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Israel/Palestine thread Israel/Palestine thread

05-15-2024 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Thanks and I was actually considering pmng you regarding this specific issue.

Some Jewish organisations such as The WJC & ADL regard such comparisons as anti Semitic and diminishing/trivialising the Holocaust.

You made a valid point earlier on refraining from calling people anti Semites but being welcome to label a post as such ,with argument to back up the labeling.
If Nazi comparisons are regarded by sections of the Jewish community as an anti Semitic trope, then aren't posts which make such comparisons anti Semitic by default? Even if it's not the intention? Israel didn't have a Wansee conference or a death camp like Sobibor or Auschwitz or Treblinka. Israeli doctors never conducted Mengele like experiments on Palestinians, or made Palestinians were yellow crescents.
Such comparisons certainly trivialise the Holocaust.

Victor has to know that such a comparison is offensive to many people and particularly some of the Jewish posters itt. Even if anti Semitism isn't his intention he has to be aware it shows a callous indifference to the feelings of some of the Jewish posters itt. At best it's a rage bait bad faith argument and no good is going to come of it.

We can all agree that this is a very emotive hot button topic. So far I've been quite impressed with your modding of such a topic and you come across as fair and thoughtful.
So I would respectfully ask that you consider forbidding Nazi comparisons the way calling others anti Semites at the drop of a hat by rote is also a bad faith argument ultimately, from which nothing good will come of.
I'll respect your decision either way, but again ask that you consider it.
Let me consider your points here and consult a few other smarter people, and I'll get back to you. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 03:37 PM
Soviets = Russian Nazis

Japanese = Asian Nazis
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 03:37 PM
the settlers... if CNN says its a genocide, its probably a genocide.

Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
oh I think its from the documentary Tantura.

some pretty chilling remarks in there but he doesnt say they raped her to complete death.
yes that could be the one
it was a twitter post you linked.

Last edited by washoe; 05-15-2024 at 03:48 PM.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Antisemites don't want to participate unless they can call Jews Nazis

If your goal is to get anyone who doesn't hate Jews to leave you may succeed
I have requested multiple times since this thread reopened that posts like the above not be made. This needs to Stop.

The next post like this from *anyone* is going to result in timeouts from the thread.

Do Not call each other antisemites and nazis.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 03:49 PM
Please don’t ban Mets. His posting is very important as it allows us to discuss topics we wouldn’t otherwise
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
So for you it's purely a question of scale?
No not just that, I clearly outlined my reasons earlier

Israel didn't have a Wansee conference or a death camp like Sobibor or Auschwitz or Treblinka. Israeli doctors never conducted Mengele like experiments on Palestinians, or made Palestinians were yellow crescents.
Such comparisons certainly trivialise the Holocaust.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 04:02 PM
They have a death camp called GAZA
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 04:03 PM
No they don't but I get you're big on hyperbole.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
the settlers... if CNN says its a genocide, its probably a genocide.

If CNN says it's a genocide, it's probably because they think saying that helps Biden v Trump, till November they literally don't care about anything else
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Palm Beach for us; mortuaries for you (if you're lucky).
Nah. They know the beach clubs and country clubs can't run themselves.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 04:08 PM

Israeli's beat the **** out of a truck driver bc they thought he was delivering aid to Gaza. he was supposedly going to the WB. they then destroyed the truck contents. last I checked, no arrests.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 04:13 PM
another Biden staffer quits with scathing words

Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
No they don't but I get you're big on hyperbole.
It’s a place with fences and gates where they aren’t allowed to leave and they are killed by IDF
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
It's why I said sections and you know damn well such a comparison isn't apt. And why do all Jewish people have to be offended as if they're a hive mind like The Borg? It's offensive to some of the Jewish community and more specifically some of the posters itt , not all of them Jews either, so why even go there to begin with unless your intention is to at best antagonise and at worse have a sly dig? Either way it's bad faith arguing which we're trying to get rid of.
Most of the Jewish community. It's offensive to MOST of it.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I have requested multiple times since this thread reopened that posts like the above not be made. This needs to Stop.

The next post like this from *anyone* is going to result in timeouts from the thread.

Do Not call each other antisemites and nazis.
I'd like to point out that typically when people call Jews Nazis, we immediately call them antisemites. Because frankly it's one of the most horrific things you can say to a Jew. So consider the context like that and you'll discover we have a very easy path to peace in here...
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
Whatever well-intentioned bigbrains like Einstein thought, and whatever the Balfour Declaration said about the Jewish national homeland being established without prejudice to the rights of the native Arab population, Zionism follows its founder, Herzl, who in The Jewish State in 1896 clearly argued for Jewish supremacy in Palestine.

