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Israel/Palestine thread Israel/Palestine thread

04-29-2024 , 10:35 PM
Palestine is already a state in all but name.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 10:39 PM
So stipulated. Next
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 10:41 PM
And with fabulous leadership for their life-project: a peaceful nation on the Mediterranean.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
HOSTAGES/CEASE-FIRE: U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Hamas received a truce proposal that is "extraordinarily generous," and that it needs to decide quickly. He added that he is hopeful that Hamas will "make the right decision."

The New York Times reported Israel has reduced the number of hostages it will accept to be released by Hamas in the first phase from 40 to 33, prompted partly by the fact that Israel now believes that some of the initial 40 have died while in Hamas captivity.

U.K. Foreign Minister David Cameron said there is a 40-day cease-fire in Gaza on the table in exchange for the release of hostages that includes the release of potentially thousands of Palestinian prisoners.

A senior Hamas official told AFP there are no "major" issues with the current proposal. Hamas official Izzat al-Risheq denied the report, and said "the proposal is still in the stages of being studied."

Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said Cairo was hopeful about the proposal, but that it was waiting for a response from Israel and Hamas.

French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné said that negotiations on a deal "are moving forward, but you always have to be careful in these discussions," adding that "the situation in Gaza is catastrophic, and we need a cease-fire."

Blinken said the best way to ease the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza would be to reach a cease-fire deal releasing the hostages held by Hamas. But, in the meantime, he said it was critical to improve aid conditions now.

Blinken also told Turkey's Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan that Hamas' refusal to accept a deal is responsible for the continuation of the conflict in Gaza, and urged that all efforts be made to convince Hamas to accept the current proposal.
Not sure Hamas wants to accept this. Why give Israel time to step back and plan? Just make them stay on the offensive and not give their soldiers a rest.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 10:46 PM
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 10:48 PM
Trade Bibi for the hostages and maybe that's a deal everyone can live with.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
bro wut

lol, imagine being as shamelessly dishonest as Kelhus. Like, that's got to **** with your psyche.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 11:00 PM
Bibi ought to entirely eliminate the Palestinian leadership. I think that's the plan and would preclude any trade, for no partner in negotiation.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Not sure Hamas wants to accept this. Why give Israel time to step back and plan? Just make them stay on the offensive and not give their soldiers a rest.
I think if they knew that Israel would be honest (lolololol) then they would take it. but Israel is very likely to just start bombing the next day.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 11:09 PM
Then they can implement a fake election, reeducation, and other non-half-measures
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
bro wut

Under the UNRWA mandate, Palestinians have permanent refugee status no matter where they live. I actually dont know how this would be reconciled with a theoretical Palestinian state. Would the Palestinian diaspora become members of said state? Would they even want to be?

The PA also has single digit approval rating, even in the West Bank. If they held elections tomorrow, they would lose to Hamas, even after 20 years of Hamas getting Gaza destroyed through poor leadership.

How legitimate would a Palestinian state negotiated by a non Democratic PA govt with single digit support be? Feels a lot like Kabuki Theatre to me.

But if you say the Palestinians really want the West Bank + Gaza to be recognized as a state, and lose their refugee status, I'll have to take your word for it.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 11:11 PM
Slurp the Ayatollah, Vic.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
I think if they knew that Israel would be honest (lolololol) then they would take it. but Israel is very likely to just start bombing the next day.
Israel abides by every ceasefire period. Hamas does not

Try again
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Not sure Hamas wants to accept this. Why give Israel time to step back and plan? Just make them stay on the offensive and not give their soldiers a rest.
What? Israel completely controls the pace they want the war to go at. They can take as much rest as they want. It is Hamas which desperately needs a reprieve, which is why Israel isn't really interested in giving it.

Hamas doesn't want to accept this"generous deal" because they want much more. Their main demands have not wavered since October 8th. They demand Israel leave for good, allow unlimited aid back in, and then after all this happens and Hamas regains control of the territory they will begin hostage negotiations. They dont care about the Palestinian people at all. This is all about how their organization comes out of this.

The simple matter is that this war has waged for 6+ months with no end in sight because Hamas prefers war to any peace deal short of its exact demands.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Israel abides by every ceasefire period. Hamas does not

Try again
I think most ceasefires always have little bumps in the road. Would be normal for both sides to have some infractions early on. It's not letting a couple of idiots mess up the bigger deal.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 11:19 PM
That is a good point

What happens to the 3 million in Palestinian refugee camps in jordan if Palestine becomes a real state
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Israel abides by every ceasefire period. Hamas does not

Try again
they never stopped sniping children during this past ceasefire.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by 5 south
I think most ceasefires always have little bumps in the road. Would be normal for both sides to have some infractions early on. It's not letting a couple of idiots mess up the bigger deal.
Hamas is very decentralized with autonomous units, and just because Sinwar (or whoever) makes a deal doesn't mean everyone will abide by it. And that doesn't even factor in PIJ, Lions Den and whatever other militant groups Hamas has no control over. In any peace deal with Gaza, it is just accepted that small, autonomous militant groups will continue attacking Israel indefinitely.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Israel abides by every ceasefire period. Hamas does not

Try again
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 11:40 PM
Choose Islam. Period
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 11:47 PM
Again, I am no a lawyer, but it seems like some serious Civil Rights violations (and probably a number of other laws being broken) going on at UCLA, which means the state of CA is liable for allowing it to happen under their jurisdiction.

Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
Hamas is very decentralized with autonomous units, and just because Sinwar (or whoever) makes a deal doesn't mean everyone will abide by it. And that doesn't even factor in PIJ, Lions Den and whatever other militant groups Hamas has no control over. In any peace deal with Gaza, it is just accepted that small, autonomous militant groups will continue attacking Israel indefinitely.
thats possible sure. but I have heard from people like Jon Elmer that the Resistance groups are working with a much higher level of coordination and cooperation and agreed to let Hamas lead.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 11:50 PM
Vic, tell us again how Islam has nothing to do with this conflict.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-29-2024 , 11:52 PM
lmao, owned
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04-29-2024 , 11:55 PM
omg the comments
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
