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Locked CRT thread Locked CRT thread

07-10-2021 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
That's just a dodge.

It's like telling people who want to change something in America to leave if they don't like it.
No, it's not like telling people that.

I don't think any of these CRT leaders claim to by volunteering their time.

Marxism uses money asaik. And no matter how many Marxists write lesson plans our economy isn't changing to a USSR style communist one. Ever.
According to one of the CRT charts posted earlier, capitalism is EVIL. And yet some of these CRT-teachers are making nice money telling young people that capitalism is EVIL.

By the way, I want teachers to make a lot of money. Unless they're teaching drivel, like some CRT teachers are teaching.
07-10-2021 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Are you seriously defending Joe McCarthy?

I certainly don't approve of everything he did and the way he sometimes did it, as some of his accusations against certain people being Communists were false.

Overall, I believe he did a great service for our country in exposing Communist influence and even infiltration in our government.
07-10-2021 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Teacher: let's look at the dark history of the USA kids, so you can understand why everything is so ****ed up in our country. Maybe you can understand the problems of today and the violence!

Itshot: the USA has no dark history and everything is perfect!

Teacher: then why are so many people suffering in the USA, homeless, on drugs or in jail, itshot? Why were Native and African people even babies murdered, families torn apart?

Itshot: USA! USA! USA!
Do you think that you are accurately rendering Itshot's views with the bolded statements above? Because, if you do you aren't even trying to pay attention.
07-10-2021 , 10:09 PM
New curriculum claims to address historical use of math to "normalize racism" and "marginalization of non-Eurocentric knowledge"

Math, it continues, has been “used to normalize racism and marginalization of non-Eurocentric mathematical knowledges,” and explains that taking a “decolonial” and “anti-racist approach” to teaching math will outline its “historical roots and social constructions” to students.
Where do you think they got these truisms (theories) about math from? I gave you a hint.

Teachers will be required to promote cross-curricular learning and human rights to create “anti-racist, anti-discriminatory learning environments.”

What epistemology do you think they're going to base this on?

In case you can't figure it out, they are using math to propagate critical praxis. CRT propaganda is going to be a central component of math class.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 07-10-2021 at 10:15 PM.
07-10-2021 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
That's where Marx's virtues leads. The violation of rule of law, the desecration of private property, The trampling of free speech... and the desecration of the symbols representing those ideals.
Marxism is a manifestation of Satanism, in my opinion.
07-10-2021 , 10:35 PM
I thought this was appropriate considering the reference to boomers earlier:

07-10-2021 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight

I certainly don't approve of everything he did and the way he sometimes did it, as some of his accusations against certain people being Communists were false.

Overall, I believe he did a great service for our country in exposing Communist influence and even infiltration in our government.
You are truly a lost person if you believe that Joe McCarthy was a credit to the United States. Are you also going to defend Roy Cohn?
07-10-2021 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
You are truly a lost person if you believe that Joe McCarthy was a credit to the United States. Are you also going to defend Roy Cohn?
McCarthy was an extremist, an example of the reactionary right to communistic ideas. McCarthyism would have been neutered if the left had simply disavowed communism.
07-10-2021 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
You are truly a lost person if you believe that Joe McCarthy was a credit to the United States.
No I'm not.

Are you also going to defend Roy Cohn?
The only thing that I know about Cohn is that he was a McCarthy-apologist. I've seen I think two interviews of him from the 1970's on Youtube.

Last edited by lagtight; 07-10-2021 at 10:51 PM. Reason: changed my first sentence completely
07-10-2021 , 11:58 PM
Did you guys ever figure out what crt is? I still don’t get it.
07-11-2021 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I thought this was appropriate considering the reference to boomers earlier:

Based on what I know so far, this seems accurate to me. I admit I might be ignorant on the topic. I have read about 30 pages of Ibram Kendis book, stamped and am enjoying it so far, but I’m not sure what it has to do with critical race theory yet. And it seems like a lot of intellectual work for one framework on how to discuss these issues. I have also read almost nothing about critical theory.
07-11-2021 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
No I'm not.

The only thing that I know about Cohn is that he was a McCarthy-apologist. I've seen I think two interviews of him from the 1970's on Youtube.
If that's all you know about Roy Cohn, then you can't possibly know enough about McCarthy to have an informed opinion.
07-11-2021 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I thought this was appropriate considering the reference to boomers earlier:
So we just need to ride it out for 3-4 more decades till all the boom booms die off? lol What about all the younger people that they've taught? It's not like the boomers invented racism--they were taught as well. I agree tons of younger people are way ahead--but what if everyone doesn't want to let things linger for decades more?

