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Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection

06-08-2020 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Will this be moved to the Trump thread?

Some people view the flag as almost a religious symbol.

You can be against kneeling and police brutality at the same time.
good points...

i'll put it slightly differently..... i support kapernick, the police and the military. and i think probably the majority of americans are the same.... just don't support any of them unconditionally.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 05:38 PM
The troops fought to uphold the constitution against fascist shitbags. When someone protests a fascist police state - which is the most American loving thing a person can do - you *******s scream "troop hater". That's why it's clear projection: you charge us with what you're guilty of. You McCarthy Jr ****s are the only Anti-Americans I see.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by rivercitybirdie
Smudger, the ironic thing is trump is almost single-handedly keeping all this alive. and will keep it alive in the nfl.

if someone else was president, they would have made all kinds of platitudes to quell the protests and then go back to "business mostly as usual"..... not with trump though
I am a member of a NFL blog and made the point that this really isn't about the flag for Trump. He is pissed off he wasn't invited into the club after the USFL failed. The NFL owners never wanted him. They will never want him. The reason he keeps this alive is not due to the flag, but a 30 year old vendetta to harm NFL revenue.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 05:41 PM
Who gives a ****? Football is a product. You have two choices. Either buy the product or don't. They can stand on their head for all I care. You either buy the whole package or you take your money elsewhere.

And playing the anthem at the start of football games is dumb anyway.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by rivercitybirdie
i agree 100%

i'd add:

the united states had 100 years of slavery under the flag, women couldn't vote nationally under the flag for 140 years.

black troops were good enough to fight for the USA in major wars and then came back to hatred/bigotry and institutionalized segregation and lack of voting rights. all under the flag
Exactly! And just like Ali - history will vindicate our side of the argument. The talking points they used against Ali are exactly the same too. And somehow 54% of Americans are currently anti-kneelers (which is what that link I put in the OP that leads nowhere tried to show).
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 07:13 PM
Yeah, I understand why people knelt, it's still offensive. The reason they did something offensive does not change the fact it's offensive to millions of people. LeBron, et al, don't get to tell me what's offensive, no more than I can tell him what he should find a offensive.

Further, it's not a binary option, you could support the reason for protesting, but not the means.

Also, you could find the concern and virtual signal of the kneeler to be fake.

Lastly, finding the means of a protest offensive does not mean you're against protesting.

The need for SJW's to spin things is unbelievable. People like Laura Ingraham deserves a lot of the hate she gets, but I find these SJW's just as despicable with their uncharitable and dishonest characterizations.

You can burn/kneel the flag all you want.... Stop getting pissy when people don't like it. FFS, he knew it would ruffle feathers, and kneelers are pissed people's feathers got ruffled. ****ing brainiacs, I tell you.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 06-08-2020 at 07:36 PM.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 07:35 PM
You people pretending to care about police brutality is an entirely new phenomenon. We all remember what you people thought about Eric, Tamir, Michael Brown, etc. The last time right wingers cared about police brutality was Ruby Ridge or Waco. And clearly because that brutality was committed by the federal government - which you hate. So yes, it's you who "hates America".

And the only thing offensive is pulling some McCarthy Jr **** of trying to paint you're political enemies as "anti-american". For the 9th ****ing time - its pure projection - as that's what you actually are.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by vafongool
You people pretending to care about police brutality is an entirely new phenomenon. We all remember what you people thought about Eric, Tamir, Michael Brown, etc. The last time right wingers cared about police brutality was Ruby Ridge or Waco. And clearly because that brutality was committed by the federal government - which you hate. So yes, it's you who "hates America".

And the only thing offensive is pulling some McCarthy Jr **** of trying to paint you're political enemies as "anti-american". For the 9th ****ing time - its pure projection - as that's what you actually are.

You know the f****** problem with this is.... It doesn't matter what right-wingers think. All this s*** happens in democratically-controlled cities. So, you can take your boogie man, and shove it up your ass. These right-wingers you think are projecting have no f****** power where this s*** is happening. What the f*** is your problem? Go yell at those Democrats.

The issue of police brutality is totally at the feet of the left.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 06-08-2020 at 07:48 PM.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 07:40 PM
Some of the cases you mentioned weren't police brutality.

Michael Brown reached into a cop car going for the police officers gun. He was scared and overreacted and made a bad decision.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 07:52 PM
And that's the problem with all this s***.... The people protesting have the power, it is their leaders allowing this stuff to happen, not right-wingers.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
You shouldn't be kneeling if you want change. You should be organizing military forces or boycotts or strikes. This whole kneeling thing is garbage, what does anyone expect to accomplish doing that?
It is a tactic to divide and conquer. Why do you think the American media gave Kaepernick such a large voice to make kneeling a thing? Why do you think Trump got involved? Because they saw how effective a tactic it would be to divide the proletariats along predictable identity lines.

The same thing with the whole protesting thing. Change isn't the main goal. Change may happen, and it may even be good for some. But the goal is to keep the people divided, so they never become a true threat to the neoliberal capitalist state. There is a reason the stock market never reacted to the protests and riots. Because the bankers rightly concluded it was mostly a magic show (at least as far as enacting real change, of course there were real serious effects to a lot of people)

China embargoing US soybeans is a real threat to the Neoliberal capitalist state. Police and protesters battling in the streets over police violence, not so much.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
It is a tactic to divide and conquer. Why do you think the American media gave Kaepernick such a large voice to make kneeling a thing? Why do you think Trump got involved? Because they saw how effective a tactic it would be to divide the proletariats along predictable identity lines.

