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Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges

01-07-2020 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Also, Occams' razor. Incompetent guards, broken cameras... certainly far more plausible than a murder (that I assume even the guards and/or prison higher-ups would have had to be in on).
Neither murder nor suicide are plausible. Properly applying occam's razor means taking the complete data-set into account. This includes everything from before and after the reported prison events, and in particular the way the media has treated the story.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-07-2020 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Saw the 60 Minutes piece. Before seeing it was pretty firmly in the non-conspiracy, he hung himself camp. After seeing it, I'm even more firmly in that camp. Seems like the prison was just run incompetently, guard union Pres using "it was forced overtime" as an excuse for the guards literally not doing anything they get paid to do is the primary clue.

I've been on juries in accident cases where competing medical experts look at the same evidence and come to completely different conclusions, based on which side they are representing. Same thing here I suspect.

Also, Occams' razor. Incompetent guards, broken cameras... certainly far more plausible than a murder (that I assume even the guards and/or prison higher-ups would have had to be in on).
whle the ep was pretty mild and toed the line, im surprised you got a strong he killed himself feeling off it.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-07-2020 , 04:27 PM
WHat I find interesting is how little curiosity there is over how he got his fortune in the first place, and what he was doing with his $$ over the years. Where is the hard hitting Ronan Farrow style expose connecting all those dots?

There definitely seems to be a concerted “conspiracy” to not even look into his financials. Probably following the $$ trail would lead to answers to a lot of other questions too.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-07-2020 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by the pleasure
whle the ep was pretty mild and toed the line, im surprised you got a strong he killed himself feeling off it.
It may have been confirmation bias as I found the conspiracy theories far-fetched to begin with. I think the guards' rep saying they were overworked and (basically) admitting they never checked on him, lends credence to the theory that he was simply left unattended to kill himself. Also I did not know that there were 2 cameras, one on the gate to the cell area and one in the hallway where the cells were. I believe they said security footage showed no one entered the gate, which is the only entrance to that area... so unless the footage was scrubbed or are outright lying, how exactly would someone get in there to kill him?

Also the fact that he had already tried to kill himself once before, the depressed-sounding note they found about bugs crawling all over him, etc. - both point to him being depressed and suicidal.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-07-2020 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
WHat I find interesting is how little curiosity there is over how he got his fortune in the first place, and what he was doing with his $$ over the years. Where is the hard hitting Ronan Farrow style expose connecting all those dots?

There definitely seems to be a concerted “conspiracy” to not even look into his financials. Probably following the $$ trail would lead to answers to a lot of other questions too.
This is true and something I've found odd also. How he made his money, why people gave him billions to invest, who his clients were (I thought I read he only had one main client?). It's all very odd and secretive.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-07-2020 , 08:28 PM
Just ignore the dead body being examined by the opposing parties and focus on how the media treats the story..... sofa king ridiculous.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-07-2020 , 08:58 PM
One of the pathologists being "America's pathologist"--guy who chaired the pathology panel for the house investigation into Kennedy. Fox News Contributor Michael Baden. Guy is an 85 year old professional liar. Not the first hoax he's been a part of. He's a TV doctor in a made for tv production.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 01-07-2020 at 09:05 PM.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-07-2020 , 09:02 PM
Whereas you are an amateur liar with no professional degree or experience that warrant reliance on your conclusions.

How does it work in there: 2 MEs argue over the cause of death - nah I believe LB who says he is still alive!
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-07-2020 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Whereas you are an amateur liar with no professional degree or experience that warrant reliance on your conclusions.

How does it work in there: 2 MEs argue over the cause of death - nah I believe LB who says he is still alive!
If you like your bullshit served by Rupert Murdoch you are free to believe what you want.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-07-2020 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Whereas you are an amateur liar with no professional degree or experience that warrant reliance on your conclusions.