Last edited by wet work; 07-11-2021 at 01:48 AM.
07-11-2021 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
No, but it's besides the point. I don't think anybody's opposed to children learning about Karl Marx, or Marxism, or, socialism, communism and capitalism. This is why the term praxis is important, useful, and purposeful. Promoting Marxist-based virtues and truisms, that are unallowed to be rejected, while pillorying the basis of liberalism (ideology) as oppressive/racist and it being the primary obstacle to human liberation, while also teaching that upholding capitalism and liberalism is racist/oppressive, i.e. "attempts to maintain the status quo".

Doesn't matter whether they become Marxist... What happens when people start rejecting capitalism and liberalism, especially when public education has taught them that it's racist/oppressive? What's the logical conclusion?

No more capitalism, no more liberalism.

Marxism is corrupt, critical race theory is corrupt, critical theory is corrupt... They are evil ideologies and philosophies. There is value in studying them in academia, and being aware of them, there's zero value in adopting and indoctrinating our young and folks within our public institutions into their virtues.
as usual, the people the right wing is criticizing would be a lot cooler themselves if the criticisms were true. it would be ****ing amazing if our school systems were actually teaching the youths to be marxists.

and ofc liberalism and capitalism is oppressive and racist. like, look at the world. its pretty obv.
07-11-2021 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
Those 100m are nothing to how many the USA has murdered. Although these numbers will be slightly faulty I'm going to go ahead with the hope to give you and itshot a rough idea.

Vietnam, 5M
Korea, 10M
Syria, 5M and counting
Lybia, 5M and counting
Iraq, 5M and counting
Bagdad, ?
Haiti, Mexico, in fact South America as a whole,
100M and counting.
Afrika, 100s of millions and counting
Afghanistan, 10M and counting
And that's not counting in the number of murders every day in your own country. I believe in a sense you are murdering your own people through your own actions to this day. Look at how many death your gun and pharma lobby is causing every day.

And this list is endless! Do you really believe this capitalism caused fewer victims than these commu regeims? The true answer is no. Not that I don't hate these commies, but to say capitalism has less casualties is just wrong imo.
haha nice post. this is some serious ownage. doubt they respond.
07-11-2021 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by wet work
At what point in this country's history has everyone had their freedom of speech/expression respected?
I was gonna say all U.S. Citizens for the last 60 years. But then I remembered that Christians can't put up Nativity scenes for Xmas and that anyone promoting conservative views as a teacher loses their job. So I guess you have a point.
07-11-2021 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I'm genuinely trying to understand how you can make this post. You say you want this critical theory praxis (what you're calling "teaching kids about racism", which is almost entirely based on critical race theory and adjacent ideology, which is derived from Western Marxist analysis) to occur, right after saying critical (race) praxis is a conspiracy theory.
I'm genuinely trying to understand why anyone would care if an idea takes its roots in Marxist thought.

The answer appears to be a rant about these undercover Marxists will lead to the end of free speech, property rights, and then bring the rise of fascism.

That sounds very bad. I'm just wondering if Marxist thought has also corrupted any art movements and whether we could get an approved list so we don't fall victim to it.

There's some highly political punk and rap music, and Billy Bragg definitely has to go, any other ideas?
07-11-2021 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
If that's all you know about Roy Cohn, then you can't possibly know enough about McCarthy to have an informed opinion.
Here is an excerpt from a biography of McCarthy, Joseph McCarthy: Reexaminating the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator by Arthur Herman, 1999

Today we know better. Archival materials from the former Soviet Union have revealed that Stalin's intentions were aggressively malign and expansionist, just as America's coldest cold warriors had believed. We now know that Mao Tse-tung was not a progressive nationalist forced into the Soviet camp by American hostility and incomprehension, as revisionist scholars in the seventies like to pretend, but was a brutal and dedicated Communist who enthusiastically embraced Stalin from the beginning. Historians J. E. Haynes, Harvey Klehr, Ronald Radosh, Allan Weinstein, and Alexander Vassiliev have used new declassified American materials as well as Soviet sources to lay to rest any doubts about the Soviet Union's espionage activities, as well as the Communist Party's active support of it.

The declassified Venona decrypts have revealed to the public the full extent and depth of Soviet spying in America and proved that fears of Russian espionage networks at work in the highest reaches of the government were not fantasy but sober fact. Meanwhile, independent sources from iron curtain Hungary have confirmed Alger Hiss's role as a Soviet spy, just as Russian sources (including his former KGB case officer) have finally definitively established that Julius Rosenberg was a central figure in the Soviet spy network (although the importance of the material he provided on the atomic bomb, and the degree of his wife Ethel's involvement, is still under debate). Even the truth about Owen Lattimore, the most famous of McCarthy's "victims," has finally come out, thanks to a former Chinese espionage agent's memoirs and declassified FBI files, which go a long way to vindicate McCarthy's original charges. In retrospect, the cause McCarthy made his own — anticommunism — has proved to be more valid and durable than the basic assumptions of his anti-anti-Communist critics.
07-11-2021 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
I'm genuinely trying to understand why anyone would care if an idea takes its roots in Marxist thought.