The same thing with the whole protesting thing. Change isn't the main goal. Change may happen, and it may even be good for some. But the goal is to keep the people divided, so they never become a true threat to the neoliberal capitalist state. There is a reason the stock market never reacted to the protests and riots. Because the bankers rightly concluded it was mostly a magic show (at least as far as enacting real change, of course there were real serious effects to a lot of people)

China embargoing US soybeans is a real threat to the Neoliberal capitalist state. Police and protesters battling in the streets over police violence, not so much.
I was actually considering writing a Satire called NO LIVES MATTER, written from the perspective of Bill Gates, Donald Trump and Nancy Pelosi. Thought it would have been really good. Would have recalled Bob Dylan's Pawn in the Game. But, I scrapped it as even satire would be attacked by the Black Lives Matter Movement. Making points beyond their single point is confusing the issue and people get pissed.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 08:21 PM
But, in the end, no lives matter to these people. Black Lives matter even less. Confusing the two diminishes the strides that Black lives Matter has made.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
You shouldn't be kneeling if you want change. You should be organizing military forces or boycotts or strikes. This whole kneeling thing is garbage, what does anyone expect to accomplish doing that?
He was trying to use his platform bring attention to the issue. If we still had a draft, he would have avoided that - like Ali did. We don't have a draft, so you have to take a stand where you can. Then McCarthyite smear merchants set about somehow successfully painting him as an un-american troop hater - like they did Ali. History will vindicate the pro-kneelers and scoff at the anti-kneeling reactionaries. History is never kind to the reactionaries.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
Why do you think the American media gave Kaepernick such a large voice to make kneeling a thing?
What a joke of a take. The corporate media has 1 job: to make money. They do such a bad job at informing the public that 54% are anti-kneelers even though pro-kneeling is clearly the patriotic position.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 08:31 PM
I would consider the largest series of nationwide protests that our country has seen as "doing something". Kap is at least somewhat responsible for that.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
You shouldn't be kneeling if you want change. You should be organizing military forces or boycotts or strikes. This whole kneeling thing is garbage, what does anyone expect to accomplish doing that?
It brings awareness to certain people with limited exposure or interest in politics that could motivate them to organize/boycott/strike in the future.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
I'm pretty sure everyone is aware about racial tension in this country. It goes back to the whites and natives and black man hundreds of years ago. Peaceful protest is what those in power want you to do, just like that Minneapolis mayor. They are invisible when the minorities are docile and taking their inequality up the ***, and as soon as everyone gets mad, they come out to peacefully protest and sing songs with you so you won't do anything worse.

****ing organize a military force or boycotts or economics strikes, or happily accept your murders and beatings and racial profiling. I'm just a white guy, I don't care. But I'm willing to fight with others for equality if they want it, but I'm not going to show sympathy for martyrs and sheep.
oRgAnIzE a MiLiTaRy FoRcE

Last edited by StoppedRainingMen; 06-08-2020 at 09:01 PM. Reason: i’M jUsT a WhItE gUy I dOnT cArE
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by vafongool
What a joke of a take. The corporate media has 1 job: to make money. They do such a bad job at informing the public that 54% are anti-kneelers even though pro-kneeling is clearly the patriotic position.
Who cares what the patriotic position is? Patriotism is a tool the elites use. It is all part of the magic show. 50% anti-kneelers and 50% kneelers is exactly what plays into the hands of the elites.

The elites are playing 3D chess and you are playing Candyland.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
Who cares what the patriotic position is? Patriotism is a tool the elites use. It is all part of the magic show. 50% anti-kneelers and 50% kneelers is exactly what plays into the hands of the elites.

The elites are playing 3D chess and you are playing Candyland.
Yup, No lives matter.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 09:54 PM
Whatever someone sees when someone kneels before the national flag is their business, we don't get to dictate that. To be honest it would be pretty scary (Twilight Zone scary) if every citizen saw the exact same thing in what the national flag symbolizes and how to treat it.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
I'm pretty sure everyone is aware about racial tension in this country. It goes back to the whites and natives and black man hundreds of years ago. Peaceful protest is what those in power want you to do, just like that Minneapolis mayor. They are invisible when the minorities are docile and taking their inequality up the ***, and as soon as everyone gets mad, they come out to peacefully protest and sing songs with you so you won't do anything worse.

****ing organize a military force or boycotts or economics strikes, or happily accept your murders and beatings and racial profiling. I'm just a white guy, I don't care. But I'm willing to fight with others for equality if they want it, but I'm not going to show sympathy for martyrs and sheep.
They've definitely heard about it. They just don't give a ****.

Unfortunately, politics for a some is essentially cocaine. They either end up as a skinhead or a communist which usually leads to depression/anxiety or possibly suicide or murder. They don't just detox when the party is over. It never ends for them. It's their addiction.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by businessdude
The whole kneeling during the anthem was just a very poorly thought out idea.
It's a shame that Kapernick didn't consult with any veterans before protesting in this way.

Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
It is a tactic to divide and conquer. Why do you think the American media gave Kaepernick such a large voice to make kneeling a thing? Why do you think Trump got involved? Because they saw how effective a tactic it would be to divide the proletariats along predictable identity lines.

The same thing with the whole protesting thing. Change isn't the main goal. Change may happen, and it may even be good for some. But the goal is to keep the people divided, so they never become a true threat to the neoliberal capitalist state. There is a reason the stock market never reacted to the protests and riots. Because the bankers rightly concluded it was mostly a magic show (at least as far as enacting real change, of course there were real serious effects to a lot of people)

China embargoing US soybeans is a real threat to the Neoliberal capitalist state. Police and protesters battling in the streets over police violence, not so much.
The only way to effect real change is to shame those who want change and to vociferously defend the status quo.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-08-2020 , 10:43 PM
Look at this ****ing snowflake in need of a safe space:

Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
