Originally Posted by campfirewest
I admittedly didn't spend a lot of time on this, but I didn't see any intent to throw boiling water. Even if there was that doesn't justify shooting.
This. These guys make good money and retire at 50 with a HS education cuz they are expected to navigate difficult situations.
All kinds of people are in these situations, like teachers, postal workers, Uber drivers, clerks at stores...
Only cops wet their pants and start spraying bullets every time they think k there is a 1% chance they might possibly be in danger.
When I was a sub I had a pretty big kid who, in that neighborhood could easily have a weapon, get in my face repeatedly shove me while screaming he was going to kill me.
I wasn't even allowed to touch him. I'd probably have been fired if I just grabbed his wrists and restrained him.
Luckily I was a part time substitute teacher with one week of training, so I could handle it, unlike a cop.
As I am not a pants wetting coward, it was NBD. Not my favorite day on the job, but I got through it and didn't lay a finger on the kid.
Tons of people deal with such things every single day. Only when it's cops do two armed men vs 1 woman with a pot of water fear for their lives so badly that they just start killing people.