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Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection

06-08-2020 , 11:18 PM
These racist have nothing on these extremist who are openly advocating for a civil war.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
It's a shame that Kapernick didn't consult with any veterans before protesting in this way.

Get a few true believers, talk to the media, and the SJW's in true fashion extrapolate that, thinking they proved something.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
These racist have nothing on these extremist who are openly advocating for a civil war.
you're talking about those right-wing Boogaloo types? they seem to be pretty serious, three were just arrested here in Vegas

and the leader of the KKK just got arrested in virginia! crazy
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 03:55 AM
Today's US military are volunteers for an imperialist war machine protecting the assets of the one percent.

Nothing that deserves respect.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Some people view the flag as almost a religious symbol.
That is one of the most pathetic things I've ever heard. It seems conservatives in the US really are indoctrinated from birth.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 06:04 AM
as far as protests go, kneeling during the national anthem/infront of flag is as peaceful and harmless as it gets. I understand attacking people who riot and loot etc, but I really don't understand the criticisms of kneeling as a form of protest. you can disagree with what they are protesting about, but I really don't see whats wrong with protesting via kneeling
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 07:01 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
You know the f****** problem with this is.... It doesn't matter what right-wingers think. All this s*** happens in democratically-controlled cities. So, you can take your boogie man, and shove it up your ass. These right-wingers you think are projecting have no f****** power where this s*** is happening. What the f*** is your problem? Go yell at those Democrats.

The issue of police brutality is totally at the feet of the left.
This new talking point is complete bs my man. The idea that bcus cities are blue therefore all the behavior by the cops is the local pol's fault is just silly. It glosses over a ton. Cities don't exist in vacuums for one. Things are far more interconnected(to everything else) than an idea like that would suggest. And police impropriety is hardly limited to just cities lol(or even just local cops). Everything about the talking point is just bs top to bottom. The problem has been simmering for eons. It's also total bs to say that the police/police unions etc(that is other typically rightwing local interests business groups etc) have zero power is simply wrong. The last sentence is fine though if you wanna ***** to someone to try to address it.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by wet work
This new talking point is complete bs my man. The idea that bcus cities are blue therefore all the behavior by the cops is the local pol's fault is just silly. It glosses over a ton. Cities don't exist in vacuums for one. Things are far more interconnected(to everything else) than an idea like that would suggest. And police impropriety is hardly limited to just cities lol(or even just local cops). Everything about the talking point is just bs top to bottom. The problem has been simmering for eons. It's also total bs to say that the police/police unions etc(that is other typically rightwing local interests business groups etc) have zero power is simply wrong. The last sentence is fine though if you wanna ***** to someone to try to address it.

I swear, I stopped reading after your first sentence. I really lost all interest in dealing with the posers who disingenuously characterize things, it is just boring.

It's freaking terrible right now. Can't have any sort of discourse.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I swear, I stopped reading after your first sentence. I really lost all interest in dealing with the posers who disingenuously characterize things, it is just boring.

It's freaking terrible right now. Can't have any sort of discourse.
Cities and towns for that matter are basically run by the local pols/the cops/LE and zoning/the planning dept. If you think the police have zero role or power in what happens you really just have no clue. And that's just reality. But let me guess you also think all the problems at the fed level are the deep state. At the local level those other 2 legs of the trio are the local 'deep state'. And they don't operate completely free of the state(and feds). Your view on this is far too simple.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
It's a shame that Kapernick didn't consult with any veterans before protesting in this way.

And THAT is the real problem with America.

A country populated by lazy, opinionated oafs is naturally going to elect one of their own to lead them.

I had to read through pages of opinions before someone actually posted the well known reason why KAP chose to kneel.

And this is among people who think they follow politics. Shameful.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Get a few true believers, talk to the media, and the SJW's in true fashion extrapolate that, thinking they proved something.
Kaepernick and his 49ers teammate Eric Reid said they choose to kneel during the anthem to call attention to the issues of racial inequality and police brutality. "After hours of careful consideration, and even a visit from Nate Boyer, a retired Green Beret and former NFL player, we came to the conclusion that we should kneel, rather than sit, ... during the anthem, as a peaceful protest," said Reid. "We chose to kneel because it's a respectful gesture.

