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Israel/Palestine thread Israel/Palestine thread

04-27-2024 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Celtic isn't a ethnic group fwiw it's a linguistic one.

If that helps any.
This is correct.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
It's extremely lucky to be privileged enough to think that you don't need a homeland because your homeland protects you enough that you think you would never feel insecure without it. What this mindset shows is how much some people take a homeland for granted. Having such security is not true for all groups: I highly doubt Jews wanted to return to Poland after WW2.

As far as specific locations: I personally am not strongly tied to any place, but I can absolutely understand why some people would be and would not disparage them for it. Belittling people for wanting their ancestral homeland and the security of having a homeland, especially in the aftermath of having millions of their people slaughtered while no one helped, is the epitome of being judgmental.

And if you're not willing to tell Native Americans, or Gazans, to shut up and stop crying about their stolen land and move on then you should probably ask why you're willing to demand it of Israelis.
It's because Israel was deliberately, artificially and imperialistically created as a zone of settlement for Europeans and later North Americans, premised on the displacement of the native Arab population. And, while this was just about acceptable under the UN Partition Plan after the Second World War, because so many distressed European Jews wanted to go there, Israel then engaged in territorial aggression in 1967, and the real problem lies in the continuing occupation since that time.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
and the real problem lies in the continuing occupation since that time.
Agree 100%. As I said I don't agree with every action that has resulted from this, but the desire to set up a homeland three years after the Holocaust should be completely understandable.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 03:35 PM
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 03:37 PM
The Jews were there before Islam was a thing, before it was a blight on the planet.

But keep rehashing this mickey mouse, most recent century
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
The Jews were there before Islam was a thing, before it was a blight on the planet.

But keep rehashing this mickey mouse, most recent century
Do you think Palestinians are a blight? You said kill them all, right?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
No one tells Native Americans in the US they don't get a homeland. They get to keep some of the land they were corralled into and a nice pat on the head that people call a "land acknowledgement ceremony" or something, but no one is handing them out parcels in San Francisco. What they do have now is they get to be full citizens of the United States who can vote, buy and sell property, work, and don't need a passport/permission to travel around the US and that is what the Zionists should have gotten in Palestine and also what the Palestinians should get in Israel.
This is a complete non starter that no one serious wants, or would even allow. It would create too much regional instability.

You feel it is morally right (which is fine), but geopolitically it is a complete nonstarter, much like your belief there should be no borders at all.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Your "modern day" example of why Celts should be allowed to take over Europe (false equivalency) in 2024 is from 1850. Israel "set up" 3 years after the Holocaust. Yes that makes a gigantic difference.
lol, you just keep piling on ad hoc rules for why no other people get to play the same game. Now there's a three-year limit on reporting?

It's not a falsely equivalent example at all, it's just when you see things from a neutral perspective, it's easier to see how asinine this moral framework you're cobbling together is.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
If you/re not willing to support people of Celtic origin "reclaiming" land from people in Eastern France then you should probably ask why you're on an internet forum vociferously supporting likewise for Israelis.
If the Celtics had reclaimed the land 80 years ago at the end of WWII when lots of borders around the world changed and lots of people were forced to emigrate, and have been living there for 4+ generations and created a prosperous first world nation, I absolutely believe they should get to keep it.

I do find it telling how Turkey and Aizerbaijan have seized so much land in the last 80 years, and created real genocides in doing so (very much still ongoing) and no one cares. Once again demonstrated this is about tribalism and/or ideology, and no first principles are involved.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
This is a complete non starter that no one serious wants, or would even allow. It would create too much regional instability.

You feel it is morally right (which is fine), but geopolitically it is a complete nonstarter, much like your belief there should be no borders at all.
I've talked repeatedly about how I think any movement towards peace, let alone one unified state, is probably a generation away. That doesn't mean it can't happen. But, yeah, my point is that is what is morally correct and regardless of what is realistic at the moment, it should be kept in mind even by policy makers and there's no reason for people chatting on a tiny politics forum not to talk about what they think is right and wrong instead of what is immediately practical. This is just entertainment.

eta: And peace has been closer in the past and your BS about Arab cultures being all ancient is BS as they were more Western in the past (like the 1970s) in places like Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran and Lebanon. It's war that's making things bad and worse, not Islam.

