing their usual race baiting thing, it seems that the public at large just didn't take the bait and it didn't make the national zeitgeist like these things have in the past. I genuinely wonder if this is signifying a shift that the populace at large is pushing back against the MSM tactics of race baiting. Maybe not, but it will be interesting thing to monitor moving forward.
Do you have any examples of this?
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-04-2019 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Respect, they haven't gotten to you yet.
Replying here because it's so far from climate change
But as far as trauma for the masses goes, they have and did. But now instead of being traumatized I just get angry but the anger still comes from the trauma.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-04-2019 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Have you worked out any reasons why we are "going to war on ourselves." Is it just a tactic for the neoliberals to control the masses, or is there something else going on?

This is kind of in left field but one common answer to the Fermi paradox is that at some point it is inevitable that intelligent life realizes that we are all just lumps of meat and there is no purpose, and life gives up, and that is that. Do you think it possible this "war against ourselves," exemplified most obviously by our below replacement level birthrates, that it seems our "evolved" progressive societies are intent on waging is a beginning stage of this inevitability?
I think your "lumps of meat" comment sort of gets at it actually. Because I've (tried to) argue against materialism in this forum although I've gotten no takers. But suffice it to say I do not believe that humans reduce to lumps of meat and part of the "war on ourselves" has the effect of telling us that we are the problem-- that humans are a plague and should be reduced or even eliminated. That rhetoric is out there and it's practically by definition dehumanizing. It's an attack on psyches. The motivation even there can still be to institute the neoliberal control but having people feel powerless and weak and like they are the problem serves the ruling class in all aspects.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-04-2019 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
This is where only occasionally watching Univision shows its advantages because I know nothing about this story.
This is where she thought she was going to her own apartment and she went to his instead and she shot him? I'll defer to Slighted for the first time ever on this one.
Something about this whole situation seems weird based on her persona and looks.

Do you think Amber actually shot anyone and is going to jail or was this played out for a bigger purpose?
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-04-2019 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
Something about this whole situation seems weird based on her persona and looks.

Do you think Amber actually shot anyone and is going to jail or was this played out for a bigger purpose?
When you ask me good questions it's fine. Don't ask me stupid ones please. I said I don't know anything about this story. Was Michael Baden involved? If not then I don't care.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-05-2019 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
Something about this whole situation seems weird based on her persona and looks.

Do you think Amber actually shot anyone and is going to jail or was this played out for a bigger purpose?
Joshua Brown, key witness in Amber Guyger murder trial and neighbor of Botham Jean, shot to death in Dallas
Well ok.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-09-2019 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I knew almost nothing about the Amber Guyger stuff until after the verdict when somebody posted about it in politics and asked me if I thought it was a hoax. I said I had no idea. They don't seem to be off trying to start race-wars based on it so 'no discernable agenda' = probably just a tabloid story that's got play in the media based on the circumstances of it.
Then the witness gets killed and I was like "ok, what is going on here?".
That set me off googling things like "Amber Guyger hoax" but I didn't find much. And now we find out this weird story involving a drug deal gone bad. The story is definitely getting stranger but I still have zero clue. I think Birdman is being a little quick to take media reports at face-value to see the "obvious conspiracy", but I don't have ideas any better than that. Until the story unfolds more, I'd probably weigh all three options roughly equally between hoax, drug deal gone bad like they say, and DPD conspiracy to kill him.
Post I made in POG since I'm paying more attention to this. They arrested two of three suspects in Joshua Brown's alleged murder but some people aren't buying it. I'm still an Amber Guyger agnostic.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-12-2019 , 01:41 PM
The media had another fantastic week

Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-12-2019 , 08:06 PM
Such a weird thing. That's not "the media"
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-12-2019 , 10:49 PM
Cross post from pog: I also owe Formula72 an apology here.

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
So the Joshua Brown story...still nothing new. No word on a funeral for Brown. There had apparently been a rally for him where people said he had been fearful, but I can't find anything on a funeral. There was also apparently a gofundme page but that was taken down and I don't see any others.
Also there is no word on the investigation, the guy in the hospital (there was a picture of him released I'll try to find), and the guy still on the loose.
This guy. No word on his condition but because there is a pic we can be sure Joshua Brown shot him, was shot back, and is dead.
So in my research on this Amber Guyger/Joshua Brown/ stuff I've come across articles from a publication I've never heard of, NewsOne. Here is one of them. Dallas Media tries to twist Joshua Brown's Criminal Record in Death . Or this one Petition Demands FBI take over in Joshua Brown's Murder Case . And they are supportive of the idea that there is some foul play regarding the DPD.
And on twitter I see that Joshua Brown's lawyer (also Botham Jean's family's lawyer) Lee Merit is associated with with NewsOne.

