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Intellectual Dark Web Containment Thread Intellectual Dark Web Containment Thread

05-31-2019 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Seems weird that we can't compare Norway to the US because they're too different, but can compare Wyoming, a state that has 600 k to California which has 39 1/2 million people with vastly different industries, weather, GDP, and whatever else things are supposed to make Norway so inscrutable.
You can really tell all of these guys have only been exposed to leftist policies through strawmen by the right.

It's a whole political movement of Lestats who through lived experience are able to diagnose that capitalism ****ing sucks but who think the most pointed and valid response to the failures of a right wing global order are to immediately institute the Ryan budget and also take away federal funding from any college that allows protests.

Again, on the topic of forbidden knowledge, probably not something that Sam and Jordan and Ben chat about too much but you may want to learn how the Chicago State Attorney's office tried to deplatform a heterodox political thinker by name of Fred Hampton.
05-31-2019 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
A. Can you flesh out what you mean by “embedded populations” who aren’t “integrating?” Be specific. I mean, I think I know what you’re hinting at with these euphamisms but I’d like to be sure.

B. Do you really think this disparity is “strange?” You’ve just articulated ITT your extended theory for why some low-IQ groups inherently underperform others, seems like you ought to be able to put two and two together for us.
A. Poor people represented in the statistics I've posted that have been here for many generations, typically 4 or more.

B. Yeah, I think it's interesting. These are the types of things I find interesting. I personally think it all leads to a cultural difference or societal ideology difference. To single out black people, they have it better than they believe, but also probably worse than I believe, and Ive admitted that they are subject to a systemic racism. But they don't trust the education system, or the social programs, and maybe their cultural expectations don't line up with "go to college and get a high paying job".

Is it really that hard to follow without assigning some racist agenda to it?
05-31-2019 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
1) So they have fewer taxpayers and fewer beneficiaries.

2) Why do conservatives always gotta make everything about race

3) Correct. They have better policies than us, such as more social welfare spending and less endless war spending.

But the point there isn't that you guys are essentially given an index card of handwaving to explain why all the **** that your corporate overlords tells you are impossible unicorn pipedreams... are actually working in every other industrialized country in the world. Kelhus came up with "people say racism is bad to hurt my feelings for being racist, not out of principle, also them doing that keeps the underclass down" theory, believed in it so strongly he KNEW New York must have a progressive SJW governor because it's unequal.

Well, then, I imagine the United States President is a ****ing purple haired tumblr teen compared to the world leaders of vastly more egalitarian societies like Canada and Sweden and so forth.

YOU hate immigrants, the **** kinda of criticism is that? Also, that link ain't to a poll or anything, it's to a right wing opinion article from 2017. So I don't even know, maybe I do need to give all that eugenicist **** from earlier in this thread a re-evaluation.

Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Seems weird that we can't compare Norway to the US because they're too different, but can compare Wyoming, a state that has 600 k to California which has 39 1/2 million people with vastly different industries, weather, GDP, and whatever else things are supposed to make Norway so inscrutable.
I never made that argument and kelhaus didn't make my argument
05-31-2019 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
But they don't trust the education system, or the social programs, and maybe their cultural expectations don't line up with "go to college and get a high paying job".
What evidence do you have of a lack of trust in those institutions? What evidence do you have of that culture?

If you're just assuming these things are true, or are defaulting to that mode of explanation with very little real knowledge, then I think you might understand why someone else might describe those presumptions as a form of racism also. It's typically described as "cultural racism" (as juxtaposed with the kind of "biological racism" also discussed in this thread re: Murray's work)
05-31-2019 , 12:26 PM
Is this where we get to talk about the CIA and rap music?
05-31-2019 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by well named
What evidence do you have of a lack of trust in those institutions? What evidence do you have of that culture?

If you're just assuming these things are true, or are defaulting to that mode of explanation with very little real knowledge, then I think you might understand why someone else might describe those presumptions as a form of racism also. It's typically described as "cultural racism" (as juxtaposed with the kind of "biological racism" also discussed in this thread re: Murray's work)
I linked research from pew showing blacks think the country is racist against them across the board. Is it really an out there extrapolation to make?
05-31-2019 , 12:36 PM
Just as one data point, here's a 2015 survey from Gallup:

It makes sense to me that people who are relatively worse off are more likely to look towards paths to improve their socio-economic position, not less.
05-31-2019 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
Is it really an out there extrapolation to make?
I think it is, yeah. In general I would suggest caution about making extrapolations like that from survey data, where the extrapolation is to an entirely different question. People very often don't make the kinds of logical inferences between positions that others think they ought to.

This isn't in principle much different from your complaint about people inferring too much about your beliefs (re: race/racism) from things you say that you think are unrelated to the inferences being drawn. Inference is hard, people's views of the world are complex.
05-31-2019 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
A. Poor people represented in the statistics I've posted that have been here for many generations, typically 4 or more.

B. Yeah, I think it's interesting. These are the types of things I find interesting. I personally think it all leads to a cultural difference or societal ideology difference. To single out black people, they have it better than they believe, but also probably worse than I believe, and Ive admitted that they are subject to a systemic racism. But they don't trust the education system, or the social programs, and maybe their cultural expectations don't line up with "go to college and get a high paying job".

Is it really that hard to follow without assigning some racist agenda to it?
My dude, you just got done arguing that racial disparities are due to genetic IQ differences.
05-31-2019 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I think it is, yeah. In general I would suggest caution about making extrapolations like that from survey data, where the extrapolation is to an entirely different question. People very often don't make the kinds of logical inferences between positions that others think they ought to.