How does it work in there: 2 MEs argue over the cause of death - nah I believe LB who says he is still alive!
Not sure why you are so upset. He did acknowledge that he did not believe in Bigfoot, Yeti or Loch Ness monsters, so that is something. He avoided the whole Dogman thing though, so perhaps there is some room for animal/human style creatures in his hobby of beliefs. Maybe a Epstein is now a Dogman. Or perhaps an alien. Hopefully blending conspiracies will be a new trend in this new decade.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-07-2020 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
If you like your bullshit served by Rupert Murdoch you are free to believe what you want.
I can count the number of people that prefer your style of bullshit without pulling off my other glove.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-07-2020 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Neither murder nor suicide are plausible. Properly applying occam's razor means taking the complete data-set into account. This includes everything from before and after the reported prison events, and in particular the way the media has treated the story.
Media reports that Epstein killed himself but notes that many luckboxes believe otherwise


compelling evidence that both suicide and murder are implausible

Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-07-2020 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Media reports that Epstein killed himself but notes that many luckboxes believe otherwise


compelling evidence that both suicide and murder are implausible

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Epstein stuff is really interesting. Particularly the reports that Epstein's wealth is basically unaccounted for. Lots of theories floating around that Epstein was running a blackmailing operation and that that was his true business.
I'm not sure what to think myself but the fact that it has tie-ins with Qanon related stuff means that we should be extremely skeptical of both official and unofficial narratives--given that qanon is more or less a propaganda/disinformation campaign.
My first post in this thread couldn't have been better. I didn't know what was going to happen, but I had a feeling that there was going to be some bullshit. And sure enough.
So perhaps it's "self-affirming" like revots 60 minutes segment for him. People are going to believe what they want to believe.
But there are official and narratives of Epstein out there. People in this thread who think he was murdered and plenty of people who have no clue what to think. But I called it from when he was first arrested.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-07-2020 , 10:59 PM
Wtf are you talking about? You called nothing that came true. You predict he is still alive and all the evidence is that he committed suicide or was strangled. Nothing supports your loony toons theories. Creating your own bs is not exactly a predictive wonder.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-07-2020 , 11:40 PM
What I predicted was that we were going to be told some lies about Epstein. Lies of the sort that would be divisive. That's exactly what happened. You think this Epstein conspiracy idea was created by kids in their basements on youtube?
It's been pushed by the mainstream media. They come out and say there were "broken neck bones" in the Washington Post, broken cameras, disputed autopsy, Michael Baden is a known liar, a whole host of of other stuff that is questionable about Epstein. Created right out of the details of the story and pushed by the mainstream media.

Please read this Rollingstone article Washington Post’ Doubles Down Amid Epstein Conspiracy Theory Controversy

As Rolling Stone previously reported, it wasn’t just the usual suspects who were partaking in such theorizing. In fact, what was most notable about the days following Epstein’s death was how much the theorizing bled into mainstream discourse, with public figures of all political affiliations weighing in — from Joe Scarborough to Paul Krugman to former Sen. Claire McCaskill to the president. Within the span of a few hours, Epstein’s death had left a surprisingly large number of people “redpilled,” the term used to describe the process of online radicalization — or, in this case, Jeffpilled.

Establishment media figures also got into the game. On the morning of August 10th, Washington Post staffer Carol Leonnig tweeted a link to a news story she co-wrote with three other Washington Post reporters. The story itself was fairly straightforward, reiterating what were then the known facts of Epstein’s death. Leonnig’s tweet, however, was less so. “People close to Epstein fear he was murdered,” wrote the longtime Post staffer and 2015 Pulitzer Prize winner, citing reports that Epstein had told authorities someone had tried to kill him weeks earlier. “He was described as being in good spirits in recent days. . .
If Paul Krugman and WaPo writers are pushing conspiracy ideas then you have to know that it is all bs.
Then we have the Amy Robach thing happen, followed by Baden finally appearing in the public eye. They keep spoon feeding us more. It's all still bs though.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-07-2020 , 11:59 PM
Why is it I get the idea I never wanna be Jeffpilled?
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-08-2020 , 12:23 AM

Speaking of the Amy Robach stuff. I wasn't posting when that story came out but she comes off completely fake and scripted in the project veritas video. People can judge for themselves but she's a professional news reader/journalist not an actress and they asked her to act.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 01-08-2020 at 12:29 AM.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-08-2020 , 12:51 AM
And there must be a different 60 Minutes segment that revots watched because this is just Baden and this 60 Minutes reporter adding more fuel to murder idea. And we find out there was an injection mark supposedly and we have pictures of the guards.

