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Intellectual Dark Web Containment Thread Intellectual Dark Web Containment Thread

05-24-2019 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
I’ll expand later on this concept when I am not as busy, but I think this post illustrates a lot where the disconnect is coming from. By most people’s objective measure, this statement isn’t true.
We were straight up told to leave by Mat. I can dig up the quote if it helps.

Originally Posted by Kelhus999

However, Trolly isn’t making a literal point, he is making an emotional point.
Who is it that teaches you guys to just call anything you don’t like “emotional?” Is that a tip you picked up from Sam Harris’s podcast?

Originally Posted by Kelhus999
He feels what happened (I actually don’t know what happened)
I realize I sound like a broken record here, but perhaps if you don’t actually know what happened you don’t need to chime in?
05-24-2019 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by TomCowley
The effect is real and you're just denying facts in evidence again.
As far as I know this argument is not about whether or not racial differences exist in different measures. Everyone agrees those differences exist. The argument is about whether there is sufficient evidence to support claims for biological causes of those differences over sociological explanations grounded in socio-economic and other environmental differences explained mostly by historical factors. It should be obvious why this argument is important to people, not just because one side of the argument is advancing essentially racist conclusions, but also because some (Murray in particular) use this data to argue against policy interventions intended to address the historical causes of racial inequality.

There is, in fact, ample evidence for the importance of environmental explanations of these differences. See for example this 2017 report on educational attainment gaps from the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, as just one example among many. The amount of evidence arguing for the importance of environmental factors is overwhelming. Meanwhile, the evidence for biology is much weaker.

Even in the Bell Curve data, IQ (used as a proxy for biology, which is also somewhat problematic) differences only explain 5-10% of the variance in actual outcomes (cf. Inequality By Design). Other research aimed at correlating socioeconomic outcomes to differences in intelligence have had similar results, with respect to explained variance. So, even in the data that is supposed to be making a strong case for a "genotocracy", what is evident is that environmental factors play a much larger role. Even if we assume that GWAS methodologies and other improvements in genetics research will lead to an increase in the %-variance explained by these studies (I think this is likely when comparing individuals), it's quite unreasonable to conclude -- in the face of so much evidence -- that somehow biology trumps environment.
05-24-2019 , 10:29 AM
"The management kicked out the liberal posters" is a true enough statement. The fact that they aren't literally all banned doesn't change that. We probably don't need to discuss it here, although I almost prefer it to the current topic :P
05-24-2019 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
However, Trolly isn’t making a literal point, he is making an emotional point. He feels what happened (I actually don’t know what happened) was management symbolically booting the liberal posters. And for good or bad, the adage, “you can’t tell me how I feel” is very true, so it is very unlikely anyone is going to change Trollys mind on this. All we can do is point out how and why our perspective differs and move on.
I am on safari in Botsawana and so don't have enough time to talk about this in detail, but what in the love of Christ are you talking about?
05-24-2019 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Seems like low household incomes cause low standardized test scores.
It's possible. It's certainly a more useful discussion than screaming about racism for 25 years while literally nothing changes about the problem
05-24-2019 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
LMFAO, the management booted out most of the liberal posters and gave you guys your own specially-curated platform and now you want to talk about people who need protection.
I was mocking the idea that you guys pretend to be SJW by the hypocritical stance that some information is too dangerous for dumb people and fly's response was, "yeah, you're ****ing stupid buddy, look at this sarcastic post you made"

It is beyond hilarious how delusional you appear to be

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Don’t worry, WN will ban me again in due time.
Probably because you only pop in to make nothing sarcastic remarks like your on some pedistal talking down to the ******s.

Again, it's a delusion you seem incapable of wrapping your head around
05-24-2019 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by TrollyWantACracker
FWIW the "liberal" posters literally get their posts deleted if they respond to coordi's substantive, insult-laden inanities and it they complain about it they get temp-banned.
You're name is trolly and all your posts are sarcastic troll remarks. Blow me away. Hit me with some facts. Let me have it. I honestly don't think you have it in you
05-24-2019 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
It's possible. It's certainly a more useful discussion than screaming about racism for 25 years while literally nothing changes about the problem
Yeah, no ****, man. This is precisely why AEI pays Murray to peddle racist bull**** that justifies the status quo.
05-24-2019 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Yeah, no ****, man. This is precisely why AEI pays Murray to peddle racist bull**** that justifies the status quo.
16 years of Democratic representation since 1994 to 9 of Republican. Must be ol Charles Murray just holding everyone down. All the problems can be traced back to Charles Murray!

And racists obv
05-24-2019 , 12:01 PM
We tried telling black people they’re genetically inferior and the problem didn’t go away!
05-24-2019 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
No it isn't moronic, literally or otherwise. The fact of significant genomic difference is beside the point.)
If there's significant genomic difference, then it's moronic to attempt to dismiss the argument by saying "
a) there is so much genetic mixing within the whole human population"

That's just irrelevant to the point even if it's true and I'm not denying any facts at all.
You literally just denied the validity of *any* attempt to measure intelligence. "b) intelligence is not some simple phenomena"

Denying all the facts.

I dont know what you're doing, but even BTM would be jealous of that level of self-incoherent ****posting. This is Shandrax level awful. What happened to you?
05-24-2019 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
Yes, I understand the argument against him overstepping the data and applying racial assumptions on a genetic level. I know that was why Murray was lambasted, 25 years ago btw.
No, you don't.

You are looking for a fight, and you continued to pick that fight, and have ignored any attempted to prod your own take on anything beyond Murray = racist = Harris = you.
Just to be clear, though, the thing about black people being innately less intelligent than white people... you believe that. I was right when I said it then, I'm still right now.