So who owns NewsOne ? They are owned by AirWaves Media which is:
Airwaves Media (Private) Limited is a subsidiary of the Interflow Group, the largest advertising group in Pakistan. Headquartered in Karachi, Pakistan, Airwaves Media has TVOne, NewsOne, Waseb and Radio1 FM91 as its media units. Airwaves Media has 3 regional offices with production facilities in Lahore, Islamabad & Multan; and a coordinating office in New York, USA. We have a total staff of over 800 employees, including full-time employees, correspondents and contractual workers.
It's all interesting. But this tweet I also wanted to talk about from the lawyer Lee Merit:

Because they are saying he pushed the "shot in the mouth" line. And this tweet doesn't make much sense. Did the cops shoot him, was he murdered by his (non cop) enemies, or was it random drug deal turned homicide? We can't really tell what he is alleging other than that the city of Dallas is somewhat responsible. Again, all "interesting" and certainly nothing will prove anything to anybody but the the involvement of race-baity Pakistani media wasn't expected here.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 10-12-2019 at 10:55 PM.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-13-2019 , 02:48 PM
Another xpost:

this article is the one that really lays out the craziness of the official story
DALLAS - Authorities have two men in custody for the murder of Joshua Brown and are searching for one more person in what Dallas police say was a drug deal gone bad.

Jacquerious Mitchell, 20, is in custody and gave police his version of events from the night.
Remember that he was said to be in critical condition after being shot in the chest.
Late Tuesday night, Dallas police confirmed 32-year-old Michael Mitchell was arrested around 6:30 p.m. by members of the US Marshals Task Force at a motel in Marksville, Louisiana.
Police are still searching for Thaddeus Green, 22.
The arrest affidavit for Jacquerious says Dallas police were contacted by a sheriff's deputy in Louisiana who had received a tip. The tipster said the trio were coming to Dallas with a plan to rob Brown.
They were driving to Dallas to rob Brown but a Louisiana sherrif was tipped off about it before it happened

Jacquerious told police all three of the men traveled from Alexandria, Lousiana, to buy drugs from Brown on Friday. When the three arrived, a "physical altercation" happened between Green and Brown, according to Jacquerious. That culminated in Brown shooting Jacquerious once in the chest. Then, Brown was shot twice by Green in the lower body.
Remember he's in critical condition still at hospital telling the cops everything.

Promise Hospital, a private long-term acute care facility, is where police say Michael took his wounded nephew, Jacquerius. Patrol officers were called out and had a conversation with the now-fugitive accomplice.

According to the arrest affidavit, Michael told the officers "they attempted to buy some ‘weed’” from an unknown individual and he attempted to rob them. They said an unknown suspect shot Jacquerious and provided officers a name of "Demon Martin."

Jacquerius was taken to Parkland Hospital, where he remains for treatment and is in police custody.

Michael, claiming to be a victim, was questioned but not arrested.Dallas police detectives are in Louisiana searching for him and Green, along with U.S. Marshals in Texas and Louisiana.
So the whole story comes from Jacquerious in critical condition. When he was dropped off after being shot in the chest, they let the guy who dropped him go on the word that "Demon Martin" did the shooting. And cops got a tip they were coming to Dallas to rob someone.
LOL. It's possible they never cared to make this stuff seem realistic but they've really stopped caring now.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-13-2019 , 10:01 PM
I'll throw you a bone because I'm a little suspicious and pissed about this. I have no doubt at all that this story is accurate, but I'm not sure that they just put it together today. The story is about bombing that happened May 5th and 6th and it's not even clear what year. The UN opened an investigation on the first of August of this year.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-13-2019 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
the the involvement of race-baity Pakistani media wasn't expected here.
Luckbox is not a conservative, you guys.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
10-13-2019 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Luckbox is not a conservative, you guys.
No comment on any of the Dallas scheninigans?
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
