Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
Yes you do, it makes it look like there are a bunch of 45 IQ black people that took the SATs… I feel like at that point it would be a matter of people just intentionally messing up and not them actually having 45 IQ lol or that the standardization only works for test scores that are closer to the median.
But yeah showing proportion without the context of raw numbers or standard distribution is a classic way of manipulating perception using stats.
Keep in mind the focus was on the 3 sigma on the right, that even if ultra rarified nationwide, aren't in elite schools.
The contest was Ivey league discriminating against asian, and the recent scotus decision on that.
He has to give you both sides of the curve no matter how minuscule the number of actual test taker at IQ 45 and IQ 155 (values btw that are similarly represented numerically in a population of median IQ of 100).
There is no mislead attempt. Idea is if 80% of the smartest in the country are asian, you cannot say "look I am accepting more than them than their proportion in the population so I am not discriminating against them".
If you admit based on IQ or IQ proxies, and you have a very low acceptance rate, your normal non discriminatory class should be almost all Asians, that's what the chart helps you understand