The Arabs were beneath consideration and were simply supposed to go away. Herzl was interested in the way the US government had seized 'Indian' land for settlement, but thought Zionists could do it in a better organised manner.
Here's some logic for you 57. If I contend something does exist, I can prove it with example(s). If you contend that something does not exist, you cannot prove that with example(s). Herzl is one example and sure, he's important in Zionist history, but so is Einstein and even moreso...picking an example,, the founder of Hadassah.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
Nah. They know the beach clubs and country clubs can't run themselves.
So Apartheid is the best hope for Gazans? That is, I mean, a continuation of the current apartheid but in a more overt way.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Most of the Jewish community. It's offensive to MOST of it.
Yes, it is. The point is not that Nazis are especially bad, which of course they are, but that you are saying, hey, you know those people who literally killed your Great-Uncle and Aunt? When a black person is being cruel to an employee, you don't call them Simon Legree unless you are literally asking them, and any other black person who overhears it, to fight you. There are plenty of other bad people to be compared to. Stalin and Mao come to mind, but if you don't want to dis communists, there's still South Africa or USA killing Native Americans.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 04:38 PM
well is it ok for a Gazan to make the comparison? considering that Israel killed their Great Uncle and Aunt? and at this point probably their kids, cousins, brothers and sisters too.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
another Biden staffer quits with scathing words

She's right and it's sad that some people embrace being tokenized, turned into mascots.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 04:43 PM
Between comparing this war to the Nazi's systemematic mass extermination of the Jews, and the battle for Manila in 1945, I think the second is a closer comparison.

100,000 non-combatants died in the battle for Manila. it was a siege situation like this one. The surface areas were comparable enough. The density of combatants and non-combatants very similar. The Japanese had over 1000 hostages. The Japanese used non-combatants as human shields. I'd say that's probably where most of the comparisons end, because the Japanese were much more barbaric than Hamas. But situationally that horror show of a siege is very similar. And it's considered one of the true human tragedies (as wars go), as this too will be.

But on Oct 7th, Israel was invaded by in excess of 4000 armed terrorists, under the cover of at least 3000 missiles. That is an act of war by any standard, and war has come. That day, Sinwar made a choice for all of Gaza. We're all just living out his sick fantasy now.

Last edited by rafiki; 05-15-2024 at 04:48 PM.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Yes, it is. The point is not that Nazis are especially bad, which of course they are, but that you are saying, hey, you know those people who literally killed your Great-Uncle and Aunt? When a black person is being cruel to an employee, you don't call them Simon Legree unless you are literally asking them, and any other black person who overhears it, to fight you. There are plenty of other bad people to be compared to. Stalin and Mao come to mind, but if you don't want to dis communists, there's still South Africa or USA killing Native Americans.
I don't mind dissing Stalin, but that would be a poor comparison imo. Crushing dissent isn't the aim in Gaza, just a determination to eradicate Gazans under the pretext that they might have been in a similar area to someone who may or may not have been in Hamas.

Mao doesn't work either.

Native American genocide was too long ago to upset people now and some probably even quietly think it was a good thing because they're rich as a result of it. Same with Maoris and Aboriginals.

Apartheid sort of describes the separation under duress and restriction of rights but not the months of rocket attacks and the decades of sheling, shooting and killing before October.

Maybe there's no suitable analogy.

Last edited by jalfrezi; 05-15-2024 at 04:52 PM.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
well is it ok for a Gazan to make the comparison? considering that Israel killed their Great Uncle and Aunt? and at this point probably their kids, cousins, brothers and sisters too.
I didn't say anything about 'ok'. Is it ok to offend people? to be offensive? to ask people to fight?

The Nazis have nothing to do with it though. The only point is to offend. One might as well say "I want to offend you" or "I want to provoke you" or "I want to hurt you" or "I want to fight you" and leave it at that.

Last edited by microbet; 05-15-2024 at 04:52 PM.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-15-2024 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I don't mind dissing Stalin, but that would be a poor comparison imo. Crushing dissent isn't the aim in Gaza, just a determination to eradicate Gazans under the pretext that they might have been in a similar area to someone who may or may not have been in Hamas.

Mao doesn't work either.

Native American genocide was too long ago to upset people now. Same with Maoris and Aboriginals.

Maybe there's no suitable analogy.
Nazis were 70 years ago and Native American genocide was more or less wrapping up like 110 years ago. Not that big a difference.

South Africa is def the best analogy and it's also more recent.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