They claim the noose might not be the actual noose as well. Lol. "So there is some that the right noose?"
This is another segment, still not the full report.
"Breathe Epstein Breathe" will be the name of a play on broadway someday.
Professional CBS liar #1: "We are told the video facing the jail cell was corrupted"
Professional CBS liar #2: "Corrupted meaning....?"
Professional CBS liar #1: "We don't know"

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 01-08-2020 at 01:14 AM.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-08-2020 , 01:28 AM

The new mystery injection mark element that has been added.
"We don't know what that's from".
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-08-2020 , 11:53 AM
Maybe he got a hold of something to 'assist' him?? I can't imagine ever strangling myself--but I definitely think there are some drugs that would make it easier to do if I got to a place where I felt I had to. Aside from just suicide there are numerous plausible possibilities before you get to trump taking him out Maybe He(or someone else obv) paid someone to kill him..Maybe another inmate killed him for the hell of it not like that's unheard of in prisons..And then there are the various conspiracy options. I haven't really paid too close attention to all of it though.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-08-2020 , 11:56 AM
Maybe it was the Russians, the mob, or disaffected anti-Castro Cubans who got to Epstein
We'll never know.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-08-2020 , 12:20 PM

Unstuck going full blown "conspiritard" pizzagate. Just a random sample from there but the consensus after the 60 Minutes special is murder.
But good thing we have such level headed types who believe everything they are told.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-08-2020 , 12:52 PM
As far as occam's razor goes: there are only three possibilities: suicide, murder, and still alive. (There is also the chance he died outside of prison or something in a different way than advertised but that isn't really worth considering).

Suicide: Based on the information that has been divulged in the media, believing that he killed himself would seem to show a super high degree of naivete. Although studies have shown that around 15% of the population will literally believe whatever they are told by authorities.

Murder: Believing in the murder idea is absolutely more rational than believing in suicide. There is a lot that points to it. And given Epstein's "apparent" business, there are a lot of powerful interests who would want him dead.
So then it's murder, right?
No because that idea has tons of problems as well. If Epstein were murdered then the Trump administration would certainly have to be involved, right? Barr (whose father hired Epstein once) would be involved.
If he was murdered then they've gotten the NYC ME to help cover it up, but the brother has hired "America's pathologist" Michael Baden to investigate and the people most pushing the murder idea in the media are Rupert Murdoch owned publications like the NY Post and Fox--although tbf the media as a whole has gotten in on the game.
So you'd have a situation where Epstein was murdered by powerful interests, the Trump administration is involved, NYC ME working with them, and the media is trying to expose it? You'd think Adam Schiff would be demanding investigations but he isn't.
But is the media really pushing the murder idea or are they just soft-peddling it? And if they are then why?
The logical answer when you look at all of the disparate elements and especially when you look at how the media has treated this story is that he didn't commit suicide nor was he murdered. It's a psy-op and it's been a psy-op from the very beginning.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-08-2020 , 01:04 PM
In a recent podcast, Eric Weinstein said he had a business meeting with Epstein once at Epstein's house. And he said his impression at the time was the entire setup, including Epstein's persona himself, was contrived. Basically it felt like Epstein himself was an actor playing the billionaire philanthropist playboy. Basically Bruce Wayne.

Do you think this a plausible theory?
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-08-2020 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
And there must be a different 60 Minutes segment that revots watched because this is just Baden and this 60 Minutes reporter adding more fuel to murder idea. And we find out there was an injection mark supposedly and we have pictures of the guards.

They claim the noose might not be the actual noose as well. Lol. "So there is some that the right noose?"
This is another segment, still not the full report.
"Breathe Epstein Breathe" will be the name of a play on broadway someday.
Professional CBS liar #1: "We are told the video facing the jail cell was corrupted"
Professional CBS liar #2: "Corrupted meaning....?"
Professional CBS liar #1: "We don't know"
What do photos of the guards have to do with the likelihood that he did not commit suicide? They basically admit to falling asleep on the job. There was a functioning security camera on the locked gate that led to the cell block, which showed no one entered the cell area.

There is certainly plausible motive for powerful people to want him dead. That does not mean that he was likely murdered. It takes more than just wishing someone was dead, for them to be killed while in a high-security prison cell.

As for the theory that he was neither killed nor committed suicide... sorry that is wayyy too tinfoil and can be dismissed out of hand.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
