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Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges

07-14-2020 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Drug war casualties? Lol.
Yes. Our prisons are stuffed full of non-violent drug offenders. Saying they deserve the death penalty is some seriously twisted ****.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by A_C_Slater
All that shows is that the elites have been having their costume party slave orgy gatherings since at least the 1920's.

Note that in Scrabble these are the following scores:

costume (11) party (10) slave (8) orgy (8) gatherings (15)

Party and gathering are similar so add them up = 25 the subtract orgy and slave (since those are specific) and you get 25-16 = 9

put that 9 before costumer and you get 9/11.

Coincidence? Good luck explaining that in a Jiffy!

All the best.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 11:19 AM
Hahaha the elites are engaging in child sacrifice, let's mock the schizoid on the internet. The things he says can't be true because it give me anxiety! The elites have my best interests at heart! They are above hedonistic indulgence and just discuss geopolitics and wise investments at their costume party balls. Jeffrey Epstein was known about as early as the late 1990's by internet schizoids like me. The MSM actually covers the story and the sheeple still deny elite child trafficking rings. The sheeple really do deserve to be slaughtered, the elite are right, you are only cattle to be used by actual illuminated beings.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by A_C_Slater
Hahaha the elites are engaging in child sacrifice, let's mock the schizoid on the internet. The things he says can't be true because it give me anxiety! The elites have my best interests at heart! They are above hedonistic indulgence and just discuss geopolitics and wise investments at their costume party balls. Jeffrey Epstein was known about as early as the late 1990's by internet schizoids like me. The MSM actually covers the story and the sheeple still deny elite child trafficking rings. The sheeple really do deserve to be slaughtered, the elite are right, you are only cattle to be used by actual illuminated beings.
[x] Elites (x 10)
[x] Hedonistic indulgence
[x] Child Sacrifice
[x] Geopolitics
[x] Sheeple
[x] Epstein
[x] Child trafficking (x 2)
[x] Illuminated human beings

Thanks man, I've basically completed my conspiratard bingo card from one post!
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 12:28 PM
We need RedManPlus back...
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Note that in Scrabble these are the following scores:

costume (11) party (10) slave (8) orgy (8) gatherings (15)

Party and gathering are similar so add them up = 25 the subtract orgy and slave (since those are specific) and you get 25-16 = 9

put that 9 before costumer and you get 9/11.

Coincidence? Good luck explaining that in a Jiffy!

All the best.
Deserves a ****ing prize.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by A_C_Slater
jjjou812, is that supposed to be some sort of big gotcha? All that shows is that the elites have been having their costume party slave orgy gatherings since at least the 1920's and almost certainly before then, as it would be even easier to keep it secret and get away with it. Just google 'Rothschild costume party' on Google images and you see all kinds of 'Eyes Wide Shut' type masks from the 60's or 70's time period.
I am confused. Is it a docudrama based on things Kubrick personally witnessed or an adaptation of a story from 1926?
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
I am confused. Is it a docudrama based on things Kubrick personally witnessed or an adaptation of a story from 1926?
Oh come on that makes total sense. #2020Vision. Seriously though--it's not like it's unheard of to update/augment old stories with new material in various ways. With this story there's the angle that's it's no new concept anyway(wealthy sexcapades) so it fits pretty well to use an older story to weave the modern one into.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 12:52 PM
Does it have to be either/or? Why can't it be both? Why can't the author of the story also be using it as a vehicle for the things he witnessed in Vienna? Here is some binary logic for you. You are the head of a child trafficking ring. Do you...

A. Let most of your victims go when you are done with them.

B. Kill the majority of your victims.

The ones they let go to get married or continue living were moments of weakness. I would imagine they tried lying to themselves that they had a relationship with those women as opposed to them just being slaves.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by A_C_Slater
He died 6 days after the final cut of 'Eyes Wide Shut' in his sleep, of a heart attack, or so they would have you believe. He was a great man, that Stanley Kubrick, dying for our sins like that.
I am a big Stanley Kubrick fan. Was he murdered? Who's they?
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 01:19 PM
Can anyone point me to some cassettes or VHS's or books even as a starting point into this Satanic Illuminati Council? I'm actually not kidding. This stuff is an eye opener.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 01:21 PM
I don't know who "they" are specifically, but they would be comprised of the 13 wealthiest old money families, most wealth acquired from European banking, thousands of individuals in total and their underlings like the Clintons. 'Eyes Wide Shut' was intended to be a "this is just how it is" depiction of what it's like to be a member of the elite. It's just like how 'Full Metal Jacket' was supposed to be a "this is just how it is" depiction of marine boot camp. Kubrick tries not to moralize in his pictures and just present things as they are. Since Kubrick was one of the most famous directors in the world that makes him very influential and therefore elite, which granted him access to these parties.

Now if there is similarity to a novel that takes place in Vienna in 1926 then that does not mean these events are pure fiction. The orgies are ritualistic in nature. And the point of rituals is that they do not change with time, ever. They are always performed in the same manner or it is no longer a ritual.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
Can anyone point me to some cassettes or VHS's or books even as a starting point into this Satanic Illuminati Council? I'm actually not kidding. This stuff is an eye opener.
Don't try to rush an AC Slater bit. Let it play out organically.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Note that in Scrabble these are the following scores:

costume (11) party (10) slave (8) orgy (8) gatherings (15)

Party and gathering are similar so add them up = 25 the subtract orgy and slave (since those are specific) and you get 25-16 = 9

put that 9 before costumer and you get 9/11.