Just a rough idea; quantifying IQ, detecting at an early age, and understanding where it comes from and how to "exploit" (positively) in a way that turns education and foreign aid into and IRR situation over altruism. Instead of assuming that pumping money into things helps out, we can quantify it and justify various expenditures on a more defined level. I dunno, its not hard to have an interesting conversation on the topic that doesn't involve flinging poo and insulting people.
Uh, ok, so go ahead. But just to be clear, when I threw that basket of acronyms at you(AFDC, TANF, AEI), you know what zero of them stand for, right?

Quote: doing a ****ing disservice to the races you all desperately want everyone to believe you defend.

I'm definitely a little sauced right now, and obviously I'm biased, but I feel like you just got ****ing dunked on.
Do you have a thesis? Like is there an actual point you want to make that isn't just whining about me?

(also, jesus christ, look at that marvelous example of how IDW fans see whiteness as the default and how conservatives are convinced that everyone else is just as racist as they are but liberals are lying for klout. "desperate want everyone to believe you defend"? Mother****er I am quite sincerely an advocate for the human race, I'm in favor of it as a whole.

Last edited by FlyWf; 05-24-2019 at 12:39 PM.
05-24-2019 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by TrollyWantACracker
I am on safari in Botsawana and so don't have enough time to talk about this in detail, but what in the love of Christ are you talking about?
Kelhus badly needs to read the chapter of How We Know What Isn't So about "self-handicapping", it's a really bad rhetorical tic and he puts it in nearly every post.
05-24-2019 , 12:30 PM
chez's posts have been completely reasonable in this thread. His point is that while there are significant genetic differences between white Americans and black Americans, there is no evidence that these differences are what account for any significant part of the difference in standardised testing results.

Simply put, there is plenty of evidence that race is correlated with standardised testing results. There is no evidence that differences in the genetic make-up of different races is a causal factor in differing standardised testing results.

Last edited by Willd; 05-24-2019 at 12:40 PM.
05-24-2019 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
No, you don't.

Just to be clear, though, the thing about black people being innately less intelligent than white people... you believe that. I was right when I said it then, I'm still right now.

Uh, ok, so go ahead. But just to be clear, when I threw that basket of acronyms at you(AFDC, TANF, AEI), you know what zero of them stand for, right?

Do you have a thesis? Like is there an actual point you want to make that isn't just whining about me?

(also, jesus christ, look at that marvelous example of how IDW fans see whiteness as the default and how conservatives are convinced that everyone else is just as racism as they are but liberals are lying for klout. "desperate want everyone to believe you defend"? Mother****er I am quite sincerely an advocate for the human race, I'm in favor of it as a whole.
No, you're hate filled and toxic and completely oblivious to this fact.
05-24-2019 , 12:42 PM
Like is there an actual point you want to make that isn't just whining about me?
No, you're hate filled and toxic and completely oblivious to this fact.
I appreciate your honesty lol, but just to clarify, I'm very well aware of how "toxic" my posts are to racists and reactionaries. I've spent a bunch of this thread talking about how substantive disagreement from the left triggers the hell out of you people. I know, man, I do it anyway because I'm not trying to be your friend.

I place almost no value on protecting the feelings of people with reprehensible views, it's one of the reasons the old forum closed.
05-24-2019 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
Must be ol Charles Murray just holding everyone down. All the problems can be traced back to Charles Murray!
Can we talk about the effectiveness of this sort of Libertarian agitprop? 25 years after the Bell Curve and we still have people like you coming onto the internet to tell us that we can’t simply “throw money at the problem” because black folks are simply innately unintelligent. That’s exactly what the rich *******s who pay Murray wanted! It’s probably far beyond their expectations. AEI 100% got their money’s worth with this guy.
05-24-2019 , 12:44 PM
Hue's point about how the more targeted elitism of Bel Curve 1.0 about how the rich are justly the superior caste failed because you can't openly advocate for aristocracy, so Murray pivoted to aligning himself with the racial frame on welfare spending was obviously ignored by all these guys but boy was that a good decision.
05-24-2019 , 12:46 PM
Im gonna break. You guys are legitimately stupid. And all your posts come from a position of intellectual superiority. It's pointless.

Crying about Charles Murray is about as fruitful as me crying about fly. The proof is there because his work has been dragged across the coals since literally day 1.
05-24-2019 , 12:53 PM
My favorite bit from the last few days is this notion that America just isn’t ready for the radical new idea that black people are inferior. Like, man, when you guys get around to learning about books you’re going to learn some really wild stuff about the world.
05-24-2019 , 12:55 PM
Hey guys, if cry about how racist Charles Murphy is for another 25 years MAYBE something will change. Hey guys, if we get furious and shoot down an argument that no one made in this thread MAYBE we will accomplish something

Pure ignorance
05-24-2019 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
Hey guys, if cry about how racist Charles Murphy is for another 25 years MAYBE something will change. Hey guys, if we get furious and shoot down an argument that no one made in this thread MAYBE we will accomplish something

Pure ignorance
Again, I don’t know who taught you the rhetorical trick of calling anything you don’t like “emotional”, but it really isn’t working the way you want it to.
05-24-2019 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
My favorite bit from the last few days is this notion that America just isn’t ready for the radical new idea that black people are inferior. Like, man, when you guys get around to learning about books you’re going to learn some really wild stuff about the world.
you really couldn't sum up this forum better in 50 words or less. kudos.
05-24-2019 , 01:06 PM
I was really hopeful when this new forum started that we would finally get to the bottom of the "is it Ok to rape slaves" conundrum, but feels like we are still a few months away from that.
05-24-2019 , 01:09 PM
Sam Harris: Has Murray on podcast
