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Israel/Palestine thread Israel/Palestine thread

04-23-2024 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
But, as you alluded to, it's a propaganda win for Israel military supporters in this thread. It keeps the conversation off the most glaring thing, which is the total death and destruction. It's almost as useful as a 19 year old in a tent on a college campus as far as that goes.
That is a mischaracterization. And mostly because it means you're either for Hamas killing, or for the IDF killing. Actually, it's way more complicated than that.

I am for the right of Israelis to live safely. I am for the right of Gazans to have a future in the next 100 years beyond whatever the hell this has been since 2005. That's what I'm for.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
If you were to believe Vic, all of Twitter is real and all of news is fake. How am I doing?
I've called Vic out for his horrible information literacy skills many times. The question is who this twitter rando is and why we've invested him with more credibility than established news outlets.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
But, as you alluded to, it's a propaganda win for Israel military supporters in this thread. It keeps the conversation off the most glaring thing, which is the total death and destruction. It's almost as useful as a 19 year old in a tent on a college campus as far as that goes.
What is your actual argument? That it is perfectly fine for pro Hamas propaganda to make up stories about mass executions and mass graves, and that truth seeking institutions shouldn't dispute this with actual facts, because it is a distraction from the real story, which s a lot of people are dying?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Sorry broseph, the timestamped video of them digging more or less seals it

Want to know the precendent? The Gazan Health Ministry and their own releases...

"Palestinians digging mass graves inside al-Shifa hospital, health official says"

The people are dead Vic. But twisting how they died and who put them there is a low blow. Granted not for you.
this isnt hard to understand. they buried people mohths before. then a ton more got buried after the recent massacres at the hospital.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I've called Vic out for his horrible information literacy skills many times. The question is who this twitter rando is and why we've invested him with more credibility than established news outlets.
Look over his feed. To my eye he has some excellent work, just relying precisely on timestamps, geotags, etc.

He was one of the first to nail the "hospital strike" not being one, if I recall. Based on a composite of the info from all over (including Al Jazeera, funny enough).

But regardless let's be clear, this rando didn't just make an AI video. That is the spot where they were buried. That is the time. No pun intended, but 2+2=4
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
That is a mischaracterization. And mostly because it means you're either for Hamas killing, or for the IDF killing. Actually, it's way more complicated than that.

I am for the right of Israelis to live safely. I am for the right of Gazans to have a future in the next 100 years beyond whatever the hell this has been since 2005. That's what I'm for.
I didn't say you were in that group. Someone else in this thread just said "kill 'em all". Did you notice that?

Anyway, I added "military" in there so that hopefully no one would say "oh you don't support Israel? That means you want all Jews dead."
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 11:56 AM
Man, it's customary to wait for the ethnic cleansing to end before lying about the body count.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I've called Vic out for his horrible information literacy skills many times. The question is who this twitter rando is and why we've invested him with more credibility than established news outlets.
and yet you cant point to any specific posts about this.

geoconfirmed is right up your alley. just one of the worse misinformation cites for Western propaganda on the internet.

they are the people who lied about the Ah Ahli hospital bombing and gained a ton of notoriety from that. finally they got exposed and then erased their lies.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
this isnt hard to understand. they buried people mohths before. then a ton more got buried after the recent massacres at the hospital.
lol the pivot!

NOW the video GEO posted IS real. Just more bodies piled on top later

Dude never go to trial. Lawyers will pick your bones clean.

The old "more bodies later" trick, a classic.

Vic you don't need to win them all. You have literally an open and shut case that too many people have died. You're just making an ass of yourself.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Look over his feed. To my eye he has some excellent work, just relying precisely on timestamps, geotags, etc.

He was one of the first to nail the "hospital strike" not being one, if I recall. Based on a composite of the info from all over (including Al Jazeera, funny enough).

But regardless let's be clear, this rando didn't just make an AI video. That is the spot where they were buried. That is the time. No pun intended, but 2+2=4
nobody disputes people were buried there months ago. is there something that precludes more people being buried there at a later time? do you understand how space and time work?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
lol the pivot!

NOW the video GEO posted IS real. Just more bodies piled on top later

Dude never go to trial. Lawyers will pick your bones clean.

The old "more bodies later" trick
what pivot dude? we have known about graves at Shifa for months. they just found a ton more people there after the recent murder spree.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 11:59 AM
Kill. Still.

Ethnic cleansing is something we do, the court understands. So deterrents lol
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
I didn't say you were in that group. Someone else in this thread just said "kill 'em all". Did you notice that?
I think we both know he's being ridiculous (based on the various youtube song links and endless hyperbole), but yes I'd have deleted that post and probably given him a day as mod. We don't need that in here.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 12:02 PM
I appreciate his honesty. you should learn from him.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
what pivot dude? we have known about graves at Shifa for months. they just found a ton more people there after the recent murder spree.
Come on guy, you can no longer keep your lies straight. Just stick with the existing program and we all do better in here. Even your own guys in here want you to stop.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 12:04 PM
find me a place where I said that all of the people dug up at Shifa were from the recent executions?

read the 2 threads I posted. then go back to Hasbara drawing board.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 12:06 PM
how Vic plays poker

Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 12:08 PM
and you would just rob the games with American weapons
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 12:11 PM
Victor there is ZERO evidence pointing to what you're saying. Literally none.

We do have evidence pointing to when people were actually buried there in Jan.

For your version of events, what do we have?

Videos? Something? What places those bodies there Vic? Anything at all beyond your opinion? Because we do have actual evidence of when people actually were buried there.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 12:19 PM
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Victor there is ZERO evidence pointing to what you're saying. Literally none.

We do have evidence pointing to when people were actually buried there in Jan.

For your version of events, what do we have?

Videos? Something? What places those bodies there Vic? Anything at all beyond your opinion? Because we do have actual evidence of when people actually were buried there.
I believe the Gazans. that simple.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
I believe the Gazans. that simple.
Evidence? You ask a lot of evidence from the israeli side, that you never believe fwiw.

I simply ask you for the same. Present some.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 12:22 PM
and theres a ton of pictures and eye witness reports
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 12:24 PM
A seder at the Yale encampment, where Jews are supposedly unsafe.

Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 12:26 PM
tbh, Im not even sure what your argument is. that people werent murdered? that the 300 people exhumed, many in handcuffs and or medical scrubs and or with casts/ivs/tubes, were murdered the last time Israel attack the hospital?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