Coincidence? Good luck explaining that in a Jiffy!

All the best.
It's Jif now.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
Can anyone point me to some cassettes or VHS's or books even as a starting point into this Satanic Illuminati Council? I'm actually not kidding. This stuff is an eye opener.

If I had to guess when they meet it would be after the Bilderberger meetings at like an elite after party. The Bilderberger gatherings, though denied being real by the MSM for years are now acknowledged openly and there is even year where they show what topics were discussed and the attendees. They could also meet during an after party at the Davos gathering which has always received MSM attention.

Check out Bohemian Grove on youtube. Alex Jones has actual footage of the Moloch Owl worship ceremony. AJ is a disinfo shill or he is being fed disinfo like David Icke, but I'm pretty sure the sheeple aren't ever supposed to witness the weird Owl Worship ceremony at Bohemian Grove. Nixon was once invited to the Bohemian Grove. He said "it was the most f a g gy goddamned thing I've ever seen."
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by A_C_Slater
Does it have to be either/or? Why can't it be both? Why can't the author of the story also be using it as a vehicle for the things he witnessed in Vienna?
It could be both, but it is not. You just made up that it was a docudrama of Kubrick experiences. He optioned the story 40 years before he died. Usually you don’t pay for someone else’s story if you are retelling personal experience.

Also, the dragons in GOT were not real.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by A_C_Slater
. Alex Jones has actual footage of the Moloch Owl worship ceremony. AJ is a disinfo shill or he is being fed disinfo like David Icke, but I'm pretty sure the sheeple aren't ever supposed to witness the weird Owl Worship ceremony at Bohemian Grove. Nixon was once invited to the Bohemian Grove. He said "it was the most f a g gy goddamned thing I've ever seen."
Nah. It was probably put out intentionally just like the Epstein stuff is put out on intentionally.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by A_C_Slater

Check out Bohemian Grove on youtube. Alex Jones has actual footage of the Moloch Owl worship ceremony. AJ is a disinfo shill or he is being fed disinfo like David Icke, but I'm pretty sure the sheeple aren't ever supposed to witness the weird Owl Worship ceremony at Bohemian Grove. Nixon was once invited to the Bohemian Grove. He said "it was the most f a g gy goddamned thing I've ever seen."
AlexJones--Nevermind guys this time around we're voting for the BG guys

Also Nixon-Roger Stone-Trump

Last edited by wet work; 07-14-2020 at 01:40 PM.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
!.... put out on intentionally.
Later Lb will claim this was a typo and he meant “unintentionally” and preserve his perfect record of predicting the future.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
It could be both, but it is not. You just made up that it was a docudrama of Kubrick experiences. He optioned the story 40 years before he died. Usually you don’t pay for someone else’s story if you are retelling personal experience.

Also, the dragons in GOT were not real.

I just read the plot to Dream Story and concede that you are correct. I was wrong. You are smart, I am dumb. Nevertheless, in regards to the factual Epstein global elite trafficking ring my previous binary logic question is still valid.

A. Let most of your victims go

B. Kill most of your victims to keep the masses from finding out

You are amoral and have near unlimited money and power. Most of the victims are street children and so no one will question where they went. Which of the two choices is most likely?
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 01:53 PM
I been reading up on this owl Moloch thing. Seems silly to me to have fireworks at your secret ceremonies, but I'm certainly no expert in running these kinds of rituals.

Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 02:01 PM
whats with all the wild conspiracy stuff? i havent bene following this closely but this all just sounds like a big misunderstnading or maybe a couple of bad apples who no doubt will receive the righteous fury of our criminal justise system!

edit: maybe the bad apples could be called "lone pedomen" a la "lone gunmen"?
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 02:03 PM
Some ancient civilizations would sacrifice animals because a good harvest meant the difference between survival or almost everyone starving to death. They felt the gods would know what was actually valuable to the community, so they couldn't just sacrifice like one chicken and then expect to have a good harvest. The horror of a whole village starving to death led some of them to sacrifice that which was most truly valuable to them, the children. They didn't do this to be evil, they felt they had no choice to prevent mass starvation. I imagine the practice ended when they sacrificed children and still received a bad harvest so they were all like "fu*k this sacrfice sh*t."

The elite for some reason adopted this ritual as a sort of perversion where the sacrifice is no longer to fulfill some greater good, but as an end in itself to flaunt their untouchable power over the masses.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Joe T's
whats with all the wild conspiracy stuff? i havent bene following this closely but this all just sounds like a big misunderstnading or maybe a couple of bad apples who no doubt will receive the righteous fury of our criminal justise system!

edit: maybe the bad apples could be called "lone pedomen" a la "lone gunmen"?
post reported
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
07-14-2020 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Joe T's
whats with all the wild conspiracy stuff? i havent bene following this closely but this all just sounds like a big misunderstnading or maybe a couple of bad apples who no doubt will receive the righteous fury of our criminal justise system!

edit: maybe the bad apples could be called "lone pedomen" a la "lone gunmen"?
To be fair i don't think you can discuss the Epstein Suicide and this case without conspiracy stuff if a conspiracy is defined as 'a theory that perhaps multiple people (usually powerful) might act in concert to get an outcome'.

When that theory is valid but not yet proven but might be once the case happens.

I guess you could say then 'just don't discuss this then until after the trial and we have facts' but that would not be very 'forum' friendly were speculation is typcially allowed.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