Last edited by microbet; 04-27-2024 at 04:57 PM.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
I've talked repeatedly about how I think any movement towards peace, let alone one unified state, is probably a generation away. That doesn't mean it can't happen. But, yeah, my point is that is what is morally correct and regardless of what is realistic at the moment, it should be kept in mind even by policy makers and there's no reason for people chatting on a tiny politics forum not to talk about what they think is right and wrong instead of what is immediately practical. This is just entertainment.
I think Iran is the big wild card as far as what will be possible in the future. All the IRI leaders are Trump/Biden age, and the direction Iran goes when they finally all die I think will shape the future of the ME.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
If the Celtics had reclaimed the land 80 years ago at the end of WWII when lots of borders around the world changed and lots of people were forced to emigrate, and have been living there for 4+ generations and created a prosperous first world nation, I absolutely believe they should get to keep it.

I do find it telling how Turkey and Aizerbaijan have seized so much land in the last 80 years, and created real genocides in doing so (very much still ongoing) and no one cares. Once again demonstrated this is about tribalism and/or ideology, and no first principles are involved.
You'd support Irish, Welsh and Scots "Celts" 80 years ago reclaiming parts of Eastern France from people born there and living there, as part of their Celtic heritage and birthright? lol?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
You'd support Irish, Welsh and Scots "Celts" 80 years ago reclaiming parts of Eastern France from people living there? lol?
I cant really track this post, but I do think any group that has been living on "stolen" land for the last 4+ generations should get to keep it. And the people displaced should have the ability to move on and make new lives for themselves. I mean, we should do what we can to stop this kind of stuff from happening in the present; but I dont think it is a productive, realistic exercise to try to undo the results of wars that happened long before any of us were born.

For example, I think Turkey should get to keep all the land they stole during their various genocides over the last 100 years. And if Russia holds Eastern Ukraine and Crimea for 80 years, Ukraine and the west should just accept that is the new reality.

And in all cases displaced persons should be given every opportunity to relocate and thrive, not be stuck in refugee camps generationally.

And I do think it is highly problematic to decide which wars you want to undo, and which you dont, based on your own ideology and racism; which is basically what you all are doing.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 05:06 PM
A unified state is not happening ever

A two state can happen in a few generations
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 05:09 PM
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Do you think Palestinians are a blight? You said kill them all, right?
I know radical Islam is a serious problem. Opposite the Israelic State, you think the Islamic State is the lesser of two evils.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
A unified state is not happening ever

A two state can happen in a few generations
This is the far left Israeli position. In a few generations we might give freedom if you promise not to get uppity.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
I know radical Islam is a serious problem. Opposite the Israelic State, you think the Islamic State is the lesser of two evils.
Talking about Palestinians and IDF
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan

A two state can happen in a few generations
Mets, think about how much the settlements will have grown in that time. And the ugly ways settlers are currently pushing farmers out.

The settlements have already subsumed any possible Palestinian state.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
Mets, think about how much the settlements will have grown in that time. And the ugly ways settlers are currently pushing farmers out.

The settlements have already subsumed any possible Palestinian state.

I disagree still
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
Mets, think about how much the settlements will have grown in that time. And the ugly ways settlers are currently pushing farmers out.

The settlements have already subsumed any possible Palestinian state.
What’s subsumed mean here
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 06:37 PM
Israel needs to man up and remove settlements and stop their expansion.

The moderate and left wing Israelis, including Arab Israelis btw, have stood by for way too long and allowed Bibi and other right wing extremists to subvert the rule of law that gives Israel moral and legal legitimacy.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by grizy
Israel needs to man up and remove settlements and stop their expansion.

The moderate and left wing Israelis, including Arab Israelis btw, have stood by for way too long and allowed Bibi and other right wing extremists to subvert the rule of law that gives Israel moral and legal legitimacy.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by grizy
Israel needs to man up and remove settlements and stop their expansion.

The moderate and left wing Israelis, including Arab Israelis btw, have stood by for way too long and allowed Bibi and other right wing extremists to subvert the rule of law that gives Israel moral and legal legitimacy.
The UN has made more motions against Israel than the rest of the world combined. If the rest of the world is going to treat you as enemy #1 regardless, might as well get something out of it.

Also, the West Bank is high elevation ground overlooking all of Israel's main population centers. There is actual very real security considerations. From the West Bank a terrorist group like Hamas or Hezbollah could rain terror down on Israel and there is nothin the Iron Dome could do about it.

Given the Arab penchant for shooting missiles and rockets at Israel (at the state, militia and lone wolf level) any drawing of maps for a 2 state solution has to put this reality into account.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-27-2024 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
What’s subsumed mean here
"2. To absorb (something) into or cause (something) to be overshadowed by something else."
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