This isn't in principle much different from your complaint about people inferring too much about your beliefs (re: race/racism) from things you say that you think are unrelated to the inferences being drawn. Inference is hard, people's views of the world are complex.
Very fair point.

I do think my posting style is to address one point at a time, hopefully make concessions, and move forward. I wouldn't associate a single post of mine with being an absolute, but part of that complex whole you speak of.

Seems I'm woefully illequiped to have this conversation though based on the feedback I've received
05-31-2019 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
Seems I'm woefully illequiped to have this conversation though based on the feedback I've received
I wouldn't say that, personally.
05-31-2019 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
My dude, you just got done arguing that racial disparities are due to genetic IQ differences.
Prove it
05-31-2019 , 12:51 PM
It seems reasonable to assume most people make what they perceive as rational decisions to improve/maintain their social status for their environment. So the problem (from a policy perspective at least) seems to be how to go about modifying environmental conditions to achieve the desired result.

I feel in some scenario where we could accomplish this goal to an acceptable degree most good faith actors will not be too concerned if there ends up being proportionately higher software engineers who are Asian American or musical artists who are black.

It seems this could explain why we don’t have a problem with differential athletic achievement, because we perceive the rules are at least fair for all.

Ironically, Shantaxs deleted poker analogy thread highlighted this concept very well, and is what for me thinking about the topic this way today.
05-31-2019 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
Prove it

Originally Posted by coordi
The facts are, current means of measuring IQ show a distinct difference between populations and that has a direct correlation with success as it's defined by our society (and most societies). And this has persisted relatively unchanged since we started measuring.

That's not racist rhetoric or narrative, those are the facts
05-31-2019 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by coordi

I linked research from pew showing blacks think the country is racist against them across the board. Is it really an out there extrapolation to make?
This whole thread is a monument to the difference between extrapolation and looking **** up and the stark ideological divide between those two.
05-31-2019 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
The only part of that post not based on statistical fact is the remained relatively unchanged part, and I already admitted it was edited in as an inflammatory when I was called on it.

You'll notice no mention of genetics

Edit: my use of correlation was also wrong, distribution was the correct term

Last edited by coordi; 05-31-2019 at 01:26 PM.
05-31-2019 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
The only part of that post not based on statistical fact is the remained relatively unchanged part, and I already admitted it was edited in as an inflammatory when I was called on it.

You'll notice no mention of genetics

Edit: my use of correlation was also wrong, distribution was the correct term
So you don’t think racial disparities in IQ are due to genetics? Because, like, that is the conclusion of Murray’s work. You understand, it’s confusing when you go to bat for The Bell Curve for 600 posts and then decide maybe racism is driving racial inequality.

Also, correlation was the right word, distribution wouldn’t make a lick of sense.
05-31-2019 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by abysmal01
Against black people or my own race? legit confused about what makes you think that makes the slightest sense. Is it that acknowledging there's any difference between races is racist?
This **** isn't hard; it is literally the dictionary definition of racist.

"Racist" and "correct" aren't antonyms. Sure, racists are almost always wrong, but your hypothetical scientific finding that one race is genetically inferior to another is both racist and, presumably since it is your hypothetical, correct.

And yes, dumb people are inferior to smart people, there I said it.
05-31-2019 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Seems weird that we can't compare Norway to the US because they're too different, but can compare Wyoming, a state that has 600 k to California which has 39 1/2 million people with vastly different industries, weather, GDP, and whatever else things are supposed to make Norway so inscrutable.
It's not weird unless you have no clue... Norway has a trillion dollar oil wealth fund that works out to about 195k per person. The usa is how many trillion in debt now? How much debt is there in entitlements?

Now you know
05-31-2019 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
On a brighter note. Your wokeness has a new piping hot article out. And no it's not parody, the title actually is "Rich white men rule America. How much longer will we tolerate that for"

As far as I can tell, these outfits are his and aren't taken from a Halloween party

The woke knight has risen again for another piping hot take. This time his target is harvard psychologist Steven Pinker in what will likely be an enriching experience titled "THE WORLD’S MOST ANNOYING MAN"
05-31-2019 , 07:57 PM
Nathan J Robinson absolutely crushes, thanks for promoting him Juan. I can’t decide between whether his Peterson, Murray, or Pinker takedown is best. Leading toward Peterson.

Btw it seems like people didn’t actually get all the way through the Murray one. While the Bell Curve is pretty bad, it’s the sequels that mainly make any defense of Murray so embarrassing and shameful.

Anyway, will excuse the Tucker Carlsonish dress style.
05-31-2019 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
It's not weird unless you have no clue... Norway has a trillion dollar oil wealth fund that works out to about 195k per person. The usa is how many trillion in debt now? How much debt is there in entitlements?

Now you know
Norway gives more in entitlements as a percentage of GDP than the US.
05-31-2019 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Norway gives more in entitlements as a percent of GDP than the US.
Hold on... Are you still sticking to "why aren't we comparing...."?

I gave you a fantastic reason. Don't embarrass yourself
05-31-2019 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
So you don’t think racial disparities in IQ are due to genetics? Because, like, that is the conclusion of Murray’s work. You understand, it’s confusing when you go to bat for The Bell Curve for 600 posts and then decide maybe racism is driving racial inequality.

Also, correlation was the right word, distribution wouldn’t make a lick of sense.
I haven't read all of your posts in this thread either

I promise its all there though.
05-31-2019 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
Hold on... Are you still sticking to "why aren't we comparing...."?

I gave you a fantastic reason. Don't embarrass yourself
Then we can't compare Alaska or Texas to other states both of whom have soveign wealth funds