They tried to make their point AND be respectful to the flag.

You'd think all these fake patriots would appreciate that.

Just another example of the utter lack of any principles by conservatives.
Stunning in it's predictability.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
I have the utmost respect for Kap. I don't know him or anything about him, maybe he's a good person, maybe he's a bad person, but if you give up $$$ and sacrifice your career for a cause you believe in, I respect that.

I'm not talking about him or criticizing him. I'm talking about everyone else. Once you see that fine example, O.K. now do something. Take it to the next level. If that's all you do is silently protest, you aren't going to accomplish anything. And if all you do is riot and steal and burn down buildings for no reason, you aren't going to accomplish anything either. Organize like the Black Panthers, or boycott like they did in Selma in the 1950s.
Are you familiar with Black Lives Matter or Justice Democrats?

Also, many police departments have changed their policy thanks in part to the attention drawn from kneeling. Trump lost his **** about it. All that has come from Kaepernick's intent to draw attention to the issue. While white people continually eyeroll much of the noise and arguing on social media, it has led to widespread attention to the deaths of Arbery/Taylor/Floyd. Now they see videos of cops brutalizing white people and are shocked

People are organizing you just don't know jack **** about it because you're on here instead of learning about what's happening on the ground and in communities you know nothing about. I understand where you are coming from w the organization point, but I'm saying there is organization and more will come. And there is more change on the horizon for the police state because nobody wants to see the violence and destruction that just happened ever again

Riots didn't just happen in only crime riddled areas. People destroyed malls in nicer areas and peaceful protests happened literally everywhere. Even down the street from where Trump held a rally in my state where I went to high school

Like I said before, this isn't Occupy Wall Street (and some change did actually come from that though I admit it felt like nothing), this is Occupy ALL Streets. Hopefully the change will not feel like nothing in a few years. We'll see
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 08:27 AM
One of the major problems with people who continually argue against the popular movements going on right now is this idea that somehow being supportive of left wing policy is also encouraging or enabling the abdication of personal responsibility

The reason it's a major problem is because nobody wants to be intellectually honest about the complexity of the issues we face. Just because people want to defund police departments doesn't mean they want to live in an anarchist state. Everyone has their own view, but when I think of defund police, save for the terrible messaging that Democrats always suck at, defund police means refund teachers and alternative means to dealing with crime

It is a lot like wanting a smaller military and larger state department. I think we all agree that we'd like to approach problems with something other than a bullet, bomb, or tear gas. Talking can be pretty effective. I will never understand why cops have to deal with the mentally handicapped. We should have personnel much better equipped to do so. Or a joint task force or sth. Nurses deal with crazy people all the time and last I checked none of them need guns to do so

Nobody is for the abdication of personal responsibility. To continually scream about it 1) serves no purpose and 2) while a valid concern, often leads to approaching a problem with the wrong mentality or a poor understanding that there is more to it than that in a vacuum. There's levels to this ****. Stop acting like there aren't
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 08:49 AM
While white people continually eyeroll much of the noise and arguing on social media, it has led to widespread attention to the deaths of Arbery/Taylor/Floyd. Now they see videos of cops brutalizing white people and are shocked
Effin-A they're shocked, considering this was the one and only time white people in America ever got brutalized by cops. The white people watching it on TV must have absolutely lost the plot and thought, "OMFG if this can happen to our fellow whites, surely it could happen to other white people too, white people like us! Our white privilege isn't working for us! Quick-Into the panic room while using our butler as a human shield!!!"

This time will forever be remembered in infamy as when the precedent was set, that white people could actually be brutalized by cops. It took until 2020 for it to happen for the very very first time ever...(which admittedly was good going considering the 244 year history)....but it happened

*sobs uncontrollably*
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by vafongool
Pretty sure "the troops" in WW2 fought to "protect our rights". Don't these rights include not having your life snuffed out by some sack of ****, fascist cop?

So clearly the only "disrespect to the troops" happening around here is by the rightwing scumbags propping up this fascist police state.