The answer appears to be a rant about these undercover Marxists will lead to the end of free speech, property rights, and then bring the rise of fascism.

That sounds very bad. I'm just wondering if Marxist thought has also corrupted any art movements and whether we could get an approved list so we don't fall victim to it.

There's some highly political punk and rap music, and Billy Bragg definitely has to go, any other ideas?
You don't seem to want to answer the question, and pivoted to a different criticism(s). I'll just assume you're full of s***.

It's odd when someone thinks Delgado, or the other founders of critical race theory are undercover Marxist, or that the founders of BLM are undercover Marxist.
07-11-2021 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
No, it's not like telling people that.

According to one of the CRT charts posted earlier, capitalism is EVIL. And yet some of these CRT-teachers are making nice money telling young people that capitalism is EVIL.

By the way, I want teachers to make a lot of money. Unless they're teaching drivel, like some CRT teachers are teaching.
Well, putting aside the fact that these CRT-teachers aren't likely trying to tear Capitalism down (that's just the red hearing you're using to dodge their points), I'm still pretty sure that Marxist societies used a wages for labor model.

Getting a paycheck isn't something that was invented during The Industrial Revolution.
07-11-2021 , 08:07 AM
One of the most peculiar twist of the current left is their full on embracing and defending of ideological dogma that openingly advocates and praises the virtues of racial discrimination. Their ideological devotion to "equity" knows no bounds. Critical Theory corrupts everything.
07-11-2021 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I'm not selling a utopian dream. I don't believe in an utopian dream. Communism and capitalism aren't competing ideas. Communism is a proven failure. Critical theory is a proven failure. Capitalism has led to success for civilization, despite many failures. Capitalism isn't perfect, and needs to be regulated carefully. There's actually very few truisms in capitalism.
So then why are you doing your Chicken Little dance and telling us if we don't stamp out CT and anything remotely coming from it the Capitalist sky will fall ?

Also, please address the evils of Capitalism and Imperialism.

Also, you're still not scaring anyone by saying Marxism = Evil.

You need to make the case at some point, why/how/is the potential harm caused by the Marxist roots of CRT is greater than the actual harm caused by the systemic racism it's trying to address.

That's pretty much where we're at now. You keep repeating your talking points, mostly spoken by others. But this thread is going nowhere unless you present some sort of thesis at some point. Now would be a good time imo.

In before locked the sequel.
07-11-2021 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
You don't seem to want to answer the question, and pivoted to a different criticism(s). I'll just assume you're full of s***.

It's odd when someone thinks Delgado, or the other founders of critical race theory are undercover Marxist, or that the founders of BLM are undercover Marxist.
There wasn't a question in that post.

I'm just wondering now that we've established that the Marxists have surreptitiously corrupted the education system if we need to look elsewhere.

Billy Bragg is definitely music that takes its roots in Marxist thought so I'm thinking it should be taken off the approved art list. Same for Orwell. No way our kids should be reading his Marxist diatribes.

(breaking character for a sec, hopefully you're starting to realise this is the same criticism I've been making all along about that cultural somethingism...)
07-11-2021 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
One of the most peculiar twist of the current left is their full on embracing and defending of ideological dogma that openingly advocates and praises the virtues of racial discrimination. Their ideological devotion to "equity" knows no bounds. Critical Theory corrupts everything.
There is likely some truth to that.

It's kind of ironic because an actual Marxist would focus on class (MLK did that and ended up dead for his trouble). It seems that the real racist values may be the Western Liberal ones you seem so afraid of losing.
07-11-2021 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
So then why are you doing your Chicken Little dance and telling us if we don't stamp out CT and anything remotely coming from it the Capitalist sky will fall ?

Also, please address the evils of Capitalism and Imperialism.

Also, you're still not scaring anyone by saying Marxism = Evil.

You need to make the case at some point, why/how/is the potential harm caused by the Marxist roots of CRT is greater than the actual harm caused by the systemic racism it's trying to address.

That's pretty much where we're at now. You keep repeating your talking points, mostly spoken by others. But this thread is going nowhere unless you present some sort of thesis at some point. Now would be a good time imo.

In before locked the sequel.
I just need to demonstrate why CRT is bad. The first, and most effective reason is that it's illiberal, and stuff like racial discrimination is bad. Changing the entire education system based on conjecture, or "theory", with no basis in rationality, is dumb.

As long as you guys simply mischaracterize all my posts to oversimplified caricatures "Marxism is evil", without actually contending with why I say it's evil, its going to be your problem.

I pointed out philosophical and practical criticism of critical theory. None of you contend with it, and instead revert to the inaccurate grift you've heard on cable news.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 07-11-2021 at 08:32 AM.