This is obvious to anyone with three braincells to rub together, and makes the fact that we've lost the PR battle all the more alarming. http://

So much for that "liberal media". Isn't the job of the media to inform the public in a historical context? But why do that when you can just parrot some scumbags talking point that a majority of low- information halfwits will snap agree with because it appeals to their stupid emotions.
America's a free country where you have the freedom to kneel in protest. I don't think kneeling before it to bring attention to valid issues is disrespecting anyone, personally.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 09:55 AM
It feels like a huge stretch to interpret kneeling as a **** you to soldiers -- such a stretch, in fact, that I am skeptical about whether many people who claim to feel otherwise are arguing in good faith.

In any case, I know myself well enough to be certain that I would not feel negatively about flag burning, much less kneeling during the anthem, even if I were a veteran of several foreign wars. I say that, not because I share Victor's views about the U.S., but rather because I just don't have a nationalist bone in my body.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Look at this ****ing snowflake in need of a safe space:

I assume you support Shapiro’s right to protest the politicization of sports, and even his right to boycott them if he so desires?
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by vafongool
"The people it pisses off" are the ones who are actually "disrespecting the troops". Kap is the the true patriot who is protesting what "the troops" actually fought against.
Kap was kneeling in response to Ferguson. I think kneeling before the Missouri flag would be much more appropriate. Obama's DOJ, run by the Eric Holder, investigated the Ferguson shooting. IIRC Obama's DOJ communicated with lots of PDs in many jurisdictions offering guidelines. Not sure what else he wanted the Federal government to do. Does Kap want a one size fits all nationally run police force? Count me as a no vote on that one.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by adios
Kap was kneeling in response to Ferguson. I think kneeling before the Missouri flag would be much more appropriate.
This is so amazingly tone deaf and out of touch with reality and is why there are riots today

He didn't kneel solely in response to that one incident. He explicitly stated why he's kneeling

BLM and the DOJ alike have made suggestions to multiple police departments and data has shown a reduction in police shooting in those jurisdictions as a result of heeding recommendations

It is extremely obnoxious that people think this is about George Floyd. It's about him. Ahmaud Arbery. Breonna Taylor. Tamir Rice. Eric Garner. LaQuan Donald. Philando Castille. Would you like me to pick another couple decades?

The justice system needs an overhaul. This country needs a lot of things

I won't ever forget that Kaepernick started this by sitting on a bench. That never sat well with me. But he did talk to a vet. He reached out to him. He had an interest in doing the right thing. There are certainly valid viewpoints, but equally valid is the clear distinction between that and the fake outrage that is also out there, en masse...

This satisfaction you seek to understand is really answered as a reflection of public sentiment. People will be satisfied when they stop feeling the need to take to the streets. You don't get to demand an exact moment in time for this
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
I assume you support Shapiro’s right to protest the politicization of sports, and even his right to boycott them if he so desires?
The world may never know.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
The world may never know.
I love the reference.

Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
I assume you support Shapiro’s right to protest the politicization of sports, and even his right to boycott them if he so desires?

When an obvious athlete such as Ben Shapiro boycotts sports it really says something.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by adios
Obama's DOJ, run by the Eric Holder, investigated the Ferguson shooting. IIRC Obama's DOJ communicated with lots of PDs in many jurisdictions offering guidelines. Not sure what else he wanted the Federal government to do..

He says, two week after George Floyd is slowly murdered in broad daylight while being recorded by numerous cameras.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 03:22 PM
I'm sure Ben Shapiro's opposition to the politicization of sports is significantly more principled than Laura Ingraham's:

Especially given that the two instances he cites in that video of I Didn't Leave Sports, Sports Left Me are...*checks notes* Caitlyn Jenner being in Sports Illustrated and the Kaepernick saga. Yep, definitely based on principles
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I'm sure Ben Shapiro's opposition to the politicization of sports is significantly more principled than Laura Ingraham's:

Especially given that the two instances he cites in that video of I Didn't Leave Sports, Sports Left Me are...*checks notes* Caitlyn Jenner being in Sports Illustrated and the Kaepernick saga. Yep, definitely based on principles
when lebron and kd donate 5 million of their own funds to all people not just their chosen ones then they get an opinion.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
